Strain Theories







Merton’s Theory

General Strain Theory

Institutional Anomie Theory

Relative Deprivation Theory

Strain Theory: R.K.Merton.

Merton used Durkheim's idea about anomie

Anomie is the state of normlessness

Rules of behaviour have broken down

Rapid social change

Personal life crisis

Egoistic, altruistic, and anomic suicide

Egoisitic suicide

Egoisitic suicide resulted from too little social integration

Durkheim discovered was that of unmarried people, particularly males, committed suicide at higher rates than married people

Altruistic suicide

Altruistic suicide, is a result of too much integration

Individuals are so integrated into social groups that they lost sight of their individuality and became willing to sacrifice themselves to the group's interests

The most common cases of altruistic suicide occurred among members of the military

Anomic suicide

Sudden changes on the microsocial and macrosocial levels

War, crisis, divorce, death, unemployment

Strain Theory: R.K.Merton.

“Anomie is a state wherein society fails to exercise adequate regulation of the goals and desires of individual members” (p.165) in American society, there is a disjunction between the sociallyproduced and encouraged ends or goals and the means through which they could achieve these desirable ends

Strain Theory: R.K.Merton.

In simple terms, they were socialised into the "American Dream" of health, wealth, personal happiness

American society is structured to ensure that the vast majority of people could never realistically attain these

ends through the means that

American society provided in legitimate ways - hard work

Merton’s theory

Because of this tension anomie occurs

In a situation whereby people desired success - yet were effectively denied it - he argued that people would find other, probably less legitimate, means towards desired ends.

Merton’s typology

Merton elaborated five basic

responses to the anomic situation which he claimed to see in American society

He classified these types of

conformity and deviance in terms of acceptance and denial of basic ends and means

Merton’s typology


1. Conformity

2. Innovation

3. Ritualism

4. Retreatism

5. Rebellion

Means: Ends:








Rejects means Rejects ends

Merton’s Conformity

Conformity applies to the law-abiding citizen

These people accept both socially-produced ends and the sociallylegitimated means to achieve them

Merton’s Innovation

Innovation is deviant behaviour that uses illegitimate means to achieve socially acceptable goals

Drug crimes, property crimes and some white collar crimes would be examples of innovation

Merton’s Ritualism

3. Ritualism might refer to someone who conforms to socially-approved means, but has lost sight of the ends

(or has come to accept that they will never achieve them)

Such people are likely to be elderly and they probably enjoy a reasonably comfortable lifestyle.

Merton’s Retreatism

An example of

retreatism is someone who "drops-out" of mainstream society. The drug addict who retreats into a self-contained world, the alcoholic who is unable to hold-down a steady job


Monetary success is the only one motive mentioned by Merton

Some criminals are engaged into deviant activities for no apparent reason (enjoyable)

White collar crime is not explained

If the strains of life really operates as suggested by Merton, why it is most member of society engage in lawabiding activities

Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory


Original strain theory predicted a concentration of delinquent behavior in the lower class (monetary strain, status frustration)

Research proved that delinquency was also common in the middle and upper classes (monetary strain cannot explain)

Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory

Strain for Agnew is neither structural nor interpersonal, but emotional

Perception of an adverse environment will lead to strongly negative emotions that motivate one to engage in crime

Robert Agnew

Believes that Anger has a significant impact on all measures of crime and deviance

Strain ANGER



Robert Agnew’s GST

Expands on traditional strain theory

Include all types of negative relations b/w an individual and others

GST maintains that strain is likely to have a cumulative effect on delinquency after reaching a certain threshold

Anger in your life

Can you think of an negative event that made you very angry?

How did you cope with anger?

Who helped you to cope with your anger?

How often do you experience anger?

Three major types of strain

Failure to achieve positively valued goals

(gap between expectations and actual achievements, not always long-term)

Loss of positive stimuli (experiencing the stressful impact felt before and after moving, death of a relative/close friend)

Presentation of negative stimuli (peer pressure, physical /emotional abuse)

Links Between Strain and Crime

Anger was found to incite a person to action, lower inhibitions, and create a desire for revenge

Agnew especially stressed that individuals who are subject to repetitive strain may be more likely to commit crime

Sources of Strain

Social sources of strain (negative interactions with other people)

Community sources of strain (some communities increase the likelihood that people get angry and frustrated and can be more prone to crime community level factors: economic deprivation, family disruption, fear of crime, child abuse, over crowding, bad housing)

