Psychosocial Issues In Bone Marrrow Transplant Jennifer Blosser, LCSW, ACSW, CSWHC & Susan Striano, MSW November 2011 Objectives Identify Biopsychosocial and Spiritual issues in BMT Understand patient and caregiver issues Identify resources and strategies to assist Identify components of a patient evaluation that elicits important factors predictive of coping (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Bio-psychosocial? The biological, psychological and social affect a person’s response to illness and treatment The mind and body connection Health care staff need to address the person holistically Contrasts with a reductionist model of disease (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Constellation Family Work Health Spirituality Genetics Life Experience Resilience Temperment (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Who Cares? BMT is extremely rigorous Long recovery times Side effects Late effects/Survivorship High risks of mortality (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Practical Matters Patient and caregiver may relocate Need plans for home and family May be out of work Resources stretched thin Patient pay amounts Gas mileage Dreaded doughnut hole (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Spiritual Chronic sorrow (Olshansky, 1962) Role loss Facing mortality Wearing out the system Sin and Salvation Search for meaning (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Mental/Emotional Anxiety and Depression Denial/Minimization Anger Fears of the unknown Loss of control Dependence Deterioration Side effects/Pain/Suffering Reaction of others Fear of relapse ENGULFMENT (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Physical Fatigue/sleep disturbance Sexual dysfunction Side effects of medicine Side effects of GVHD Where is my wellness Cognitive changes (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Young Adults Ill at transitional time in development Tasks of individuation interrupted Negotiating friendships and intimate relationships Moving back home Some treated first when children (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Continuum of Coping Emotional acceptance . . . Cognitive awareness . . . Adherence to treatment What led them to decision What have they read/heard about process (did they read materials) Glass half full or half empty? (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Risks Decreased adherence Failure to thrive Increased somatization Question quality of life Failure of expectations for recovery Need to adjust to new baseline (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Caregivers Have different experience Extra duties/roles Finances/job pressures for time off Anticipatory grief Loss of self care Bringing baggage with you (pt., too) Overwhelmed by systems (pt., too)(medical/insurance) Resources dedicated to patients Distress higher than patients (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Special Situations Gay, lesbian and transgender partners as caregivers Homosexual persons with cancer Caregivers with disabilities Language and multicultural differences from treatment staff (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Survivorship BMTInfoNet survey 2007 Emotional/Psychiatric Late Effects Fatigue Worry about family/caregivers (2011) Blosser, Jennifer COOL! Psychosocial support and emotional issues can be predictive of well-being following transplant (Hoodin, et al, 2006) Hypothesis: emotional adjustment and psychosocial support can be immune modulatory (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Case Example Medical History of illness experience Past medical history Home and family Environmental issues Pets Health of family (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Financial Education/Employment Status of finances Insurance ok? Copays Deductables Out of pocket maxes Medicines (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Substances/Mental Health/Legal History of substance use Patient Family Potential caregivers Mental health history Legal issues Court hearings, financial, incarcerations, wills/advanced directives/POAs (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Learning and Education Patient and family learning style What have they received Did it meet their needs Was is understood History of learning problems or literacy issues (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Adjustment General impressions of mood and coping for patient and family Relevant history History with medical situations Specific phobias Coping with staff, long waits, when things go wrong Conclusions/Needs (2011) Blosser, Jennifer How to Cope Exercise (Wiskman&Huber, 2008) Education Nutrition Medicine Counseling Get a role! Clergy Family/community (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Integrative approaches Yoga Visualization/guided imagery Prayer/Meditation Journaling Celebrate landmarks (Stronach, 2002) Acknowledge loss, consider gains Value in being vs. doing (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Community Resources Organizations related to patient diagnosis Grants/fundraising Social Security Medicaid/Medicare Grief/bereavement support Support groups Churches Family/friends/neighbors/other patientsfamilies (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Emotional Support American Psychosocial Oncology Society 1 866 276 7443, Cancer Info and Counseling Line 1 800 525 3777 1 800 813 4673 (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Fatigue National Comprehensive