The Urban Turn in Development Sociology

The Urban Turn in Development Sociology
Agency and Ordering in the City
SDC (Sociology of Development and Change)
Convenors: Gemma van der Haar, Bram Jansen, Monique Nuijten
Monday June 30th
08.45 –09.15: Coffee and Tea
09.15–11.00: Opening and Key note 1, Forum Room P 635
Chair: Bram Jansen
09.15 - 09.30: Opening: Monique Nuijten
09.30 - 10.15: Key Note 1: Dennis Rodgers (Glasgow University)
Hirschman in the Tropics: The lived experience of segregation
and the "new urban question" in contemporary Nicaragua
10.15 - 10.30: Discussant: Gemma van der Haar
10.30 - 11.00: Plenary debate
11.00 -11.30: Break
11.30-12.30: Parallel sessions of presentations
A. Forum Room P 635 with Dennis Rodgers
Chair: Gemma van der Haar
11.30-12.00: Han Wiskerke (RSO, WU)
Food and the City
12.00-12.30: Dik Roth (SDC, WU)
Exploring the peri-urban. Urban expansion, resources and
Reporter: Monique Nuijten
B. Forum Room 0.31+0.34 with Steffen Jensen
Chair: Kees Koonings (UU, CEDLA)
11.30-12.00: Lauren Wagner (GEO, WU)
Present absences: Neighborhood voids and migrant-led urbanization in
12.00-12.30: Bram Jansen
Urbanising Refugees
Reporter: Martijn Koster (UU)
12.30-13.00: Forum Room P 635: plenary feedback by reporters
13.00 –14.00: Lunch, Grand Café Forum
14.00–15.30: Key Note 2: Forum Room P 635
Chair: Jeroen Warner (SDC, WU)
14.00–14.45: Key Note 2: Steffen Jensen (Dignity, DK)
The Violence of Resettlement
14.45–15.00: Discussant: Monique Nuijten
Plenary Debate
15.30-16.00: Break
16.00-17.00: Parallel sessions of presentations
A. Forum room P 635 Forum with Dennis Rodgers
Chair: Kristien Klaufus (CEDLA)
16.00-16.30: Chin EE Ong (GEO, WU)
Shifting Chinese Urban Governance and Governmentalities in China:
Observations from Hengqin Free Zone
16.30-17.00: Jeroen Warner
Learning from the South? The (geo)politics of resilience in disasterprone megacities.
Reporter: Dennis Rodgers
B. Forum room C 317 with Steffen Jensen
Chair: Bram Jansen
16.00-16.30: Joost Jongerden (RSO, WU)
The urban turn and the end of the city
16.30-17.00: Gemma van der Haar
Governing hazardous cities: towards a research agenda on ordering
processes in fragile urban settings
Reporter: Steffen Jensen
17.00 -17.30: Forum room P 635: plenary feedback by reporters and closure
17.45 - 19.30: Drinks in Orion