- iapt.nhs.uk


Relational Recovery:

A Treatment Approach for Personality Disorders across Primary and Secondary Care

Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

An IAPT Demonstration Site for Personality Disorder.

What are we doing and for whom?

Creating a locally-designed approach to PD across the whole care pathway.

Building psychological mindedness in generic community and inpatient teams, , backed by ‘Guided Formulation’, supported by embedded specialist workers –

Personality Disorder Locality Leads.

In primary care we use generic therapy and counselling models enhanced by our inhouse ‘Guided Formulation’.

In secondary care we use CAT, CBT, Art Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy and

Group Analysis.

Whole-systems approach (from primary care through to inpatient wards): eg, adapted DBT Based Emotional Skills Groups, and our Guided


Coordinated point of access to psychological therapies in primary care and secondary / tertiary mental health services: no more bouncing between services.

Senior Clinical Review Panel to help teams look at the treatment for people whose treatment has become ‘stuck’ for any reason – many of these are people with PD.

New full-time Service User Involvement Lead

Our key deliverables:

Building provision for people with PD, across the spectrum of severity, using senior clinical leadership to work across the ‘whole system’ by harnessing local expertise

Developing from scratch the role of service users with PD in service development and delivery and publications

Demonstrating the performance of Primary Care Talking Therapies for people with PD; including evaluation using MDS, SAPAS, PEQ and

Family & Friends Test.

Enhanced performance management using our ‘MORES’ approach and using QIPP principles

Development of e-learning for GPs and GP receptionists

Early Challenges:

Developing and collecting data sets across different areas with different systems

Developing effective and user friendly methods of collecting the data

Website development

Ensuring sustainability – eg, staff turnover – keeping up with the need for training

Early Findings

Primary Care:

•87.8% of people receiving Step 3 Psychological Therapies other than

CBT scored a SAPAS 3+ indicating a relatively high level of PD in this area of primary care

•Moderate scores for depression and anxiety

•Sub threshold for phobias

•Significantly low mental wellbeing

•Significant functional impairment

•Poorer health status

PD Service:

•Job Satisfaction: Baseline at 77% satisfaction

•Family & Friends Test: Staff reported being Extremely Likely (58%) and Likely

(42%) to recommend service to family and friends

•Clinical Supervision: Staff receive an average 2.25 hours per week

•Sickness/Absence: Average 0.34% in last 6 months (National average is 2.6%)

Guided Formulation

160 service users have had a Guided Formulation, providing a psychologically mindedness approach to treatment and treatment planning.

Emerging PD Service:

Early findings using the MORE (Measuring Output Reporting Evidence) evaluation show a trend towards reduction in psychiatric admissions and other health utilisation, improved quality of life and reduced cost.

Reponses to input around PD:

Almost universally positive response from teams and individual staff to training, supervision and guidance around PD in primary and secondary care, across all staff groups and levels of experience and training.

We are holding an open day event on:

Thursday 25 April 2013

For further information and to book a place contact

Chris Gordon


