Tom Peters’ Re-Imagine ! EXCELLENCE HR Summit and Expo 2013/07 October 2013 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center (slides at; also see 7 Steps to Sustaining Success & Excellence You take care of the people. The people take care of the service. The service takes care of the customer. The customer takes care of the profit. The profit takes care of the re-investment. The re-investment takes care of the re-invention. The re-invention takes care of the future. (And at every step the only measure is EXCELLENCE.) 7 Steps to Sustaining Success You take care of the people. The people take care of the service. The service takes care of the customer. The customer takes care of the profit. The profit takes care of the re-investment. The re-investment takes care of the re-invention. The re-invention takes care of the future. (And at every step the only measure is EXCELLENCE.) PART 1: People FIRST “Business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives … 1/4,096: “Business has to give people enriching, or it's simply not worth doing.” rewarding lives … —Richard Branson A 15-Point Human Capital Asset Development Manifesto 1. Corporate social responsibility” starts at home—i.e., inside the enterprise! MAXIMIZING GDD/Gross Domestic Development of the workforce is the primary source of mid-term and beyond growth and profitability—and maximizes national productivity and wealth. 2. Regardless of the transient external situation, development of “human capital” is always the #1 priority. This is true in general, in particular in difficult times which demand resilience—and uniquely true in this age in which IMAGINATIVE brainwork is de facto the only plausible survival strategy for higher wage nations. (Generic “brainwork,” traditional and dominant “whitecollar activities, is increasingly being performed by exponentially enhanced artificial intelligence.) Source: A 15-Point Human Capital Asset Development Manifesto/ World Strategy Forum/The New Rules: Reframing Capitalism/Seoul/15 June 2012 “You have to treat your employees like customers.” —Herb Kelleher, upon being asked his “secret to success” Source: Joe Nocera, NYT, “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” on the occasion of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots union took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done) ; across the way in Dallas, American Airlines’ pilots were picketing AA’s Annual Meeting) "If you want staff to give great service to customers, you must first give great service to staff." —Founder, Zingerman's (food service) EMPLOYEES FIRST, CUSTOMERS SECOND: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down Vineet Nayar/CEO/HCL Technologies "When I hire someone, that's when I go to work for them.” —John DiJulius, "What's the Secret to Providing a World-class Customer Experience" “hostmanship”/ “consideration renovation” “The path to a hostmanship culture paradoxically does not go through the guest. In fact it wouldn’t be totally wrong to say that the guest has nothing to do with it. True hostmanship leaders focus on their employees. What drives exceptionalism is finding the right people and getting them to love their work and see it as a passion. ... The guest comes into the picture only when you are ready to ask, ‘Would you prefer to stay at a hotel where the staff love their work or where management has made customers its “We went through the hotel and made a ... ‘consideration renovation.’ Instead of redoing bathrooms, dining rooms, and guest rooms, we gave employees new uniforms, bought flowers and fruit, and changed colors. Our focus highest priority?’” was totally on the staff. They were the ones we wanted to make happy. We wanted them to wake up every morning excited about a new day at work.” —Jan Gunnarsson and Olle Blohm, Hostmanship: The Art of Making People Feel Welcome. “ … The guest comes into the picture only when you are ready to ask, ‘Would you prefer to stay at a hotel where the staff love their work or where management has made customers its highest priority?’” Brand = Talent. B(I) > B(O) Our Mission TO DEVELOP AND MANAGE TALENT; TO APPLY THAT TALENT, THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, FOR THE BENEFIT OF CLIENTS; TO DO SO IN PARTNERSHIP; TO DO SO WITH PROFIT. WPP “In a world where customers wake up every morning asking, ‘What’s new, what’s different, what’s amazing?’ success depends on a company’s ability to unleash initiative, imagination and passion of employees at all levels—and this can only happen if all those folks are connected heart and soul to their work [their ‘calling’], their company and their mission.” —John Mackey and Raj Sisoda, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business *2/3 vote by team after 90-days probation for new member to achieve fulltime status *Total transparency re compensation *All 7 members of exec team exact same pay package including bonuses *Cash plus bonuses of highest paid no more than 19X average *Exact same benefits package for all employees including CEO, though adjusted for seniority *Benefits package decided by all hands vote every 3 years —John Mackey and Raj Sisoda, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business (“Conscious Hiring and Retention Practices”) PAUSE: “It is the game.” “If I could have chosen not to tackle the IBM culture head-on, I probably wouldn’t have. My bias coming in was toward strategy, analysis and measurement. In comparison, changing the attitude and behaviors of hundreds of thousands of people Yet I came to see in my time at IBM that culture isn’t just one aspect of the is very, very hard. game —IT IS THE GAME.” —Lou Gerstner, Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance “What matters most to a company over time, strategy or culture? WSJ/0910.13: Dominic Barton, MD, McKinsey & Co.: “Culture.” “I told my board that if they want to get the share price 50% in 12-18 months, I can do it without raising a sweat. But it will destroy the longterm prospects of the company—and they’ll have to do it without me.” —CEO, large ($10B+) electronic components company “On the face of it, shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world. Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy. … Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products.” —Jack Welch, FT, 0313.09, page 1 “LEADERS ‘DO’ PEOPLE.” “Tom, you left out one thing …” “Tom, you left out one Leaders enjoy leading!” thing … “LEADERS ‘DO’ PEOPLE. PERIOD.” —Anon. From sweaters to people!* Les Wexner: *Limited Brands founder Les Wexner queried on astounding longterm success—said, in effect, it happened because he got as excited about developing people as he had been about predicting fashion trends in his early years Oath of Office: Managers/Servant Leaders Our goal is to serve our customers brilliantly and profitably over the long haul. Serving our customers brilliantly and profitably over the long haul is a product of brilliantly serving, over the long haul, the people who serve the customer. Hence, our job as leaders—the alpha and the omega and everything in between—is abetting the sustained growth and success and engagement and enthusiasm and commitment to Excellence of those, one at a time, who directly or indirectly serve the ultimate customer. We—leaders of every stripe—are in the “Human Growth and Development and Success and Aspiration to Excellence business.” “We” [leaders] only grow when “they” [each and every one of our colleagues] are growing. “We” [leaders] only succeed when “they” [each and every one of our colleagues] are succeeding. “We” [leaders] only energetically march toward Excellence when “they” [each and every one of our colleagues] are energetically marching toward Excellence. Period. “No matter what the situation, [the great manager’s] first response is always to think about the individual concerned and how things can be arranged to help that individual experience success.” —Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know “The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors become more than they’ve ever been before, more than they’ve dreamed of being.” and actresses can —Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech LEADERSHIP IS A SACRED TRUST.