OVERVIEW PUBLICATIONS ROBERT JAN BLOMME Business address: Straatweg 25, 3621 BG Breukelen, The Netherlands Phone: +31 6 20435206, email: r.blomme@nyenrode.nl SUPERVISION OF DOCTORAL RESEARCH 1. Bas Kodden. Supervisors: prof. dr. E. van der Sluis (NBU), R.J. Blomme. Time for a new era within the Dutch legal service industry Organizational design as key factor in employee engagement. A study to analyse the vitality, dedication and absorption levels among Dutch legal workers. 2008-2011. (Defence and completion at 10-07-2011). 2. Xander Lub. Supervisors: prof. dr. R. Schalk (UvT), R.J. Blomme, dr. P.M. Bal (VU). The Millennial experience; Exploring generational differences in relation to leadership, psychological contract and organizational culture in a hospitality industry setting. 2007-2013. (Defence and completion at 16-12-2013) 3. Ton Biessels. Supervisors: prof. dr. P.R.J. Simons, R.J. Blomme. Learning styles of coaches (Working title). 2006-present. 4. Theo Kishna. Supervisors: prof. dr. J.J. van der Veen (NBU), R.J. Blomme. The relation between organizational routines and social identity as attractors for change. 2008-present. (Completion in September, 2014) 5. Melanie de Ruiter. Supervisors: prof. dr. R. Schalk (UvT), R.J. Blomme, dr. R. van der Schoot (UvU). Breach in the psychological contract, 2012-present. 6. Richard Jansen. Supervisors: R.J. Blomme. Organizational ambidexterity, 2011-present. 1. BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper: “Lub, X. & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Sharing the passion: the meaning of ideological currency and psychological contracts for three generational cohorts of service workers”. Conference proceedings of the 4th I-CHLAR (International Conference on Hospitality and Leisure Applied Research), July, Lausanne (CH). Conferred at the I-CHLAR-conference, July, Lausanne (CH). 2. OUTSTANDING AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION AWARD WINNER at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 article: “Lub, X., Bijvank, M.N., Bal, M.P., Blomme, R.J., & Schalk, R. (2012). Bye bye! Exploring the psychological contract and commitment of different generations of hospitality workers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, Vol. 24(4), 553 – 573.” Conferred at the EUROCHRIE-conference, October 2013, Freiburg (G). 3. OUTSTANDING AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION AWARD WINNER at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 (Emerald book-series) for the chapter:” Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., Tromp, D.M., & Van Muijen, J.J. (2011). Success factors in top career: Towards a life-cycle model on careers of women and men, inside and outside the hospitality. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 7, 3-29.” Conferred at the Work and Family Research Network, June 2012, New York (US). 4. SILVER BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper: “Tromp, D.M., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2011). Negative Work Home Interference and the Role of Leadership Style”. Conference proceedings of the 3rd ICHLAR (International Conference on Hospitality and Leisure Applied Research), July, Lyon (F). Conferred at the I-CHLAR-conference, July, Lyon (F). 5. Marie Curie Institute (Grant agreement no.: 251442). Project full title: Enhancing European Competitiveness by Leveraging Highly Skilled Indian Professionals. In conjunction with TECG BV and Kienbaum Management Consultants GmBH. Total grant: EURO 356,000. Principal researcher. 20102014. Nyenrode Business Universiteit. HONOURS, AWARDS AND GRANTS PHD THESIS 1. Blomme, R. J. (2003). Alignement: een studie naar organiseerprocessen en alignement tussen individuele en organisatiecompetenties. PhD-thesis. University of Utrecht. Curriculum Vitae Rev. 31-Mar-14 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview (INTERNATIONAL) JOURNALS (DOUBLE PEER-REVIEWED) 2014 1. Blomme, R.J., Kodden, B., & Beasley-Suffolk, A. (Forthcoming in 2014). Leadership as precursor for enagement. The Journal of Management and Organization. 2. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., & Tromp, D.M. (Forthcoming in 2014). Relations between organizational culture and positive and negative work-home interference, and the mediating role of flexible work-home arrangements. British Journal of Management. 3. Blomme, R.J., Van Veen, J.J., & Venupogal, V. (Forthcoming in 2014). The Silver Lining of a Dark Cloud: Using Social Innovation to make the Supply Chain a Crisis-buster. Challenging Organisations and Society. 4. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., & Tromp, D.M. (Forthcoming in 2014). Home to work spillover: relations with turnover intention and development opportunities. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 5. Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2014). Work-family conflict amongst highly-educated employees. Leadership styles and work-home arrangements as precursors for work-family conflict. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, 26(1), 85-106. 6. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Drivers of hospitable behaviour: a plea for further examination. Journal of Hotel and Business Management, 2(1), 2. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Organisaties als sociale netwerken; de rol van de verandermanager in regel en gedragscode implementaties. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, 2, 124-30. 2013 7. 8. Blomme, R.J., Sok, J., Van Rheede, A., & Tromp, D.M. (2013). The use of the psychological contract to explain work- family interference amongst highly-educated employees. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 135 - 162. 9. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Absurdism as a fundamental value: Camusian thoughts on moral development in organisations. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 7(2), 116-127. 10. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., & Tromp, D.M. (2013). The use of the psychological contract to explain selfperceived employability. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 274-284. 11. Blomme, R.J. & Beasley-Suffolk, A. (2013). Alignment in organizations: An interpretative perspective for examination of the subject. Trends and Development in Management Studies, 2(1), 25-53. 12. Kokkiadi, L.K., & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Consumers' intention to stay with a brand : An examination of potential precursors for brand switching. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 5(1), 1-15. 13. Boege, L., & Blomme, R.J. (2013). European employer perceptions towards highly educated Indian staff. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 10(1), 14-30. 14. Blomme, R.J., Sok, J., & Tromp, D.M. (2013). The influence of organizational culture on negative workhome interference among highly educated employees inside and outside the hospitality industry. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 14(1), 1-23. 2012 15. Blomme, R.J. (2012). How managers can conduct planned change in self-organising systems: Actor Network Theory as a perspective to manager’s actions. International Journal of Business Administration, 3(5), 9-22. 16. Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). A research framework on sustainability: Practices in the hospitality industry. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 259-275. 17. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Leadership, complex adaptive systems, and equivocality: The role of managers in emergent change. The Organization Management Journal, 9(1), 4-19. 18. Gallicano, R., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). Consumer response to Healthy Choice® nutrition information menu labelling in full service restaurants: Making the healthy choice. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 109-127. 19. Lub, X., Bijvank, M.N., Blomme, R.J., Bal, M.P., & Schalk, R. (2012). Different or alike? : Exploring the psychological contract and commitment of different generations of hospitality workers.. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, 24(4), 553 – 573. Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 winner. 2 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 20. Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). The effort recovery theory applied to the hospitality industry. The impact of the effect recovery theory to work-home conflict.. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1213–1221. 21. Blomme, R.J., & Bornebroek, K. (2012). Existentialism and organization behaviour. How existentialism can have a contribution to complexity theory and sensemaking. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(3), 405-421. 2011 22. Lub, X., Blomme, R.J., & Bal, P.M. (2011). Psychological contract and organizational citizenship behavior: A new deal for new generations? Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 7, 107-129. 23. Blomme, R. J. & Beasley-Suffolk, A.A. (2011). Alignment in organisations: does an interpretative perspective lead to a better understanding of the subject? A suggestion for participative self-organisation as a way to improve alignment. Breukelen: Nyenrode Business Universiteit Research Publications, October no. 11-04. 24. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., Tromp, D.M., & Van Muijen, J.J. (2011). Success factors in top career: Towards a life-cycle model on careers of women and men, inside and outside the hospitality. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 7, 3-29. Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 Winner. Before 2011 25. Blomme, R.J., Van Rheede, A., & Tromp, D.M, (2010). Work-Family conflict as a cause for turnover intentions in the hospitality industry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10(4), 269-285. 26. Blomme, R.J., Van Rheede, A., & Tromp, D.M. (2010). The use of the psychological contract to explain turnover intentions in the hospitality industry: A research study on the impact of gender on the turnover intentions of highly-educated employees. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(1,3), 144-163. 