Access to SRHR information and services to young females of Dhaka slums: Reality and perspective SAFE Dissemination: Parallel session ICVB conference room, icddr,b, Mohakhali, Dhaka 12 July 2012 Dr. Kazi Golam Rasul Senior Director, Program Development MARIE STOPES Background Marie Stopes in SAFE Objective of the session Presentation of current practices on SRHR information and services Initiative to reduce SRH problems Challenges Discussion points for Action Plan Number Total The of Slums in Dhaka City: 4,966 slum population in Dhaka: 3.4 million density of slum population is 531,000 per sq mile which is 200 times more than the population density of Bangladesh Around 37% of the Dhaka residents are currently slum-dwellers Slum population has inequitable access to SRHR information & services Among them young females are more vulnerable SAFE, a collaborative project, aims to contribute promoting SRHR among the young females 1529 years of Dhaka slums Marie Stopes in SAFE Number of sites: 3 Number of slum areas: 18 600 groups 200 in each site YFU (10 -14) 48 groups 16 in each site FU (15 – 29) 150 groups 50 in each site FM (15 – 29) 252 groups 84 in each site MM (18 – 35) 75 groups 25 in each site MU (18 – 35) 75 groups 25 in each site YFU: Young Female Unmarried, FU: Female Unmarried, FM: Female Married MM: Male Married, MU: Male unmarried Marie Stopes in SAFE..Contd. Approaches: Awareness creation - Group formation - Group education on SRHR - Home visit for promoting SRHR information and services - Supporting other partners in organizing campaign on VAW Marie Stopes in SAFE..Contd. Service delivery - MS clinics are in place to provide SRHR services - Refer clients in need for other services - Refer clients of VAW to BLAST Marie Stopes in SAFE..Contd. Service delivery Family planning (cafeteria choice) ANC, delivery and PNC RTI/STI management Menstrual regulation General health Immunization Other services – EoC, Child Health, TB (DOTS), Eye Care, Nutrition, VAW, Supportive Pathology, VCT, Vaccination Marie Stopes in SAFE..Contd. Development of tools - Group formation guideline - Consent forms - Clinical Protocol - Referral Guideline - Referral Card - ID Card Capacity building: - Training of Trainers for Field Staff - Service Providers Training on Gender, VAW & Counseling Explore the current practices of SRHR information and services Discuss challenges to provide low cost and feasible means for accurate SRHR information and services in slums Develop an action plan to provide better SRHR services in slums Presentation of current practices of SRHR information and services Almost 17% women aged between 15-19 yrs 28% of women not educated; around 6% completed secondary level and above Most women currently married (95%) 18% stated Dhaka as their birth place 29% women currently working Most women are Muslim (98.7%) * Weighted proportions from Baseline findings Sexual health rights 13% Menses before menarche 13% Reproductive health rights Adverse effect of teenage pregnancy Emergency contraceptives Sexually transmitted infections Menstrualtion regulation Danger period of pregnancy SH Service delivery points 15% 44% 46% 46% 51% 73% 80% 1 3.4 1.3 1.1 2.3 1.5 45.1 31.5 12.7 Pill Condom Injectables IUD Implants Female sterilization Male sterilization Safe period Withdrawal Sought help for the latest STI related problem Received medical attendance during postnatal care within 42 days of delivery Received medical attendance during delivery Experienced institutional delivery during birth of the last child Received medical attendance during antenatal care 49.0% 12.9% 21.9% 29.8% 24.2% Building capacity of providers/ facilitators Conducting SRHR sessions with women & men in collaboration with BLAST and Nari Maitree (We can) Providing SRHR services at “One stop service” Challenge 1 Increased availability of SRHR information at slum set up - By whom: Public sector: MOHFW, LGRD, Social Welfare - Other: NGOs, Private Sectors (BGMEA), who else - To whom : All (M&W),YP, Adolescent – rights - Coordination & integration: When & where - Cost and affordability - Continuity - Private sector involvement (CSR) - Leadership Challenge 2 Increased access to SRHR services - Information sharing – mapping, network, linkage - Affordability – who affords whom - Acceptability - Friendly services - Service providers attitude and commitment - CSR - Leadership Challenge 3 Sustainable impact - Definition - Is it a priority - Interests - Practicality and reality - Leadership Discussion on challenge 1 Discussion on challenge 2 Discussion on challenge 3