This list has been updated on May 15, 2014 and contains data from Lirias. If you are interested in reading one or more of my papers, please feel free to contact me at any time. A lot of my papers are also available online at this website. IT (Articles in internationally reviewed academic journals) Luyten, J., Engelen, B., Beutels, P. (2014). The sexual ethics of HPV vaccination for boys. HEC Forum, 26(1), 27-42. Engelen, B., Nys, T. (2013). Against the Secret Ballot: Toward a New Proposal for Open Voting. Acta Politica, 48(4), 490-507. Engelen, B. (2011). Beyond markets and states: the importance of communities. International Social Science Journal, (202), 489500. Engelen, B. (2010). Open Your Eyes? Why Nozick's Experience Machine Does Not Refute Hedonism. Film and Philosophy, (14), 33-46. Engelen, B., Nys, T. (2008). Tolerance: A Virtue? Toward a Broad and Descriptive Definition of Tolerance. Philosophy in the Contemporary World, 15(1), 44-54. Engelen, B. (2008). The Sources of Cooperation: On Strong Reciprocity and its Theoretical Implications. Theory & psychology, 18(4), 527-544. Engelen, B. (2008). PhD Thesis Summary: Rationality and Institutions: An Inquiry into the Normative Implications of Rational Choice Theory. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 1(1), 185-187. Engelen, B. (2007). Why Compulsory Voting Can Enhance Democracy. Acta Politica, 42(1), 23-39. Engelen, B. (2007). Thinking Things Through: The Value and Limitations of James Buchanan’s Public Choice Theory. Review of Political Economy, 19(2), 165-179. Engelen, B. (2007). Rationality, Norms and Institutions: In Search of a Realistic Utopia. Human Affairs, 17(1), 33-41. Engelen, B. (2006). Solving the Paradox: The Expressive Rationality of the Decision to Vote. Rationality and society, 18(4), 419441. Engelen, B. (2006). Nietzsche en Boeddha: een kritische vergelijking van twee levensfilosofieën. Bijdragen: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie, 67(3), 288-308. 1 Engelen, B. (2005). The politics-economics-ethics continuum revisited. Romanian Journal of Bioethics, 3(3), 60-69. Engelen, B., Vandevelde, A. (2004). The Ethics of Sex Selection for Non-Medical Reasons: A Defence of Common Sense. Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network, 11(1), 86-89. AT (Articles in other academic journals) Engelen, B., De Vleminck, J. (2013). It’s the Economy, Stupid: Over neoliberalisme, vermarkting en het goede leven. Ethische Perspectieven: Nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, 23 (3), 220-242. Grimonprez, T., Engelen, B. (2011). Prenatale diagnostiek en morele vooruitgang. Ethische Perspectieven: Nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, 21 (2), 150-163. Engelen, B. (2011). Populaire cultuur en populaire filosofie. Filosofie en Praktijk, 32 (1), 6-18. Engelen, B. (2010). Wanneer vrijheden van meningsuiting botsen. Ethische Perspectieven: Nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, 20 (3), 229-250. Engelen, B. (2009). Why Liberals Can Favour Compulsory Attendance. Politics, 3 (29), 218-222. Engelen, B. (2005). Een dam tegen het leeglopen van de democratie: Pleidooi voor het behoud van de opkomstplicht. Ethiek en Maatschappij, 8 (2), 49-63. Engelen, B. (2004). The narrative of modernity: Co-existence of differences. (Verslag van de negende internationale conferentie van de International Society for the Study of European Ideas). Ethische perspectieven: nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, 14 (4), 434-436. Engelen, B. (2004). De waarde en beperkingen van een economische benadering van het publieke domein. Ethische perspectieven: nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, 14 (4), 440-440. IBa (Academic books, as author) Engelen, B. (2008). Rationality and Institutions: On the Normative Implications of Rational Choice Theory. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 2 ABe (Other academic books; as editor) (2009). Denkbeelden. Van film naar filosofie. (d'Hoine, P., Ed., Engelen, B., Ed.). Kapellen/Kampen: Pelckmans/Klement. IHb (Articles in academic books) Engelen, B. (2012). Why Care Whether The Top Keeps Spinning?. In: Johnson D. (Eds.) , Inception and Philosophy: Because It's Never Just a Dream, Chapt. 7. Hoboken (NJ): John Wiley and Sons, 108-122. Engelen, B. (2007). Alcoholica: When Sweet Amber Becomes the Master of Puppets. In: , Metallica and Philosophy: A Crash Course in Brain Surgery. Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing, 29-40. AHb (Articles in other academic books) Engelen, B. (2009). Wat kan ik kennen? Over dromen, waarheid en kennis. In: d'Hoine P., Engelen B. (Eds.) , Denkbeelden. Van film naar filosofie, Chapt. 