CMA CGM ITALY SRL Genova, September 2014 Object : New Structure CMA CGM Italy Dear Customer, We are glad to inform you of some important changes to our organizational model that will be implemented during the month of September 2014. The objective of the new structure is essentially to significantly improve the service rendered to our clientele as well as the product offered on the market through a revision of organizational processes and a clear definition of competences and responsibilities of the various roles. In a nutshell : Paolo Fancelli : will operate from Genova as my Deputy and will be in charge of a number of specific projects as well as assisting the implementation of the new structure Carlo Binello : Is appointed Commercial Director, as such he will be responsible for Sales and Lines activity in Italy as well as of the various Sales branch offices Stefano Giannantonio : Is appointed Customer Service Director, he will be responsible for the departments in charge of CS Export/Booking, CS Import, Export Documentation , E-Business e Demurrage & Detentions Fabrizio Botrini : Fabrizio will continue to be the Director for Italy of the Delmas brand. At the same time Fabrizio will also head the the group’s Livorno branch. 16128 Genova – Via Pellico, 1 (Sede Legale) – Phone 010.59671 – Fax 010.5967271 57122 Livorno – Via Varese, 12 – Phone 0586.263311 – Fax 0586.263399 20144 Milano – Via dei Sormani, 3 – Phone 02.3206531 – Fax 02.32065301 34132 Trieste – Via Valdirivo, 6 – Phone 040.766276 – Fax 040.3480578 30175 Venezia-Marghera – Via Volta, 2 – Phone 041.3697111 – Fax 041.36971205 80133 Napoli – Via Depretis, 51 – Phone 081.006901 – Fax 081.0069096 Società con unico socio - Cap.Soc. € 52.000,00 – Iscr.Reg.Impr. – C.F. – P.IVA 03600700102 – R.E.A. 359978 GE Soggetta ad attività di direzione e coordinamento di CMA CGM S.A. Marsiglia CMA CGM ITALY SRL Giorgio Peschiera and Ivano Bruzzone will continue in their current functions of respectively Director Finance and Administration and Director Operations. The aforementioned managers report to the undersigned. As far as the operational departments are concerned I recapitulate here below the main changes : Nicoletta Rey will take on the responsibility of the Customer Service /Booking Export department Elena Curatolo and Corrado Esposito will retain their current roles and manage respectively the Customer Service Import and Documentation Export departments. Nicoletta, Elena and Corrado report to Stefano Giannantonio. A Trade Management Desk is created in Genova with the task to steer the various lines activity in either directions, import and export, ensure adequate coordination with the sales offices on the field and act as the counterpart of Head Office Marseille based Line managements in the Italian territory. Within the team the following colleagues will operate : Luca Rozza Bestetti : Trade Manager North Africa, North America and Australia Cinzia Forni : Trade Manager Centre and South America , Intra Europe/Intra Med Pierpaolo Cappellari : Trade Manager Far East, Middle East e India Pakistan Furthermore Mina Recchia takes on the responsibility of the Genova based sales office (replacing Cinzia Forni) Michela Niero e Pierpaolo Scapini will head respectively the Venezia and Trieste based sales offices. Maurizio Cimmino and respectively Ferruccio Poggi retain their responsibility of the Napoli and Milano offices Renato Traverso will continue to head the Italian Reefer team The above mentioned managers report to Carlo Binello 16128 Genova – Via Pellico, 1 (Sede Legale) – Phone 010.59671 – Fax 010.5967271 57122 Livorno – Via Varese, 12 – Phone 0586.263311 – Fax 0586.263399 20144 Milano – Via dei Sormani, 3 – Phone 02.3206531 – Fax 02.32065301 34132 Trieste – Via Valdirivo, 6 – Phone 040.766276 – Fax 040.3480578 30175 Venezia-Marghera – Via Volta, 2 – Phone 041.3697111 – Fax 041.36971205 80133 Napoli – Via Depretis, 51 – Phone 081.006901 – Fax 081.0069096 Società con unico socio - Cap.Soc. € 52.000,00 – Iscr.Reg.Impr. – C.F. – P.IVA 03600700102 – R.E.A. 359978 GE Soggetta ad attività di direzione e coordinamento di CMA CGM S.A. Marsiglia CMA CGM ITALY SRL Dario Calvanico is nominated CMA CGM Sales Manager for the Livorno office. Dario reports to Fabrizio Botrini. Michela Lamanna takes on the role of Account Receivables Manager reporting to Giorgio Peschiera. I am convinced that the new structure will be able to improve the quality and efficiency in all business processes hence adding value in the product we offer to our clientele while retaining the dynamic approach which is typical of CMA CGM Group. I count on your support and thank you in advance for your cooperation during the implementation phase. Very best regards Paolo LO BIANCO Managing Director 16128 Genova – Via Pellico, 1 (Sede Legale) – Phone 010.59671 – Fax 010.5967271 57122 Livorno – Via Varese, 12 – Phone 0586.263311 – Fax 0586.263399 20144 Milano – Via dei Sormani, 3 – Phone 02.3206531 – Fax 02.32065301 34132 Trieste – Via Valdirivo, 6 – Phone 040.766276 – Fax 040.3480578 30175 Venezia-Marghera – Via Volta, 2 – Phone 041.3697111 – Fax 041.36971205 80133 Napoli – Via Depretis, 51 – Phone 081.006901 – Fax 081.0069096 Società con unico socio - Cap.Soc. € 52.000,00 – Iscr.Reg.Impr. – C.F. – P.IVA 03600700102 – R.E.A. 359978 GE Soggetta ad attività di direzione e coordinamento di CMA CGM S.A. Marsiglia