Global Research for Global Action Prof. Martin Prince Centre for Global Mental Health King’s College London My thanks to • Alzheimer’s Disease International • The 10/66 Dementia Research Group in 12 countries: – Juan Llibre Rodriguez, Daisy Acosta, Yueqin Huang, Aquiles Salas, Ana Luisa Sosa, Mariella Guerra, Ivonne Jimenez, JD Williams, KS Jacob, Richard Uwakwe, Malan Heyns • Our funders – The Wellcome Trust – US Alzheimer’s Association – World Health Organisation • The London team – Cleusa Ferri, Renata Sousa, Emiliano Albanese, Michael Dewey, Rob Stewart Where do older people live? In 1950, just over half of the world’s older population lived in less developed regions By 2050, the proportion will be 80% Discourses around global ageing “Ageing is a development issue. Healthy older persons are a resource for their families, their communities and the economy” (WHO Brasilia Declaration on Ageing, 1996) “Global aging is the dominant threat to global economic stability - without sweeping changes to age-related public spending, sovereign debt will soon become unsustainable” (Standard and Poor’s – Global Aging 2010: an irreversible truth) Ageing and public health What is different about old age? Degenerative disorders – stroke, dementia Complex comorbidities Disability and needs for care Fragile income security and social protection Why do older people matter? Account for the majority of disease burden and cost (health and societal) Underserved Major Challenges? Access to effective, age-appropriate healthcare Diminishing/ meeting long-term care needs 10/66 DRG research agenda • Pilot studies (1999-2002) – Development and validation of culture and education-fair dementia diagnosis – Preliminary data on care arrangements • Population surveys – baseline phase (2003-2009) – – – – Prevalence of dementia and other chronic diseases Impact: disability, dependency, economic cost Access to services Nested RCT of ‘Helping carers to care’ caregiver intervention • Incidence phase (2008-2010) – Incidence (dementia, stroke, mortality) – Risk factors – Course and outcome of dementia/ Mild Cognitive Impairment Developed/ developing country differences 35 % prevalence 30 EURODEM Ibadan, Nigeria Ballabgarh, India 25 20 15 10 5 0 Age 60- 70- 80- 90 Prevalence and ‘numbers’ Prevalence studies worldwide - 2004 R C to ic o ub a C DR ar Pe ac ru a s Pe (urb M ru ) ex (r ic ur M o( ) ex ur ic b) C o( hi ru na r) ( C hi urb na ) In (ru di a r) In (ur di b) a (r S ur) Af ric a Pu er Prevalence of 10/66 and DSM IV Dementia 20 15 % 10 DSMIV 5 1066 0 DSMIV So is it 8-10% or <1%? Rodriguez et al for 10/66, Lancet 2008 • Launched World Alzheimer Day, September 21st, New York, 2009 – – – – Prevalence Numbers Impact Action Prof Martin Prince Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London, UK 7 6 5 4 3 2 Standardised prevalence (%) Prevalence of dementia, by region 9 8 1 0 S A S S nt . ce A SS E st A Ea SS e W ddl i A S S a/ M a ric Af eric N Am tin n La a be ib ar N C a ic er Am e E p ro ent. c Eu pe ro Eu W pe ro . E u ent C ia As E S ia As S ia As E ia As i a an ce fic O ci Pa ia ia A s l as ra st Au Increase in numbers of people with dementia, by development status ADI World Alzheimer Report 2009, Eds Prince & Jackson WHO Report, 2012 – Prevalence – Numbers – New incidence data – Cost – Policy Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General, WHO “I call upon all stakeholders to make health and social care systems informed and responsive to this impending threat” Incidence phase (n=13,000) • Sites – Cuba, DR, Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, China • Outcomes – Dementia, Stroke, Dependence, Mortality • Aetiology • Cardiovascular risk (BP/ smoking/ fasting glucose/ cholesterol) • Diet (anaemia, B12, folate, subclinical hypothyrodism, albumin, anthropometry) • Developmental factors • APOE and other genetic factors Comparing incidence according to 10/66 and DSM-IV criteria 40 30 20 DSMIV 10 1066 DSMIV (u rb Pe ) ru M (r ur ex ) ic o (u M rb ex ) ic o (r C ur hi ) na (u rb C hi ) na (r ur ) ru el a Pe ne zu D R Ve a 0 C ub Incidence/ 1000 PYR 50 Prince et al, Lancet 2012 Global Distribution of Incident Dementia (7.7 million new cases per year) Africa 7% Europe 30% North America 11% Latin America 5% One new case every 4 seconds! Asia 47% WHO Report 2012 – Dementia a Public Health Priority Promoting lifelong physical health – opportunities for prevention • Early life – Nutrition, growth, neurodevelopment, education • Mid to late-life – Cardiovascular disease and CVD risk factors, occupation, mental stimulation, aerobic exercise, depression • Late-life – ? Undernutrition (micronutrient deficiency and anaemia) Can prevention help to reduce the burden of dementia? Exposure Meta-analysed Population RR - association attributable with AD