* *President, classroom teacher, CEO, shop foreman "Leadership is a gift. It's given by those who follow. You have to be worthy of it.” —General Mark Welsh, Commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe The Memories That Matter The Memories That Matter The people you developed who went on to stellar accomplishments inside or outside the company. The (no more than) two or three people you developed who went on to create stellar institutions of their own. The long shots (people with “a certain something”) you bet on who surprised themselves—and your peers. The people of all stripes who 2/5/10/20 years later say “You made a difference in my life,” “Your belief in me changed everything.” The sort of/character of people you hired in general. (And the bad apples you chucked out despite some stellar traits.) A handful of projects (a half dozen at most) you doggedly pursued that still make you smile and which fundamentally changed the way things are done inside or outside the company/industry. The supercharged camaraderie of a handful of Great Teams aiming to “change the world.” “Unremarkable” except for RESULTS: Superb people developer (her/his folks invariably amazed at what they’ve accomplished!) “Among the most effective leaders I have encountered and worked with in half a century, some have locked themselves into their offices and others were ultra-gregarious. Some were quick and impulsive, some studied the situation and took forever to come to a decision. The one and only personality trait the effective ones did have in common was something they did not have: They had little or no ‘charisma,’ and little use for the term.” —Peter Drucker, in Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking The Memories That Matter Unalloyed pleasure in being informed of the fallaciousness of your beliefs by someone 15 years your junior and several rungs below you on the hierarchical ladder. Selflessness. (A sterling reputation as “a guy always willing to help out with alacrity despite personal cost.”) As thoughtful and respectful, or more so, toward thine “enemies” as toward friends and supporters. Always and relentlessly put at the top of your list/any list being first and foremost “of service” to your internal and external constituents. (Employees/Peers/ Customers/Vendors/Community.) Treated the term “servant leadership” as holy writ. (And “preached” “servant leadership” to others—new “non-managerial” hire or old pro, age 18 or 48.) Promotion 2/year = Legacy “The ONE Question”: “In the last year [3 years, current job], three people name the … … whose growth you’ve most contributed to. Please explain where they were at the beginning of the year, where they are today, and where they are heading in the next 12 months. Please explain … in painstaking detail … your development strategy in each case. Please tell me your biggest development disappointment—looking back, could you or would you have done anything differently? Please tell me about your greatest development triumph—and disaster—in the last five years. What are the ‘three big things’ you’ve learned about helping people grow along the way?” Promotion Decisions “life and death decisions” Source: Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management “A man should never be promoted to a managerial position if his vision focuses on people’s weaknesses rather than on their strengths.” —Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management “I can’t tell you how many times we passed up hotshots for guys we thought were better people … and watched our guys do a lot better than the big names, not just in the classroom, but on the field—and, naturally, after they graduated, too. Again and again, the blue chips faded out, and our little upand-comers clawed their way to allconference and All-America teams.” —Bo Schembechler (and John Bacon), “Recruit for Character,” Bo’s Lasting Lessons Evaluation EVALUATING PEOPLE = #1 DIFFERENTIATOR Source: Jack Welch/Jeff Immelt on GE’s strategic skill ( !!!!) #1 “In most companies, the Talent Review Process is a farce. At GE, Jack Welch and his two top HR people visit each division for a day. They review the top 20 to 50 people by name. They talk about Talent Pool The Talent Review Process is a contact sport at GE; it has the intensity and the importance of the budget process at most companies.” strengthening issues. —Ed Michaels, War for Talent Self-evaluation “To develop others, start with yourself.” —Marshall Goldsmith “Being aware of yourself and how you affect everyone around you is what distinguishes a superior leader.” —Edie Seashore (Strategy + Business #45) “How can a high-level leader like _____ be so out of touch with the truth about himself? It’s more common than you In fact, the higher up the ladder a leader climbs, the less accurate his self-assessment is likely to be. The problem is an acute lack of would imagine. feedback [especially on people issues].” —Daniel Goleman (et al.), The New Leaders "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy Hiring “Development can help great people be even BETTER—BUT IF I HAD A DOLLAR TO SPEND, I’D SPEND 70 CENTS GETTING THE RIGHT PERSON IN THE DOOR.” —Paul Russell, Director, Leadership and Development, Google the most important aspect of business and yet remains woefully misunderstood.” “In short, hiring is Source: Wall Street Journal, 10.29.08, review of Who: The A Method for Hiring, Geoff Smart and Randy Street Andrew Carnegie’s Tombstone Inscription … Here lies a man Who knew how to enlist In his service Better men than himself. Source: Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management ! The Army Knows If the regimental commander lost most of his 2nd lieutenants and 1st lieutenants and captains If he lost his sergeants it would be a catastrophe. The Army and the and majors, it would be a tragedy. Navy are fully aware that success on the battlefield is dependent to an extraordinary degree on its Sergeants and Chief Petty Officers. Does industry have the same awareness? THE SERGEANTS RUN THE ARMY. PERIOD. “In great armies, the job of generals is to back up their sergeants.” —COL Tom Wilhelm, from Robert Kaplan, “The Man Who Would Be Khan,” The Atlantic Employee retention & satisfaction & productivity: Overwhelmingly based on the first-line manager! Source: Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman, First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently “People leave managers not companies.” —Dave Wheeler E.g.: Do you have the ... ABSOLUTE BEST TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN THE INDUSTRY ... (or some subset thereof) for first-line supervisors? Suggested addition to your statement of Core “We are obsessed with developing a cadre of 1st line managers that is second to none—we understand that this cadre per se is arguably one of our top two or three most important ‘Strategic Assets.’” Values: 53 = 53 People are NOT “Standardized.” Their evaluations should NOT be standardized. EVER. Standardized Evaluations? Sports? The Arts? Music? Theater? “C-level”? In the Army, 3-star generals worry about training. In most businesses, it's a “ho hum” mid-level staff function. Why is intensive-extensive training obvious for the army & navy & sports teams & performing arts groups--but not for the average business? I would hazard a guess that most CEOs see IT investments as a “strategic necessity,” but see training expenses as “a necessary evil.” Three-star generals and admirals (and symphony conductors and sports coaches and police chiefs and fire chiefs) OBSESS about training. Why is it an almost dead certainty that 3. in a random 30-minute interview you are unlikely to hear a CEO touch upon this topic? (I would hazard a guess that most CEOs see IT investments as a “strategic necessity,” but see training expenses as “a necessary evil.”) Proposition/axiom: The CTO/Chief TRAINING Officer is arguably the #1 staff job in the