Chapter ---- Carbohydrates: Sugar, Starches and Fiber

Chapter 1
Nutrition: Food for
Describe the typical American diet and explain how it could be
improved. Is there anything you would like to change about the way
you eat? Why or why not?
Americans are consuming more food and calories than 30 years ago
because portion sizes have increased. About 32% of calories are
from meals away from home. Americans do not eat enough whole
grains, legumes, fruits, dairy foods, and dark green or yellow
vegetables. Salt and sugar intake are higher than recommended.
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Classes of Nutrients: Macronutrients
Energy-yielding nutrients are also called
Energy-yielding nutrients include
Macronutrients are needed in the body in
large amounts each day.
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Lipids and
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Classes of Nutrients: Macronutrients
Macronutrients provide energy to the body.
The amount of energy is measured in
kilocalories or kilojoules, depending on the
country you are in.
1 kilocalorie = 4.18 kilojoules
4.18 kilojoules = 1 kilocalorie
Kilocalorie is abbreviated kcalorie or kcal.
Kilojoule is abbreviated kjoule or kJ.
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Classes of Nutrients: Macronutrients
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A serving of hot
chocolate provides 5
grams of fat, 2 grams of
protein and 28 grams of
carbohydrate. How many
kcalories are in the
serving of hot chocolate?
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Classes of Nutrients: Macronutrients
Carbohydrates are one type of
Carbohydrates include sugars and starches.
Fiber belongs to the category of
carbohydrates but does not provide energy.
Carbohydrates contain 4 kcalories/gram.
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Classes of Macronutrients: Lipids
Lipids are commonly called “fats” or “oils.”
Lipids are a concentrated form of energy.
Triglyceride is a type of fat that is found
abundantly in the body.
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Classes of Macronutrients: Lipids
Foods high in saturated fatty acids may
promote certain diseases.
Foods high in unsaturated fatty acids may
help to prevent certain diseases.
Lipids contain 9 kcalories/gram.
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Categories of Macronutrients: Proteins
Proteins are required for growth,
maintenance and repair of the body.
Proteins can also supply energy.
Meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, legumes
and grains can provide protein.
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Categories of Macronutrients: Proteins
Proteins are made up of different
combinations of amino acids.
Proteins provide 4 kcalories/gram.
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Describe the three general functions of
Provide energy: Carbohydrate, protein and
lipids undergo biochemical reactions that
provide energy for synthesis, basic body
functions and physical activity.
Forming structures: bones, muscles, cells are
formed from protein, fats, minerals.
Regulating Body Processes: metabolism helps
to maintain a stable environment in the body.
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Classes of Nutrients: Micronutrients
Micronutrients provide no energy for the
body but are necessary for proper
functioning of the body.
Micronutrients include vitamins and
Micronutrients are very important for good
health but are required in small amounts.
Micronutrients can be found in most fresh
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Classes of Nutrients: Water
Water is a macronutrient, meaning that it is
required in large amounts.
Water does not provide kcalories.
Water makes up approximately 60% of the
healthy human body.
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Nutrients are classified as
macronutrients and micronutrients.
Which of the following is NOT
considered a macronutrient?
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Functions of Nutrients:
Providing Energy
Working together, macronutrients and
micronutrients help the body to stay healthy.
Biochemical reactions in the body help to
release the energy contained in carbohydrates,
fats and proteins.
Energy is used to maintain body functions and
fuel physical work.
If more energy is consumed than is needed,
over time body weight will increase.
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Regulating Body Processes
All the reactions that occur in the body are
called metabolism.
The proper regulation of metabolism is called
Each nutrient plays a role in helping to
maintain homeostasis.
Water helps to regulate temperature.
Protein, vitamins and minerals help to speed
up or slow down metabolic reactions.
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Nutrient Intake and Health
Malnutrition can be eating too little or too
much of one or more nutrients.
Undernutrition is malnutrition caused by
eating insufficient amounts of energyproviding foods.
Overnutrition is malnutrition caused by
eating an excess of energy-providing foods.
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Vitamin A toxicity as a result of excessive
intake of vitamin supplements
Osteoporosis as a result of inadequate
intake of calcium and Vitamin D over an
extended period of time
Overweight status as a result of regular
ingestion of large portions of meat, grains,
dairy foods.
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Nutrient Density
Nutrient density is a measure of the nutrient
a food provides compared to its energy
A nutrient-dense diet is a healthy diet.
Broccoli is more nutrient-dense than French
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Consuming nutrient dense foods helps to
ensure a proper diet. One effective
strategy is
eating foods that have been minimally
eating foods with a high nutrient
content compared to the kcalories
limiting added fats and sugars since
they reduce nutrient density
all of these are effective strategies
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Understanding Science
Nutrition is a science.
Developing an understanding of the
processes in nutritional science will help us
to understand the relationship between
nutrition and health.
Understanding nutritional processes will help
us to make wise nutrition decisions.
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The Scientific Method
Advances in nutrition are made using the
scientific method.
The scientific method uses an unbiased
approach to examine the interaction of food,
nutrients and health.
The steps in the scientific method are:
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What Makes a Good Experiment?
A well-conducted experiment requires:
Quantifiable Data
- Can we measure the information in a scientific
Appropriate Experimental Population
- Is the population large enough and pertinent to
the study?
Proper Controls
- Can we ensure that the population ate or drank
what we said they did?
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The best reason for using a placebo as part of
experimental design is:
It will not be possible for researchers
to know who is receiving an
intervention and who is not
The only way to know if the
treatment works is to compare it to a
All subjects are receiving some sort
of treatment, which will minimize
It makes it possible to include a larger
number of subjects in the experiment
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The correct sequence of events in the scientific
method is:
a) conduct the experiment, develop a hypothesis,
form a theory, and make an observation
b) develop a hypothesis, conduct the experiment,
make an observation, and form a theory
c) form a theory, conduct the experiment, develop
a hypothesis, and make an observation
d) make an observation, develop a hypothesis,
conduct the experiment, and form a theory
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What Makes a Good Experiment?
Control groups act as a standard of comparison.
Placebos are identical in appearance to the actual
treatment but of no therapeutic value.
Single-blind study: subjects do not know which
treatment they are receiving
Double-blind study: neither the subjects nor the
investigators know which treatment is being
The peer review system allows for scientific
interpretation of experimental results.
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Types of Nutrition Research Studies
Observational studies can include
epidemiology, the study of diet, health and
disease patterns, and correlation.
Human intervention studies are also known
as clinical trials.
Laboratory studies are conducted in
research facilities such as hospitals or
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Identifying Reliable Nutrition
Does the information make sense?
For example, can you really lose forty pounds in
one week?
Where did the information come from?
Information from personal testimony or from one
health care professional is probably not reliable.
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Identifying Reliable Nutrition
Is the information based on well-designed,
accurately-interpreted research studies?
Who will benefit when you purchase this
Has this product stood the test of time?
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