* Dr Julia Bowman Leadership Unit, Health Education & Training Institute * By the end of the presentation participants will: * Understand how mindfulness is related to clinical supervision? * Understand how they can apply mindfulness strategies to clinical supervision? * Be aware of the benefits of using mindfulness as a tool for clinical supervision? * Have had the opportunity to practice a mindfulness strategy. * *The provision of guidance & feedback on matters of personal, professional & educational development to facilitate appropriate & safe patient care (HETI, The Superguide, 2013) * Supervision is conversational-based learning… Education Support Administration Develop self-awareness Facilitate harmonious working relationships Clarification of roles & responsibilities Reflection on practice Promote morale & job satisfaction Workload management Provide knowledge & skills Management of jobrelated stress Review & assessment of work Integrate theory into practice Increase sense of professional self-worth Address organisation & practice issues Facilitate professional reasoning (Carroll, 2006, HETI, The Superguide, 2013, p.16) * Supervisors assist their staff/students: *In the transition from dependent novice to autonomous practitioner *To use their experience as a springboard for further learning *To become reflective practitioners * * Clinical supervision is more than a cognitive process * Requires awareness of ones: * * * * Emotions Intuitions Sensations Bodily experiences * Reflections need to resonate with the heart as well as the head * Enhances the supervision experience for both the supervisor & supervisee (Carroll, 2009) * * *A technique that people use to become purposefully aware of their thoughts, feelings and decisions in the present moment in a non-judgmental way (Carroll, 2009, Eggers, 2007, Kabat-Zinn, 1994) * • • • • • Attitudes Beliefs Thoughts Feelings Behaviours • Open minded • Avoiding bias • Paying attention to the here & now Self Awareness Being Present Nonjudgmental Focusing Attention • Selectively concentrating on one thing strategies mindful clinical supervision * * Before supervision * Self-awareness * Preparing the environment * During supervision * Being present * Focusing attention * Non-judgment * After supervision * Reflection * As a supervisor it is important to: * Prepare yourself * Stop what you are doing * Clear your mind * Reflect on your thoughts, feelings & motivations * Prepare the environment * Quiet & private space * Free from distraction & interruption Meditate * Before commencing supervision recall: 1. Begin all work in stillness 2. Separate components of work with pauses 3. Work until work is finished 4. Meet our working need 5. Allow our instrument to do the work 6. Focus on where work is taking place 7. Let work flow (McKenzie, 2013) * The STOP exercise: * S – stop & pause * T – take a breath (take a moment) * O – observe * P – proceed with your agenda * * Being present * * * Slow down Stay in the moment Accept things the way they are * Focusing attention * * * * Give yourself time & space Consciously direct your awareness Attend to the present experience Notice what is going on right now * Non-judgmental awareness * * * * Observe what is happening Have an open mind Avoid assumptions about behaviour Have empathy * * Mindfulness of sounds * Sounds are mostly out of our control * Good subject to learn to just “be” with * Unlikely to be able to influence or alter * Things we can just experience * In this exercise you are invited to: * Be aware of sounds as sounds * Not labeling, not naming, not judging * Noticing when sounds are arising * Noticing the presence of the sound * Noticing when sounds are receding * Noticing the constant change in the sounds you are hearing (Tobler & Herrmann, 2013) * These principles can be used to enhance a supervision session: 1. Understand what you believe & why. We are motivated by our beliefs! 2. Practice non-attachment to our own views 3. Accept that your perceptions are limited 4. Bring empathy to every communication 5. Be kind – everyone is carrying a burden 6. Be respectful 7. Genuinely connect with people 8. Be fully engaged 9. Recognise the role your judgment plays in how you communicate (Arpa, 2013, McKenzie, 2013, Nhat Hahn, n.d., Tobler & Herrmann, 2013, Schoeberlein, 2009) * * Listening to what is both said & un-said * Listen without judging * Listen without reacting * Listen without interrupting * Listen without distraction (email, texts, etc.) * Let the person know they are truly being heard * Reflect on the supervision experience: * Turn your focus & attention to the experience of supervision * Immerse yourself in the remembered events * Be sensitive to what happened * What new knowledge has come through to you? * What are you taking away in terms of insights, feelings, thoughts? * How can you integrate what you have learned? * What have you learned from that experience about yourself? About others? About work & practice? 2011) (Carroll, 2006, Carroll, 2009, Dray & Wineski, * * Improve focus & concentration * Increase self-awareness * Reduce the impact & influence of stressful thoughts & feelings * Facilitate better relationships * Catching self-defeating behaviours & substitute with more effective ones * Become aware of self-defeating thought processes & let them go (Tobler & Herrmann, 2013) * 1.Improved performance 2.Reduced stress 3.Greater satisfaction in work & life * * * Altman, D. (2011). One minute mindfulness. Novato, California, New World * * * * * * * * * Library. Arpa, M. (2013). Mindfulness at work: Flourishing in the workplace. East Sussex, Leaping Hare Press. Carroll, M. (2006). Key issues in coaching psychology. The Coaching Psychologist, 2(1), 4-8. Carroll, M. (2009). From mindless to mindful practice: On learning reflection in supervision. Psychotherapy In Australia, 15(4), 40-51. Dary, B., & Wisneski, D. (2011). Mindful reflection as a process for developing culturally responsive practices. Teaching Exceptional Children, Sept/Oct, 28-36. HETI (2013). The superguide: A guide for supervising oral health professionals. Sydney, HETI. McKenzie, S. (2013). Mindfulness at work. Wollombi, NSW, Exisle Publishing. Nhat Hahn, T. (n.d.). Work: How to find joy and meaning in each hour of the day. Berkeley, Parallax Press. Schoeberlein, D. (2009). Mindful teaching and teaching mindfulness. Boston, Wisdom Publications. Tobler, A., & Herrmann, S. (2013). The rough guide to mindfulness: The essential companion to personal growth. London, Rough Guides.