• Welcome by the Head, Dr. Jan Cioe
• Introduction of Program Advisors & Unit Assistant
• Introduction of Faculty members
• Opportunities to volunteer for psychological research
• Introduction of Psychology Course Union
• Information about CPA
• Nature of program
B.A. / B.Sc.
• Course Prerequisites
Majors / Honours
• Honours as preparation for Graduate Studies
• Honours Program with a Specialization in
•Calendar / Degree Navigator
• General Question Period
A few words of welcome from the current leader of the
Psychology Department, who exemplifies the concept of a smaller campus where more personal contact is possible between students and faculty through an intimate learning environment.
Linda Allan
Senior Undergraduate Advisor
Linda Hatt
Advisor and Articulation
Initial contact person for
Marla MacDonald
ASC 286
PHONE: 250-807-9528
EMAIL: psychology.okanagan@ubc.ca
Initial contact person for Psychology
Graduate Program....
Marlis Wecels
ASC 167A
PHONE: 250-807-8241
EMAIL: psych.gradstudies.ok@ubc.ca
Hon.B.A. (Victoria), M.Sc. (Dalhousie),
Ph.D. (Dalhousie), R.Psych.
Director of Clinical Training
Office: ASC 205
Phone: (250) 807-8731
Email: michael.woodworth@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: psychopathy; violent offending; deception detection; computer-mediated communication; assessment and treatment of forensic populations; memory and psychiatric issues primarily within a legal context
CURRENT TEACHING: forensic psychology; ethics and professional standards in clinical psychology [g]
B.A. (Pennsylvania State), MSW (SUNY, Albany),
Ph.D. (Southern California)
Office: ASC 453
Phone: (250) 807-8163
Email: susan.wells@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: investigates the possible causes of overrepresentation of African
American children in the United States’ out-of-home care; re-entry into out-ofhome care after reunification with family; stability of out-of-home care placements; explores child welfare case types to identify characteristics that more closely represent the complexity of cases seen in the field
WORK: child welfare services and policy; research methods (g)]
Hon.B.A. (U. of Winnipeg), M.S. (Rosalind
Franklin U), Ph.D. (Rosalind Franklin U),
Office: ASC 206
Phone: (250) 807-9373
Email: zachary.walsh@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: psychopathy; substance abuse; addictions; borderline personality disorder; criminal violence; intimate partner violence; socioeconomic status; neighbourhood factors; normal personality; affective dysregulation; attentional biases; the interrelated roles of personality, substance use and sociodemographic factors in predicting different classes of violent behavior; the affective and cognitive factors that subserve antisocial behavior in general
TEACHING: introduction to psychology; research methods and statistics; drugs and behaviour; psychological interventions [g]
[on leave from 2014.01-07]
Hon.B.A. (Carlton), M.A. (Carleton),
Ph.D. (UBC)
Office: ART 324
Phone: (250) 807-8736
Email: carolyn.szostak@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: Media and mental health stigma; how mental health/disorders are portrayed in different genres of television (dramas, comedies, talk shows, etc.) and how these depictions influence people’s attitudes and behaviours; the role of media in combating stigmatizing attitudes about mental health disorders and suicide; adjustment to university.
CURRENT TEACHING: psychopathology; counseling interviewing
B.Sc. (Alberta, Lakehead), Ph.D.
Office: ART 318
Phone: (250) 807-8733
Email: janice.snyder@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: role of attentional orienting in navigation, visual search, and reading readiness with an emphasis on determining the neural correlates underlying these abilities; explores the mechanisms and neural substrates of "selective attention" that allow for coherent behaviour in a visually complex world
CURRENT TEACHING: introductory psychology; cognition; visual perception
B.P.E. (Alberta), M.Sc. (Alberta),
Ph.D. (Auckland)
Office: ASC
Phone: (250)
Email: barbara.rutherford@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: communication between the hemispheres of the brain during reading in people with and without a reading disability such as dyslexia; developmental trends in hemispheric specialization for reading
NOT CURRENTLY TEACHING: [memory; cognitive processes; biopsychology]
B.Sc. (Acadia), M.A. (UBC),
PhD. (UBC), R.Psych.