Cancer Network Oncology Nursing Society ue.shtml American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Your local cancer rehab program (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Cognitive Meds Behavioral interventions Relaxation/stress management Job retraining Treatment of underlying medical conditions (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Caregivers Family Caregiver Alliance National Family Caregivers Association Wellspouse Association Caringbridge and Carepages Young Spouses (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Young Adults es (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Humor Laughter known to reduce blood pressure, increase feel-good neurochemicals and reduce subjective feelings of depression. “I may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent,” (Ashleigh Brilliant). (2011) Blosser, Jennifer (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Bibliography Anderson, KO, Giralt, SA, Mendoza, TR, Brown, JO, Neumann, JL, Mobley, GM, Wang, XS and Cleeland, CS. Symptom burden in patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2007) 39, 759-766. Andorsky, DJ, Loberiza Jr, FR and Lee, SJ. Pretransplantation physical and mental functioning is strongly associated with self reported recovery from stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2006) 37, 889-895. Beanlands, H, Lipton, J, McCay, E, Schimmer, A, Elliott, M, Messner, H, et al. Self-concept as a “BMT Patient,” illness intrusiveness, and engulfment in allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients. Journal of Psychsomatic Research (2003) 55, 419-425. (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Bishop,M. For Better and For Worse: Impact of Cancer and BMT on Family-Caregivers. BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. Bolte, S. The Unique Needs of Young Adult Survivors. 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Psychosocial vulnerability predicts psychosocial outcome after an organ transplant: Results of a prospective study with lung, liver and bone marrow transplant patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research (2007) 62, 93-100. Grant, M, Ferrell, B, Schmidt, GM, Fonbuena, P, Niland, JC, and Forman, SJ. Measurement of quality of life in bone marrow transplantation survivors. Quality of Life Research (1992) 1, 375-384. (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Hochhausen, N, Altmaier, E, McQuellon,R, Davies, S, Papdopolpous, E, Carter, S & Henslee-Downey,J. Social Support, Optimism, and Self-Efficacy Predict Physical and Emotional Well-Being After Bone Marrow Transplantation. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology (2007) 25(1) 87-101. Hoodin, F, Uberti JP, Lynch, TJ, Steele, P, and Ratanatharathorn, V. Do negative or positive emotions differentially impact mortality after adult stem cell transplant? Bone Marrow Transplantation (2006) 38, 255-264. Humphreys, CT, Tallman, B, Altmaier, EM and Barnette, V. Sexual functioning in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation: a longitudinal study. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2007) 39, 491-496. (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Jenks Kettman, J & Altmaier, E. Social support and depression among bone marrow transplant patients. Journal of Health Psychology (2008) 13(1) 39-46. Johnson Vicksburg, S, Duhamel, K, Smith, M, Manne, S, Winkel, G, Papadoupoulous, E, et al. Global meaning and psychological adjustment among survivors of bone marrow transplant. Psycho-oncology (2001) 10, 29-39. Meyers, CA. Chemobrain: Is it Real? BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. Morales, JL. Cancer and the Law – What You Need to Know. BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. Northen, H. (1982). Clinical Social Work. New York: Columbia University Press. (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Olshansky, S. Chronic Sorrow: A response to having a mentally defective child, Social Casework (1962) 43, 190193. Pavletic, S. Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease. BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. Schover, L. Sexuality After Transplant: A Workshop for Men. BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. Steel, JL, Nadeau, K, Olek, M & Carr, BI. Preliminary Results of an Individually Tailored Psychosocial Intervention for Patients with Advanced Hepatobiliary Carcinoma. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology (2007) 25 (3) 19-42. (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Stronach, K. (2002). “Survivors Guide for Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant: What to Expect and How to Get Through it.” 2nd Edition. nbmtLINK, Southfield, MI. Sullivan, AK, Szkrumelak, N & Hoffman, LH Psychological risk factors and early complications after bone marrow transplantation in adults. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1999) 24, 1109-1120. Syrjala, K. Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster of Survival. BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. Syrjala, K. Female Sexuality After Transplant: A Workshop for Women. BMT Info Net Survivorship Conference (2008) Dallas, TX. (2011) Blosser, Jennifer Washington, AW. (1999) Cross-cultural issues in transplant compliance. Transplant Proceedings (1999) 31(4) sup. 1, 27s-28s. Wiskemann, J and Huber,G. Physical exercise as adjuvant therapy for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2008) 41, 321-329 for questions! (2011) Blosser, Jennifer