Coping Strategies Other Than Crime




Crime is not the only way that people will respond to strain

There are three different types of coping strategies that enable the individual to deal with the strain in their life through legitimate means




Cognitive coping strategies

Enable the individual to rationalize the stressors in three ways (Agnew, 1992)

Minimize the importance of the strain by placing less importance on a particular goal

Maximizing the positive while minimizing the negative outcomes of an event. This is an attempt to ignore the fact that there has been a negative event

Accept the outcomes of the negative outcomes as fair

Behavioral coping strategies

Individuals may actively seek out positive stimuli (Social supports from friends and relatives)

Try to escape negative stimuli. In addition, individuals may actively seek out revenge in a nondelinquent manner (Agnew, 1992:69)

Emotional coping strategies

Relaxation methods



Determinants of Delinquent Behavior

If the initial goals and values of a person are high and they have few alternative goals to fall back on, then the person may be more prone to committing delinquent acts (beauty queen)

Bad temper, previous delinquent behavior, delinquent friends

Agnew’s Theory

Factors affecting disposition to delinquency

Strain ANGER Criminal Behavior

Constraints to delinquent behavior

Male Versus Female Strain and Crime

Males and females have been found to experience different types of strain and different emotions

Sex differences in emotional response to strain

(Agnew and Broidy, 1997:281-283)


More likely to respond with depression and anger

Anger is accompanied by fear, guilt, and shame

More likely to blame themselves and worry about the affects of their anger

Depression and guilt may lead to self-destructive behaviors

(i.e. eating disorders)


More likely to respond with anger

Anger is followed by moral outrage

Quick to blame others and are less concerned about hurting others

Moral outrage may lead to property and violent crime

Sex differences in coping strategies

Research indicated that females employ escape and avoidance methods to relieve the strain

Females may, however, have stronger relational ties that might help to reduce strain (social support)

Males are lower in social control, and they socialize in large, hierarchical peer groups where they need to maintain their status

Females form close social bonds in small groups

Therefore, males are more likely to respond to strain with crime (Agnew 1997).

Policy Recommendations

Agnew proposed several different programs to reduce delinquency which have shown success after being implemented

Policy Recommendations

Family-based programs are designed to teach the members how to solve problems in a constructive manner, and parents are taught how to effectively discipline their children (Agnew, 1995)

This will reduce the amount of negative emotions that result from conflict in the family and will decrease the amount of strain in the home

Policy Recommendations

School-based programs seek to improve relations in and between schools

Peer based programs seek to reduce the amount of strain that an adolescent feels as a result of relationships with peers

Relationships with peers can be negative when the peers are delinquent or when they are physically or verbally abusive toward other peers


There is not much data to support or refute it

Objective/subjective strain

Measurement of strain

Institutional Anomie Theory

Messner and Rosenfeld (1997) argued that the crime problem is related to “American Dream”, which they define:

“a commitment to the goal of material success, to be pursued by everyone in society under conditions of open, individual competition”


Institutional Anomie Theory

This exerts pressure toward crime by encouraging an anomic environment

“everything goes” mentality

Individuals as well as social

institutions are under the influence of “American Dream” ideology

Family Institution

Individualism and independence for children

Children are cut off any financial support very early (compare to other cultures)

Early work is encouraged

Family orient and train individuals for better paying jobs

“Close ties” are sacrificed for the sake of achievement

Education Institution

Quantity of courses vs quality of studying

(written exams vs oral exams)

Results: in a couple of years students do not remember much from the courses they have taken

Education prepare and train individuals for high-paying job

Religion has been undermined

“Value” of people is measured by their material gain (Gates, Trump, etc)

Relative Deprivation Theory

Messner and Rosenfeld, 1997

To fell anomie a person should see/feel deprivation

People with the same social standing can have different sense of deprivation

The poorest Americans are far richer in terms of material possessions that the average citizen of many third world nations

Relative Deprivation Theory

Relative Deprivation refers to the economic gap that exists between rich and poor who live in close

proximity to one another

Stanford vs WSU

Relative Deprivation Theory

Inner-city inhabitants develop an increased sense of relative deprivation because they can witness well-to-do lifestyle in nearby neighborhoods

People start question their place in the reward structure of society

Sense of injustice is the source of strain that can lead to criminal behavior