workshop ENEA UFPA UEA INPA EFB 30/06/2014. Contact:, Workshop ENEA 4 Amazon 30 June 2014 ENEA’ Headquarters MORNING SESSION The Cooperation framework 10:00 Opening ENEA: state of the art and potential modalities for scientific collaborations Domenico De Martinis –ENEA- International Relations 10:10: Welcome of the Brasilian Embassy in Rome Luiz Felipe Czarnobai - Head of Culture, Science and Education office 10:15 The delegation and their current role in the AguaSociAL EU project Salvatore Monni –Università degli Studi Roma 3 10:25 The Brazilian delegation: presentation of the Institutions and possibilities of cooperation with European Academic and non-Academic Partners Claudio Szlafsztein - Universidade Fedearal do Pará Gil Vieira - Universidade Estadual do Amazonas - & Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa do Amazonas 10:45 EU-Brazil Cooperation within Horizon 2020 Elisa Natola – Europe for Business Scientific presentations ENEA-UEA-UFPA ENVIRONMENT 10:55 Integrated approach to enviromental assessment Gaia Righini ENEA 11:05 Decision-making and climate information Matteo Di Felice ENEA 11:20 Gil Vieira Biodiversity: use and conservation in the Amazon UEA/INPA AGROSYSTEM 11:35 Agroforestry and sustainable development Paulo de Tarso UEA/INPA Headquarters Lungotevere Thaon di Revel 76 Roma, Italy 1 workshop ENEA UFPA UEA INPA EFB 30/06/2014. Contact:, 11:50 Genetic diversity in agriculture to ensure food security, productivity and resilience of crops Bacchetta/Cantale/Galeffi ENEA 12:05 Sustainable Management of Agricultural Ecosystems Riccardo Ceccarelli ENEA ENERGY 12:20 Bioenergy and biofuels: development trends in Italy and state-of play of ENEA research Vito Pignatelli ENEA 12: 35 Biomass as a source of energy, biofuels and chemicals Donatella Barisano ENEA 12:50 Water & Energy: Hydroelectric Dams and implications on Enivronment, Cites and Populations Claudio Szlafsztein UFPA Lunch Break - Cafeteria AFTERNOON Session 14:00-16:00 Working Groups ENVIRONMENT/AGROSYSTEM/ENERGY Discussion on potential areas of collaboration & video conference per group with researchers from UFPA/UEA in Brazil (2 pm with UFPA; 3 pm with UEA) Biota and Environmental Amazon Studies Jair Max Furtunato Maia UEA Discussion with UFPA & UEA on the definition of Cooperation Agreements. 2hrs approx Coffee break (wrap-up working groups moderators) 16:00-17:00 CLOSING SESSION Wrap-up session, discussion on working group outputs, tuning and evaluation of redundancies and/or overlapping, action plan on next steps in terms of cooperation initiatives & projects. Webstreaming with Brasil available if requested Headquarters Lungotevere Thaon di Revel 76 Roma, Italy 2 workshop ENEA UFPA UEA INPA EFB 30/06/2014. Contact:, AguaSociAL The current meeting is made possible thanks to ENEA and the mobility to Italy (Rome) of Brazilian Researchers involved in the EU funded project: AguaSociAL – Water Related Sciences and Social Innovation in the Amazon. AguaSociAL is coordinated by the University Roma 3 and in partnership with: Leeds Metropolitan University, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (EU) ; Universidade Federal do Pará and Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (Brazil). The project is funded by the European Union, under FP7 IRSES – International Staff Exchange Scheme. Headquarters Lungotevere Thaon di Revel 76 Roma, Italy 3