27. Tromp, D.M, Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2010). The relationships between psychological strain, organizational support, affective commitment and turnover intentions of highly educated hospitality employees. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 6, 117-135. 28. Van Rheede, A., Tromp D.M., & Blomme R.J. (2009). Perceptions of job and hospitality industry characteristics on career decisions. ,Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 5, 51-69. 29. Blomme, R. J., Van Rheede, A., & Tromp, D. M. (2009). The hospitality industry: an attractive employer? An exploration of students’ and industry workers’ perceptions of hospitality as a career field. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 21(2), 6-17. 30. Blomme, R. J. (2008). Organisatieleren; vanuit schaarste of overvloed? Opleiding & Ontwikkeling 01/02, 27. 31. Blomme, R.J., Tromp, D.M., & Van Rheede, A. (2008). Predictors of turnover intentions of highly educated employees in the hospitality industry. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 4, 3-28. 32. Blomme, R. J. & Kuipers, J. (2006). Goed werkgeversschap in woelige tijden : hoe gaan bedrijven om met hun medewerkers bij reorganisatie? SCM Supply Chain Magazine, 5, 30-34. BOOKS AND REPORTS 1. Blomme, R.J., & Van Hoof, G.H.P.M. (Eds.). Wisdom in Business, Hampshire: Palgrave McMillan. [Publication Fall 2014] 2. Blomme R.J., Sok, J. & Lub, X.D. (Eds.). Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry: Past, Present and Future. Hampshire: Palgrave McMillan. [Publication 2015] 3. Melissen, J., Van der Rest, J.P., Josephi, S., & Blomme, R.J. (Publication in May 2014). Hospitality Experience: An introduction to Hospitality Management. Groningen: Noordhof. (ISBN 9789001813857) 4. Van Hoof, G.H.P.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Wijsheid in Bedrijf. Assen: Koninklijke van Gorcum. (ISBN 9789023251446) 5. Blomme, R. J. (2003). Alignement: een studie naar organiseerprocessen en alignement tussen individuele en organisatiecompetenties. Groningen: Gopher. (ISBN 9051790872) 6. Blomme, R.J. (2006). Eindrapportage Associate Degree. The Hague: Hotelschool The Hague. 3 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview BOOK CHAPTERS /ESSAYS 2015 1. Kishna, T., Blomme, R.J., & Van Veen, J.J. (Forthcoming in 2015). Routines as a point of application for organizational change. A. Goksoy (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Organizational Change Management Strategies (pp. ). Hersey: ICI Global. 2014 2. Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Self-organization as a perspective for organizational learning: A new role for learning practitioners. P. Ordóñez de Pablos, L. Jovell Turró, R. D. Tennyson and J. Zhao (Eds.), Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage During Economic Crisis (pp. ). Hersey: ICI Global. 3. Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Internet technology and its application in competence development of highly-educated staff: The role of transfer. P. Ordóñez de Pablos, M.D. Lytras and R.D. Tennyson (Eds.), Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education (pp. ). Hersey: ICI Global. 4. Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in 2014). The role of Internet Technology in Higher Education: A complex responsive systems paradigm. P. Ordóñez de Pablos, M.D. Lytras and R.D. Tennyson (Eds.), Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education (pp. ). Hersey: ICI Global. 5. Nierse, R., Veer, R. van der, & Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in May, 2014). Delivering Hospitality. Melissen, J., Van der Rest, J.P., Josephi, S., & Blomme, R.J. (Eds.). Hospitality Experience: An introduction to. Groningen: Noordhof. 6. Korte, A. de, Bosman, J., & Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in May, 2014). The future of hospitality. In Melissen, J., Van der Rest, J.P., Josephi, S., & Blomme, R.J. (Eds.). Hospitality Experience: An introduction to. Groningen: Noordhof. 7. Blomme, R.J., & Kodde, B. (Forthcoming in March, 2014). Engagement as a new concept in the hospitality industry. In I. S. Pantelidis (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Management. Oxon: Routledge Publishers. 8. Lub, X.D., Bal, P.M., Schalk, R., & Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in May, 2014). Why do generational differences in psychological contracts exist? In E. Parry (Ed.), New Perspectives in Researching Generational Diversity at Work (pp.), Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 9. Sok, J., Lub, X.D., & Blomme, R.J. (Forthcoming in May, 2014). Generations and work-home values: The interplay between historical trends and events and generational ‘work-home identity’. In E. Parry (Ed.), New Perspectives in Researching Generational Diversity at Work (pp.), Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 10. Blomme, R.J. & Van Hoof, B. (2014). Don't solve the problem: Polariteitenmanagement, Change Insite, February, http://www.changeinsite.nl/structuren-systemen/structuren-systemenverdieping/structuren-systemen-artikelen/entry/don-t-solve-the-problem-polariteitenmanagement 2013 11. