RAO RaoMOHAR MoharSINGH SinghCOLLEGE CollegeOF of EDUCATION Education LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION An Introduction Presented byIVE Rajni Kotnala Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION IVE Today’s Youth Tomorrow's Wealth Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION What is ‘Life Skills’? WHO (1997) –“the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life” UNICEF (2001) “life-skills based education is -behavior change or behavior development approach -designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude, and skills. IVE Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Why Life-Skills Education? Early identification of problems, early intervention and support at key moments in lives of young people is vital Development needs & aspirations of the individuals Development of psychosocial abilities IVE To enhance capabilities and enlarge choices To build different dimensions of well-being, by building self-image & self-worth, which in turn help individuals to be less vulnerable to Adolescent Friendly School the variations within a Initiative given context RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Education To Fight Poverty And Vulnerability MONETARY POVERTY IVE POVERTY IN POTENTIALITY POVERTY IN LIVING CONDITIONS “Vulnerability” is the probability of having one’s situation worsen when facing a dramatic event. Friendly School Initiative Adolescent RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION World Education Forum, 2000 Dakar Framework For Action IVE “the human right to benefit from an education that will meet their(youth’s) basic learning needs in the best and fullest sense of the term, an education that includes learning to know, to do, to live together and to be” Life Skills Approach strengthens the ability of an individual to evolve, developing self-confidence and power to act, without being restricted to a single hands on skill Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION What are the “Life Skills” ? • • • • • IVE • • • • Problem-Solving Decision Making Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Communication Skills Self-Awareness Stress Management Empathy Interpersonal Relationship Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION IVE The Four Pillars of Education Learning to Know: Developing Reasoning It relates to cognitive life skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills. It thus refers to both the acquisition of knowledge as well as the use of knowledge. Learning to Be: Enhancing Agency It relates to self-management life skills related to self awareness, self esteem & self confidence, and coping skills Learning to Live Together: Building Potential Through Social Capital It relates to communication skills, Negotiation skills, Refusal skills, Assertiveness skills, Interpersonal skills, Co-operation skills & Empathy skills Learning to Do: Functioning and Capabilities It refers to central human functional capabilities of “Life”, “Bodily Health”, “Bodily Integrity” and “Control over one’s Environment” Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Significance of learning Life Skills To be able to explore alternatives Weigh pros and cons Make rational decisions Communicate effectively To say “No” Be assertive IVE • • • • • • Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION How ‘Life Skills’ lead to primary prevention of health problems? Knowledge Attitudes Values Life Behavior reinforcement or change Positive IVE Skills Health Behavior Prevention of Health Problems Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILL Allows to solve an issue, problem or conflict without anger, intimidation, insubordination, aggressive force or behavior Devising a plan in order to solve a problem Examining a related problem IVE Adjustment to a situation PROBLEMS if left unresolved MENTAL & Adolescent Friendly School Initiative PHYSICAL STRESS RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION What is Decision Making ? • Abilities to assess available options • Relating current situation to past similar situation • To foresee the consequences of different decisions (actions/non-actions) IVE • No decision is also a decision Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Responsible Decision Making IVE Making decision after examining the choices & consequences in view of one’s values and goals is Responsible Decision Making Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Steps for Responsible Decision Making • Identify/Define the problem • Consider the consequences or outcomes • Consider family and personal values • Choose one alternative IVE • Implement the decision Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Critical Thinking • Ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner • Helps adolescents to recognize and to assess the factors influencing attitude & behavior values, pressures (peer,family) • Key to form right attitudes towards life IVE • Assists in developing responsible behavior. Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Creative Thinking • Enables to explore available alternatives and consequences of actions or non-actions • Openness to experience IVE • Helps adolescents to respond adaptively and with flexibility to the daily life situations Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SELF-AWARENESS • Body movement and gestures • Taking responsibility for own behavior • Being able to stand up for one’s own values and needs IVE • Awareness of mental process • Knowing one’s thought, feelings and actions Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Coping with emotions & stress • Recognizing effects of emotions on others and ourselves • Being aware of how emotions influence behaviors IVE • Able to respond to emotions appropriately Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION How to Cope with Stress • Recognize sources of stress in our life • Recognizing how these affect us • Identifying ways that help to control our levels of stress IVE • Learning how to relax to minimize tensions Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Empathy • Ability to understand and accept others • To put oneself in other person’s shoes • Being nurturing and tolerant IVE • Encourages a positive behavior towards people in need or difficulty Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Interpersonal Skills • To be able to develop & nurture supportive networks • To be able to end relationships constructively IVE • Helps adolescents to relate with people in positive ways Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Effective Communication • To express ourselves verbally & non-verbally • To express opinions, desires, needs & fears also IVE • To ask for advice and help Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Take Pleasure & Pride in saying NO when one wants to say “no” IVE • Ways to say NO – Polite refusal – Give reason – Repeat refusal – Walk away – Ignore the person – Avoid the situation – Find others’ support – Talk about your own feelings Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Life Skills Education Dynamic teaching & Dynamic learning Working in small groups & pairs Brainstorming Role-plays Experiential learning Games & debates Home assignments, to further discuss and practice skills with family & friends. IVE • • • • • • • Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Thus, the ‘Life skills’ …. • are applied IVE – in various aspects of life – in human relationships, learning about rights & responsibilities – in health issues: •Mental Health-Stresses •HIV-AIDS /STD Prevention •Drug abuse, •Sexual violence •Teenage pregnancy •Suicide Prevention Adolescent Friendly School Initiative RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Therefore, the Adolescents should kn about ‘Life skills’ because IVE • Empowers them to take positive actions to protect themselves and to promote health and positive social relationships. • Utility in Other areas – Environment Education – Consumer Education – Peace Education – Social cultural Issues Adolescent Friendly School Initiative IVE RAO MOHAR SINGH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Adolescent Friendly School Initiative