MM6016 BRANDING AND MARKETING COMMUNICATION CONSUMER BASED BRAND EQUITY Master of Business Administration School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung OVERVIEW We have learned: 1. The origin of brand 2. Traditional and practical meaning of brand 3. Brand evolvement 4. Brand classification 5. Strategic brand management steps – – – – Relationship between brand and product Relationship between elements of a brand system Relationship between brand and consumer Relationship between brand identity and brand image TODAY’S LESSONS • Customer Based Brand Equity • Brand Positioning • Brand Audit MM6016 Branding and Marketing Communication Customer Based Brand Equity Equity pada Brand • Wood (2000): brand equity merupakan hasil dari upaya untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara brand dan pelanggannya • Perkembangan istilah brand equity: – Perspektif akuntansi (orientasi pada perusahaan) – Perspektif pemasaran (orientasi pada pelanggan) – Perspektif integral (orientasi pada seluruh stakeholders) Brand Equity: perspektif perusahaan Author Year Definition Kapferer 2008 The current financial value of the flow of future profits attached to the brand itself (the potential future contribution linked to the name in the current distribution context) Feldwick 1996 The total value of a brand as a separable asset - when it is sold, or included on a balance sheet; Rutledge 1998 The present value of this stream. of future-incremental-cash-flow is brand equity. Brand Equity: perspektif pelanggan Author Year Definition Keller 1993 “The differential effect of brand knowledge on consumer response to the marketing of a brand” Na et al. 1999 Brand equity is constructed in the minds of the consumer through assessment of relevant evaluation criteria and is directly related to customer satisfaction and consequent purchase. Keller 1998 2001 Customer-based brand equity defined as the differential effect that brand knowledge has on customer response to marketing activity Kapferer 2008 Total indifference to attachment, loyalty, and willingness to buy and rebuy based on beliefs of superiority and evoked emotions Aaker 1991 A set of five categories of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name, and symbol that add or subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a firm or to that firm’s customers, or both. These categories of brand assets are brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, and other proprietary assets (patents, trademarks, and channel relationships). Brand Equity: perspektif integral (1) Author Year Definition Leuthesser 1988 The set of associations and behaviour on the part of a brand's customers, channel members and parent corporation that permits the brand to earn greater volume or greater margins than it could without the brand name. Srivastava 1991 and Shocker The aggregation of all accumulated attitudes and behavior patterns in the extended minds of consumers, distribution channels and influence agents, which will enhance future profits and long term cash flow Marketing Science Institute The value that is added by the name and rewarded in the market with better profit margins or market shares. It can be viewed by customers and channel members as both a financial asset and as a set of favorable associations and behaviors. 1989 Brand Equity: perspektif integral (2) Stakeholder: Expectations Consumers/Customer Employees Consume a quality product, with good reputation and beneficial Work in a company with a good brand reputation and high job security Suppliers & Distributors Work with a company that has a strong brand, with a good brand reputation and owns the market Media, NGOs, Public Competitor Government Brand is socially responsible and is known for good environmental awareness anf financial conduct. Fair competition with a strong brand with a good reputation, to gain high share in the market Run legal operations and create employment Brand Relationship sebagai Perantara Brand equity is created here Sumber: Jones, Richard (2005), ‘Finding sources of brand value: Developing a stakeholder model of brand equity’, Journal of Brand Management, pg.10 Customer Based Brand Equity • Alasan menggunakan perspektif konsumen: – Pertama, brand equity merupakan upaya untuk mendefinisikan hubungan antara pelanggan dengan brand (Wood, 2000). – Kedua, brand equity akan memiliki arti yang komparatif dengan brand value, brand loyalty, dan brand image – sebagaimana yang telah diklasifikasikan oleh Feldwick (1996) – jika dilihat dari sudut pandang konsumen. – Basis dalam menentukan Customer Equity Brand Equity and Brand Value • Brand equity reflects the customer’s perception either for or against the brand. – A combination of marketing and operating tactics are used to help firms attract customers and create brand equity. – The accumulation of brand equity activities builds brand value. • Brand value is a measure of the difference of the net present cash flows from a branded offering over those of a lesser known or even unbranded offering. – Brand value is often a substantial percentage of total firm value. Model CBBE Model Akademik Model Industri Model Generik: Aaker (1991,1996) Keller (1993, 1998, 2003) Campbell (2002) Netemeyer (2004) Model Spesifik (model generik yang diadaptasi) Brand Asset Valuator Brand Dynamics Equity Engine Model CBBE Aaker (1991) • Brand loyalty, yakni tingkat kesetiaan seseorang terhadap sebuah brand, diwujudkan dalam pembelian yang berulang (repeat purchase) • Perceived quality, merupakan persepsi konsumen mengenai kualitas dari produk yang diberi brand tertentu. Dimensi kualitas sangat luas, mencakup reliabilitas, ketahanan, kualitas bahan, dan kualitas secara keseluruhan. • Brand awareness, merupakan ukuran dari kepopuleran sebuah brand. Yang juga didefinisikan sebagai suatu penerimaan konsumen terhadap sebuah merek dalam benak mereka dimana ditunjukkan dari kemampuan mereka mengingat dan mengenali kembali sebuah merek ke dalam kategori tertentu. • Brand association, merupakan resultan/ penjumlahan dari semua ciri terukur dan ciri tidak terukur yang dimiliki oleh suatu brand; seperti gagasan, kepercayaan, nilai-nilai, prasangka, dan minat yang membuatnya unik. Model CBBE Aaker (1996) • Model 1991 ditambah dengan: – Market share – Distribution coverage – Price Premium Model CBBE Keller (1993, 1998) Model CBBE Keller (2003) Model CBBE Campbell (2002) Model CBBE Netemeyer (2004) BrandAsset Valuator Young & Rubicam BrandDynamics dari Milward Brown Equity Engine dari Research International Pemilihan Model • Model Akademik Generik lebih fleksibel untuk digunakan • Model Aaker lebih simpel; Model Keller lebih sistematik dan memisahkan bagian perusahaan dan respon konsumen; Model Netemeyer lebih fokus pada consumer decision making • Model Industri simpel dan praktis, namun tidak selalu bisa dipakai di berbagai konteks karena lack of comparability INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND (1) • The importance of brand in today’s business • Brand is important but not well understood BACKGROUND (2) • Costly brand investment • Brand failure • Hard to imitate brand success strategy COURSE FRAMEWORK 1. Brand concept, strategic brand management 3. Marketing communication for branding 2. Brand equity concept and brand audit Brand Management & Marketing Communication 5. Individual mastering of brand management concept and strategic actions 4. Cases of brand management 6. Global branding OBJECTIVES TOPICS • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction to Brand Strategic Brand Management Brand equity Brand positioning Brand audit Brand communication Brand reinforcement Brand extension Co-branding strategy Brand revitalizationand rejuvenation Brand portfolio strategy Global branding Reference: Kevin L. Keller, 2008, Strategic Brand Management, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall. LEARNING METHODS EVALUATION Forms Quiz Tugas dan presentasi kelompok Tugas individu Keaktifan dalam diskusi kelas UTS UAS TOTAL Percentage 5% 25% 10% 10% 25% 25% 100 % BC B AB A ACSYS • • • • • • Academic Systems (AcSys) Introduced in 2009 (internal) (external) Username and Password Check attachment, assignment, announcement, score and comments NEED TO DISCUSS? • • • • Director Room, MBA ITB Building Call 022-2504308 ext 126 E-mail From Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm BRAND NEWS (1) BRAND NEWS (2) BRAND NEWS (3) HISTORY OF BRAND • Old Norse word: “Brandr” = “To Burn” • Greeks and Romans puts their signatures/symbols on wet claypots • Pottery communities TRADITIONAL BRAND DEFINITION • It’s a mark • Different forms: name, logo, symbol, design, or combination of those • Purpose: to differentiate • From tangible to intangible PRACTICAL BRAND DEFINITION • • • • • Set of associations or known descriptions Stored in people’s mind Which is represented, at least, by name From intangible to tangible Holt (2003): “Brand is perceptual entity, rooted in reality” OTHER BRAND DEFINITIONS (1) De Chernatony (2006) • Input perspective – – – – – Brand as logo Brand as identity Brand as quality indicator Brand as values Brand as vision • Output perspective – Brand as image – Brand as relationship • Time perspective – Brand is a dynamic entity OTHER BRAND DEFINITIONS (2) • Berthon et al. (2007) Brand Manifold BRAND EVOLVEMENT • McEnaly and De Chernatony (1999) BRAND EVOLVEMENT (2) • Kunde (2000) BRANDS VS PRODUCTS Product Anything we can offer to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Brand Sum total of consumer perceptions and feelings about the product’s attributes and how they perform, about the brand name and what it stands for, and about the company associated with the brand. 44 PRODUCTS VS BRANDS Computer Car Beverage Electronic Appliance 45 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRODUCT & BRAND (1) Potential Product Augmented Product Expected Product Generic Product Core benefit 46 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRODUCT & BRAND (2) Branded product Brand’s intangible values & imagery Halo effect Brand aspiration Product’s $$ visible and differentiating characteristics Product satisfaction Expectations 47 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRODUCT & BRAND (3) Resonance Core product benefit Judgments Feelings Performance Imagery Salience Brand building equity pyramid 48 PRODUCT, BRAND AND CONSUMERS • • • • Product used to dictates brand. The situation changed now Brand influences purchase Brand is perceived and experienced by consumers Brand used to be company’s belonging, but now it is shared with consumers Konsumen Perusahaan Produk Brand (a) Konsumen Perusahaan Brand Produk (b) Perusahaan Brand (c) Konsumen BRAND IDENTITY AND IMAGE 50 Brand management process: top-down Brand vision and purpose Core brand values Brand perception process: Bottom-up Brand personality codes Semiotic invariants Strategic benefits and attributes Physical signature, family resemblance Product A.. Product B .. Product N .. Typical brand actions Permanent fluctuations of the market Evolution of competition, life stles, technology MM6016 Branding and Marketing Communication BRAND CLASSIFICATION 51 CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFYING • • • • • Based on brand architecture Based on entity Based on product types Based on customer types Based on geographic scope 52 BASED ON BRAND ARCHITECTURE Corporate Brand Family Brand Individual Brand Modifier (designating item or model 53 AN EXAMPLE Procter & Gamble Olay Olay Total Effects – Olay Natural White – Olay White Radiance Olay Total Effects cream – cleanser – eye cream 54 BASED ON ENTITY • Manufacturer brand • Distributor/retailer brand 55 BASED ON PRODUCT TYPES • Product/Physical goods brand • Service brand 56 BASED ON CUSTOMER TYPE • B2B brand • B2C brand 57 Brand classification based on geographic scope • Global brand • Local brand CORA MEDIA INTERAKTIVE 58 MM6016 Branding and Marketing Communication STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT 59 CONSIDERATIONS AND STEPS • Brand Life Cycle • Davis (2010): brand has to maintain its relevance • Kapferer (2008): STEP 1 • Mental Maps • Competitive frame of reference • Points of parity and points of difference Identify and Establish Brand Positioning • Core brand associations • Brand manatra and Values 61 BRAND ELEMENTS • Kapferer (2008) Brand concept (value proposition) Tangible and intangible Brand name and symbols Semiotic invariants Product or service Experience STEP 2 • Mixing and matching of brand elements • Integrating brand marketing activities Plan and implement • Leveraging secondary associations Brand marketing programs 63 BRAND MARKETING PROGRAMS • Davis (2010) – Communication objectives – Messages – Mode (touchpoints) – Evaluation – Adjustment STEP 3 Measure and interpret brand performance • Brand value chain • Brand audits • Brand tracking • Brand equity management system 65 Brand Tracking accross the brand value chain Brand Value Chain Activity & Program Metrics Customer Perceptions & Behavior Market Performance •Marketing Investment •Program Quality •Clarity •Relevance •Distinctiveness •Consistency •Channel expansion •Brand awareness •Brand associations • Perceived quality •Brand Loyalty •Sales •Market share •Price premium •Profitability •Price elasticity •Expansion success Scope of Brand Equity Measurement 66 STEP 4 Grow and sustain brand equity • Brand-product matrix • Brand portfoilio and hierarchies • Brand expansion strategies • Brand reinforcement and revitalization 67