The role of brand identity in developing your institution’s image and reputation 18 November 2013 Brands and category ladders Should a University have a brand identity? If yes, what makes you different? The purpose of all organisations? to create and add value Value = benefits - costs functional + service + emotional + social + environ benefits benefits benefits benefits benefits minus monetary + time + energy + psychic + social + environ cost cost cost cost costs costs What is the cause-effect relationship? brand sustainable academics financial viability Brand is identity Central to a brand is selecting identity elements and excluding others: I am this and I am not that. Some definitions… A brand is a particular sense of meaning & direction. - Jean-Noel Kapferer Brands represent the value promise about the total resulting experience that customers can expect. - Philip Kotler Many elements to a brand Contact Points POINTS University Reputation } Name ® Typeface Logo/Icon Colour Design Brand Vision Brand Values Brand Personality Brand Positioning Brand parity vs. differences Brand Portfolio architecture Delivery Processes & Systems Staff Commitment & Passion Brand Management Brand Leadership Three good questions to ask 1. Who are you? 2. What do you do? 3. Why does it matter? - Marty Neumeier (2003) - The Brand Gap Brand leadership, brand management: where does it fit in a University? - where do you find it on the organogram? - under the marketing department? Two energies of human organisations - high frequency - low frequency Internal brand building - leaking bucket theory - brand built inside out and outside in - brand and organisation culture The value of a brand comes from its ability to gain an exclusive, positive and prominent meaning in the minds of a large number of consumers. - Jean-Noel Kapferer The concept of brand contact management The brand is a focal point for all the positive and negative impressions created by the buyer over time as he comes into contact with the brand’s products, services, distribution channels and communications. - Jean-Noel Kapferer The role of brand building versus marketing? what do we market? the many tools of marketing building networks of association Where do we go from here? • • • • • assign brand roles document your brand identity assess the strength of the brand internally assess the strength of the brand externally develop projects to fix the holes and / or take advantage of the opportunities Cool reads • Kotler and Keller. (2009) Marketing Management 12th edition • Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan. (2010) Marketing 3.0 • Neumeier. (2003) The Brand Gap Cool reads cont. • Temporal, P. (2010). Advanced Brand Management. Wiley • Burger (2009) Glimmer - How design can transform your business, your life and maybe even your world • Cool reads cont. • Holt, D. (2004). How Brands Become Icons: The principles of Cultural Branding. Harvard Press • Werbach, A. - Strategy for Sustainability • Ind, N. (ed). Beyond branding: how the new values of transparency and integrity are changing the world of brands. Kogan Page Questions And Thank You