enterprise, at least on a par with, say, the CFO or CIO or head of R&D. (Again, external 4. circumstances—see immediately above—are forcing our hand.) The training budget takes precedence over the capital budget. PERIOD. It’s easier fun to get 5. your picture taken next to a new machine. But how do you get a photo of a new and much improved attitude in a key distribution center? But the odds are 25:1 that the new attitude will add more to the bottom line than will the glorious state-of-the-art machine. Human capital development should routinely sit atop any agenda or document associated with enterprise strategy. Most any initiative you 6. undertake should formally address implications for and contributions to human capital asset development. (1) Training merits “C-level” status! (2) Top trainers should be paid a king’s ransom—and be of the same caliber as top marketers or researchers. Container Store 270/16 10/>100 “Training” Writ Large 11. The national education infrastructure—from kindergarten to continuing adult education—may well be National Priority #1. Moreover, the educational infrastructure must be altered radically to underpin support for the creative jobs that will be more or less the sole basis of future employment and national growth and wealth creation. “Every child is born an artist. The trick is to remain an artist.” —Picasso “Human creativity is the ultimate economic resource.” —Richard Florida The very best and the very brightest and the most energetic and enthusiastic and entrepreneurial and tech-savvy of our university graduates must—must, not should—be lured into teaching. Big Data: Re-Imagining HR???? “[These HP] pioneers may not realize just how big a shift this practice is from a cultural standpoint. The computer is doing more than obeying the usual mechanical orders to retain facts and figures. It’s producing new information that’s so powerful, it must be handled with a new kind of care. We’re in a new world in which systems not only divine new, important information, but must carefully manage it as well.” —Eric Siegel, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (based on a real case, an HP “Flight risk” PA model developed by HR, with astronomical savings potential) “Flash forward to dystopia. You work in a chic cubicle, sucking chicken-flavor sustenance from a tube. You’re furiously maneuvering with a joystick … Your boss stops by and gives you a look. ‘We need to talk about your loyalty to this The organization you work for has deduced that you are considering quitting. It predicts your plans and intentions, possibly before you have even conceived them.” —Eric Siegel, Predictive company.’ Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (based on a real case, an HP “Flight risk” PA model developed by HR, with astronomical savings potential) Reductionist Leadership Training ARE YOU A “PROFESSIONAL” WHEN IT COMES TO PROMOTING PEOPLE? Are you a “professional” when it comes to evaluating people? Are you a “professional” when it comes to Hiring people? ARE YOU A “PROFESSIONAL” WHEN IT COMES TO DEVELOPING PEOPLE? Are you a “professional” when it comes to … ?* *The “real stuff” of effective organizational LEADERSHIP Reductionist Leadership Training “Aggressive ‘professional’ listener.” Expert at questioning. (Questioning “professional.”) Meetings as leadership opportunity #1. Creating a “civil society.” Expert at “helping.” (Helping “professional.”) Expert at holding productive conversations. Fanatic about clear communications. Fanatic about training. Master of appreciation/acknowledgement. Effective at apology. Creating a culture of automatic helpfulness by all to all. Presentation excellence. Conscious master of body language. Master of hiring. (Hiring “professional”) Master of evaluating people. Time manager par excellence. Avid practitioner of MBWA/Managing By Wandering Around. Avid student of the process of influencing others per se. Student of decision-making and devastating impact of irrational aspects thereof. Brilliantly schooled student of negotiation. Creating a no-nonsense execution culture. Meticulous about employee development/100% of staff. Student of the power of “d”iversity (all flavors of difference). Aggressive in pursuing gender balance. Making team-building excellence everyone’s daily priority. Understanding value of matchless 1st-line management. Instilling “business sense” in one and all. A 15-Point Human Capital Asset Development Manifesto Tom Peters/0615.12 A 15-Point Human Capital Asset Development Manifesto World Strategy Forum/ The New Rules: Reframing Capitalism Tom Peters/Seoul/0615.12 A 15-Point Human Capital Development Manifesto “Corporate social responsibility” starts at home—i.e., inside the enterprise! MAXIMIZING 1. GDD/Gross Domestic Development of the workforce is the primary source of mid-term and beyond growth and profitability—and maximizes national productivity and wealth. 2. Regardless of the transient external situation, development of “human capital” is always the #1 priority. This is true in general, in particular in difficult times which demand resilience—and uniquely true in this age in which IMAGINATIVE brainwork is de facto the only plausible survival strategy for higher wage nations. (Generic “brainwork,” traditional and dominant “whitecollar activities, is increasingly being performed by exponentially enhanced artificial intelligence.) Three-star generals and admirals (and symphony conductors and sports coaches and police chiefs and fire chiefs) OBSESS about training. Why is it an almost dead certainty that 3. in a random 30-minute interview you are unlikely to hear a CEO touch upon this topic? (I would hazard a guess that most CEOs see IT investments as a “strategic necessity,” but see training expenses as “a necessary evil.”) Proposition/axiom: The CTO/Chief TRAINING Officer is arguably the #1 staff job in the enterprise, at least on a par with, say, the CFO or CIO or head of R&D. (Again, external 4. circumstances—see immediately above—are forcing our hand.) The training budget takes precedence over the capital budget. PERIOD. It’s easier fun to get 5. you picture taken next to a hew machine. But how do you get a photo of of a new and much improved attitude in a key distribution center? But the odds are 25:1 that the new attitude will add more to the bottom line than will the glorious state-of-the-art machine. Human capital development should routinely sit atop any agenda or document associated with enterprise strategy. Most any initiative you 6. undertake should formally address implications for and contributions to human capital asset development. Every individual on the payroll should have a benchmarked professional growth strategy. 7. Every leader at every level should be evaluated in no small measure on the collective effectiveness of individual growth strategies— that is, each individual’s absolute growth is of direct relevance to every leader’s assessed performance. The practical key to all human asset development activities is the 1st-line manager. 10. (“Sergeants run the Army” is an accurate commonplace. observation—supported by development resources.) Hence development of the full cadre of 1st-line managers is an urgent—and invariably underplayed—strategic imperative. Arguably, the collective quality and development trajectory of 1st-line leaders is an organization’s #1 human asset development priority. (Consistent with all the above, the 1stline leader’s skill at “people development” is her or his top priority—for which she or he must be rigorously and continually trained.) 11. The national education infrastructure—from kindergarten to continuing adult education—may well be National Priority #1. Moreover, the educational infrastructure must be altered radically to underpin support for the creative jobs that will be more or less the sole basis of future employment and national growth and wealth creation. The great majority of us work in small enterprises; hence national growth objectives based upon human capital development MUST necessarily extend “downward” to even 1person enterprises. Collective productivity 13. improvement through human capital development among small businesses has an unimaginably large—and underappreciated— payoff. While many small business appreciate the notion, they are unprepared to take the steps necessary to engage their, say, dozen employees in seeking productivity improvements. 