Office: ASC 204
Phone: (250) 807-9129
Email: stephen.porter@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: psychology and law; legal decision-making; forensic aspects of memory/PTSD; deception detection; criminal behaviour; psychopathic personality; examines the criminal activity of psychopathic offenders, the accuracy of memory for traumatic events and behavioural cues to deception
CURRENT TEACHING: forensic psychology; psychopathy & violence
[g]; psychopathology [g]
H.B.Sc. (St. F.X.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (U. Victoria)
Office: ART 330
Phone: (250) 807-9636
Email: brian.oconnor@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: statistics; methods; normal and abnormal personality; interpersonal behaviour; psychopathology; writes software for statistical procedures
CURRENT TEACHING: advanced statistics & research methods
[also g]; interpersonal behaviour & psychopathology
B.A. (MacMurray), M.A. (Northern Arizona),
B.A. Hon. (U. Ottawa), M.Sc. & Ph.D.
(U. Calgary)
Email: cynthia.mathieson@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: identity theory; narrative and thematic analyses; health psychology; women's health; provide an understanding of identity and its narrative as well as the barriers to health care
NOT CURRENTLY TEACHING: [community psychology; history of psychology; health psychology]
B.Sc. (U of A), PhD (McGill)
Office: ASC 284
Phone: (250) 807- 9026
Email: maya.libben@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: cognitive neuroscience; psychopathology; schizophrenia; psycholinguistics; bilingualism; transitive inference; figurative language processing; eating disorders; uses behavioural and neurophysiological methods to examine language, attention and memory in clinical and non-clinical populations
CURRENT TEACHING: introductory psychology; psychopathology
B.A. (Indiana), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Office: ART 334
Phone: (250) 807-8773
Email: marvin.krank@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: development of substance abuse in adolescence; vulnerabilities related to social learning; cognitive models that differentiate implicit (unconscious) from explicit memories; the relative role of automatic associations versus executive control;social experiences, dispositions, memories, and thoughts that predict transitions to substance use and to substance abuse.
CURRENT TEACHING: learning; psychometrics & test evaluation
[also g]; addiction; biopsychology
B.Sc. (McMaster), M.A. (UBC),
Ph.D. (UBC), R.Psych.
Office: ASC 283
Phone: (250) 807-8730
Email: susan.holtzman@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: health psychology; adjustment to chronic illness; stress and coping; close relationships; caregiving; depression; chronic pain; organ transplantation; daily process methodologies; pathways through which the social environment can influence physical and emotional well-being in healthy and chronically ill populations
CURRENT TEACHING: introductory psychology; health psychology; psychological assessment [g]
B.A. (SFU), Ph.D. (Berkeley)
[on leave from 2014.01-07]
Office: ART 320
Phone: (250) 807-8728
Email: mark.holder@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: positive psychology and the science of happiness; research has four main thrusts: 1) the predictors (e.g., temperament, spirituality, and social) of happiness in children; 2) strategies and programs to promote well-being; 3) the biological basis of happiness; and 4) developing new measures of happiness
CURRENT TEACHING: introductory psychology; behavioural neuroscience; positive psychology]
B.Sc. (Oklahoma), M.Sc. (Alberta),
Ph.D. (Alberta)
Office: ART 327
Phone: (250) 807-9323
Email: linda.hatt@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: health psychology; pain management; experimental analysis of behavior
CURRENT TEACHING: health psychology; personality; history and theories of Psychology / contemporary theories [g]
Hon.B.Sc (UWO), M.Sc. (Queens), Ph.D.
(Free University of Brussels)
Office: ART 336
Phone: (250) 807-9849
Email: liane.gabora@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: creativity; concepts, especially how they combine and adapt to new contexts; origins of modern cognition; cultural evolution; computer models of the above
B.A., Ph.D. (NYU), LL.D. (Victoria)
Office: ART 228
Phone: (250) 807-9383
Email: paul.gabias@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: interface between visual and haptic perception; the comprehension and production of haptic pictures by the blind; health and adjustment; increases our understanding of perceptual, cognitive, and social aspects blindness
CURRENT TEACHING: introductory psychology; non-visual perception; psychology of touch; psychological aspects of advocacy
B.A. (Simon Fraser), M.Sc. (Western
Washington), Ph.D. [Waterloo]
Postdoctoral Work [Stanford]
Office: ART 327
Phone: (250) 807-8727
Email: paul.g.davies@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: The focus of my research is intergroup relations; specifically, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. One program of research examines diverse forms of social identity threat, and a second examines how perceived stereotypicality can influence the levels of prejudice and discrimination that target stigmatized individuals. The majority of my research is applied to business and law enforcement contexts.
