CRV Glossary - Mindwise Consulting

Controlled Remote Viewing
This presentation is based on the CRV Manual
It is in alphabetical order.
It is not intended to teach CRV
Designed by Angela T Smith
Controlled Remote Viewing
Protocol designed by Ingo Swann in conjunction
with Hal Puthoff and the staff of Stanford
Research Institute (SRI) International
Original DIA manual written by Paul Smith
Published by P.J. Gaenir at
Controlled Remote Viewing
Serves as a comprehensive explanation of the
theory and mechanics of coordinate remote
viewing - later to be known as Controlled
Remote Viewing or CRV
Intended for individuals who have no knowledge
of psychoenergetic technology
Intended as a guide for training programs
Specific Glossary of specific terms
Attention should be paid to the terms used
in this presentation. Alphabetical
They are the only acceptable terms that
can be used in this methodology
“A” Component - Stage I
component of the
ideogram (I)
Physical consistency:
hard, soft, solid, fluid,
Motion first, feeling next.
Analytic Overlay(AOL)
Analytic response of
viewers mind to signal
line input. Usually wrong
in early stages
Possesses valid
elements of site
“Looks like”-:It’s sort of…”
Hesitation - ???
Mental image sharp and
clear and static
AOL Matching
AOL Matching
Later in a session, the viewer’s AOL may match
or nearly match the actual signal line impression
of the site
The viewer must become proficient of seeing
through the AOL to the signal line
What is this AOL telling me about the site?
Describe the AOL information - Stage V
AOL/Signal (AOL/S)
AOL Drive
AOL Drive
Becomes a problem in Stage III
Occurs when viewer’s system caught up in
AOL when viewer believes they are on
signal line when not
Two similar AOLs in close proximity
Repeating signals, blackness, peacocking
AOL Racheting
Recurrence of the
same AOL over and
over again
Trapped in a
feedback loop
Declare an AOL
Resume session
AOL Peacocking
AOL Peacocking
Rapid, unfolding AOLs, one right after
another, of series of brilliant AOLs
Each building on the other before
Analogous to the unfolding of a peacock’s
tail one feather at a time
Declare a break
Resume session
Sensitivity of
response to a given
Important when
declaring an Aesthetic
Impact Break (AI Brk)
AI also comes into
consideration during
Stage III and IV
An opening or an open space: hold, gap,
cleft, chasm, slit. In radar, the electronic
gate that controls the width and
dispersement pattern of the radiating
signal or wave
In remote viewing the opening of the
aperture allows more contact with the
signal line as it flows through the lumen
Characteristic or
quality of a person or
Characteristics of site
and viewer response
“Quiet”, “dimly lit”,
“echoing”, “muted”
Pertaining to hearing,
to the sense of
hearing, or the organs
of hearing
Perceived through or
resulting from the
sense of hearing
Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the vertebrate nervous system
Innervates smooth, cardiac muscle, and
glandular tissues
Governs actions that are automatic
Sympathetic Nervous System and
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Automatic vs Autonomic
Automatic process which implies an action
arising and subsiding entirely within the
system rather than from without
Autonomic process is the reception and
movement of the signal line information
through the viewer’s system and into
“B” Component - Stage I
First spontaneous
analytical response to
the ideogram and A
Follows the Ideogram,
Feeling, and
Movement of “A”
Mechanism to allow
the system to be put
“on hold”, to flush out
AOLs, to deal with
necessities, and allow
a fresh start
Viewer objectifies a
7 types of breaks
AOL Break
An AOL break allows
the signal line to be
put on hold while AOL
is expelled from the
Declared as an “AOL
Break”-written as
“AOL Bk”
Confusion Break
When viewer becomes
confused a Confusion
Break is called
Allows confusion to
Confusion break declared
and written as “Conf Bk”
Coordinate taken
Too Much Break
When too much
information provided
by signal line
“TM break” is
declared and written
Often initiated by
overly elaborate
Break Break
If viewer takes a
break that does not fit
categories mentioned
a “break” is declared
If break extensive, 20
minutes or more,
state “resume” and
time at point of
AI and BiLo Breaks
Aesthetic Impact (AI) occurs in Stage III
Objectified and written as “AI Break”
AOL Drive Break - needs to be longer than a
simple AOL Break to purge analytic loop
Bilocation Break (Bilo Brk) can be taken when
consciousness appears to be transferred to site
and data reporting stops
Information conveyed on signal line is
“encoded”, translated into an information
system (a code) allowing data to be
“transmitted” by the signal line. The viewer
must “code” the information through
proper structure to make it accessible
Coding/encoding/decoding in structure
Assemblage of
neurons, linked
together by
synapses which,
when stimulated by
recall system produce
a composite concept
Reinforced with use
Existing in the mind but not immediately
available to consciousness
Affecting thought, feeling, and behavior
without entering awareness
Mental activities just below the threshold
of consciousness
Existing or functioning outside the area of
conscious awareness
Influencing thought, feeling, or behavior in
a manner unperceived by personal or
subjective consciousness
Designed to influence the mind on levels
other than conscious awareness by brief
presentations of information
Limen and Limenal
Limen: the threshold of consciousness
The interface between the subconscious
and conscious
Limenal: At the limen
Verging on consciousness
Supraliminal: Above the limen.