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Alignment. In M. Ruiters (Eds.), Liber Amoricorum prof. dr. P.R.J. Simons. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. http://www.visieopleren.nl. 12. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Grenssituaties: kritieke momenten van spirituele ontwikkeling. In S. Nandram and C. Bergman (Eds.), Aandacht geven en ontvangen is rijkdom: Liber Amoricorum prof. dr. Paul de Blot SJ. (pp. 95-98). Leidschendam: Quist. 13. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Absurdisme als grondhouding voor business spiritualiteit. Business Spiritualiteit Magazine Nyenrode (Scintilla Nyenrode), december. Retrieved from http://www.scintillanyenrode.nl/SN/blog/absurdisme-als-grondhouding-voor-bs 14. Blomme, R.J. & Van Hoof, B. (2013). Het perspectief van George Herbert Mead op verandermanagement. Change Insite, September, http://www.changeinsite.nl/veranderbereidheid/veranderbereidheidverdieping/veranderbereidheid-artikelen/entry/wat-verandermanagers-moeten-weten 15. Blomme, R.J., & Van Hoof, G.H.P.M. (2013). Wijsheidtradities: De betekenis van wijsheid voor vandaag. In Baijens (Ed.), Het beste Idee van 2013, (pp. 176-178). Tilburg: Wereld. 4 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 16. Hoof, G.H.P.M. van, & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Inleiding. In G.H.P.M. van Hoof & R.J. Blomme (Eds.), Wijsheid in Bedrijf (pp. 1-10). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 17. Hugenholtz, E., Hoof, G.H.P.M. van, & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Gebruik een zuivere weegschaal: een Joods perspectief op zakelijke ethiek. In G.H.P.M. van Hoof & R.J. Blomme (Eds.), Wijsheid in Bedrijf (pp. 109120). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 18. Blomme, R.J. (2013). De inzichten van Albert Camus voor de managementpraktijk. In G.H.P.M. van Hoof & R.J. Blomme (Eds.), Wijsheid in Bedrijf (pp. 59-74). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 19. Blomme, R.J., Van Veen, J., & Venupogal, V. (2013). The Silver Lining of a Dark Cloud: Using Social Innovation to make the Supply Chain a Crisis-buster. In E. Karssing, M. Pfeiffer, & B. Hoogenboom (Eds.), Gorillas, markets and the search for economic values: Rethinking Lehman Brothers and the Global Financial Crises (pp. 299-309). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 20. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Emergent change and the change manager’s role within it. In W. W. Gasparski & B. Rok (Eds.), Transition Redesigned. A Practical Philosophy Perspective. Praxiology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Vol. 20 (pp. 133-148). Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick. 2012 21. Karsing, E., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). Moed: een noodzakelijke eigenschap voor leiders. In L. Cleef, M. Kaptein, A. Koenders, S. Van der Minne, L. Porrio, and C. Van Zwam (Eds.), Beveiliging Totaal 2013, (pp. 205-212). Alphen aan den Rijn: Vakmedianet. 22. Kodden, B., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). Leiderschap en bevlogenheid. In E. Karssing, M. Pfeiffer, & B. Hoogenboom (Eds.), De Robuuste Professional: Wijze LESsen (pp. 113-129). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 23. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Veranderingen en Zelforganisatie. In E. Karssing, M. Pfeiffer, & B. Hoogenboom (Eds.), De Robuuste Professional: Wijze LESsen (pp. 245-257). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 24. Blomme, R.J. (2012). George Herbert Mead; Zelfbeeld. In P.R.J. Simons & M. Ruijters (Eds.), Canon van het leren (pp. 603-613). Deventer: Kluwer. 25. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Victor Rosansky en George Labovitz; Alignement. In P.R.J. Simons & M. Ruijters (Eds.), Canon van het leren (pp. 65-77). Deventer: Kluwer. Before 2012 26. Blomme, R.J. (2011). Organisatiedynamiek, problematische situaties en organisatieverandering, In E. Karsing, J. Bossert, & L. Meuleman (Eds.), Management in beweging: mini-MBA in een boek (pp.119-141). Assen: Koninklijke van Gorcum. 27. Blomme, R.J. (2011). Modern leiderschap. In Kai Pattipiholy (Ed), Peer Education 2.0; Voor de klas op sneakers (pp. 83). Amsterdam: Diversion. 28. Blomme, R. J. (2008). De tragiek van de interim-manager. In: Schaveling, J. (Ed.), Grip op tijdelijk leiderschap. (pp.20-24). Arnhem: Eiffel. BOOK CASES 2014 1. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). The Health Foundation Evaluates Performance from Different Perspectives to Insure It Meets Its Mission and Goals . In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 2. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). The rise and fall of a Banker. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 3. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). GreenFox: a new life for lighting fixtures . In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 5 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 4. