PowerPoint  Lecture Notes Presentation Chapter 2

PowerPoint  Lecture Notes Presentation
Chapter 7
Stress and Health
Abnormal Psychology, Eleventh Edition
Ann M. Kring, Gerald C. Davison, John M. Neale,
& Sheri L. Johnson
Psychological Factors Affecting
Medical Conditions
DSM-IV-TR Criteria
» A medical illness is present.
» Psychological factors have influenced the
course of the condition, interfered with
treatment, increased health risks, or
exacerbated symptoms.
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Stress and Health
Behavioral medicine
» Interdisciplinary approach involving medicine
and behavioral science
» Goals
– To understand, prevent, and treat illnesses
influenced by psychological factors
Health psychology
» Branch of psychology concerned with role of
psychological factors in health and illness
– Includes:
Stress and stress management
Prevention of disease
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What is stress? Selye’s General Adaptation
Stress as a response
 Problem with
» Based on
physiological and
» Similar responses can
occur to non-stressful
– e.g., pleasurable
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What is Stress?
Stress as a stimulus
Stressors include:
» Boredom, catastrophic life events, daily hassles,
and sleep deprivation
Problem with stimulus-focused
» Based on nature of stimuli rather than
» Differences as to what constitutes a
– Major vs. daily hassles
– Acute vs. chronic events
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Definition of Stress
Subjective experience of distress in
response to perceived environmental
problems (Lazarus, 1966)
» Whether event is stressful depends upon
an individual’s perception or appraisal
– Emphasis on how we perceive or appraise the
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Coping and Health
» Attempts to deal with problems and negative
emotions elicited by stressors
Two dimensions
» Problem-focused coping
– Taking action to solve problem
» Emotion-focused coping
– Making efforts to reduce negative emotional reaction
Avoidance coping
» Avoid acknowledging problem
» Neglecting to do anything to solve it
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Coping and Health
Effective coping varies by situation
» Distraction may be adaptive in some
situations (chronic pain) and maladaptive in
others (financial problems)
Positive emotions
» Smiling, laughing, seeing the humor in
things, finding ‘the silver lining’
» Can buffer or blunt the effect of stress
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Assessment of Daily Experiences
Measures the relationship between stress
& health
Less reliance on retrospective reports than
other measures
» Responses collected at the end of each day
» Increases in undesirable events and decreases
in desirable events precede onset of
respiratory illness (Stone et al., 1987)
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Figure 7.2 Mean Number of Desirable
Events Preceding Illness
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Figure 7.3 Mean Number of Undesirable
Events Preceding Illness
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Coping Orientations to Problems
Experience (COPE) Scale
Measures the types of coping used to
handle recent stressors
 Coping methods of women with breast
cancer (Carver et al., 1993)
» Humor linked to less distress
» Avoidant coping linked to more distress
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Table 7.1 Scales
and Sample Items
from the COPE
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Social Support and Health
Types of social support
» Structural
– Networks of social relationships
Number of friends, marital status, etc
» Functional
– Quality of social relationships
Friends, family supportive and there when needed
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Figure 7.4 Stress and Social Support
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Theories of Stress-Illness Link
Most involve psychological and biological factors
» Diathesis-stress models
– Individual vulnerability to stress
Much research limited by self-report data
Stress-illness link mediated by:
» Changes in health related behaviors
– e.g., smoking, substance abuse, lack of exercise
» Changes in physiology
– e.g., cardiovascular reactivity, reduced immune system
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Biologically Based Theories
Allostatic Load
» Damage caused by prolonged exposure to
stress hormones (e.g., cortisol)
– Impaired immune system functioning
– Increased susceptibility to disease
Higher allostatic load effects predicted greater risk for
cardiovascular disease 2 years later (Seeman et al.,
Stress and the immune system
» Psychoneuroimmunology
– Study of how psychological factors impact immune
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Figure 7.5 Immune System Components
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Stress and the Immune System
Natural immunity
» Consists of macrophages and natural killer
cells which stimulates release of cytokines
– Cytokines
Key elements in the immune system
Trigger fatigue, fever and HPA axis activation to fight
Excessively high levels linked to diseases in older
Specific immunity
» Lymphocytes
– Respond more slowly
– T-helper and B cells.