In the realm of conscious awareness
Perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with
a degree of controlled thought or
Recognizing as something external
Present, especially to the senses
Involving rational power, perception and
Our link to the material world
Neurons and Synapses
Neuron is a nerve cell with all its
processes. Neurons are basic element in
formation of cognitrons
Apparent fundamental physical building
blocks of mental and nervous processes
Synapses: interstices between neurons
over which nerve impulses travel to
carry information from senses to brain
Coordinate Remote Viewing
The process of
remote viewing using
coordinates for cueing
or prompting
Later referred to as
Controlled Remote
Viewing (CRV)
Extension in a single
line or direction
Length, breadth,
thickness, depth.
Example: a solid or
cube has three
dimensions: length,
breadth, and
Can be simple or
Occurs in Stage IV
Spired, twisted,
edged, partitioned
More complex than
Stage III dimensionals
The act of
something by line.
Sketching a
representation of an
actual object, event,
individual, concept,
device, or location
Emotional Impact (EI)
Perceived emotions or
feelings of people at the
site or the viewer
Site may possess
element of emotional
impact, imprinted with
long association with
human emotional
To call forth or up, to summon, to call forth
a response, elicit a response
Iteration of the coordinate or prompting
mechanism that “evokes” the signal line, to
impinge on the autonomic nervous system
and unconscious for transmittal to viewer
and on to objectification
In Session:
Responses provided
during session to
indicate site detected
and properly decoded
Post Session:
Information provided
after completion of
Feedback Abbreviations
Correct (C): Assessed to be a true component of
the site by monitor
Probably Correct (PC): Data cannot be fully
assessed by monitor but assumed valid
Near Site (N): Elements of objects or locations
near the site
Can’t Feed Back (CFB): Insufficient information
to evaluate viewer data
Feedback Abbreviations
Site (S): Tells the viewer that he/she has
successfully acquired and debriefed the site
Usually signifies termination of the session
Session may continue on after Site declared to
acquire further information about the site
Silence: Data incorrect. To avoid reinforcing
negative responses. No feedback for incorrect
First-Time Effect
Occurs in any human activity or skill
Usually called “Beginner’s Luck”
Especially good first attempt, then a sharp
drop in success, to be built up again
gradually through further training
Many explanatory theories
Known in psi functioning for decades
Ideogram (I)
Reflexive mark made
on paper as result of
impingement of the
signal line on ANS
transmittal through
ANS to arm and
hand, through pen
onto paper
In-Session Feedback
In Session feedback is only used during early
stages of training.
