Wima Y Prasetyo Materi Kuliah “Governance Theory” 1 • Universalisme GG 2 • Golden Triangle sebagai Governance Actors 3 • Mengabaikan peran aktor internasional 4 • Hubungan yang tidak seimbang : aktor lokal dan internasional 5 • Berlaku nilai tunggal 6 • Secara teoritis, Praktik GG mengabaikan MLG Tidak semua prinsip mulus dan bisa diterapkan di negara-negara berkembang Konsep imperialistik Konflik MLG : internasionalism Vs Nasionalisme GG Dominasi Aktor Nilai Tunggal & Universalisme Monopoli & Distorsi internasionalism Penegasian nilai dan potensi lokal S O U N D G O V E RNAN CE GG SG International Actor Multinational corporation International institution BilateralMultilateral Institution Internationan NGO the concept of “soundness” is used to characterize governance with superior qualities in functions, structures, processes, values, dimensions, and Sound Governance elements that are necessary in governing and administration. the concept of sound governance is used to denote a system of government that is not only domestically sound and virtually flawless economically/financially, politically, democratically, constitutionally, organizationally, administratively, managerially, and ethically, but is also sound internationally/globally in its interaction with other nation-states and their governments in an independent and self-determining fashion. PROSES • Sound governance involves a process of governing with the interaction of all elements or stakeholders involved STRUKTUR • Structure is a body of constitutive elements, actors, rules, regulations, procedures, decisionmaking frameworks, and authoritative sources that sanctions or legitimates the governance process (influenced by a multitude of internal and external, local and international factors and forces) Kognisi & Nilai • represents the unique or deviant value system of the governance structure or process. For example, an unhealthy, corrupt, lacks institutionalization and legitimacy Konstitusi Organisasi & Institusi Manajemen & Kinerja • The constitution is the fundamental guiding document that serves as a blueprint of governance • Governance structure and process as well as policies depend on governance institutions, and without institutions there is no sound governance • Without a sound management system characterized by efficiency and effectiveness, sound governance will suffer from incompetence, poor performance, waste and duplication, bureaupathologies, and lack of legitimacy Sector International or Globalization Forces Ethic, Transparancy, & Accountability • Sectoral dimensions of governance are important as they are focused on specific sectors such as industrial, agricultural, rural, urban, scientific, research and development, education, health, transportation, and other areas • nation-states, governments, and citizens are increasingly drawn into a growing set of regimes that either show intolerance toward certain governance behaviors that were formerly and traditionally considered normal and internal to sovereign governments • This principle of sound governance checks against the potential abuses and corruptions of the system as well as against the blind principles of pure efficiency and economy in the management and administration processes DIMENSI Policy • which gives the elements or dimensions of process, structure, and management sound guidance, direction, and steering Innovation is key to sound governance, and innovation in policy and administration is central to sound governance as well. Without policy and administrative innovations, governance falls into decay and ineffectiveness, loses capacity to govern, and becomes a target of criticism and failure. Sound governance, therefore, demands continuous innovations in policy and administration Innovations communication processes, in structures, technology, systems, and value resource organization and systems. development, management, training and development, research, and a host of other areas are essential to the soundness of governance and administration. Lebih komprehensif Melibatkan institusi global tidak di luar domain governance actors yang harus diatur, tetapi sebagai aktor yang harus diatur Memperhatikan potensi konflik antar MLG Tidak mengesampingkan indigenous governance (keseimbangan MLG) Menitikberatkan faktor inovasi Sound governance here reflects both governing and administrative functions with sound organizational and managerial performance that is not only current and maintenance-competent but also anticipatory, responsive, accountable and transparent, and selfcorrective; hence strategic and long-term oriented as well as shortterm operational Prinsip GG Versi UNDP Prinsip GG Versi World Bank Nilai-Nilai Pancasila 1. PARTICIPATION 1. Transparency 1. KETUHANAN (SILA I) 2. RULE OF LAW 2. Quality of Rules 3. TRANSPARENCY 3. Enforcement 2. KEMANUSIAAN (HAK ASASI MANUSIA) (SILA II) 4. RESPONSIVE 4. Meritocracy 3. KEBERADABAN (SILA II) 5. CONSENSUS ORIENTATION 5. Politicization 4. KEADILAN (SILA II) 6. Wage satisfaction 5. PERSATUAN (SILA III) 6. EQUITY 7. Voice 7. EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY 8. Mission 6. KEDAULATAN RAKYAT (PARTISIPASI) (SILA IV) 8. ACCOUNTABILITY 9. STRATEGIC VISION 9. Service performance 10. Service access 11. Resources 12. Audit 7. DEMOKRASI DALAM PERMUSYAWARATAN (SILA IV) 8. KESEJAHTERAAN (SILA V) SOSIAL 9. KEGOTONGROYONGAN/ KEKELUARGAAN (SILA V)