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). China goes shopping in Germany. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 5. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). Listening and Recognizing a Good Job: Key Performance Management Practices Modelled by Company Leaders. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGrawHill. 6. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). China goes shopping in Germany: A look back. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 7. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). Churning. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGrawHill. 8. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). “Churning”: A look back. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 9. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). Learning and Development at Philips. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 10. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). Learning and Development at Philips: A look back. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 11. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). Performance Management Is About Work and How Work Gets Done. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 12. Van Breukelen, J. & Blomme, R.J., (Forthcoming in 2014). Performance Management Is About Work and How Work Gets Done: A look back. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 13. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). IKEA’s strategic HRM. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 14. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Leading a Turnaround Through People Practices: Ben Verwaaijen. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 15. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Connectiveness Enhances HR Practices. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 16. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Looking back: ASML. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 17. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). ASML. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 18. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Sustainability at the heart of technological innovation: the Philips case. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 19. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Ikea rises. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 20. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Spyker Cars. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGrawHill. 21. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). PTSD: a major threat to first responders. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 6 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 22. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). A manufacturer of hi-tech gadgets and equipment pushing a man’s limits. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 23. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). When Do the Unemployed Become Unemployable? In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 24. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Non-Native workers as a recipe for competitive advantage. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 25. Blomme, R.J., & Van Breukelen, J. (Forthcoming in 2014). Hire and fire: a political game. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Global Edition (pp.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 2012 26. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Excercising strategy: Achmea’s leadership programmes as drivers for establishing corporate identity. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 433). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 27. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Putting together successful teams. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 260). Maidenhead: McGrawHill. 28. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Looking back: Dutch Commando Troops. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 231). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 29. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Who is screening the hirers? In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management (pp. 263-264). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 30. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Fifteen: Using available and not recognized talent to create a business. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 285-286). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 31. Blomme, R.J. (2012). McDonalds: expansion by learning. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 331-332). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 32. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Ikea: Leadership leads to product innovation and globalization. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 433-434). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 33. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Suicide solution: A manufacturer of hi-tech gadgets and equipment pushing a man’s limits. In R. Noe, J. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, & P. Wright (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (pp. 475). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2014 1. Ruiter, M. de, Schalk, R., & Blomme, R.J. (2014). Beyond simple cause and effect: Conceptualizing Responses to Psychological Contract Breach as Patterns of Dynamic, Iterative Exchanges between Employee and Supervisor. Paper accepted at Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Paris (F). 2013 2. Ruiter, M. de, Blomme, R.J., Schalk, R., & Schoot, R. van der (2013). Leader Behaviors and Practices in the Context of Psychological Contract Breach. Full paper presented at Dutch HRM Network, Leuven (B). 3. Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2013). How to successfully implement sustainability in an organization: a review of the literature. Full paper presented at CRRC, Graz (A). 7 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 4. Ruiter, M. de, Blomme, R.J., Schalk, R., & Schoot, R. van der (2013). Intervening Stages between Psychological Contract Breach and Employee Outcomes: An exploration of employee dissent. Full paper presented at British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool (UK). 5. Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Towards a Sustainable Future: Motors Driving Change in the Hospitality Industry. Paper presented at EUROCHRIE conference, Freiburg (G). 6. Lub, X. D., Bal, M., Rousseau, D., Schalk, R., & Blomme, R.J. (2013). What are you bringing to the table? Ideological currency, employee obligations and cohorts differences in the psychological contract. Full paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Munster (G). 7. Blomme, R.J., Sok, J., & Tromp, D.M. (2013). The use of the psychological contract to explain workfamily interference. Full paper presented at APAC CHRIE conference, Macau (CN). 8. Blomme, R.J., Veen, J.A.A. van, & Venupogal, V. (2013). The silver lining of a dark cloud: Using social innovation to make the supply chain a crisis-buster. Full paper presented at European Operations Management Association conference, Dublin (IR). 9. Lub, X. D., Bal, M. & Blomme, R.J. (2013). Sharing the passion: the meaning of ideological currency and psychological contracts for three generational cohorts of service workers. Full paper presented at 4th ICHLAR conference, Lausanne (CH). 10. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., & Tromp, D.M. (2013). The relationships between organizational culture (clan and adhoc) and work-home interference, and the mediating role of work-home flexibility arrangements. Full paper presented at 4th ICHLAR conference, Lausanne (CH). 2012 11. Lub, X.D., Schalk, R., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). Generational differences in Psychological Contract: a conceptual review. Full paper presented at Academy of Management, Boston (US). 12. Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). Motives of hotel guests on sustainable measures in hotels. Full paper presented at EUROCHRIE. Lausanne (CH). 13. Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2012). Limited attention to social sustainability in CSR practices in the hospitality industry: Searching for a new theoretical perspective. Full paper presented at CRRC, Bordeaux (F). 14. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., & Tromp, D.M. (2012). Employability: the state of the psychological contract as precursor for employability. Full paper presented at EUROCHRIE. Lausanne (CH). 15. Blomme, R.J., Sok, J., & Tromp, D.M. (2012). The influence of organizational culture on negative workhome interference. Full paper presented at Work and Family Research Network, New York (US). 2011 16. Lub, X.D., Bal, P.M., Blomme, R.J., & Schalk, R. (2011). Generational differences in Psychological Contract: a conceptual review. Full paper presented at Dutch HRM 2011, Groningen (NL). 17. Lub, X.D., Blomme, R.J. & Bal, P.M. (2011). OCB and Psychological Contract in a Hospitality Setting: Serving a New Deal for New Generations? Full paper presented at Academy of Management, Saint Antonio (US). 18. Lub, X.D., Bal, P.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2011). A generational perspective on the psychological contract and commitment. Full paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Maastricht (NL). 19. Blomme, R.J., Van Rheede, A., & Tromp, D.M. (2011). The influence of organizational culture on workhome interference among highly educated employees inside and outside the hospitality industry. Full paper presented at APACHRIE conference, Hongkong (CN). 20. Tromp, D.M., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2011). Negative Work Home Interference and the Role of Leadership Style. Full paper presented at 3rd I-CHLAR conference, Lyon (F). 21. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2011). Low Attention on the Social Dimension of Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: a Theoretical Perspective. Full paper presented at 3rd ICHLAR conference, Lyon (F). 