Brand is identity

The role of brand identity in developing
your institution’s image and reputation
18 November 2013
Brands and category ladders
Should a University have a brand identity?
If yes, what makes you different?
The purpose of all organisations?
to create and add value
Value = benefits - costs
functional + service + emotional + social + environ
benefits benefits
benefits benefits
monetary + time + energy + psychic + social + environ
costs costs
What is the cause-effect relationship?
financial viability
Brand is identity
Central to a brand is selecting identity elements and
excluding others: I am this and I am not that.
Some definitions…
A brand is a particular sense of meaning & direction.
- Jean-Noel Kapferer
Brands represent the value promise about the total
resulting experience that customers can expect.
- Philip Kotler
Many elements to a brand
Contact Points
University Reputation
Name ®
Logo/Icon Colour
Brand Vision
Brand Values
Brand Personality
Brand Positioning
Brand parity vs. differences
Brand Portfolio architecture
Delivery Processes & Systems
Staff Commitment & Passion
Brand Management
Brand Leadership
Three good questions to ask
1. Who are you?
2. What do you do?
3. Why does it matter?
- Marty Neumeier (2003)
- The Brand Gap
Brand leadership, brand management: where
does it fit in a University?
- where do you find it on the organogram?
- under the marketing department?
Two energies of human organisations
- high frequency
- low frequency
Internal brand building
- leaking bucket theory
- brand built inside out and outside in
- brand and organisation culture
The value of a brand comes from its ability to gain an
exclusive, positive and prominent meaning in the minds of
a large number of consumers.
- Jean-Noel Kapferer
The concept of brand contact management
The brand is a focal point for all the positive and negative
impressions created by the buyer over time as he comes
into contact with the brand’s products, services,
distribution channels and communications.
- Jean-Noel Kapferer
The role of brand building versus marketing?
what do we market?
the many tools of marketing
building networks of association
Where do we go from here?
assign brand roles
document your brand identity
assess the strength of the brand internally
assess the strength of the brand externally
develop projects to fix the holes and / or take advantage
of the opportunities
Cool reads
• Kotler and Keller. (2009) Marketing Management 12th
• Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan. (2010) Marketing 3.0
• Neumeier. (2003) The Brand Gap
Cool reads cont.
• Temporal, P. (2010). Advanced Brand Management.
• Burger (2009) Glimmer - How design can transform your
business, your life and maybe even your world
Cool reads cont.
• Holt, D. (2004). How Brands Become Icons: The
principles of Cultural Branding. Harvard Press
• Werbach, A. - Strategy for Sustainability
• Ind, N. (ed). Beyond branding: how the new values of
transparency and integrity are changing the world of
brands. Kogan Page
Thank You