De rationale voor de behandeling van PTSD met EMDR en andere interventies. Theoretische overwegingen en experimentele bevindingen Marcel van den Hout (UU) 4 april 2014 KP/KNP congres, Utrecht Vooraf: Psychologische behandeling van angststoornissen 1) Behandeling: Exposure (Exp) en cognitieve therapie (CT) effectief 2) Rationale straightforward: Extinctie door exposure (cf. dier studies) 3) CS Dus: Activatie representatie US Angst response Paniekstoornis: hartkloppingen hartinfarct OCD : vieze handen verspreiden ziekte Vliegangst : vliegtuig crash Sociale fobie : Blozen sociale uitsluiting 4) PTSD: Exp en CT ook effectief 5) Echter: Andere angststoornissen: Exp en CT doorbreken CSUS verwachting. PTSD: aard/aanwezigheid CSUS verwachting onduidelijk 6) Bovendien: EMDR ook effectief; even sterk als CT en Exp. (en alle 3 veel beter dan andere interventies) Bradley et al. (2005).A multidimensional meta-analysis of psychotherapy for PTSD. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 214-227. Seidler & Wagner (2006) Comparing the efficacy of EMDR and trauma focussed CBT in the treatment of PTSD. Psychological Medicine, 36, 1515-1522 Bisson and Ehlers, et al . (2007). Psychological treatments for chronic PTSD:A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190, 97-104. 7) Cruciaal probleem: Hoe werken Exp., CT en EMDR bij PTSD? Te bespreken: A) Exposure en PTSD B) CT en PTSD C) EMDR en PTSD Exposure behandeling van EMDR: ‘Imaginaire exposure” Hoe werkt exp. bij PTSD? 1) Extinctie Als bij andere angststoornissen, ook bij PTSD doorbreken US verwachting (= extinctie) NB: Mentale vermijding definierend kenmerk PTSD Verwachting PTSD patient: Bij recall trauma controleverlies e.d. Dus: Paniekstoornis: hartkloppingen hartinfarct OCD : vieze handen verspreiden ziekte Vliegangst : vliegtuig crash PTSD : trauma recall Controle verlies etc Schematisch: Schematisch: Exposure werkt (ook bij PTSD) via extinctie CS (reminder) Activatie US representatie (trauma-recall) Emotionele response Verwachting ctrl verlies e.d. Hoe werkt exp. bij PTSD? 2): habituatie Theoretisch/empirisch onderscheid: habituatie en extinctie Schematisch: Exposure werkt via habituatie in PTSD: CS (reminder) Activatie US representatie (trauma-recall) Emotionele response NB: Dat exposure werkt bij PTSD is evident: bijdrage extinctie en/of habituatie onduidelijk B) Hoe werkt CT bij PTSD? Procedure CT B) Hoe werkt CT bij PTSD? Procedure CT Correctie (mis)interpretatie antecedenten en consequenten van trauma CS (reminder) Activatie US representatie (trauma-recall) Emotionele response Verwachting ctrl verlies e.d. C) EMDR als behandeling van PTSD Terzijde: scepsis over EMDR ongegrond Meta-analyses: EMDR as effective as CBT, and far more than e.g. psychodynamic, client centered etc. approaches Bradley et al. (2005).A multidimensional meta-analysis of psychotherapy for PTSD. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 214-227. Seidler & Wagner (2006) Comparing the efficacy of EMDR and trauma focussed CBT in the treatment of PTSD. Psychological Medicine, 36, 1515-1522 Bisson and Ehlers, et al . (2007). Psychological treatments for chronic PTSD:A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190, 97-104. Effecten EMDR bij PTSD: groot en snel Changes in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) scores on the Impact of Event Scale – Revised for intent-to-treat analysis. Nijdam M J et al. BJP 2012;200:224-231 ©2012 by The Royal College of Psychiatrists C) EMDR als behandeling van PTSD Cruciaal element van procedure: oogbewegingen tijdens trauma-recall Hoe werkt EMDR bij PTSD? Theorie in schema: CS (reminder) Activatie US representatie (trauma-recall) Emotionele response Verwachting ctrl verlies e.d. Hoe werkt EMDR bij PTSD? Theorie in schema: Reductie levendigheid/emotionaliteit van trauma herinnering CS (reminder) Activatie US representatie (trauma-recall) Emotionele response Verwachting ctrl verlies e.d. Maar hoe zou EMDR levendigheid/emotionaliteit van trauma-herinnering reduceren? Reductie levendigheid/emotionaliteit van trauma herinnering CS (reminder) Activatie US representatie (trauma-recall) Emotionele response Verwachting ctrl verlies e.d. Maar hoe zou EMDR levendigheid/emotionaliteit van trauma-herinnering reduceren? Recall: episodisch geheugen ‘labiel’ Vergelijk: Concentratie op herinnering en “imagination inflation” Imagination inflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination inflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination inflation 100 concentration 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination inflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination deflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination deflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination deflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination deflation 100 80 60 blurring Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Imagination deflation 100 80 60 Vividness 40 20 0 Recall PRE Imag Recall DURING Imag Recall POST Imag Theory: 1) EMDR exploits memory lability during recall. 