15. Associated with the above is a RADICAL reorientation of leadership education and development—throughout the enterprise/education/continuing education infrastructure. (E.g., Among other things, the MBA and executive education will require open-heart surgery—aimed at shifting focus from finance and marketing to human resource development. ) To deal with the most likely future employment scenarios, leaders will need to be masters of the liberal arts—said arts are, again, the determinant of responding to the emerging world. PART 2: Context & Excellence 1,000,000 GRIN G R I N enetics obotics nformatics anotechnology “Human level capability has not turned out to be a special stopping point from an engineering perspective. ….” Source: Illah Reza Nourbakhsh, Professor of Robotics, Carnegie Mellon, Robot Futures RACE AGAINST THE MACHINE “The root of our problem is not that we’re in a Great Recession or a Great Stagnation, but rather that we are in the early Great Restructuring. Our throes of a technologies are racing ahead, but our skills and organizations are lagging behind.” Source: Race AGAINST the Machine, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee “The median worker is losing the race against the machine.” —Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, The Race Against the Machine “A bureaucrat is an expensive microchip.” —Dan Sullivan, consultant and executive coach China too/Foxconn: 1,000,000 robots in next 3 years Source: Race AGAINST the Machine, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee Post-Great Recession: Equipment expenditures +26%; payrolls flat Source: Race AGAINST the Machine, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee AUTOMATE THIS: HOW ALGORITHMS CAME TO RULE THE WORLD “Algorithms have already written symphonies as moving as those composed by Beethoven, picked through legalese with the deftness of a senior law partner, diagnosed patients with more accuracy than a doctor, written news articles with the smooth hand of a seasoned reporter, and driven vehicles on urban highways with far better control than a human driver.” Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule the World —Christopher Steiner, Legal industry/Pattern Recognition/ Discovery (e-discovery algorithms): 500 lawyers to … ONE Source: Race AGAINST the Machine, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee BIG DATA “Analytics can yield literally hundreds of millions of data points—far too many for human intuition to make any sense of the data. So in conjunction with the ability to store very big data about online behavior, researchers have developed strong tools for data mining, statistically evaluating correlations between many types and sources of data to expose hidden patterns and connections. The patterns predict human behavior—and even hidden human motivations.” —Illah Reza Nourbakhsh, Professor of Robotics, Carnegie Mellon, Robot Futures “Predictions based on correlations lie at the heart of big data.” Source: Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, by Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier “Flash forward to dystopia. You work in a chic cubicle, sucking chicken-flavor sustenance from a tube. You’re furiously maneuvering with a joystick … Your boss stops by and gives you a look. ‘We need to talk about your loyalty to this The organization you work for has deduced that you are considering quitting. It predicts your plans and intentions, possibly before you have even conceived them.” —Eric Siegel, Predictive company.’ Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (based on a real case, an HP “Flight risk” PA model developed by HR, with astronomical savings potential) Power ! “Flash When I work with experimental digital gadgets, I am always reminded of how small changes in the details of a digital design can have profound unforeseen effects on the experiences of the people who are playing with it. The slightest change in something as seemingly trivial as the ease of use of a button can sometimes alter For instance, Stanford University researcher Jeremy Bailinson has demonstrated that changing the height of one’s avatars in immersive virtual reality transforms self-esteem and social self-perception. behavior patterns. Technologies are extensions of ourselves, and, like the avatars in Jeremy’s lab, our identities can be shifted by the quirks of gadgets. It is impossible to work with information technology without also engaging in social engineering.” —Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget ! Excellence Hard is Soft. Soft is Hard. Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A Bias for Action Close to the Customer Autonomy and Entrepreneurship Productivity Through People Hands On, Value-Driven Stick to the Knitting Simple Form, Lean Staff Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties “Breakthrough” 82* People! Customers! Action! Values! *In Search of Excellence “Why in the World did you go to Siberia?” An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum Enterprise* (*at its best): concerted human potential in the wholehearted pursuit of EXCELLENCE in service of others.** **Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners “the joy* of work” —John Mackey and Raj Sisoda, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business *See also, Joy Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love —Richard Sheridan (Menlo Innovations) Excellence: NOT an “Aspiration” EXCELLENCE is not an "aspiration.” EXCELLENCE is … THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES. EXCELLENCE is not an "aspiration." EXCELLENCE is … THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. EXCELLENCE Or not. is your next conversation. is your next meeting. is shutting up and listening—really listening. is your next customer contact. is saying “Thank you” for something “small.” is the next time you shoulder responsibility and apologize. is waaay over-reacting to a screw-up. is the flowers you brought to work today. is lending a hand to an “outsider” who’s fallen behind schedule. is bothering to learn the way folks in finance [or IS or HR] think. is waaay “over”-preparing for a 3-minute presentation. is turning “insignificant” tasks into models of … EXCELLENCE. EXCELLENCE is not an institutional choice. EXCELLENCE is … A PERSONAL CHOICE. You can take any damned attitude you choose to work today! It's your BLD/Biggest Life Decision! Twitter/BLD/Biggest Life Decision: PART 3: Leadership CONRAD HILTON, at a gala celebrating his career, was called to the podium “What were the most important lessons you learned in your long and distinguished career?” His answer … and asked, “Remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the bathtub.” You get ’em in the door with “location, location, location”—and a terrific architect. You keep ’em coming back with the tucked in shower curtain!* *Profit rarely comes from transaction #1; it is a byproduct of transaction #2, #3, #4 … IS “EXECUTION STRATEGY.” —Fred Malek YOU BEAT YOURSELF! Sports: Does/will the next presentation you give/ review allot more time to the process/ details/politics of “implementing” than to the “analysis of the problem/opportunity”? “EXECUTION IS THE JOB OF THE BUSINESS LEADER.” —Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/ Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done MBWA25 Managing By Wandering Around MBWA “I’m always stopping by our at least a week. stores— 25 I’m also in other places: Home Depot, Whole Foods, Crate & Barrel. I try to be a sponge to pick up as much as I can.” —Howard Schultz Source: Fortune, “Secrets of Greatness” “Most managers spend a great deal of time thinking about what they plan to do, but relatively little time thinking about what they plan not to do. As a result, they become so caught up … in fighting the fires of the moment that they cannot really attend to the long-term threats and risks facing the organization. So the first soft skill of leadership the hard way is to cultivate the perspective of Marcus Aurelius: avoid busyness, free up your time, stay focused on what Let me put it bluntly: every leader should routinely keep a substantial portion of his or her time—I would say as much as really matters. 