THE BOOK INDUSTRY BY THE NUMBERS What’s Happening in the US Book Market? Hello. My name is: Nadine Vassallo Project Manager, Research & Information BISG Hello. And BISG is: The US book industry trade association for research, education, and best practices. How big is the 60,000 $27 billion US market? publishers in revenue Market stability Net Sales (in US $B) 26,5 2008 27,1 2009 27,9 2010 27.4 27.1 2011 2012 Trade dominated industry 3.6 4,3 15,0 4.3 Trade K-12 Higher Education Professional / Scholarly Digital growth in trade $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 2008 2009 Physical Formats 2010 2011 Digital Formats 2012 Print’s not dead 9% 19% 72% Physical Digital Bundled/other E-growth slowing $3 500 355% $3 000 $2 500 $2 000 $1 500 199% 143% $1 000 44% $500 $- 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 400% 350% 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% A New Opportunity: Digital Book Subscriptions The subscription economy Subscription has taken hold in the movie, TV, music industries, and more… Thanks to our sponsor DOMINANT SUBSCRIPTION MODELS The subscription economy Is this the end of ownership? DOMINANT SUBSCRIPTION MODELS What do publishers think? Subscription is inevitable 84% predict positive impact over next 5 years Thanks to our sponsor What do publishers think? Biggest benefit: chance to reach new customers Biggest concern: cannibalization of physical sales Thanks to our sponsor Market segments Scholarly presses most likely to work with aggregators, libraries Thanks to our sponsor Market segments Future of textbook publishing in Integrated Learning Systems Thanks to our sponsor Market segments Professional publishers have established consumer relationships; continue to sell direct Thanks to our sponsor Market segments Trade publishers beginning to join subscription services Thanks to our sponsor Open issues Access vs. ownership Breadth vs. depth Thanks to our sponsor DOMINANT SUBSCRIPTION MODELS Companies to watch Understanding US Ebook Buyers Maturing consumers 80% 60% More than a year ago 40% Within the last year 20% 0% Sept. Jan. May Aug. Dec. Feb. May Aug. Feb. Aug. 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 Mixing formats 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% I mostly purchase e-books, and purchase fewer print books than I used to I purchase e-books and print books interchangeably, or I prefer some genres as ebooks and others as print I now exclusively purchase e-books I no longer buy e-books, only print books Meet the “Power Buyer” Female 45-54 years old Clerical worker or homemaker Kindle user Acquisition Amazon B&N Library Power Buyers Other Other respondents iBooks/iTunes Google 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Devices Kindle e-reader iPad Kindle Fire Power Buyers iPhone Other respondents Android tablet NOOK Color NOOK e-reader 0% 20% 40% 60% Devices Kindle e-reader Kindle Fire iPad Power Buyers NOOK Color Other respondents NOOK e-reader Android tablet iPhone 0% 20% 40% All about affordability Affordability Readability (adjustable font size) Portability Ease of acquisition Speed of access Searchability Environmental factors 0% 20% Very important 40% 60% 80% 100% All about affordability $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Sept. 2010 Jan. 2011 May 2011 Aug. 2011 Dec. 2011 Feb. 2012 May 2012 Aug. 2012 Feb. 2013 So expensive I wouldn't purchase it (Was: "Too expensive") Expensive, but I'd still purchase it (was: "Expensive, but within reason") Reasonably/fairly priced (was: "Great value") Unusually cheap (was: "So inexpensive, you'd doubt the quality") Aug. 2013 Genre 6% 5% 6% Mystery/Thriller 18% General Fiction Biography/Autobiography 6% Science Fiction/Fantasy 9% 18% Cookbooks Romance/Erotica YA 8% 12% 12% Travel Literary How-To Genre Romance/Erotic Fiction Mystery/Thriller Fiction General Fiction Religous Fiction Young Adult Fiction Biography/Autobiography Science Fiction/Fantasy Literary Fiction Business/Finance History/Politics/Social Sciences How-To Guides/Manuals Travel Comics/Graphic Novels Cookbooks 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Prefer e-book Prefer Print ”We’ve learned how to move immersive reading from paper to screen in a way that satisfies the consumer.” What enhancements do readers want? Ability to lend Easier library management Ability to resell Higher quality images Importing from other sources Ability to copy text Embedded audio/video Streaming audio/video Higher quality tables Social media integration 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Reader preferences Would you be willing to pay more for an ebook if it was published by a traditional publisher (rather than self-published)? 16% 22% No 62% Don't know Yes The author perspective Source: 2014 Digital Book World/Writer’s Digest Survey The author perspective Source: 2014 Digital Book World/Writer’s Digest Survey ”The beauty of self-publishing is the ownership and control of one’s work.” In conclusion: The opportunities are endless! What’s next for BISG? 2013 sales report Digital content usage in public libraries K-12 educational materials Thank you! Nadine Vassallo Project Manager, Research & Information Book Industry Study Group @BISG #bokdagen2014