Sun, Qizhang CONTRACT INFORMATION Name: E-mail: Tel (Office): Address: EDUCATION 09/2012-present Qizhang Sun (known as Kevin) +41 58 666 4863 IMCA-USI, via G. Buffi 13, 6904 Lugano, Switzerland Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano, Switzerland Doctor of Philosophy (In progress) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Gibbert & Prof. Dr. Thomas Hills Research topic: decision environment and advice seeking 09/2011-09/2012 University College London London, United Kingdom Master of Science in Cognitive and Decision Sciences Supervisor: Prof. Dr. David Shanks Thesis: Does explicit contamination affect priming in implicit task? 09/2007-06/2011 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Guangzhou, China Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Xinkui Chen Thesis: Auditory Implicit and Explicit Short Term Memory in Spastic Cerebral Palsy Children SELECTED FUNDING AND SCHOLARSHIP 11/2010 National Scholarship, Ministry of Education, China (Top 0.2%, ¥8000, c.a. €1000) 11/2010 First Prize of Excellent Student Scholarship, GDUFS (Top 2%, ¥2000, c.a. €250) 05/2010 Innovation Funding of Academic Achievement, GDUFS (¥800, c.a. €100) SELECTED AWARDS AND HONORS 04/2014 2014 Interdivisional Mentoring Award- American Psychological Association (APA, $1000) 06/2011 Outstanding Graduate Medal — Undergraduate (Top 0.1%) 11/2010 Annual Outstanding Student Award — Top Student (Top 0.5%) 11/2009 & 2008 Annual Excellent Student Award (Top 2%) PUBLICATIONS Sun, Q., Noguchi, T., Hills, T. T., & Gibbert, M. (2014). Paying for useless advice to resolve information overload. Paper presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Sun, Q., Zhang, Q., Tang, X., Chen, W. and Xu, Y. (2009). The Implicit Structure of Mental Accounting among Undergraduate Students of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Proceedings of the 12th National Academic Conference of Psychology, 353 Qizhang Sun, Latest update: August 2014 PRESENTATIONS 07/2014 7th Annual Judgment and Decision Making Workshop for Early Career Researchers, University of Mannheim, Germany 08/2014 American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention 2014, Washington D.C., USA 08/2014 2nd European Associate of Decision Making Summer School, Max Plank Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany SUMMER SCHOOLS 06/2014 St. Gallen Summer School in Empirical Research Method (Regression II – Linear Models), University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland 07/2014 Summer School on Decision Making under Uncertainty, Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK 08/2014 2nd European Associate of Decision Making Summer School, Max Plank Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany SELECTED ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 09/2012-present Institute of Marketing and Communication Management, Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano, Switzerland Research assistant Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Gibbert Research on decision environment and advise seeking 09/2012-01/2013 Department of Psychology, University of Warwick Coventry, United Kingdom 11/2011-08/2012 09/2010-04/2011 11/2008-12/2009 Visiting researcher Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hills Research on decision environment and advise seeking Department of Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences, UCL London, United Kingdom Master Degree - Main Project Supervisor: Prof. Dr. David Shanks Thesis title: Does explicit contamination affect priming in implicit task? Department of Psychology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Guangzhou, China Bachelor Degree - Main Project Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Xinkui Chen Auditory Implicit and Explicit Short Term Memory in Spastic Cerebral Palsy Children Graduation Thesis — Outstanding Award Department of Psychology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Guangzhou, China Student Research Project Leader Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shaogang Yang Research on university students consumption, psychology decision making Qizhang Sun, Latest update: August 2014 SELECTED TEACHING EXPERIENCE 10/2013-12/2013 Consumer Behaviour(Master course, Università della Svizzera italiana) Lugano, Switzerland Teaching Assistant Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Gibbert, Università della Svizzera italiana Teaching, experiment demonstration, lecture preparation assisting, exam grading 10/2013-12/2013 Introduction to Marketing(Bachelor course, Università della Svizzera italiana) Lugano, Switzerland Teaching Assistant Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Gibbert, Università della Svizzera italiana Case study organizing, assisting in lecture preparation RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION EXPERIENCE Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Interdisciplinary Project Proposal drafting and administration Research policy and grant proposal writing (Swiss system) Ph.D. course at Università della Svizzera italiana by Prof. Benedetto Lepori Oversea Research Scholarship (UCL-ORS, UK) - Applicant Writing successful grant proposals (German system) Workshop at University of Mannheim by Prof. Dr. Edgar Erdfelder SKILLS Programming and softwares MatLab, Dynamic Website Programming, R Programming, SPSS, Lisrel Languages Chinese Cantonese (native), Chinese Mandarin (native), English (full professional), Italian (basic) Qizhang Sun, Latest update: August 2014