ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT 040 3481631 with the patronage of SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT REGIONE AUTONOMA FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Fabio Burigana, MD, gastroenterologist, AMeC, Trieste Claudio Verzegnassi, theoretical high energy physicist, University of Udine, AMeC, Trieste Associazione Medicina e Complessità CONFERENCE preliminary program Saturday November 22nd, 2014 from 8:30 to 18:30 rd Sunday November 23 , 2014 from 9:00 to 18:45 PARTICIPATION FEE attendees AMeC member university and high school students, AMeC patients up to 30/09 from 01/10 in loco by € 150 € 180 € 220 International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) € 120 € 150 € 180 free admittance Strada Costiera 11, Trieste 18,5 ECM credits granted to all health professionals to register online visit bank transfer to: AMeC - Associazione Medicina e Complessità Banca di Cividale, Trieste, Corso Italia, 6 IBAN: IT/65/E/05484/02201/074570421252 AMeC, Association Medicine and Complexity, is a scientific medical association whose aim is to spread the use of CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) according to the perspective of complexity, and focuses on the human being. In particular, it operates in the field of scientific research and validation of CAM and of the integration of such disciplines with conventional medicine. AMeC has organized many events and conferences aiming at linking many different subjects moving in similar directions. In 2006 AMeC won the International Award for the Humanization of Medicine in the name of Tiziano Terzani. Up until the end of 2013, with the help of the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia, AMeC doctors were able to offer specific support and workshops to oncologic patients. Today government support is no longer available and AMeC fights to continue its activities. PHYSICS interacts with MEDICINE ART SPIRITUALITY consecutive interpreting service drops Men can find God behind each door that science opens. Albert Einstein nd Saturday November 22 08:30 Registration 09:00 Opening addresses Fernando Quevedo, physicist, Director ICTP, Trieste Fabio Burigana, physician, president AMeC, Trieste The reasons behind: interaction between disciplines rd Sunday November 23 Pier Mario Biava, physician, occupational medicine specialist, IRCCS Multimedica, Milan 09:00 Giuseppe O. Longo, Gorizia The beauty of the Universe Diego Frigoli, physician, psychiatrist, director of the School of Specialization in Psycotherapy, ANEB, Milan 09:30 Carmelo Nino Trovato, Trieste The golden ratio Hans Grassmann, physicist, DICA - dept. of civil engeneering and architecture, University of Udine 10:00 Hans Grassmann, Udine Archimedes' mirrors Philip Kurian, physicist, National Human Genome Center, Howard University, Washington DC, USA SESSION 1 10:45 coffee break PHYSICS INTERACTS WITH MEDICINE 11:00 Daniele Lo Rito, Padova 09:15 Diego Frigoli, Milan The role of time according to physics, From sign to symbol. The bill of the biology and art New Paradigm in Medicine SESSION 3 10:15 Philip Kurian, Washington DC PHYSICS INTERACTS WITH SPIRITUALITY Quantum entanglement in DNA: 11:45 Diego Frigoli, Milan beyond information storage Physics of the soul 11:15 coffee break 12:30 lunch break 11:30 Margherita Maioli, Sassari 14:00 Vito Mancuso, Padua Electromagnetic fields and their Spirituality as relation interaction with biological systems 15:00 Dario Urzi, Padua 12:30 Claudio Verzegnassi, Trieste About the origins Electromagnetic fields and quantum fermionic epigenetics 15:40 Claudio Verzegnassi, Trieste The birth of the Universe and its 13:30 lunch break informed evolution 15:00 Fabio Burigana, Trieste 16:00 coffee break Complexity and the oscillating information approach 16:20 Paolo Urizzi, Tolmezzo (UD) Birth and reality of existence 15:50 Pier Mario Biava, Milan according to ancient India Epigenetic code and its role in regenerative medicine 17:00 Philip Kurian, Washington DC Science of the soul 16:40 Paolo Zucca, Trieste Biophilia: the “green” brain physics 17:30 Gioacchino Pagliaro, Bologna and ecology Entanglement, vibrational fields and intentionality: a new way to 17:30 Alda Marini, Milan conceive reality Ars Texendi. From analytic relationship to entanglement 18:20 Conclusions 18:20 Discussion SPEAKERS SESSION 2 PHYSICS INTERACTS WITH ART Fabio Burigana, physician, gastroenterologist, AMeC president, Trieste Giuseppe O. Longo, Theory of Information professor emeritus, University of Trieste Daniele Lo Rito, physician, Padua Margherita Maioli, cellular biologist, dept. of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari Vito Mancuso, theologist, Padua Alda Marini, psycologist, ANEB, Milan Gioacchino Pagliaro, psychologist, U.O.C. director Clinical Hospital Psychology, Bologna Euro Spallucci, theoretical physicist, dept. of theoretical physics, University of Trieste Nino Trovato, architect and painter, Trieste Paolo Urizzi, writer, Tolmezzo (UD) Dario Urzi, physician, teacher of posturology, Padova Claudio Verzegnassi, theoretical high energy physicist, dept. of theoretical physics, University of Udine, AMeC, Trieste Paolo Zucca, veterinarian, psychologist, Trieste ABSTRACT Each time disciplines with deeply different stories and methods communicate, new ideas are born. We propose an interaction between physics and medicine, art and spirituality for we deeply believe in the theory of complexity as an innovative method to “open the mind” towards new concepts of humanity and of the world. In particular, possible cutting edge hypotheses of treatment born from the observation of similar behaviors in physics and medicine will be proposed; a vision of the Universe consistent with the perspective of art will be chosen among many possible options; a connection between physics and a balanced human behavior will be considered.