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Stress and the Immune System
Prenatal stress can impact offspring behavior
and immune system functioning (Coe & Lubach,
» Rhesus monkey infants, whose mothers were
exposed to loud and unpredictable noise during
pregnancy, showed emotion regulation difficulties.
– Also exhibited immune system disturbances
Stress can trigger the release of cytokines such
as interleukin-1 and interleukin-6, as if the body
were fighting off an infection (Maier & Watkins,
» Inflammation and higher levels of IL-6 linked to
coronary heart disease, arthritis, multiple myeloma,
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, osteoporosis, and type
2 diabetes
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Psychological Theories
» Anger-in theory (Alexander, 1950)
– Unexpressed hostility → negative emotions which impact health
» Appraisal of stressor is key
– Appraising life events and experiences as exceeding one’s resources may
be at risk for adverse health effects
» Link between chronic negative emotion and cardiovascular
» Negative emotions also linked to reduced immune system
– Slowed antibody production following a flu vaccine (Rosenkranz
et al., 2003)
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Cardiovascular Disorders
Diseases involving heart and blood
circulation system
 Two cardiovascular disorders affected
by stress:
» Essential hypertension
» Coronary heart disease
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Essential Hypertension
High blood pressure
» Increases risk for:
– Heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis (clogged arteries)
Essential hypertension
» No evident biological cause
» 90% of all hypertension is essential
Hypertension are found in about 20 percent of
the US adult population
» 2x as frequent in African-Americans as in whites
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Essential Hypertension
Systolic pressure
» Arterial pressure
when the ventricles
contract and the
heart is pumping
Diastolic pressure
» Arterial pressure
when the ventricles
relax and the heart is
Normal levels
» 120 systolic
» 80 diastolic
High levels
» 140 or higher systolic
» 90 or higher diastolic
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Etiology: Role of Psychological
Real-world events (e.g., stressful interviews, natural
disasters, job stress) can increase BP
Stressful lab tasks trigger BP increases
» Negative mood induction, cold pressor test, giving a speech,
mental arithmetic, etc.
Unethical to test whether short term lab induced BP
increases lead to prolonged hypertension
Ambulatory BP monitoring studies:
» Both positive and negative emotions linked to increases in
» Paramedics high in anger and defensiveness had higher BP
during stressful calls.
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Etiology: Role of Anger
Inappropriate and excessive levels
Angering easily most problematic, especially for men
In women, anger suppression, problematic
Type A behavior (Friedman and Rosenman)
» Three components
1. Achievement striving/competitiveness
2. Urgency/impatience
3. Hostility
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Etiology: Role of Anger
CARDIA study
» Urgency/impatience increased risk of
developing hypertension
– Especially for men
» Hostility increased risk for both genders
» Achievement striving/competitiveness
– Predictor only for white men
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Biological Risk Factors for Essential
Cardiovascular reactivity
» Extent to which BP and HR increase in
response to stress
» Predicts later development of high blood
pressure and increased risk of hypertension
» Influenced by heredity
– Genes linked to the neurotransmitter serotonin
Especially one or two long alleles in the promoter
region of the serotonin transporter gene
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Coronary Heart Disease
Two forms
» Angina pectoris
– Intermittent chest pain caused by insufficient
oxygen to heart (ischemia)
– Silent ischemia
Insufficient oxygen without pain
– Triggered by physical exertion or stress
» Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
– Also caused by insufficient oxygen to heart
Total blockage of coronary artery
– Often results in permanent heart damage
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Table 7.2 Risk Factors for Coronary
Heart Disease (CHD)
 Cigarette smoking
 Diabetes
 Elevated BP or serum cholesterol
 Alcohol
 Obesity
 Lack of exercise
 Sex (men more likely to have CHD)
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Etiology: Stress and Mycardial
» Physical exertion and episodes of anger
» Acute stress such as physical attack
» Marital conflict
» Financial worries
» Job strain
– Excessive work load, lack of control over decision
making, no opportunity to fully use one’s skills
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Etiology: Other Psychological Risk
Type A behavior
» Predicted CHD in some studies but not all
» Best type A predictors:
– Anger, hostility, cynicism
Anger and hostility also related to other variables
linked to CHD:
Greater blood pressure reactivity to stress
Higher levels of cholesterol
Abnormal calcium deposits
Cigarette smoking and alcohol use
Metabolic syndrome among adolescents
Greater activation of platelets
Anxiety and depression also linked to CHD
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Figure 7.6 Major Structures of the
Respiratory System
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Severe constriction of the airways
» Air passages narrow
– Wheezing and labored breathing
» Rales
– Whistling sound on exhalation
» Person feels as if they are suffocating
Biological risk factors
Respiratory infection
Air pollution
Stressful life event and negative emotions
» Stress and negative emotion linked to lower peak flow and
more reports of asthma symptoms.