9. Kapellen/Kampen: Pelckmans/Klement, 152-165. d'Hoine, P., Engelen, B. (2009). Van film naar filosofie. In: , Denkbeelden. Van film naar filosofie. Kapellen/Kampen: Pelckmans/Klement, 9-15. Vandevelde, A., Engelen, B. (2009). Hoe moet ik leven? Over de moraal van vergeving en vergelding. In: d'Hoine P., Engelen B. (Eds.), Denkbeelden. Van film naar filosofie, Chapt. 7. Kapellen/Kampen: Pelckmans/Klement, 119-133. RE (Reviews) Engelen, B. (2013). Book Review of Philippe Van Parijs. Just Democracy: The Rawls-Machiavelli Programme. Colchester: ECPR, 2011. 174 pp. Ethical Perspectives, 20 (1), 202-207. Engelen, B. (2011). Book Review of Peter Singer. The Expanding Circle: Ethics, Evolution, and Moral Progress. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011. 232 pp. Ethical Perspectives, 18 (4), 684-691. Engelen, B. (2010). Book Review of Alex Voorhoeve. Conversations on Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. 259 pp. Ethical Perspectives, 17 (4), 680-683. 3 Engelen, B. (2009). Book Review of Richard Fumerton and Diane Jeske (ed.) 2009. Introducing Philosophy Through Film. Key Texts, Discussion, and Film Selections. Malden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell. Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network, 16 (4), 514-517. Engelen, B. (2008). Book Review of 'Beyond Conventional Economics', edited by Giuseppe Eusepi and Alan Hamlin. Review of Social Economy, 66 (3), 408-412. TH (Thesis) Engelen, B., Vandevelde, A. (sup.) (2007). Rationality and institutions : an inquiry into the normative implications of rational choice theory. DI (Miscellaneous) Engelen, B. (2014). Financiële producten die morele grenzen overschrijden worden terecht verboden. De Tijd (B), 11-11. Liekens, R. Engelen, B. (as contr.) (2013). Woord schrappen is gewoon zelfbedrog. Gazet van Antwerpen, 10-10. Snick, C. Engelen, B. (as contr.) (2013). Waarom brave Vlaming plots een dief wordt. Het Nieuwsblad, 5-5. Engelen, B. (2013). Onschuld mag niet te koop zijn. De Tijd (B), 11-11. Herbots, K. Engelen, B. (as contr.) (2013). Belgische weldoeners schenken liever in stilte. De Morgen, 6-7. Engelen, B. (2012). Wittgenstein citeren is goed, maar bij voorkeur juist. De Standaard, 27-27. Beckers, L. Engelen, B. (as contr.) (2012). Interview: Negatieve Belg lijdt aan Calimerocomplex. De Morgen, 10-10. Engelen, B. (2012). 1,78 miljoen euro: dat heet toch graaicultuur?. De Standaard, 48-49. Engelen, B. (2011). In naam van de democratie?. De Standaard, 26-27. Engelen, B. (2011). De wegen van de democratie. De Standaard, 27-27. Engelen, B. (2010). Wie niet stemt, wordt niet gehoord. De Morgen, 23-23. 4 d'Hoine, P., Engelen, B. (2009). Film en filosofie: het begin van een mooie vriendschap?. Filmmagie (597), 42-43. Engelen, B. (2009). Music for Life. De Standaard, 21-21. Engelen, B. (2008). Stijlbreuk met Oosterlinck?. De Standaard, 24-24. Engelen, B. (2008). Stemplicht. De Morgen, 19-19. Engelen, B. (2008). Minder verkiezingen, meer democratie. De Standaard, 19-19. Engelen, B. (2007). Stemplicht. Het Belang van Limburg, 12-12. Engelen, B. (2007). Opkomstplicht. De Morgen, 17-17. Engelen, B. (2004). Stemplicht. De Standaard, 20-20. IMa (Presentations at international scientific conferences and symposia) Engelen, B. (2014). When Less Can Be More: Equality, Levelling Down and the Positional Rat Race. Departamento de Filosofia y Etica. Monterrey, Mexico, 4 February 2014. Engelen, B. (2014). The Ethics of Nudging: Is Libertarian Paternalisme the Way to Go?. La Sociedad de Alumnos de Lic. en Ciencia Politica. Monterrey, Mexico, 5 February 2014. Engelen, B. (2013). The Definition and Role of Preference in Positive Economics. Conference of the International Network for Economic Method. Rotterdam, 13-15 June 2013. Engelen, B., Neuteleers, S. (2013). Talking Money: How Economic Valuation Can Undermine the Support for Environmental Protection. European Society for Ecological Economics. Lille, 18-21 June 2013. Engelen, B. (2011). The Normative Study of Collective Decision-Making. Preventing mischief in juries, assemblies and elections. Louvain-la-Neuve, 11 March 2011. Engelen, B. (2011). Rationality and Prosociality: Integrating Philosophical, Evolutionary, Economic and Sociological Perspectives. Evolution, Cooperation and Rationality. Bristol, 27-29 June 2011. Engelen, B. (2011). Norms and Rationality in Explaining Prosocial Behavior. Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy. University of Minho, Braga, 20-21 May 2011. 5 Engelen, B. (2011). My Way or the Highway: Why Economists Should Stop Isolating Themselves From Other Behavioral Scientists. Ninth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. Granada, 8-10 June 2011. Engelen, B. (2010). The Deliberative Case Against the Secret Ballot (and Why It Fails). Global Conference on Problems of Democracy. Prague, 30 April - 2 May 2010. Engelen, B. (2010). Populaire filosofie: contradictio in terminis?. Vlaams-Nederlandse filosofiedag. