Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Innovative Structures to Improve Lifelong Learning – A Social Innovation Process The example HESSENCAMPUS Challenge Social Innovation Vienna 20th of September 2011 Antonius Schröder 20th of September 2011 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Content 1. Lifelong Learning: A “Grand” Challenge for Education and Training 2. Paradigm Shift to a Strict Learners Perspective 3. HESSENCAMPUS: A Social Innovation Process 4. Conclusion and Challenges 2 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Content 1. Lifelong Learning: A “Grand” Challenge for Education and Training 2. Paradigm Shift to a Strict Learners Perspective 3. HESSENCAMPUS: A Social Innovation Process 4. Conclusion and Challenges 3 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Lifelong Learning: A European Strategy Lifelong Learning … as a middle and long-termed competitive factor (Lisbon Strategy) indicates a comprehensive alignment of learning opportunities and support structures has to be an overarching structural principal of the education system in a whole is a growing demand at every single person has to be realised on the regional level. 4 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Participation of Adults in Education and Training (2008) 5 Source: Eurostat Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Participation of Employees in Continuous Education and Training (2005) 6 Source: Eurostat Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Content 1. Lifelong Learning: A “Grand” Challenge for Education and Training 2. Paradigm Shift to a Strict Learners Perspective 3. HESSENCAMPUS: A Social Innovation Process 4. Conclusion and Challenges 7 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Paradigm Shift from an institutional to a strict learner’s and learner and learning process perspective new overall and comprehensive structural principles of the education system organised as an overarching regional-local social innovation process improving, changing, and creating new social practices concerning social roles, relations, norms and regulations, going beyond existing borders and pure networking following the aim of a strict user focus instead of the traditional institutional focus. 8 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung What Means Learner Perspective? the individual personality of a learner and the learning process starting and reference point for every learning offer, usable when and where needed, fulfilling specific learner needs, taking into account and accepting formal, non-formal and informal competences, supporting educational and professional transmissions oriented at four guiding dimensions of LLL for adults 9 a comprehensive understanding of learning the learners environment the learners biography the adult learner personality Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung LLL as a Holistic Social Innovation Process LLL has to be seen as a social innovation process going beyond a systemic perspective and traditional innovation concepts (following Howaldt 2010), characterized by 11 coordination and mediation between various different groups of stakeholders, interdisciplinarity, heterogeneity, recursivity and reflectivity of the processes of implementation emphasis on historical, cultural and organisational preconditions, increased involvement of users/citizens in processes of “co-development”, systemic perspective on innovation optimising research, development, production and marketing simultaneously in an interactive process, a kind of “hybridization” at the boundary between society (practitioners/users) and science (experts/developers). Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Content 1. Lifelong Learning: A “Grand” Challenge for Education and Training 2. Paradigm Shift to a Strict Learners Perspective 3. HESSENCAMPUS: A Social Innovation Process 4. (Success Factors and) Challenges 12 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung HESSENCAMPUS: Regional-local Coordination of Lifelong Learning HESSENCAMPUS: initiated by the Ministry of Culture in the German federal state of Hessen in 2006 in order to further develop adult education through a binding cooperation of mainly public educational institutions in a new and innovative regional-local partnership and structure („HESSENCAMPUS“ ) and under different local framework conditions . HESSENCAMPUS is based on public responsibility for education of the Land Hessen and its local authorities regional demands, potentials and actors HESSENCAMPUS follows the basic principle of a „development in partnership“ cooperating “at eye level” and not by top-down orders based on an agreement signed by all players involved providing a common ground and a cautious formulated framework of development aims and procedures. 13 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung 4 I Process of Social Innovations (Hochgerner) Idea: quantitative and qualitative improvement of Lifelong Learning for adult people LLL has to be improved on the regional-local level in partnership Intervention: funding, scientific support, core coordination structures, normative settings (4 dimensions of LLL, 3 integration levels), common framework Implementation: public responsibility, open innovation process, development in partnership, new structures Impact: learners: improvement of quantitative and qualitative participation, flexible learning opportunities along the learning pathways (including all types of learning) regions: education and human resources as a regional-local key competitive factor institutions involved: professionalization, efficiency and effectiveness 14 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Implementation: Process Oriented Innovation (Open Social Innovation) The implementation process of HESSENCAMPUS is characterised by a quick start with experiments and trials within a „corridor of possible developments“ new possibilities to get hold of and mobilise potential learners an increased potential for education to become a “location factor” for integrated regional-local development facilitating integrational developments by connecting institutions which used to be strictly separated, by creating synergies in spending resources, and by addressing the employees’ professional competences, creativity, and willingness to cooperate 15 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung HESSENCAMPUS Profile specific regional profile Pedagogical Integration Dimensions of LLL: learner personality competencies for life management social environment proximity learning biography Organisational Integration 16 Regional Integration Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung HESSENCAMPUS: Regional-Local Corporate Coordination