MASTER OF EUROPEAN STUDIES (MES) MEMBER OF THE FACULTY Professor Dr. Gert Straetmans Gert Straetmans (Dr.iur. University of Leuven 1997) studied law at the universities of Leuven and Poitiers, and acquired further research qualifications at Columbia University New York. He is professor of International and European Trade Law, and Economic (European and Belgian) Law at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). Since 2008 he is the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp. Prior to his appointment at the University of Antwerp professor Straetmans lectured at the University of Leiden (Netherlands, 1999-2001). His teaching assignment included European Union Law, European Economic Law, European Competition Law, International Business Law and Dutch Competition Law. He is the author of numerous publications in the fields of EU Law and Belgian Trade Law. In 1998, professor Straetmans was appointed Jean Monnet Professor at the Lessius University of Antwerp by the European Commission (1998-2001). He has been (2007) and is visiting professor at the University of Toulouse I (France). Since 2000, professor Straetmans is visiting professor at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany). Professor Straetmans is a member of highly reputed international research networks financed by the European Commission, e.g. the EC Consumer Law Compendium study group and the Acquis Group. List of selected publications [2009] Some thoughts on the future development of European consumer law.- In: European Business Law Review, 20:3(2009), 423-442 [2009] Market access, the outer limits of free movement of goods and... the law.- In: Views of European law from the mountain: liber amicorum Piet Jan Slot / Bulterman, M. [edit.]; e.a., Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2009, p. 91-105 [2009] Rutten Stefan, Straetmans Gert and Wuyts Daily.- Rights of redress and direct producer's liability in consumer sales in Belgium: a critical appraisal.- In: European perspectives on producers' liability / Ebers, M. [edit.]; e.a., München, European Law Publishers, 2009, p. 195-210 [2008] Straetmans Gert [edit.], Stuyck J., Terryn E..- De Wet Handelspraktijken anno 2008.- Mechelen: Kluwer, 2008.- 321 p..- (Collectie van het Studiecentrum voor Consumentenrecht; 10).- ISBN 978-90-465-1895-3 [2008] Schulte-Nölke Hans (edit.), Twigg-Flesner Christian (edit.), Ebers Martin (edit.).- Straetmans Gert [medew.], et al. .- EC consumer law compendium: the consumer acquis and its transposition in the member states.- Munich: European Law Publishers, 2008.- 529 p..- ISBN 978-3-86653-063-8 [2008] Meeusen Johan [edit.], Straetmans Gert [edit.], van den Bossche Anne-Marie [edit.].- Het Verdrag van Lissabon: de Europese impasse doorbroken?.Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2008.- 113 p..- (Studies Europees Recht; 4).- ISBN 978-90-5095-848-6 [2007] Non-economic free movement of European Union citizens and family law matters.- In: International family law for the European Union, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2007, p. 183-238 [2007] Meeusen Johan [edit.], Straetmans Gert.- Bedreigt de Europese interne markt de sociale welvaartsstaat?.- Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2007.- 120 p..- (Studies Europees recht / Universiteit Antwerpen , 2).- ISBN 978-90-5095-664-2 [2007] Meeusen Johan [edit.], Pertegás Marta [edit.], Straetmans Gert [edit.], Swennen Frederik [edit.].- International family law for the European Union.Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2007.- 462 p..- ISBN 90-5095-605-X [2007] Meeusen Johan [edit.], Straetmans Gert [edit.].- Politiële en justitiële strafrechtelijke samenwerking in de Europese Unie: welk evenwicht tussen vrijheid, veiligheid en rechtvaardigheid?.- Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2007.- 139 p..- (Studies Europees recht / Universiteit Antwerpen , 3).- ISBN 978-90-5095719-9 [2005] Meeusen Johan [edit.], Straetmans Gert [edit.].- De Europese grondwet: troeven en tekorten.- Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2005.- 187 p..- (Studies Europees recht / Universiteit Antwerpen , 1).- ISBN 90-5095-467-7 [2004] As you sow, so shall you reap: on member states overstepping the mark.- In: Common market law review, (2004), p. 1409-1428 [2004] The consumer concept in EC law.- In: Enforcement of international contracts in the European Union: convergence and divergence between Brussels I and Rome I / Meeusen Johan [edit.], e.a., Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2004, p. 293-320 [2004] Verkoperbegrip uit de Wet op de handelspraktijken: de daden van koophandel ontgroeid?.- In: Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht = Revue de droit commercial belge, (2004), p. 462-473 [2004] Enforcement of international contracts in the European Union: convergence and divergence between Brussels I and Rome I.- Meeusen Johan [edit.], Pertegás Marta [edit.], Straetmans Gert [edit.], Antwerp: Intersentia, 2004.387 p..- ISBN 90-5095-372-7, [2004] (with Howells G., Mögelvang-Hansen P., Schulte-Nölke H., Schulze R., Wilhelmsson Th., Vacquer A., Pasa B. Acquis Group ) Pre-contractual information and advertising in EU law: formation of the contract: preliminary drafts.- s.l.:, 2004.- 25 p. [2004] Rapport général.- In: Enforcement of international contracts in the European Union: convergence and divergence between Brussels I and Rome I / Meeusen Johan [edit.], e.a., Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2004, p. 21-42 [2003] (with Slot P.J.) Harmonisatie van wetgeving in de EG.- In: Tijdschrift voor privaatrecht, (2003), p. 691-833 [2002] Selling arrangements, advertising rules and access to the market: Keck undone?.- In: Common Market Law review, (2002), p. 1407-1421 [2001] Wie is nu toch die consument van handelspraktijken?.- In: Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht = Revue de droit commercial belge, (2001), p. 692-698 [2000] Towards a European public order: comments on Läärä and Zenatti.- In: Common Market Law review, (2000), p. 991-1005 [1998] Possibilities and limits to European harmonisation of advertising regulation in view of the internal market and the protection of consumers.- Luxemburg: Europese Commissie, 1998.- 50 p..- (Project / Europese Commissie, DG 24; B5-1000/98/0000/47) [1996] Market stability, consumer protection and the Keck-rule on services.- In: Columbia journal of European law, 2:1(1996), p. 154-164