At later stages no in-session feedback given
Monitor becomes “blind” to site information or
feedback until session over
Monitor remains silent whenever possible
Learning Curve
Graphic representation of standard success to
session ratio of remote viewing trainee
Typical curve demonstrates high success for first
few sessions, followed by a sudden drastic drop,
then a gradual improvement curve until a
relatively high plateau is reached and
A unified whole
Having specific
properties that cannot
be derived from the
summation of its
component parts
Major Gestalt of
example would be
I/A/B Sequence - Stage I
Core of all CRV structure
Fundamental element of
Stage I structure
Foundation for site
Ideogram, feeling/motion,
first analytic response
The I component of the
I/A/B sequence in Stage I
Spontaneous graphic
representation of the
major gestalt, manifested
by the motion of the
viewers pen on the paper
Ideograms Continued
Motion of ideogram
produced by the
impingement of signal
line on the autonomic
nervous system and
reflexive transmission of
nervous energy to
muscles of the viewer’s
hand and arm
A striking together:
changes, moods,
emotions, sometimes
but may be very
Impact may be
objectified as an
Aesthetic Impact (AI)
or an Emotional
Impact (EI)
Inclemencies - Internal
Personal factors that
might degrade or
preclude psychic
functioning: muscle
pains, allergies, cold,
hunger, thirst,
bathroom needs
Declare and objectify
Take care of them
Inclemencies - External
Environmental inclemencies
Extra low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic
Solar storms and sun spots
Sidereal time considerations
Allergens and other environmental factors
A skilled viewer can work around these
Qualities of a site that are
abstract such as
purposes, non-physical
categorizations, such as
governmental, foreign,
business, medical,
church, business,
museum, or library
State reached when the individual’s
learning system is over-saturated and is
Analogous to a muscle that has been
overworked and can no longer extend and
contract until it is allowed to rest, rebuild,
and reinforce
Student needs to have adequate rest
A place of origin or
Something within
which something else
originates or takes
form or develops
The origin of the
signal line
Matrix Continued
Matrix described as a huge, non-material, highly
structured, mentally accessible “framework” of
information containing all data pertaining to
everything in both the physical and non-physical
universe. From this informational framework
originates data encoded on the signal line
Similar to Jung’s Cosmic Unconscious
Matrix Continued
Matrix may be envisioned as a vast, 3-D
geometric arrangement of dots, each dot
representing a discrete information bit
Each geographic location on earth has
corresponding segment. Viewer accesses
the Signal Line for data derived from the
Mobility and Motion
The state or quality of
being mobile
The act or process of
Motion can be
perceived from the
signal line
Movement exercises
Individual who assists
viewer during session
Monitor provides
coordinate and helps
viewer stay in structure,
records information,
provides feedback and
analytic support and
Effect of various types of overlay, inclemencies
that serve to obscure or confuse the viewer’s
reception and accurate decoding of the signal
line. Noise must be dealt with properly and in
structure to allow the viewer to accurately
recognize the difference between valid signal
and incorrect internal processes
Thing that can be seen
and touched
Physical items present at
the site that help create a
“cognitron” in viewer’s
mind and help prompt
response : candles,
robes, chanting =
The act of physically saying out loud and writing
down information.
Allows information derived from the signal line to
be recorded and expelled, freeing viewer to
receive further information
Makes system independently
aware that its contributions have
been acknowledged and recorded…..
Objectification Continued
Allows re-input of information into the system as
necessary for further prompting
Gives “reality” to the signal line and information
that it conveys
Allows non-signal line derived material (AOLs) to
be expelled so as not to clutter system or mask
valid signal line data
That which can be
grasped mentally
through the senses
Cat can be heard,
touched, seen etc.
Cat can be
perceptible through
all five physical
senses and through
Post Session Dynamics
After session is over,
remote viewer and
monitor obtain
specific information
about the site
form, then discuss
session results
To incite to move or to
action. Move or inspire by
To prompt: Sounds?
Smells? Tastes? Move
100 yards above target
and describe? Move 10
minutes into future and
“Quit on a High Point”
Concept comes from learning theory
Rote repetition concept tends to reinforce
incorrect performance
Need to develop proper behavior or skill
“Quitting on a high point” reinforces and
strengthens successful behavior
Training session continues until high point
Remote Viewer
Remote viewer or viewer is a person who
employs his mental faculties to perceive
and obtain information to which he/she
has no other access and which he/she has
no previous knowledge: concerning
persons, places, events, or objects
separated by time, distance or other
intervening obstacles
Remote Viewing (RV)
Name of a method of psychoenergetic
Term coined by SRI-International (Swann,
Puthoff, and team) defined as:
“the acquisition and description, by mental
means, of information blocked from
ordinary perception by distance, shielding,
or time”
Version or translation
Often highly detailed
Self-Correcting Characteristic
Tendency of the ideogram to re-present itself if
improperly or incompletely decoded
Informs the viewer that he/she has made an
error somewhere in procedure
Sometimes will occur when ideogram has been
properly decoded and occurs if site is uniform in
characteristics: sand, water etc.