50 percent—unscheduled. … Only when you have substantial ‘slop’ in your schedule—unscheduled time—will you have the space to reflect on what you are doing, learn from experience, and recover from your inevitable mistakes. Leaders without such free time end up tackling issues only when there is an immediate or visible problem. Managers’ typical response to my argument about free time is, ‘That’s all Yet we waste so much time in unproductive activity—it takes an enormous effort on the part of the leader to keep free time for the truly important things.” —Dov Frohman (& Robert Howard), Leadership The Hard Way: well and good, but there are things I have to do.’ Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught—And How You Can Learn It Anyway (Chapter 5, “The Soft Skills Of Hard Leadership”) You = Your calendar* *The calendar NEVER lies. Don’t > Do* * “Don’t-ing” must be systematic > WILLPOWER “The ONE THING you need to know about sustained individual success: Discover what you don’t like doing and STOP doing it.” —Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know ONE at a Time one “If there is any ‘secret’ to effectiveness, it is concentration. Effective executives do first things first and they do one thing at a time.” … —Peter Drucker MBWA 4 MBWA 8 MBWA 12 “The 4 most important words in any organization are … THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT WORDS IN ANY ORGANIZATION “WHAT DO YOU THINK?” ARE … Source: courtesy Dave Wheeler, posted at MBWA 8: Change the World With EIGHT Words What do you think?* How can I help?** *Dave Wheeler: “What are the four most important words in the boss’ lexicon?” **Boss as CHRO/Chief Hurdle Removal Officer ********************************** MBWA 12: Change the World With TWELVE Words What do you think?* How can I help?** What have you learned?*** *Dave Wheeler: “What are the four most important words in the boss’ lexicon?” **Boss as CHRO/Chief Hurdle Removal Officer ********************************** ***What [new thing] have you learned [in the last 24 hours]? ********************* * Tomorrow: How many times will you “ask the WDYT question”? [Count ’em!!] [Practice makes better!] [This is a STRATEGIC skill!] Acknowledgement. “The deepest principal in human nature is the craving* to be appreciated.” —William James *“Craving,” not “wish” or “desire” or “longing”/Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (“The BIG Secret of Dealing With People”) “The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important.” —John Dewey (In Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (“The BIG Secret of Dealing With People”) "Appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth.” —George W. Crane, physician, columnist “The two most powerful things in existence: a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.” —Ken Langone, co-founder, Home Depot “Employees who don't feel significant rarely make significant contributions.” —Mark Sanborn “Acknowledge” … perhaps the most powerful word (and idea) in the English language—and manager’s tool kit! Meeting Power ! Complain all you want, but meetings are what you [boss] do! Meetings = #1 leadership opportunity Every meeting that does not stir the imagination and curiosity of attendees and increase bonding and cooperation and engagement and sense of worth and motivate rapid action and enhance enthusiasm is a permanently lost opportunity. Meeting: FYI: This is … not … a rant about “conducting better meetings.” #1 CEO Failing “If I had to pick one failing of CEOs, it’s that they don’t read enough.” —Co-founder of one of the largest investment services firms in the USA/world Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas Anti-fragile: Things That Gain From Disorder Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World Creation: How Science Is Reinventing Life Itself Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It Employees First, Customers Second Everything Bad Is Good For You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop—Fro Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaping the World The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From You Fooled By Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business The Future Arrived Yesterday The Gamification Revolution: How Leaders Leverage Game Mechanics to Crush the Competition How to Create: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed Knowledge and Power: ?The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses Lords of Strategy Loyalty 3.0: ?How Big Data and Gamification Are Revolutionizing Customer and Employee Engagement Makers: The New Industrial Revolution Models Behaving Badly: Why Confusing Illusion with Reality Can Lead to Disaster on Wall Street and in Life The Myth of American Decline and the Growth of a New Economy Nanotechnology for Dummies Open Services Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era The Org: The Underlying Logic of the Office The Power of Co-Creation: Build It With Them to Boost Growth, Productivity and Profits Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie or Die Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking Race Against The Machine: How the Digital Revolution Is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and the Economy Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection Robot Futures The Rise of the Creative Class The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations and the Public The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail—But Some Don’t The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself and Transform Your Career Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams With Advanced Analytics Thinking, Fast and Slow To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism Tubes: A journey to the Center of the Internet Wait: The Art and Science of DelayWhat You Can Change … and What You Can’t Wired For War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the Twenty-first Century You Are Not a Gadget Questionable Judgment Skills Thinking, Fast and Slow “Why are experts inferior to algorithms? One reason is that experts try to be clever, think outside the box … This may work in the odd case, but more often than not it reduces validity. …” “The important conclusion from this research is that an algorithm that is constructed on the back of an envelope is often good enough to compete with an optimally weighted formula—and certainly good enough to outdo expert judgment.” “It is wrong to blame anyone for failing to forecast accurately in an unpredictable world. However, it seems fair to blame professionals for believing they can succeed at an impossible task.” Source: Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow (Chapter: “intuitions Vs. Formulas”) Clinical versus Statistical Prediction “There is now [1996] a metaanalysis of studies of the comparative efficacy of clinical judgment and actuarial prediction methods. … Of 136 research studies from a wide variety of predictive domains, not more than 5 percent show the clinician’s predictive procedure to be more accurate than a statistical one.” Source: Paul Meehl, Clinical versus Statistical Prediction (1954) 1 Mouth, Ears “The doctor interrupts after …* *Source: Jerome Groopman, How Doctors Think 18 … 18 … seconds! [An obsession with] Listening is ... the ultimate mark of Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening is is is is is is is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Listening Listening Listening Listening is is is is ... ... ... ... the heart and soul of Engagement. the heart and soul of Kindness. the heart and soul of Thoughtfulness. the basis for true Collaboration. the basis for true Partnership. a Team Sport. a Developable Individual Skill.