8 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 2010 22. Lub, X.D., Godfried, S.R., Radstake, F., & Blomme, R. (2010). Working in the Dutch travel industry: Differences in work expectations of three generations. Full paper presented at the EUROCHRIE, Amsterdam (NL). 23. Tromp, D.M., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2010). The effort recovery theory applied to the hospitality industry. Full paper presented at the EUROCHRIE, Amsterdam (NL). 24. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2010). Sustainability in the Dutch hospitality industry. Full paper presented at the EUROCHRIE, Amsterdam (NL). 25. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2010). Exploring the adoption of Eco-labels in the Dutch hospitality industry: the impact of government actions and guests expectations. Full paper presented at the EUROCHRIE, Amsterdam (NL). 26. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2010). Sustainability in the Dutch hospitality industry: Review of the current practice in a theoretical framework. Full paper presented at the CRRC, Marseille (F). 27. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2010. Sustainability in the Dutch hospitality industry: a theoretical framework for the current state of affairs. Full paper presented at the Symposium of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung, (TWN). 28. Blomme, R.J., Van Rheede, A. & Tromp, D.M. (2010). The use of the psychological contract to explain work family interference amongst highly educated employees. Full paper presented at the Symposium of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung, (TWN). 2009 29. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2009). Comparing organizational culture inside and outside the hospitality industry. Full paper presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Helsinki (FIN). 30. Tromp, D.M., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2009) Work family conflict experiences as a reason to leave the hospitality industry. Full paper presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Helsinki (FIN). 31. Blomme, R.J., Van Rheede, A. & Tromp, D.M. (2009). Psychological contract violation and its relation to work family conflict experiences. Full paper presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Helsinki (FIN). 32. Lub, X.D., Blomme, R.J., & van Muijen, J.J. (2009). Experiencing different generations in the hospitality workplace: an exploratory study into generational differences in the content of the psychological contract for workers in the hospitality industry. Full paper presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Helsinki (FIN). 33. Lub, X.D, & Blomme, R. (2009). Adapting to a new workplace: Generational differences in Work Needs and Values. I-CHLAR conference. Full paper presented at the 2nd I-CHLAR at the Hotelschool The Hague (NL). 34. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2009). Added value of mixing quantitative and qualitative research approaches in studies of Business and HRM. Full paper presented at the 2nd ICHLAR at the Hotelschool The Hague (NL). 35. Tromp, D.M., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2009). The impact of psychological strain, organizational support and affective commitment in predicting turnover intentions among highly educated hospitality employees. Full paper presented at the 2nd I-CHLAR at the Hotelschool The Hague (NL). 36. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2009). Influence of the financial crisis on sustainable development in the hotel industry, a need to redefine our research agenda? Full paper presented at the APACHRIE conference, Singapore. 37. Tromp, D.M., Van Rheede, A., & Blomme, R.J. (2009) Hotelschool alumni’s perceptions of working in the hospitality industry: The psychological contract and beyond. Full paper presented at the APAC conference, Singapore. 9 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview Before 2009 38. Sok, J., Blomme, R.J., & Van Muijen, J.J. (2008). The glass ceiling; an exploration of conditions for women to break the ceiling. Poster presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Dubai (UAE). 39. Blomme, R.J., Van Rheede, A. & Tromp, D.M. (2008). An exploration of students’ and industry workers’ perceptions towards hospitality as a career field: the use of the psychological contract. Full paper presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Dubai (UAE). 40. Van Rheede, A., Tromp, D.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2008). Career decisions of (highly-educated) employees in the hospitality: perceptions of job– and industry characteristics. Full paper presented at the annual Conference of EuroCHRIE, Dubai (UAE). 41. Blomme, R.J., Tromp, D.M. & Van Rheede, A. (2007). Predictors of turnover intentions of highly educated employees in the hospitality industry. Full paper presented at 1st ICHLAR conference, Lausanne (CH). PUBLIC DEBATE/INTERVIEWS/INVITED KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS/SYMPOSIA 2014 1. Blomme, R.J. (2014). Concernbesturing en structurering. Keynote presentation for HR-managers, at Achmea (19 February). Apeldoorn (NL). 