Sense and Sensory
Any of the faculties:
sight, hearing, smell,
taste or touch that
perceive stimuli
originating outside or
inside the body
Pertaining to the
senses and sensation
Individual or viewer
attempts to acquire
and describe by
mental means alone
information about a
designated site
Viewer is provided a
cue or prompt which
designates the site
Session Dynamics
Remote viewer and monitor seated at
opposite ends of table in room equipped
with paper and pens
Usually room bland, acoustic tiled, and
Aim to cut down on environmental
distractions but not always possible
Session Dynamics Continued
Monitor provides cueing or prompting for
information to the remote viewer
At this point viewer has no conscious
knowledge of actual site
In training, monitor knows enough about
site to determine when accurate
information is provided by viewer
Monitor continues to prompt at intervals
Session Dynamics Continued
Viewer generates verbal
responses and sketches
until a coherent response
to the overall task
requirement emerges
Objectifies responses in a
structured written format
Signal and Signal Line
Signal: something that incites into action, An
immediate cause or impulse.
From radio propagation theory: carrier wave
received by radio or radar receiving set
Signal line: hypothesized train of signals
emanating from the matrix and perceived by the
viewer, which transports information obtained
through remote viewing process
Signal Line
Roughly analogous to standard radio
propagation theory. Signal Line, is a
carrier wave that may be detected and
decoded by the viewer
Signal Line radiates in many different
frequencies and is modulated through a
phenomenon known as the aperture in
sharp, rapid influx of information
To draw the general
outline without too
much detail
To describe the
principle points or
idea of something
No professional
drawing skills are
needed by viewer
Stage 1 sites
Stage 1 sites consist
of such features as
islands, mountains,
deserts, lakes, seas
Can be “interfaces””
air/land, water/land,
Stage II sites
Stage II sites contain
quality sensory value
Uniquely describable
through touch, taste,
sound, color and smell
May contain glaciers,
volcanoes, industrial,
food, or plants
Stage III sites
Sites possessing
characteristics such
as building, bridges,
Have height, depth,
length, and other
Stage IV sites
Stage IV sites are
where viewer begins
to form qualitative
mental percepts
(technical area,
military feeling,
Stage V sites
Trainee learns to
qualitative mental
percepts to produce
analytical target
descriptions (aircraft
tracking, radar,
biomedical research
facility, etc.)
Stage VI sites
Trainee involved in
direct, 3-D
assessment and
physical modeling of
the site
Relationship of site
elements to one
another (planes
inside a hangar)
Structure signifies the orderly process of
proceeding from general to specific in
accessing the signal line, of objectifying in
proper sequence all data bits
Structure executed in a formal ordered
format sequence using pen and paper
Structure will be demonstrated at each
Something dealt with in a
discussion, study such as
Serve a function in
describing the site or may
be abstract intangibles
Specific terms such as
searching, exploring
Pertaining to,
endowed with, or
affecting the sense of
Perceptible to the
Capable of being
Objects or
characteristics at the
site that have solid,
“touchable” impact on
the perceptions of the
Solids, liquids, strong
smells, noises, colors,
Remote Viewing Theory postulates a nonmaterial Matrix in which any and all information
about any person, place, or thing may be
obtained through the agency of a hypothesized
Signal Line
Viewer psychically perceives and decodes the
Signal Line and Objectifies information
Interaction between Viewer and Signal Line
Subject of discourse
or treatise. A theme
for discussion such as
Related to subjects
A subject can
produce several
topics in a
hierarchical form
To trace by means of
vestiges or evidence
To follow with a line
Tracking may be
carried out by
touching the paper
with a series of dot or
dashes on the paper
One of the faculties of
the “sensorum”
Connected to the
visual senses of
which the brain
constructs an image
The sense of vision
Disturbance that transfers
itself and energy
progressively from point
to point in a medium or
Each particle influences
adjacent ones: pressure,
temperature, changes