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 10 november 2010. Engelen, B., Nys, T. (2010). Nudged Towards Your Own Good: Conceptual Problems and Normative Worries With Libertarian Paternalism. Second Annual Dutch Conference on Practical Philosophy. Groningen, 8-9 October 2010. Engelen, B. (2009). When Isolation Goes Too Far. Monday Seminar at Trends and Tensions in Intellectual Integration. Helsinki, May 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). When Economic Models Fail. Modeling the World: Perspectives from Biology and Economics. Helsinki, May 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). The Deliberative Case Against the Secret Ballot (and Why It Fails). Brave New World 2009 at the School of Social Sciences. Manchester, 23 June 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). My Way or the Highway: Why Economists Should Stop Isolating Themselves From Other Behavioral Scientists. Seminar at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics. Rotterdam, December 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). My Way or the Highway: Why Economists Should Stop Isolating Themselves From Other Behavioral Scientists. European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Conference. Amsterdam, 7 November 2009 . Engelen, B. (2008). Rationality and Prosociality: Why Social Norms Against Self-Interested Behavior Make Sense. European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Conference at the University of Roma Tre. Rome, 8 November 2008 . Engelen, B., Hooghe, M. (2007). Compulsory voting and its effects on political participation, interest and efficacy. ECPR. Joint sessions. Helsinki, 7 - 12 May 2007. Engelen, B. (2006). Complementing Markets and States: The Importance of Communities. Fourth Pavia Graduate Conference. Pavia, September 2006. Engelen, B. (2005). The Expressive Rationality of Voting: Criticizing and Complementing Public Choice. Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy. Lisbon, August 2005. 6 AMa (Presentations at other scientific conferences and symposia) Engelen, B. (2013). Neoliberalisme en vermarkting: Een kritiek op Paul Verhaeghes kritiek. 't Zal Wel Gaan. Gent, 16 April 2013. Engelen, B., Nys, T. (2011). Nudged Towards Your Own Good: Conceptual Problems and Normative Worries With Libertarian Paternalism. Broodje Ethiek. Leuven, 21 January 2011. Engelen, B. (2010). Populaire filosofie en populaire cultuur. Centrum voor Ethiek, Sociale en Politieke Filosofie. Leuven, 3 December 2010. Engelen, B. (2010). A Mild Defense of Compulsory Attendance. Mardi Intime. Louvain-La-Neuve, 4 May 2010. Engelen, B. (2009). Why Economists Can and Should Build Realistic Models of People. Ethics for Lunch Seminar at the Faculty of Economics. Leuven, November 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). Referenda: een versterking voor de democratie?. Workshop Jong NVA. Brussel, december 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). Open Voting: Why the Secret Ballot Should Not Be a Sacred Cow. Ethics and Public Policy Seminar at the Institute of Philosophy. Leuven, 5 March 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). Morele dilemma's in de oncologische praktijk. Workshop Avans Hogeschool. Breda, juni 2009. Engelen, B. (2009). Is vrijheid een illusie?. Nacht van de Filosofie. Horn, 27 november 2009 . Engelen, B. (2008). Waarheid en relativisme. Denkbeelden in CinemaZed, Kunstencentrum Stuk. Leuven, december 2008. Engelen, B. (2008). Rationality and Prosociality: Why Social Norms Against Self-Interested Behavior Make Sense. Centre for Economics and Ethics workshop. Leuven, January 2008. Engelen, B. (2008). Morele dilemma's in de medische zorg. Workshop Avans Hogeschool. Breda, juni 2008. Engelen, B. (2008). De waardevolle maar beperkte rol van de verbeelding in de politieke filosofie. Nederlands-Vlaamse filosofiedag. Leuven, 27 november 2008. Engelen, B. (2008). Aggregative and Deliberative Democracy. Ethics and Public Policy Seminar at the Institute of Philosophy. Leuven, October 2008. Engelen, B. (2007). The Economic Conception of Rationality and its Problems. Seminar of the Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy. Leuven, February 2007. 7 Engelen, B. (2006). Bowles and Gintis on Cooperation, Egoism, Altruism and Reciprocity. Economics and Ethics seminar series at the Faculty of Economics. Leuven, March 2006. Engelen, B. (2005). The Assumptions of James Buchanan's Theory of Constitutional Choice. Doctoral Seminar at the Institute of Philosophy. Leuven, May 2005. Engelen, B. (2004). The Value and Limitations of an Economic Approach to the Public Domain. Doctoral Seminar at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Leuven, November 2004. Engelen, B. (2004). The Politics-Economics-Ethics Continuum Revisited. Why Not Define Politics, Economics and Ethics only by Ends and Means?. Ninth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas. Pamplona, August 2004. 8