and Development Regional Responsibility for Education Ministry of Education and Culture Level of the Land Hessen Local Responsibility for Education Head of district authority, mayor adult education and schools vocational schools Integrated Education Offers: pedagogical, organisational, regional integration 17 Local Level Institutional Level Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Impact: More than 200 Actors 21 of 23 local authorities are within HESSENCAMPUS with about 200 local actors: 79 schools (mostly adult and vocational schools 51 training institutions 25 employers associations and employment agencies 13 regional or local administration departments and others 18 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Impact: Different Operational Fields and Products (I) HC Darmstadt-Dieburg Bildungsberatung Bildungsprämie SLZ ProfilPASS Kompetenzerfassung HC Dreieich Selbstlernen Prüfungszentrum SLZ Bildungsberatung IPS (Innovative Produktionsschule) 19 HC Frankfurt Assessment Berufsorientierung Qualifizierung Seiteneinstieg Erzieher Qualifizierung Erzieher-Musik Bildungsberatung SLZ Deutsch für Schule und Ausbildung HC Fulda Bildungsberatung Mehrgenerationenarbeit Schuldenprävention Schüler AusbildungPlus benachteiligter Jugendlicher Blended Learning HC Groß-Gerau Bestandsaufnahme Bildungsberatung Bestandsaufnahme Angebote Bildungsberatung online Wegweiser Bildungsberatung SOL HC Hersfeld-Rotenburg Bildungsberatung Bildungsmonitoring Bildungsprodukte Kurse Blended Learning Lernmodule BS Energie Querschnittsthema Europa Weiterbildung HC intern Sprache und Medien für Migranten HC Hochtaunuskreis Bildungsberatung Bildungsatlas Jugend-Schlüsselkonzept Zentrum neue Lernkulturen HC Kassel PE (Personalentwicklung) Bildungsberatung Klimaanpassungsakademie HC Limburg-Weilburg Bildungsberatung Bildungsmesse Handelsfachwirt HC Main-Kinzig Metalltechnische Ausbildung Pädagogischer Tag Stützkurse Studientag Lerncoach-Ausbildung Aktionstage Bewegung SLZ Bildungsberatung HC Main-Taunus-Kreis Basisqualifizierung E-Trainer Aufbauqualifizierung E-Trainer SLZ Bildungsberatung ProfilPass-Workshop community moodle HC Mittelhessen Fachdidaktik Bildungsberatung HC Hanau Bildungsberatung Mittlerer Abschluss SOL neue Lernarrangements Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Impact: Different Operational Fields and Products (II) 20 HC Odenwaldkreis SOL Berufsfindung - Ehrenamt mit Power zum schulischen Erfolg Neue medien intergenerationell Active Board Schulung Bildungsgipfel HCO-Gesamtkonzept Bildungsberatung Regionalforen (Schulen, Freie Träger, Industrie, Handel, Gewerbe) Gesundheitstag Lehrer Gesundheitstag Schüler Wiedereinstieg Ü50 Pädagogischer Tag Neue Medien EDV Schulung (Moodle, Sharepoint, Office 2010) bilinguales Bildungsangebot von der KITA bis zum Abitur HC Offenbach Hasa-Kurs Blended Learning Consulting Assistant Bildungsmarketing selbstgesteuertes Lernen Bidlungsberatung Kompetenzfeststellung Bewerbungstraining Sprachstandserhebung Deutschkurs HC Rheingau+Taunus Bildungsberatung SOL IdA Vielfalt Fortbildung Lernprojekt Energiewelt HC Schwalm-Eder-Kreis Regionaler Weiterbildungsbericht Bildungsberatung selbstgesteuertes Lernen Social Casting Schüler berufsbegleitende Ausbildung Erzieher Social Casting Erwachsene HC Vogelsbergkreis Bildungsberatung Hamet Schulabschlüsse SLZ HC Waldeck-Frankenberg Deutsch für Azubis Bidlungsberatung Lounge Veranstaltungsreihe Ausbildungsabbrüche SGL (selbstgesteuertes Lernen) Website HC Werra-Meißner Weiterbildung Bedarfsermittlung Bildungsberatung und Kompetenzermittlung Lehrkräfte Datenbank HC Wiesbaden Bildungsberatung Übergang allg. + berufl. Bildung selbstgesteuertes Lernen Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Content 1. Lifelong Learning: A “Grand” Challenge for Education and Training 2. Paradigm Shift to a Strict Learners Perspective 3. HESSENCAMPUS: A Social Innovation Process 4. Conclusion and Challenges 21 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung HESSENCAMPUS as a Comprehensive Approach HESSENCAMPUS as a „holistic interpretation of innovation“ impacts (Hochgerner 2011): all types of innovation: products, processes, marketing, organisation, roles, relations, norms, values all functional systems: economy, culture, politics, law all intervention levels: micro level: behaviour of learners meso level: structural and institutional changes macro level: legislative framework, Lifelong Learning System integrative and binding cooperation going beyond networking: more than complementary, subsidiary or supporting cooperation setting of a new cultural framework: common orientations, objectives and their practical implementation 22 Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Social Innovation Process for Regional Lifelong Learning HESSENCAMPUS within a process of collective creation (Crozier/Friedberg 1993) this social innovation process finds its challenges and success within 23 is a system changing approach and a social innovation process in correspondence to the regional-local development and overarching cross-regional support and legislation structures binding structures going beyond pure networking (accepted from all the involved actors), (beyond law, not yet reflected by law) with increased demands for the organisational model and the management of this improved networking (Howaldt 2010): heterogeneous structures, depending on the demands and framework of the local areas, different, heterogeneous innovation processes at the local level but a common framework and overarching support structure and some common product developments Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Social Innovation Research Topics 25 # Item The four most important social innovation research topics 1 Sentence Implementation of new regional-local coordination and learning structures to improve quantitative and qualitative participation at Lifelong Learning on the regional-local level Comment One of the most successful and far-reaching themes of the EU “Lifelong Learning” (LLL) has to be combined with (action) research on the parameters of a successful social innovation process for a (better) implementation of LLL at the regional-local level, to the profit of the people and the regional development. How can sustainability of the innovations be ensured right from the beginning of the innovation process? What different kinds of social innovation processes can be identified? What kinds of selection processes are occur and become relevant during the social innovation process? How do power structures influence the results and the process of social innovation (balance of different interests and power)? Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung Thanks for your attention! Antonius Schröder 20th of September 2011