Budget 2014 - Diocese of Rochester

Diocesan Budget
Explained 2014
Supporting the mission and ministry
of the Diocese of Rochester
Each year the Diocesan Synod approves a budget for diocesan
expenditure. This includes the cost of deploying our clergy as well
as other national and local costs in support of our mission and
ministry in our communities. This presentation summarises and
explains the 2014 budget for the Diocesan Synod.
Drawing up the next year’s budget happens through the middle part
of each year with the involvement of the Bishop’s Council as
Directors of the Diocesan Board of Finance, advised by the Finance
Committee, Team Directors and members of diocesan staff. Each
item of expenditure is carefully scrutinised in the light of priorities
set by the Bishop and the Bishop’s Council.
Diocese of Rochester – 2014 Budget
• Parish contributions to clergy
costs (54%)
clergy costs (6%)
work (6%)
etc (6%)
• Glebe/investment income for
• Other income for Diocesan
• Grants/special funds/reserves
• Parish Share (28%)
Total income
(all figures in £Millions)
Diocese of Rochester – 2014 Budget
• Clergy stipends/pensions/
training (69%)
• Clergy housing (12%)
• Mission & Ministry
support teams (7%)
• National Church
responsibilities (4%)
• Other diocesan support
for ministry (7%)
• Lay pension scheme
deficit (1%)
• Diocesan projects/
events (<1%)
Total expenditure
(all figures in £Millions)
Our expenditure explained
• £9,471,600
Funds the stipends, housing pensions and training of
our clergy and all related costs
Includes national and local costs of selecting and training candidates for
Direct contributions to ‘stipend’ cover £6,394,100 of these costs (67.5%)
£750,000 (7.9%) is funded from investments
£2,327,500 (24.6%) is funded from Parish Share or other sources
Parish ‘stipend contributions’ do not in fact cover the full cost of
deploying a minister even when paid in full
Our expenditure explained
• The estimated average costs of deploying a full-time minister in our
Diocese in 2014 are:
National Insurance
Housing (estimate)*
*includes council tax, and water rates paid by PCCs as well as repairs,
improvements, insurance and admin, etc., paid by the DBF
Our expenditure explained
• £853,600
Funds our teams which give support, advice and
training for local mission and ministry
This covers such things as:
Clergy continuing ministerial development
Training and development for lay ministries
Support in youth and children’s work*
Training and support in evangelism, church growth and community
Communications advice and support
*Our work with church schools is almost completely funded from educational trust
income through the Diocesan Board of Education
Our expenditure explained
• £445,700
Funds our contribution to the national church
This covers such things as the work of General Synod, the
Archbishops’ Council and the House of Bishops including:
• The Mission and Public Affairs Division relating the Christian faith
to issues of national concern in Parliament and other national
• The Ministry Division overseeing ministerial training and
development at national level
• The Cathedral and Church Buildings team seeking to influence
national policy and encourage creative use of our buildings for
missions, worship and service
• Support for clergy retirement housing
Our expenditure explained
• £843,500
Funds all our other diocesan support services
The Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) fulfilling our statutory
obligations in relation to church buildings, and offering advice and
support over development projects
The Diocesan Chancellor and Registrar and other legal support for
Stewardship support for parishes and the diocesan accounts team
Safeguarding and other advice
Costs associated with various diocesan bodies, administration and
trusteeship roles
At present we also have to set aside a further £137,400 to fund the
accrued deficit on our pension scheme for lay diocesan employees
Our expenditure explained
• £6,000
Is being set aside for various diocesan events
We had been setting aside money into a Diocesan Development
Fund to help fund major new initiatives such as the establishing
of a Christian presence in areas of significant housing growth, but
as there is a considerable sum set aside already, it is not being
carried out in 2014.
Diocese of Rochester – an overview
1.25M (est)
542sq miles
Cathedral Clergy
Stipendiary clergy
197 (fte)
Ministry Houses
Self-supporting clergy
Electoral Roll
Licensed Chaplains
Average Adult
Weekly Attendance
Licensed/authorised lay
700 approx
Total Parish Income
Clergy in
diocesan roles
8.4 (fte)
Church Primary
Lay people in
diocesan roles
30.7 (fte)
Church Secondary
fte = full time equivalent
Posts marked * paid by Church Commissioners
Just as each of us has one body with
many members, and these members do
not all have the same function, so in
Christ we who are many form one body,
and each member belongs to all the
(Romans 12:4 and 5)