* (*Though women are far better at it than men.) the basis for Community. the bedrock of Joint Ventures that work. the bedrock of Joint Ventures that grow. the core of effective Cross-functional Communication* (*Which is in turn Attribute #1 of organization effectiveness.) [cont.] Respect . “I always write ‘LISTEN’ on the back of my hand before a meeting.” Source: Tweet viewed @tom_peters 10 Essential Selling Principles Most Salespeople Get Wrong 1. Assuming the problem that the prospect communicates is the real problem. 2. Thinking that your sales “presentation” will seal the deal. 3. Talking too much. 4. Believing that you can sell anybody anything. 5. Overeducating the prospect when you should be selling. 6. Failing to remember that salespeople are decisionmakers, too. 7. Reading minds. 8. Working as an “unpaid consultant” to seal the deal. 9. Being your own worst enemy. 10. Keeping your fingers crossed that a prospect doesn’t notice a problem. Source: Forbes/0503.13 *8 of 10 sales presentations fail *50% failed sales presentations … talking “at” before listening! —Susan Scott, “Let Silence Do the Heavy Listening,” chapter title, Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time Suggested addition to your statement of Core “We are Effective Listeners—we treat Listening EXCELLENCE as the Centerpiece of our Commitment to Respect and Engagement and Community and Growth.” Values: *Listening is of the utmost … STRATEGIC importance! *Listening is a proper … CORE VALUE ! *Listening is … TRAINABLE ! *Listening is a … PROFESSION ! Helping: Not For Sissies Are you a full-fledged “professional” when it comes to helping? What do managers do for a living? Help! Right? How many of us could call ourselves “professional helpers,” meaning that we have studied—like a professional mastering her musical craft—“helping”? (Not many, I’d judge.) Ed Schein: Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help Last chapter: 7 “principles.” E.g.: PRINCIPLE 2: “Effective Help Occurs When the Helping Relationship Is Perceived to Be Equitable. PRINCIPLE 4: “Everything You Say or Do Is an Intervention that Determines the Future of the Relationship. PRINCIPLE 5: “Effective Helping Begins with Pure Inquiry. PRINCIPLE 6: “It Is the Client Who Owns the Problem.”* (Words matter!! Read a quote from NFL player-turned lawyer-turned professional football coach, calling his players “my clients.” (*Love the idea that the employee is a “Client” ! ) Employee as Client! “Helping” is what we [leaders] “do” for a living! STUDY/PRACTICE “helping” as you would neurosurgery! (“Helping” is your neurosurgery!) K=R=P “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” —Henry Clay 139,380 former patients from 225 hospitals: Press Ganey Assoc: NONE of THE top 15 factors determining Patient Satisfaction referred to patient’s health outcome. Instead: directly related to Staff Interaction; directly correlated with Employee Satisfaction Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel “There is a misconception that supportive interactions require more staff or more time and are therefore more costly. Although labor costs are a substantial part of any hospital budget, the interactions themselves add nothing to the KINDNESS IS FREE. budget. Listening to patients or answering their questions costs nothing. It can be argued that negative interactions—alienating patients, being non-responsive to their needs or limiting their sense of control—can be very costly. … Angry, frustrated or frightened patients may be combative, withdrawn and less cooperative—requiring far more time than it would have taken to interact with them initially in a positive way.” Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel (Griffin Hospital/Derby CT; Plantree Alliance) Kindness = Repeat business = Profit. K = R = P/Kindness = Repeat business = Profit Kindness: Kind. Thoughtful. Decent. Caring. Attentive. Engaged. Listens well/obsessively. Appreciative. Open. Visible. Honest. Responsive. On time all the time. Apologizes with dispatch for screw-ups. “Over”-reacts to screw-ups of any magnitude. “Professional” in all dealings. Optimistic. Understands that kindness to staff breeds kindness to others/outsiders. Applies throughout the “supply chain.” Applies to 100% of customer’s staff. Explicit part of values statement. Basis for evaluation of 100% of our staff. Responsiveness/ Apology/ “I’m sorry!” “I regard apologizing as the most magical, healing, restorative gesture human beings can make. It is the centerpiece of my work with executives who want to get better.” —Marshall Goldsmith, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful. THERE ONCE WAS A TIME WHEN A Relationships (of all varieties): THREE-MINUTE PHONE CALL WOULD HAVE AVOIDED SETTING OFF THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL THAT RESULTED IN A COMPLETE RUPTURE.* *divorce, loss of a BILLION $$$ aircraft sale, etc., etc. THE PROBLEM IS RARELY/NEVER THE PROBLEM. THE RESPONSE TO THE PROBLEM INVARIABLY ENDS UP BEING THE REAL PROBLEM.* *PERCEPTION IS ALL THERE IS! Comeback [big, quick response] >> Perfection Acquire vs. maintain: 5X* *Hence: Service >> Sales (!!) “We” Observed closely: The use of “I” or “we” during a job interview. Source: Leonard Berry & Kent Seltman, chapter 6, “Hiring for Values,” Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic hundreds of times better here “I am [than because of the support system. It’s like you were working in an organism; you are not a single cell when you are out there practicing.’” in my prior hospital assignment] —quote from Dr. Nina Schwenk, in Chapter 3, “Practicing Team Medicine,” from Leonard Berry & Kent Seltman, from Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic "The personnel committees on all three campuses have become aggressive in addressing the issue of physicians who are not living the Mayo value of exhibiting respectful, collegial behavior to all team members. Some physicians have been suspended without pay or terminated.” —Leonard Barry & Kent Seltman, Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic "When I was in medical school, I spent hundreds of hours looking into a microscope—a skill I never needed to know or ever use. Yet I didn't have a single class that taught me communication or teamwork skills—something I need every day I walk into the hospital.” —Peter Pronovost, Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals XFX = #1 XFX = #1* *Cross-Functional eXcellence NEVER WASTE A LUNCH! “Allied commands depend on mutual confidence and this confidence is gained, above all development of friendships.” through the —General D.D. Eisenhower, Armchair General* *“Perhaps his most outstanding ability [at West Point] he made friends and earned the trust of fellow cadets who came from widely varied backgrounds; it was a quality that would pay was the ease with which great dividends during his future coalition command.” % XF lunches* * Measure! Monthly! Part of evaluation! [The PAs Club.] XFX: SOCIAL ACCELERATORS … XFX/Typical Social Accelerators 1. EVERYONE’s [more or less] JOB #1: Make friends in other functions! (Purposefully. Consistently. Measurably.) 2. “Do lunch” with people in other functions!! Frequently!! (Minimum 10% to 25% for everyone? Measured.) 3. Ask peers in other functions for references so you can become conversant in their world. (It’s one helluva sign of ... GIVE-A-DAMN-ism.) 4. Religiously invite counterparts in other functions to your team meetings. Ask them to present “cool stuff” from “their world” to your group. (Useful. Mark of respect.) 5. PROACTIVELY SEEK EXAMPLES OF “TINY” ACTS OF “XFX” TO ACKNOWLEDGE—PRIVATELY AND PUBLICALLY. (Bosses: ONCE A DAY … make a short call or visit or send an email of “Thanks” for some sort of XFX gesture by your folks and some other function’s folks.) 