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Figure 7.7 Effect of Parenting Problems and
Mothers’ Stress on Frequency of Asthma in
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» Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
More than 25 million people worldwide have
died of AIDS
In 2007, more than 33 million people are HIVpositive
Worldwide, women now account for nearly 50
percent of people infected with HIV
In US, African American and Hispanic women
are 17 times more likely than white women to
become infected.
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Prevention through behavioral change
» Modifying sexual practices
– Condom use
– Encouraging monogamy or reducing number of
sexual partners
– Abstinence only programs have not proven
effective in decreasing risky behavior or
reducing the risk of developing HIV.
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Strategies for effective prevention
» Accurate information about HIV transmission
» Explain risk factors (e.g., sharing needles)
» Identify cues to high-risk situations (e.g.,
alcohol use)
» Provide instruction in condom use
» Teach sexual assertiveness skills
– How to resist pressure to have sex
» Community efforts to make safer sex the norm
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Gender and Health
Women live longer than men
Women in poorer health than men
» Higher rates of diabetes, lupus, arthritis, anemia
» Formerly believed that estrogen protected women
from cardiac disease
– Hormone replacement studies fail to find reduced risk
Women less likely to exhibit Type A Behavior
» Not necessarily less likely to experience anger
» More likely to suppress
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Gender and Health
Gender differences in mortality decreasing.
May be due to:
» Increasingly similar lifestyles
– More women smoke and drink
Lung cancer leading cause of cancer death since 1987
In 2004, only one state earned a passing grade in efforts to
curb smoking in women
» Differences in disease identification and treatment
– Little public awareness that cardiovascular disease is the
main cause of death in women
– Stress test not a good predictor of heart disease risk in
women, especially when no pain is present
– Women less likely to receive referral for cardiac rehab
following heart attack.
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Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity, and
Low SES linked to higher rates of health
problems and mortality from all causes
Differences attributed to:
» Greater stress associated with SES
» Environmental constraints
– Less access to healthy foods
– More liquor stores
– Less opportunity to exercise
» Limited access to health services
» Stress associated with discrimination and prejudice
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Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity, and
Mortality rate in US for African
Americans 2x as high as for whites
» Some risk factors more common in people
of color (e.g., smoking, obesity, hypertension)
» Both ethnicity and SES important:
– Lower family and neighborhood SES associated
with greater cardiovascular reactivity for African
American children and adolescents, but only
lower family SES was associated with greater
cardiovascular reactivity among white children
and adolescents (Gump et al., 1999)
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Stress Management
Techniques anyone can use to cope with
» Relaxation training
– Muscle relaxation
– Deep breathing
» Cognitive restructuring
– Modify maladaptive thoughts
– Enhance perception of control
» Behavioral-skills training
– Time management, prioritizing, assertiveness
» Environmental-change
– Workplace alterations, increase social support
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