CURRENT TEACHING –Introductory psychology; social psychology
B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Guelph)
Office: ART 328
Phone: (250) 807-8729
Email: linda.allan@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: ageist attitudes and beliefs in different populations; the mitigation of ageist attitudes and behaviour; ageist treatment of the elderly; cognitive ageing; a cross sectional comparison of adults’ and university undergraduates’ attitudes and knowledge about elderly persons
CURRENT TEACHING: child and adulthood & aging
Hon. B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (UWO), M.Phil.
(Cantab) Ph.D. (UWO), R.Psych.
Office: ASC 285
Phone: (250) 807-8732
Home: (250) 763-1225
Email: jan.cioe@ubc.ca
RESEARCH: human sexuality; forensic psychology; recovery of function from cortical lesions
CURRENT TEACHING: research methods and statistics; human sexuality
B.A. (Alberta), MEd (Alberta), Ph.D. (Ohio State
Office: TBA
Phone: 250-862-4220
Email: dr.harry.miller@interiorhealth.ca
RESEARCH: assessment of memory with traumatic brain injury; peripheral vascular disease and cognition; emotional function post stroke; effects of alcohol use on recovery from brain injury.
CURRENT TEACHING: neuroscience of cognition
Hon. BA [Dalhousie], MA [UBCO]
Office: ART323
Phone: 250-807-9507
Email: tara.carpenter@ubc.ca
• Danica Patton [Sessional] – Biopsychology of
Behaviour & Sleep and Rhythms
• Andrea Klassen [Sessional] – Abnormal Child
Helping students make the most of their UBC Okanagan
Campus experience...
Dakota and Shirley
CPA Campus Representatives
Email: dakota.broadfoot@hotmail.ca
UBC Okanagan Informational Page: http://web.ubc.ca/okanagan/psyo/welcome.html
Facebook Group Page:
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) at UBCO
Objectives of the CPA:
1) Improve the health and wealth of Canadians
2) Promote excellence and innovation in psychological research, education and practice
3) Promote the advancement, development, dissemination, and application of psychological knowledge
4) Provide high quality services to members of the CPA
Faculty Representative
Dr. Jan Cioe
Undergraduate Campus
Dakota Broadfoot
Graduate Campus
Shirley Hutchinson
What are the benefits?
Great volunteering opportunity
Many opportunities to become involved in specialized areas
(e.g., Criminal Justice Psychology, Clinical Psychology)
Opportunity to either present at, or attend the annual CPA convention
Access to CPA Journals/Newspapers/Publications
Student Price Card
Annual Convention (e.g., presentations, networking, workshops, student awards, job opportunities and travel) – Vancouver 2014
For Students:
- Must be a psychology student with proof of enrolment
- Membership: $62.00* (subject to rate change each year)
- All members can purchase access to a variety of CPA Special Interest Groups (for an additional cost)
Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology
General B.A. with a concentration in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts Honours with a Specialization in Forensic Psychology
Bachelor of Science Major in Psychology
Bachelor of Science Honours in Psychology
Bachelor of Science Honours with a Specialization in Forensic Psychology
A minor in Psychology can be taken in combination with any B.A. or B.Sc. Major or
Honours Degree
All the details about the University rules and regulations including the specific requirements for our degrees and programs
Simple Step-by-Step
Select Report / BA: Completed[
], Not yet [
Select UBC Report for BSc & Arts report for BA
Arts Requirement: Student must complete at least 18 credits of Arts course credits, including 6 credits of first-year
English and at least 12 other credits in Arts courses that are recognized for credit toward the B.A. degree.
Note: PSYO courses are NOT Arts courses for B.Sc.
Psychology students.
• The second-year courses are often prerequisites for upper-level
(third- and fourth-year) courses in the discipline. Students are strongly advised to consider what upper-level courses are of interest to ensure that they have the proper prerequisites.
your transferred courses will NOT show up on this version unless your permanent record has been changed
to get to the Demos in your SSC account
click on Need Help?
/ Video Tutorials /
Degree Navigator
Meet the faculty, students, and staff from the Psychology
Tuesday, September 23 rd , 2014
4:00 p.m.
Refreshments and conversation provided!!