Outdoor Play and Learning Special Interest Group

Outdoor Play and Learning Special Interest Group
European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA)
SIG Convenors
Ellen Beate H. Sandseter
Queen Maud University College, Norway
Eva Ärlemalm-Hagser
Malardalens Hogskola, Sweden
Shirley Wyver
Macquarie University, Australia
Prof Trisha Maynard
Canterbury Christ Church University, England
Prof Tim Waller
Anglia Ruskin University, England
SIG website: https://sites.google.com/site/outdoorplaylearning/
Report on SIG Activities 2011-12.
(selected examples)
Engdahl,I., Karlsson,B., Hellman, A., & Ärlemalm-Hagsér,E. ( 2012). Lärande för
hållbar utveckling - är det någonting för förskolan, eller?: rapport om OMEP:s projekt
Lärande för hållbar utveckling i praktiken [Education for Sustainable Development is it something for the Preschool? Report on OMEP's Project Education for
Sustainable Development in practice]. Stockholm: Organisation Mondiale Pour
l´Education. Retrieved from
Hellman, A. & Ärlemalm – Hagsér, E. (2011). Demokrati och jämställdhet på
förskolegården [Democracy and Equity in Preschoolers Outdoor Play]. KRUT, 141(1),
Sandberg, A., & Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. (2011). The Swedish National Curriculum: Play
and learning with fundamental values in focus. Australasian Journal of Early
Childhood, 36 (1), 44-50.
Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. & Sandberg, A. (2011). Sustainable development in early
childhood education: in-service students' comprehension of the concept,
Environmental Education Research Journal, 17 (2), 187-200.
Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Eva (forthcoming). Lärande för hållbar utveckling i förskolan –
Kunskapsinnehåll, delaktighet och aktörskap kommunicerat i text [Education for
Sustainable Development in Swedish Preschools - Knowledge Content and Childrens
Active Participation]. Nordisk Barnehageforskning
Little, H., Sandseter, E. B. H., & Wyver, S. (in press, 2012). Early childhood teachers'
beliefs about children's risky play in Australia and Norway. Contemporary
Issues in Early Childhood, 13(4)
Sandseter, E. B. H., & Kennair, L. E. O. (2011). Children's risky play from an
evolutionary perspective: The anti-phobic effects of thrilling experiences.
Evolutionary Psychology, 9(2), 257-284.
Sandseter, E. B. H. (2012). Restrictive safety or unsafe freedom? Norwegian ECEC
practitioners' perceptions and practices concerning children's risky play.
Childcare in Practice, 18(1), 83-101.
Sandseter, E.B.H. & Little, H. (2012). Rom for risikofylt lek i barnehagen – en
komparativ studie av fysiske omgivelsers betydning for risikofylt lek i
Australia og Norge. FoU i Praksis 2011, Rapport fra konferanse om
praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning, (pp. 409-419). Trondheim, 2011.
Sandseter, E. B. H. (2012). Children's risky play in Early Childhood Education and
Care. ChildLinks, 3, 2-6.
Sandseter, E.B.H, Wyver, S. & Little, H. (in press). Does theory and pedagogy have an
impact on provisions for outdoor learning? A comparison of approaches in
Australia and Norway. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.
Sandseter, E.B.H. & Hagen, T.L. (in press). Norwegian early childhood education and
care – the adventure of exploring diverse outdoor environments. In P. Becker,
J. Schirp, & M. Vollmar (Eds). Abenteuer, Natur und Frühe Bildung.
Opladen/Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich-Verlag
Wyver, S., Tranter, P., Sandseter, E.B.H., Naughton, G., Little, H., Bundy, A., Ragen, J.,
& Engelen, L. (2012). Places to play outdoors: Sedentary and safe or active
and risky? P. Whiteman and K. De Gioia (Eds.). Children and childhoods 1.
Perspectives, places and practices. (pp. 85-107). Newcastle: Cambridge
Scholar Publishers.
2. Cambridge Workshop and FP7 bid
SIG convenors are holding a Workshop in Cambridge from 1-3 September 2012 to
scope out and plan an FP7 Marie Curie IRSES bid for staff exchange in the field of
outdoor learning. The exchange will facilitate the sharing and dissemination of
expertise in outdoor learning and strengthen the research partnerships between the
participants and build on already established research networks. The purpose of the
exchange is also to i. Collate and document international research in outdoor learning in early
childhood in collaborative papers submitted to peer reviewed journals and an edited
international handbook to be published by SAGE.
ii. Explore the potential for developing collaborative research projects.
iii. To support the development of learning communities around outdoor learning
research in each of the participating institutions.
3. Edited Special Edition of Journal
Outdoor play and learning in Early Childhood from different cultural perspectives
Themed edition of the Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning:
Guest Editors:
Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter, Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood
Education, Norway, Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Mälardalen University, School of
Education, Culture and Communication, Sweden, Linda Allin, Division of Sport
Sciences, Northumbria University, U.K., Heather Prince, Outdoor Studies Quality
Group, University of Cumbria, U.K.
4. Number of members
This year the Outdoor Play and Learning Special Interest Group got 7 new members.
The total number of members is now 80 (9/8/12).