Contemporary Nutrition: Issues and Insight 6th ed. Gordon M

Chapter 11
Overview of Eating Disorders
Affects more than 5 million people
 85% of cases develop during adolescence
 Co-occurs with other psychological disorders
 Recognition of disorder is critical to treatment
END-CHAPTER 11 – Very informative: Personal Reflections:
-Thoughts of an Anorexic
- Thoughts of a Bulimic
Genetic Link?
 Identical
twins are more likely to
share eating disorders
– Genetically predisposed?
 Fraternal
twins are less likely
Characteristics: Anorexia & Bulimia
Helpful Resources
Course TEXTBOOK – Wardlaw 7th Edition
– Contemporary Nutrition
Academy of Eating Disorders–
National Eating Disorders Association
National Institute of Mental Health
UCSC – Womens Center
Warning Signs of Anorexia
Abnormal, rigid eating habits
 Eating very little food (300-600 kcal/day)
 Hiding and storing food
 Exercising compulsively
 Preparing meals for others, but not eating
 Withdrawing from friends and family
 Critical of self and others
 Sleep disturbances and depression
 Ammenorrhea
Anorexia Health Problems
“Skin-and-bone” appearance
 Lowered body temperature
 Lanugo and loss of hair
 Lower basal metabolism, decreased heart rate
 Iron deficiency anemia and other nutrient
 Rough, dry, scaly, cold skin
 Low white blood cell count, potassium
 Constipation, ammenorrhea
 < % body fat, shutdown of reproductive
Nutrition Therapy
 Increase
food intake to raise basal
 Prevent further weight loss
 Restore appropriate food habits
 Restrict excessive activity
 Ultimately achieve and maintain
weight gain to establish setpoint
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Health Problems
 Vomiting
causes most health problems
 Demineralization of teeth
 Drop in blood potassium
 Swelling of salivary glands
 Stomach ulcers and bleeding
 Constipation
 Ipecac syrup is toxic
Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa
Decrease episodes of bingeing & purging
 Psychotherapy to improve self-acceptance
 Change “all-or-none” attitude about food
 Correct misconceptions about food
 Establish good, normal eating habits
 Group therapy
 Antidepressants
 Long-term therapy
Binge-Eating Disorder
Profile of a Binge-Eater
Considers self as hungrier than normal
 Isolates self to eat large quantities
 Suffers from stress, depression, anxiety,
loneliness, anger, frustration that can
trigger binge
 Uses food to reduce stress, provide feeling
of power and well-being
 Usually binges on “junk” foods
 Eats without regard to biological need
Treatment of Binge-Eating
Eat in response to hunger, not emotions
 Learn to eat in moderation
 Avoid restrictive diets that can intensify
 Address hidden emotions
 “Overeaters Anonymous”
 Antidepressants
Profile of Female Athlete Triad
Female athletes in appearance-based and
endurance sports
– 15% swimmers; 62% gymnasts; 32% other
1. Disordered eating
 2. Irregular menses or ammenorrhea
 3. Osteoporosis and loss of estrogen
– Bone density similar to 50-60 year olds
– Bone loss is largely irreversible
Bone Structure
Treatment of Female Athlete
 Reduce
preoccupation with food, weight,
and body fat
 Gradually increase meals and snacks
 Rebuild body to healthy weight
 Establish regular menses (find weight?)
 Decrease training by ~10%-20%
– Normal mensus is good!!!
Night Eating Syndrome
Eating > 1/3 of calories after evening
 Not feeling hungry in the morning
 Need to eat to help fall asleep
 Waking at night to eat
 Depressed
Chapter 11- eating disorders
– People who have disorder (psychological)
 Will continue until organ failure (don’t think it’s a problem)
– e.g. Christy Henrich, promising young gymnast
 Try to get them to seek help (intervention)
MY PSA for the day . . .recog. Primarily
psychological issue, if feel you are close to
family/ friend have problem . . .
Seek information and help
Helpful Resources
Course TEXTBOOK – Wardlaw 7th Edition
– Contemporary Nutrition
Academy of Eating Disorders–
National Eating Disorders Association
National Institute of Mental Health
UCSC – Womens Center