6. Present counterparts in other functions awards for service to your group. Tiny awards at least weekly; and an “Annual AllStar Supporters [from other groups] Banquet” modeled after superstar salesperson banquets. XFX/: Typical Social Accelerators 16. Formal evaluations. Everyone, starting with the receptionist, should have a significant XF rating component in their evaluation. (The “XFX Performance” should be among the Top 3 items in all managers’ evaluations.) 17. Every functional unit should have strict and extensive measures of “customer satisfaction” based on evaluations from other functions of its usefulness and effectiveness and valueadded to the enterprise as a whole. 18. Demand XF experience for, especially, senior jobs. For example, the U.S. military requires all would-be generals and admirals to have served a full tour in a job whose only goals were cross-functional achievements. 19. “Deep dip.” Dive three levels down in the organization to fill a senior role with some one who has been noticeably pro-active on adding value via excellent cross-functional integration. 20. XFX is … PERSONAL … as well as about organizational effectiveness. PXFX [Personal XFX] is arguably the #1 Accelerant to personal success—in terms of organizational career, freelancer/Brand You, or as entrepreneur. Excellence! 21. There is a “State of XF Excellence” per se. Talk it up constantly. Pursue it. Aspire to nothing less. EXPLICITLY & VISIBLY & RELENTLESSLY MANAGE TO XFX STANDARD! “You’re spending too much time with your customers!” [bill-paying] C(I)>C(E) C(I) > C(E) (1) “Unfair” “internal market share”! (2) Have your whole organization zealously working to make you successful! Goal/s: “Success doesn’t depend on the number of people you know; it depends on the number high places!” of people you know in or “Success doesn’t depend on the number of people you know; it depends on the number of people you know in ‘low’ places!” More than “performance evaluation/award” More than “team accomplishment evaluation/award.” Rather: Specific and frequent and VISIBLE recognition to INDIVIDUALS who have helped INDIVIDUALS in other functions—or, for that matter, our own group. E.g. BIG VISIBLE RECOGNITION for specific acts, small acts more than large acts, of selflessly helping others per se. PART 4: Innovation & Value Added /47 Lesson47: WTTMSW WHOEVER TRIES THE MOST STUFF WINS READY. FIRE! AIM. H. Ross Perot (vs “Aim! Aim! Aim!” /EDS vs GM/1985) “We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again and again. We do the same today. While our competitors are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design perfect, we’re already on prototype version #5. By the time our rivals are ready with wires and screws, we are on version #10. It gets back to planning versus acting: We act from day one; others plan how to plan—for months.” —Bloomberg by Bloomberg Culture of Prototyping “Effective prototyping may THE MOST VALUABLE CORE COMPETENCE an be innovative organization can hope to have.” —Michael Schrage Think about It!? Innovation = Reaction to the Prototype Source: Michael Schrage “EXPERIMENT FEARLESSLY” Tactic #1 Source: BusinessWeek, “Type A Organization Strategies: How to Hit a Moving Target”— “RELENTLESS TRIAL AND ERROR” Source: Wall Street Journal, cornerstone of effective approach to “rebalancing” company portfolios in the face of changing and uncertain global economic conditions (11.08.10) “FAIL. FORWARD. FAST.” High Tech CEO, Pennsylvania “REWARD excellent failures. PUNISH mediocre successes.” —Phil Daniels, Sydney exec “The essence of capitalism is encouraging failure, not rewarding success.” —Nassim Nicholas Taleb/Reason TV/0124.13 “The secret of fast progress is inefficiency, fast and furious and numerous failures.” —Kevin Kelly WTTMSASTMSUTFW WHOEVER TRIES THE MOST STUFF AND SCREWS THE MOST STUFF UP THE FASTEST WINS We Are What We Eat. “You will become like the five people you associate with the most—this can be either a blessing or a curse.” —Billy Cox WE ARE THE COMPANY WE KEEP! MANAGE IT! The “We are what we eat”/ “We are who we hang out with” Axiom: At its core, every (!!!) relationship-partnership decision (employee, vendor, customer, etc., etc.) is a strategic decision about: “Innovate, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ ” Measure/Manage: Portfolio “Strangeness”/ “Quality” 1. Customers 2. Vendors 3. Out-sourcing Partners 4. Acquisitions 5. Purposeful “Theft” 6. Diversity/“d”iversity 7. Diversity/Crowd-sourcing 8. Diversity/Weird 9. Diversity/Curiosity 10. Benchmarks 11. Calendar 12. MBWA 13. Lunch/General 14. Lunch/Other functions 15. Location/Internal 16. Location/HQ 17. Top team 18. Board “[CEO A.G.] Lafley has shifted P&G’s focus on inventing all its own products to developing … OTHERS’ INVENTIONS AT LEAST HALF THE TIME. One successful example, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, based on a product found in an Osaka market.” —Fortune “DON’T BENCHMARK, FUTUREMARK!” Impetus: “The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed” —William Gibson “DON’T BENCHMARK, ‘OTHER’ MARK!” Rob McEwen/CEO/ Goldcorp Inc./ Red Lake GOLD Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Don Tapscott & Anthony Williams Source: “The Billion-man Research Team: Companies offering work to online communities are reaping the benefits of ‘crowdsourcing.’” —Headline, FT “The Bottleneck … “The Bottleneck is at the … “Where are you likely to find people with the least diversity of experience, the largest investment in the past, and the greatest reverence for industry dogma … Top of the Bottle” — Gary Hamel/Harvard Business Review We Are What We Eat: The “Fred Smith Question” “Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met in the last 90 days? How do I get in touch with them?” —Fred Smith TGRs: LBTs LITTLE = Big carts = Source: Wal*Mart Bag sizes = New markets: Source: PepsiCo 2X: “When Friedman slightly curved the right angle of an entrance corridor to one property, he was ‘amazed at the magnitude of change in pedestrians’ behavior’—the percentage who entered increased from one-third to nearly two-thirds.” —Natasha Dow Schull, Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas Machine Gambling “Pleasing” odor #1 vs. “pleasing” odor #2: +45% revenue Source: “Effects of Ambient Odors on Slot-Machine Useage in Las Vegas Casinos,” reported in Natasha Dow Schull, Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas (66% revenue, 85% profit) <TGW and … >TGR [Things Gone WRONG-Things Gone RIGHT] (1) Amenable to rapid experimentation/ failure “free” (PR, $$) (2) Quick to implement/ Quick to Roll out (3) Inexpensive to implement/Roll out (4) Huge multiplier (5) An “Attitude” TGRs: CNO “Customer engagement is moving from relatively isolated market transactions to deeply connected and sustained social relationships. This basic change in how we do business will make an impact on just about everything we do.” Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies For the Connected Company —Dion Hinchcliffe & Peter Kim MillerCoors: Gender imbalance. Women of Sales peer support. Private network, Attrition plummeted. Teva Canada: Supply chain excellence achieved. SharePoint/troubleshooting/Strategy-Nets/hooked to other functions; Moxie social tools, document editing, etc. IBM: Social business tools/30 percent drop in project completion time/300K on LinkedIn, 200K on Facebook Bloomberg: Mobi social media analytics prelude to stock performance Intuit: struggling against H&R Block temp staffing/customers #1 asset/Live Community, focused on help with transactions (not general, embedded in TurboTax Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies For the Connected Company —Dion Hinchcliffe & Peter Kim Gamification “Gamification presents the best tools humanity has ever had to create and sustain engagement in people.” Source: Gabe Zichermann & Joselin Linder, Gamification: How Leaders Leverage Game Mechanics to Crush the Competition CMO/ Marketing CEO/Experience CNO/eNgagement “You get a sense of the scale and intricacy of the task by considering the sound effects alone: The game contains 54,000 pieces of audio and 40,000 lines of dialogue. are 2,700 There different noises for footsteps alone depending on whose foot is stepping on what.” —Sam Leith on Halo 3, from Jane McGonigal, Reality Is Broken: Why Games MakeUs Better and How They Can Change the World TGRs: 8/80 Customers describing their service experience as “superior”: 8% Companies describing the service experience they provide as “superior”: 80% —Source: Bain & Company survey of 362 companies, reported in John DiJulius, What's the Secret to Providing a World-class Customer Experience? Conveyance: Kingfisher Air Location: Approach to New Delhi “May I clean your glasses, sir?” BEGINS (and ENDS) It in the … PARKING LOT* *Disney <TGW and … >TGR [Things Gone WRONG-Things Gone RIGHT] TGRS. MANAGE ’EM. MEASURE ’EM.