2) EMDR serves as the inverse of imagination inflation: it deflates the vividness of memories by taxing of Working Memory during recall 3) Reconsolidation of memory affected by Recall+WM episodes Typical preparation of lab studies on EMDR 1) Healthy volunteers retrieve aversive memories 2) Pre-test: memories scored in terms of vividness/adversity 3) Interventions: during recall a) Recall + Eye movements or b) Recall only 4) Post test: recall and scored in terms of vividness/adversity Exposure Theories: Recall only = Recall + EM’s (EM’s irrelevant) Januari 2011: at least 14 experiments Author Outcome Adrade et al., (1997) Van den Hout et al., (2001) Kavanagh et al., (2001) Kemps et al., (2007) Maxfield et al., (2008) Expt. 1 Expt. 2 Gunter & Bodner (2008) Expt. 1 Expt. 2 Expt. 3 Lilley et al. (2009) Van den Hout et al. (2010) Engelhard et al. (2010 a-b) Hornsveld et al. (2010) Van den Hout et al. (2011) Van den Hout et al. (2011) Expt 1 Expt 2 Expt 3 Recall Only 0 0 0 0 Recall + EM’s + + + + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + + + + + 0 0 0 + + + Effects not confined to self reports. 1) Argument: Decision whether painting fragments are/are not part of Rembrand’s ‘Nightwatch’: activation memory Vivid memory? Fast Y/N response Blurred memory? Slow Y/N response 2) Method: a) Encode complex picture b) Recall picture + EM’s (vs. ctrl. condition) c) Decide whether fragments are/are not part of picture d) Prediction: slow decision after recall + EM’s Picture In mind EM’s No EM’s Prediction: slow Y/N recognition Not in mind Van den Hout et al., 2012. Cognition & Emotion, in press Conclusie: EM’s negatieve herinneringen: a) Minder levendig b) Minder emotioneel c) Minder toegankelijk Wordt werkgeheugen echt belast door EM’s? Test: vertraging op Reactie Tijd taak t.g.v. EM’s Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther, Traditional EMDR theory: EMDR effects depend on Left-Right alternation of EM’s. Implication: Horizontal EM’s > Vertical EM’s Alternative theory: (memory deflation): Horizontal EM’s = Vertical EM’s Eyes stationary Eye Movements Horizontal Pre-to-post decreases Vertical Vividness From: Gunter & Bodner, 2008 Emotionality Completeness Theorie: ook memory deflation t.g.v. “Recall + andere duale taak die WG belast Technique Author Outcome Recall only Vertical EM’s (Gunter & Bodner, 2008) Drawing ( idem) Shadowing (idem) Tetris (Engelhard et al, 2011) Counting (van den Hout et al., 2010) (Engelhard et al., 2010) 7) Articulatory suppresion (Kemps et al., 2007) 8) Attentional breathing (van den Hout et al., 2010) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Recall + WM taxing 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + Replacing EM’s by bilateral beeps 1) > 50% of actual EMDR sessions presently with beeps instead of EM’s (Cf. interhemisphere theory of EMDR) 2) No studies on clinical effects of beeps 3) Do bilateral beeps tax WM? 4) Beeps effective in blurring memory? 400 350 Reaction 300 times (Msec) 250 200 150 Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther. Eye Movements Binaural stimulation No dual task 400 350 Reaction 300 times (Msec) 250 200 150 Eye Movements Binaural stimulation No dual task 400 350 Reaction times 300 (Msec) 250 Eye Movements ? 200 150 Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther. Binaural stimulation No dual task 400 350 Reaction 300 times (Msec) 250 200 150 Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther Eye Movements Binaural stimulation No dual task Do beeps blur memory like EM’s do? 1,6 1,2 Eye movements Drop 0,8 in scores Binaural stimulation No dual task 0,4 0 Vividness Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther. 1,6 1,2 Eye movements Drop 0,8 in scores Binaural stimulation No dual task 0,4 0 Vividness Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther. 1,6 1,2 Eye movements Drop in scores 0,8 0,4 Binaural stimulation No dual task ? 