Political Systems A democratic trend Joel, Karli, Mike & Rupam February 20, 2013 Political Systems The Anglo-American System Rise of Democrac y Key Terminology Anglo-American System Equality vs. Equity ARTICLE ANALYSIS STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK INSIGHT Almond Comparative Political Systems Political Systems: set of interacting roles, or as a structure of roles Coercive Powers ARTICLE ANALYSIS Societal Protection STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK INSIGHT Almond Comparative Political Systems Fourfold classification of political systems Anglo American ARTICLE ANALYSIS Pre Industrial Continental European STRATEGIC INSIGHT Totalitarianis m FACTBOOK INSIGHT Almond Comparative Political Systems Influence of Geography and Culture Geographic Proximity ARTICLE ANALYSIS Political Culture STRATEGIC INSIGHT Rise of Democracy FACTBOOK INSIGHT Hewitt The Effect of Political Democracy and Social Democracy on Equality in Industrial Societies: A Cross-National Comparison Income Distribution Socialist Democracy Equality in Stratification Economic development is responsible for the growth of democracy and the decline in inequality ARTICLE ANALYSIS STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK INSIGHT The relationship between national characteristic’s and political systems Adoption of democratic political systems Narizny Anglo-American Primacy and the Global Spread of Democracy: An International Genealogy Causes of the spread of democracy through Anglo-American primacy Founding State: England ARTICLE ANALYSIS Three Generations STRATEGIC INSIGHT Power of the U.S. and Great Britain FACTBOOK INSIGHT Narizny Anglo-American Primacy and the Global Spread of Democracy: An International Genealogy ARTICLE ANALYSIS National Security Rise of Alternative Systems Economic Expansion Superiority STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK INSIGHT Conner Democratic Legitimacy: A Cross-Cultural, Equity Sensitivity Perspective of the Acceptance of Democratic Ideals Ideal of Democracy Relationship of Values and Democracy Predetermine d Meanings and Expectations Strong Western Influence ARTICLE ANALYSIS STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK INSIGHT Would a Capitalist Form of Democracy Be Suitable for Countries? Strategic Insight Trend towards Democracy “Fit”-ness Western Style Success ARTICLE ANALYSIS STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK INSIGHT Factbook Application Agenda of the Political System ARTICLE ANALYSIS Cultural Compatibility STRATEGIC INSIGHT FACTBOOK APPLICATION Works Cited • Almont, G. A. (1956). Comparative political systems. Journal of Politics, 18(3): 391-409. • Conner, D. S. (2012). Democratic Legitimacy: A Cross-Cultural, Equity Sensitivity Perspective of the Acceptance of Democratic Ideals. Franklin Business & Law Journal, (3), 91-108. • Dictionary.com (n.d.). Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.com • Hewitt, C. (1977). The effect of political democracy and social democracy on equality in industrial societies: A cross-national comparison. American Sociological Review, 42(3): 464479. • Mestrovic, M. (1998). How actual are democratic virtues? Futures, 30(1): 83-90 • Narizny, K. (2012). Anglo-American Primacy and the Global Spread of Democracy: An International Genealogy. World Politics, 64(2), 341-373. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S004388711200007X