* *I use “manage-measure” a lot. Translation: These are not “soft” ideas; they are exceedingly important things that can be managed—AND measured. “Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from goods.” —Joe Pine & Jim Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage C *Chief e O* Xperience Officer Design! Design Rules! APPLE market cap > Exxon Mobil* *August 2011 “Only one company can be the cheapest. All others must use design.” —Rodney Fitch, Fitch & Co. Source: Insights, definitions of design, the Design Council [UK] “Design is treated like a religion at BMW.”* —Fortune *APPLE market cap > Exxon Mobil (August 2011) “With its carefully conceived mix of colors and textures, STARBUCKS aromas and music, is more indicative of our era than the iMac. It is to the Age of Aesthetics what McDonald’s was to the Age of Convenience or Ford was to the Age of Mass Production—the touchstone success story, the exemplar ‘Every Starbucks store is carefully designed to enhance the quality of everything the customers see, touch, hear, smell or taste,’ writes of … the aesthetic imperative. … CEO Howard Schultz.” —Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture and Consciousness Hypothesis: DESIGN is the principal difference love and hate!* between *Not “like” and “dislike” O* C *Chief Design Officer “Design is everything. Everything is design.” “We are all designers.” Inspiration: The Power of Design: A Force for Transforming Everything, Richard Farson Design is … *The reception area *The loo *Dialogues at the call center *Every electronic [or paper] form *Every business process “map” *Every email *Every meeting agenda/setting/etc. *Every square meter of every facility *Every new product proposal *Every manual *Every customer contact *A consideration in every promotion decision *The presence and ubiquity of an “Aesthetic sensibility”/ “Design mindfulness” *An encompassing “design review” process *Etc. *Etc. “Businesspeople don’t need to ‘understand designers better.’ Businesspeople need to be designers.” —Roger Martin/Dean/Rotman Management School/University of Toronto M IBM IB to “Lou, Your mission is to break the company up and release hidden value!” “Lou, with all the money I’ve spent with you guys, why in the hell hasn’t my business been transformed?” $55B* *IBM Global Services/ “Systems integrator of choice” Planetary Rainmaker-in-Chief! “[CEO Sam] Palmisano’s strategy is to expand tech’s borders by pushing users— and entire industries—toward radically different business models. The payoff for IBM would be access to an ocean of revenue—Palmisano estimates it at $500 billion a year — that technology companies have never been able to touch.” —Fortune “You are headed for commodity hell if you don’t have services.” —Lou Gerstner, on IBM’s coming revolution (1997) “Big Brown’s New Bag: UPS Aims to Be the Traffic Manager for Corporate America” —Headline/BW “UPS wants to take over the sweet spot in the endless loop of goods, information and capital that all the packages [it moves] represent.” — (E.g., UPS Logistics manages the logistics of 4.5M Ford vehicles, from 21 mfg. sites to 6,000 NA dealers) Huge: “Customer Satisfaction with product/Service” to “CUSTOMER SUCCESS” “ ‘Results’ are measured by the success of all those who have purchased your product or service” —Jan Gunnarsson & Olle Blohm, The Welcoming Leader Big STINKS: Mid-size Superstars/ Roll Out the Red Carpet “I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for myself?’ The answer seems obvious … Source: Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics “I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for Buy a very large one and just wait.” myself?’ The answer seems obvious: —Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics “Mr. Foster and his McKinsey colleagues collected detailed performance data stretching back years for 1,000 found that U.S. companies. 40 They NONE of the long-term survivors managed to outperform the market. Worse, the longer companies had been in the database, the worse they did.” —Financial Times “Data drawn from the real world attest to a fact that is beyond EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE TENDS TO DETERIORATE.” our control: —Norberto Odebrecht, Education Through Work MITTELSTAND* ** *“agile creatures darting between the legs of the multinational monsters” (Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 10.10) **E.g. Goldmann Produktion THE RED CARPET STORE (Joel Resnick/Flemington NJ) Retail Superstars: Inside the 25 Best Independent Stores in America —by George Whalin Jungle Jim’s International Market, Fairfield, Ohio: “An adventure in ‘shoppertainment,’ as Jungle Jim’s 1,600 cheeses and, yes, 1,400 varieties of hot sauce —not to mention 12,000 wines priced from $8 to $8,000 a bottle; all this is brought to you by 4,000 vendors. Customers come from every calls it, begins in the parking lot and goes on to corner of the globe.” Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland, Frankenmuth, Michigan, 98,000-square-foot “shop” features the likes of 6,000 Christmas ornaments, 50,000 trims, and anything else you can name if it pertains to pop 5,000: Christmas. Source: George Whalin, Retail Superstars “Be the best. It’s the only market that’s not crowded.” From: Retail Superstars: Inside the 25 Best Independent Stores in America, George Whalin Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big Small Giants: Companies that Chose to Be Great Instead of Big (Bo Burlingham) “THEY CULTIVATED EXCEPTIONALLY INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS WITH CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS, based on personal contact, one-on-one interaction, and mutual commitment to delivering on promises. “EACH COMPANY HAD AN EXTRAORDINARILY INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LOCAL CITY, TOWN, OR COUNTY in which it did business -- a relationship that went well beyond the usual concept of `giving back.’ “The companies had what struck me as UNUSUALLY INTIMATE WORKPLACES. “I noticed the PASSION that the leaders brought to what the company did. THEY LOVED THE SUBJECT MATTER, whether it be music, safety lighting, food, special effects, constant torque hinges, beer, records storage, construction, dining, or fashion." 14,000 20,000 14,000 20,000 14,000/eBay 20,000/Amazon 30/Craigslist “We all agree your theory is crazy. The question, which divides us, is whether it is crazy enough.” —Niels Bohr, to Wolfgang Pauli “We are crazy. We should do something when people say If people say something is ‘good’, it means someone else is already doing it.” it is ‘crazy.’ —Hajime Mitarai, Canon Where’s your “Craig’s List Every project: [WOW!] option”? Kevin Roberts’ Credo 1. Ready. Fire! Aim. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If it ain’t broke ... Break it! Hire crazies. Ask dumb questions. Pursue failure. Lead, follow ... or get out of the way! Spread confusion. Ditch your office. Read odd stuff. 10. AVOID MODERATION! “INSANELY GREAT” STEVE JOBS “RADICALLY THRILLING” BMW Innovation Index: How many of your Top 5 Strategic Initiatives/Key Projects score 8 or higher [out of 10] on a “Weird”/“Profound”/ “Wow”/“Game-changer” Scale? ! Excellence EXCELLENCE. Always. If not EXCELLENCE, what? If not EXCELLENCE now, when? 1/4,096: “Business has to give people enriching, or it's simply not worth doing.” rewarding lives … —Richard Branson