0 Vividness Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther. 1,6 1,2 Eye movements Drop 0,8 in scores Binaural stimulation No dual task 0,4 0 Vividness Van den Hout, Engelhard et al., 2011, Behav Res Ther. Theory and data suggest: Beeps inferior to EM’s Objection: Experimental model = clinical reality 1) Students had no PTSD 2) “Unpleasant memory” = trauma Question: How do real PTSD patients respond to beeps and EM’s? Clinical study; n= 12 PTSD (Rape (5 X), war + rape, years of sexual/physical abuses etc) 6 recalls during session 1: 2 X EM’s 2 X Beeps 2 X Recall only Order of interventions: Balanced Dependant variables : Vividness Emotionality (SUDS) Hout, M.A. van den et al., (2012). Tones inferior to eye movements in the EMDR treatment of PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50, 275-279 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Vividness 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Van den Hout et al, Behav Res Ther, 2012 Vividness 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Van den Hout et al, Behav Res Ther, 2012 Vividness 2,5 2 ? 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Van den Hout et al, Behav Res Ther, 2012 Vividness 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Van den Hout et al, Behav Res Ther, 2012 Vividness 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Van den Hout et al, Behav Res Ther, 2012 Vividness 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Vividness 2,5 ? 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Vividness 2,5 2 1,5 Drop in scores EM's Beeps Recall only 1 0,5 0 -0,5 Emotionality Vividness Hout, M.A. van den et al., (2012). Tones inferior to eye movements in the EMDR treatment of PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50, 275-279 What about patient’s opinions about 1) Recall only? 2) Recall+ beeps? 3) Recall+ EM’s? “How would you prefer to continue?” 8 7 6 5 EM's Beeps Recall only 4 3 2 1 0 Patients preference 8 7 6 5 EM's Beeps Recall only 4 3 2 1 0 Patients preference 8 7 6 5 EM's Beeps Recall only 4 3 2 1 0 Patients preference 8 7 6 5 4 3 ? 2 1 0 Patients preference EM's Beeps Recall only 8 7 6 5 EM's Beeps Recall only 4 3 2 1 0 Patients preference Hout, M.A. van den et al., (2012). Tones inferior to eye movements in the EMDR treatment of PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50, 275279 8 7 6 5 EM's Beeps Recall only 4 3 2 1 0 Patients preference EM’s superior, But patients preferred beeps. Clinicians may infer effectivity from patients’ preference. Tijdens EMDR: ook recall positieve herinneringen + EM’s “Resource Development and Installation” (RDI) according to EMDR protocol Activation of “positive, functional and resourceful memories” and simultaneous EM’s Experiment: RDI (positive memories!!) under three conditions: a) Traditional (with horizontal EM’s) b) Alternative (with vertical EM’s) c) Crucial Alternative (without EM’s) Vividness Pleasantness 0 Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Mean Difference scores (in VAS Rating) Mean Difference scores (in VAS Rating) -0,2 -0,4 -0,6 -0,8 -1 -1,2 -1,4 -1,6 Vertical -0,2 -0,4 -0,6 -0,8 -1 -1,2 -1,8 Conditions Hornsveld et al, 2011 0 Recall-only Conditions Recall-only Indication EMDR (evidence based): PTSD (trauma memories) Clinical practice (non-evidence based): Eating disorders, addiction, chronic pain, sexual problems etc. Theory suggests: also flash forwards (prospective memory) 80 80 75 75 70 70 Emotionality Vividness Change in “flash forwards” 1 65 60 65 60 55 55 50 50 45 45 pre-test eye movement post-test just retrieval pre-test eye movement post-test just retrieval Engelhard, van den Hout, Janssen & van der Beek, 2010 ( Behav Res Ther) Change in “flash forwards” 2 (Engelhard, van den Hout et al., 2011) Samengevat * Imaginaire exposure, CT en EMDR: effectief bij PTSD *Imaginaire exposure: Extinctie en/of habituatie * CT: Correctie interpretatie antecedenten en consequenten trauma * EMDR: Deflatie trauma memory door “Recall + EM’s” Besproken data mbt EMDR 1) EM (zeer) effectief in lab 2) Niet alleen EM’s ook andere WG belasting effectief 3) Piepjes: Minimale WM belasting, minimale geheugeneffecten 4) Ook bij positieve herinneringen: deflatie na “recall + EM’s 5) Flash forwards als ander indicatiegebied? Theoretical issue: Noradrenaline and Emotion in memory effects of recall + EM Van den Hout et al., 2012, submitted 1 2 WM span 3 4 WM load of dual task WM load provided by memory The end EMDR: tijdens (trauma) recall vervagen van herinnering door simultane oogbewegingen Verwachting: imagination “deflation”