2. Blomme, R.J. (2014). Caucus Humanistic Management. Moderator. Academy of Management, Philadelphia (US). (Forthcoming) 3. Blomme, R.J. (2014). Developing an alternative Paradigm: Global Perspectives on Humanistic Management. Moderator and Presenter. Academy of Management, Philadelphia (US). (Forthcoming) 4. Blomme, R.J. & Van Hoof, B. (2014). Wisdom in Business: Wisdom traditions as a new perspective on management. Moderator and presenter. Academy of Management, Philadelphia (US). (Forthcoming) 2013 5. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Ook in jou schuilt een slechte baas (Interview). Intermediair, September 18th. http://www.intermediair.nl/vakgebieden/management/ook-jou-schuilt-een-slechte-baas 6. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Caucus Humanistic Management. Presenter. Academy of Management, Orlando (US). 7. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Developing an alternative Paradigm: Global Perspectives on Humanistic Management. Presenter. Academy of Management, Philadelphia (US). (Forthcoming) 8. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Hotel de Beer blijft tot 1 december volop in bedrijf (Interview). Weekblad WestVoorne, July 17th. 9. Blomme, R.J. (2013). De mens terug in de organisatie. Masterclass Modular MBA FF (in conjunction with Edgar Karssing and Jack van der Veen). Presenter (June 6th). Nyenrode Business Universiteit. 10. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Leiderschap begint bij zelfkennis. (Interview). BNABLAD, 1, 31. 11. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Developing an alternative Paradigm: Global Perspectives on Humanistic Management. Presenter. Academy of Management, Orlando (US). 12. Blomme, R.J. (2013). Cultuur clash, Amerikanen in Brussel nekt deal UPS? (Interview). De Financiële Telegraaf, January 15th. 2012 13. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Existentieel leiderschap. Keynote presentation for Stichting Wereldbanen, at Robeco (13 December). Rotterdam (NL). 14. Blomme, R.J. (2012). De Kwestie: Speechen voor een gehate collega. (Interview). NRC Next, November 7th. http://www.nrc.nl/carriere/2012/11/07/de-kwestie-speechen-voor-een-gehate-collega/. 15. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Zinvol organiseren met inzichten uit het Existentialisme. Keynote presentation for Wijsheid in Bedrijf, at the Industrieele Groote Club (30 October). Amsterdam (NL). 16. Blomme, R.J. (2012). Leven en werken van Albert Camus als inspiratiebron voor betekenisgeving binnen organisaties. Keynote presentation for Wijsheid in Bedrijf, at the University for Humanistics (6 February). Utrecht (NL). 10 ROBERT J. BLOMME Publications Overview 2011 17. Blomme, R.J. (2011). Inspirerend leiderschap. Keynote presentation for Stichting Wereldbanen, at KNVB (21 September). Zeist (NL). 18. Blomme, R.J. (2011). Een slechte baas, hoe ga je er mee om? Intermediair, March 3. (Interview). http://www.intermediair.nl/artikel/collegas-en-bazen/230991/een-slechte-baas-hoe-ga-je-daarmeeom.html Before 2011 19. Blomme, R.J. (2010). The problem of connecting real estate with people in the hospitality industry. Nyenrode communications. December 14th. http://www.nyenrode.nl/News/insights/Pages/TheProblem-of-Connecting-Real-Estate-with-People-in-the-Hospitality-Industry.aspx 20. Blomme, R.J. (2010). De psychologische grondslagen van vertrouwen. Keynote presentation at Annual Meerkat Conference (October 1). Arnhem (NL). 21. Blomme, R.J. (2010). Leadership as key issue for performance and retention: to an important theme for the research agenda. Keynote presentation at the Symposium of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung (May 14). Taiwan (TWN). 22. Blomme, R.J. (2008). Change management and the conditions for effective change. Keynote presentation at Dutch Chamber of Commerce for Lithuanian Small and Medium Enterprises (16 and 17 April). Riga (LV). 23. Blomme, R. J. & Dooge, W. (2008). Is de Hotellerie nog wel aantrekkelijk ? (Interview). Hospitality Management, 16(6), 52-53. 24. Blomme, R. J. (2007). Cultuurverandering in tijdelijk leiderschap. Keynote presentation for the Eiffel Symposium for Temporary Leadership (27 November). Breukelen (NL). 25. Blomme, R.J. (2007). Het beperken van uitstroom uit de gastvrijheidsindustrie; wegen om talent te behouden. Keynote presentation at the Symposium of Koninklijk Horeca Nederland and Labour Union de Unie (20 November). Utrecht (NL). 26. Blomme, R.J. (2006). Familie-zender heibel bij RTL. (Interview). HP de Tijd, Vol.1. 27. Blomme, R.J. (2004). Het gebruik van de Birkman als leiderschapsinstrument binnen banken en verzekeraars. Keynote presentation at the Annual Welten Symposium of Education. Vessem (NL). 28. Blomme, R.J. (2003). Blended learning als wijze van opleiden binnen banken en verzekeraars. Keynote presentation at the Annual Welten Symposium of Education. Vessem (NL). 11