risk fraction (PARF%) Diabetes 1.39 (1.17-1.66) 2.4% Midlife hypertension 1.61 (1.16-2.24) 5.1% Midlife obesity 1.60 (1.34-1.92) 2.0% Physical inactivity 1.82 (1.19-2.78) 12.7% Smoking 1.59 (1.15-2.20) 13.9% Depression 1.90 (1.55-2.33) 10.6% Low education 1.59 (1.35-1.86) 19.1% COMBINED TOTAL (Barnes and Yaffe 2011) 50.7% More realistically….. (WHO Report, 2012) 10% reduction in risk exposure – 250,000 fewer new cases (3.3% reduction) 25% reduction in risk exposure – 680,000 fewer new cases (8.8% reduction Treatment and care Current priorities….. • Based on – contribution to ‘premature’ mortality, not years lived with disability – potential for prevention • cancer, heart disease, diabetes – Research and clinical investment – UN NCD summit • The societal cost of dementia exceeds that of these three disorders combined • World Alzheimer Day, September 21st, London, 2010 – Global Societal Economic cost – $604bn – 1% of GDP – Equivalent to world’s 18th largest economy – Larger than the annual turnover of Walmart Anders Wimo Karolinska Institute, Sweden Martin Prince King’s College London, UK Dementia is the leading contributor to disability and dependence (10/66 studies) Health condition/ impairment Mean population attributable fraction (Dependence) Mean population attributable fraction (Disability) 1. Dementia 36.0% 25.1% 2. Limb paralysis/ weakness 11.9% 10.5% 3. Stroke 8.7% 11.4% 4. Depression 6.5% 8.3% 5. Visual impairment 5.4% 6.8% 6. Arthritis 2.6% 9.9% Sousa et al, Lancet, 2009; BMC Geriatrics 2010 Worldwide distribution of costs by sector LI C IC LM UM IC Direct medical Direct social Informal care HI C % 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Dementia UK Results Economic cost of dementia 683,000 people with dementia 1.7 million by 2050 8% 15% Total costs £17 billion 41% Costs per person Average £25,472 36% Mild dementia (community) Moderate dementia (Community) £14,540 £20,355 People in care homes £31,263 Health service Community care Informal care Care homes Dementia UK Results Where are the people with dementia? 250000 212456 Number of people 200000 424k in the community (64%) 244k in care homes (36%) Proportion in care homes rises with age 150000 Care homes Residential care 27% 28% 41% 61% 94739 100000 81619 71446 65680 70986 45737 50000 25900 0 65-74 75-84 85-89 90+ Community Community Long-term care – don’t panic – ACT! WHO report (2002) • each community should determine – the types and levels of assistance needed by older people and their carers – the eligibility for and financing of long-term care support. • In practice, governments – Do not provide or finance long-term care – Are slow to develop comprehensive policies and plans – Seek to enforce family responsibilities More carrot, less stick…. 1. Universal non-means tested ‘social’ pensions 2. Access to disability benefits for people with dementia 3. Caregiver benefits 4. Provide services for people with dementia and their carers in the community Intervention - the problem • Dementia is a hidden problem (demand) • Little awareness • Not medicalised • People do not seek help • Health services do not meet the needs of older people (supply) • Few specialists • Clinic based service - no home assessment/ care • No continuing care • ‘Out of pocket’ expenses Albanese et al, BMC Health Services Res 2011 Prince et al, World Psychiatry, 2007 Medical help-seeking by people with dementia and their carers 70 60 50 % Carer noted MI BPSD 40 SMI 30 20 10 0 ) rb (u a r) di In (ru ) na hi urb C ( na r) hi (ru C o ic b) ex u r M o( ic ex la M ue z ne ) Ve (r ur ru ) Pe (urb ru R a ub Pe D C Packages of care for dementia • Casefinding • Brief diagnostic screening assessment • Making the diagnosis well – information and support • Attention to physical comorbidity • Carer interventions (carer strain) • Cognitive stimulation • Non-pharmacological interventions for behavioural and psychological symptoms Prince et al, PLOS Medicine 2010 Dua et al, PLOS Medicine 2011 Horizontal vs. vertical approachers VERTICAL (HEALTH CONDITIONS) • Dementia • Stroke • Parkinson’s disease • Depression • Arthritis and other limb conditions • Anaemia HORIZONTAL (IMPAIRMENTS) • Communication • Disorientation • Behaviour disturbance • Sleep disturbance • Immobility • Incontinence • Nutrition/ Hydration • Caregiver knowledge • Caregiver strain Conclusions • The world is facing a new epidemic of unprecedented proportions • Its effects will be felt particularly in low and middle income countries - currently least prepared to meet the challenge • Societal costs will rise inexorably, driven by the increasing need for long term care • Time for action – Scalable models of evidence-based clinical care to close the treatment gap – Social policy – long-term care – Prevention – Continuous monitoring on key indicators