WHY CHILD AND YOUTH HELPLINE AS AN ADVOCACY PROJECT INTERVENTION IN SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGE PROGRAMME IN UZBEKISTAN Nigmadjanova Gulchekhra, Programme Development Advisor for Advocacy for CHI Asia Pacific Regional meeting, Hanoi, 2013 Presentation contains materials from INTRAC and UNICEF ABOUT CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM Child Protection: There is Laws General – Systems and WILLand - Services DATA Policy Laws and Framework Regulations Knowledge and Data Child Protection System Child Protection System Coordinati Coordination on Programme s, services& Prevention to prevent Response and Services respond Human Capacities resources human & financial Public Advocacy &\ awareness Awareness Promotion\ Raising Advocacy How SOS Children’s Village Programme works SOS Children’s Villages is a practitioner organisation Key differentiator • we provide direct services for children who lost parental care and are at risk of losing parental care in a concrete location Roots in practical work • enables us to engage in advocacy and capacitybuilding for other organisations Partner with other implementing organisations SOS Children’s Villages Uzbekistan Association founded 1997 3 villages in Uzbekistan with about 240 children and youth in care of 32 SOS families and 3 Youth Facilities, more than 3000 children in families of origin Crisis Centre in Samarkand (FBC) Integrated families in Urgench (FS) Mobile social centre in Urgench (FBC) Playbus in Tashkent (FS) Youth Resource Centre and helpline in Leaving Care project (ADVOCACY) So what is Advocacy in NGOs?? “to recommend or support by argument a policy, cause etc…” Oxford English Dictionary is Advocacy? A systematic approach toWhat influencing governmental and institutional policy and practice change; but effective advocacy is about individual people as decision-makers, not structures NGO Advocacy ……. Attempts to form or reform the policy & practice of institutions Influences attitudes, opinions and practice of individuals in positions of power NGO Advocacy …. Aims to improve the lives of significant numbers of children Twin Track Strategies Persuasion/insider strategies through Round tables, conferences, briefings, Forums, networks, coalitions, alliances Pressure/outsider strategies through media, campaigns, marches etc SOS Strengthening National Advocacy November 2010 Chris Stalker 11 SOS Strengthening National Advocacy November 2010 Chris Stalker 12 Providing services Advocacy “philanthropic” “political” Meeting the direct needs of beneficiaries Calling for changes in policy and practice Based on experience on the ground Direct benefit to (relatively) few Mutual reinforcement Based on macro policy & political analysis Potential for indirect benefit to many Advocacy projects and other interventions in SOS Children’s Villages I MATTER CAMPAIGN in 20 countries, Leaving Care project in Uzbekistan with Helpline for Young People of care experience and Resource Centre services CARE FOR ME GLOBAL CAMPAIGN, Child Care System Assessment using instrument developed on the base of UN Aletrnative Care Guidelines and analysis the child care system and identify advocacy strategy CAPACITY BUILDING for 258 Child Protection Frontline professionals in 6 regions Child Protection Policy implementation UPR and CRC reporting Why a campaign on leaving care Integral part of the care system but often a low priority Young people leaving care are often more vulnerable than other young people and they are expected to start their independent living at a very early age Same issues in all the countries: Employment and financial stability Housing Education, and Emotional Stability Knowledge-sharing and awareness-raising Participation of 2 young people at International Leaving Care Youth Council meetings Workshops and roundtables for dutybearers to rise issues that challenge young people after leaving care Workshops with journalists to send messages to public Peer research done by a trained group of young people with care experience through interviewing of young people Guidance for LC youth to serve as a source of all important and required information Resource Centre with counselling services on trauma, personal relations, professional orientation, child‘s or young people‘s personal development, training sessions on advocacy, child‘s and human rights, communication and life skills computers and internet access, helpline Most favored features of the Project Young people with care experience and those about to leave care facilities acknowledged their power, developed self – assurance and know how to protect themselves, and advocate on behalf of other young people leaving care They are part of national and regional round tables and conferences to speak about issues they face to adults Their network develops recommendations Resource centre as source for development and learning HELPLINE !!!!!! Helpline data Helpline is a tool for LC young people available 5 days a week, with direct support as psychosocial consultancy and referral services 2010 – 2012 total number of calls - 598. 158 consultations provided as response. 36 cases referred and responses from relevant government bodies monitored Data is analized with conclusions to be added to further recommendations Number of calls 2012 total no/% Content of calls: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Qs on what is Resource centre, how it helps Request for meeting in person Error Housing issues Personal issues Social relations To talk – communication need Request for relevant information Request for information on employment processes Request on vocational education Passport and registration issues 48 25 21 17 12 11 11 9 7 6 5 23,8 12,4 10,4 8, 4 5,9 5,4 5,4 4,4 3,4 2,9 2,48 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Education failures 5 HL as a source of information 5 Help on holding an event 5 Joke 4 Career questions 3 Financial issues 2 Conflict with the law 1 Request for self esteem raising technics 1 Conflict between generations 1 Request for admission to exams 1 Complaints on quality of housing 1 2,48 2,48 2,48 1,99 ACHIEVEMENTS Recommendations related to housing, education, .. were developed and submitted to government Public is aware about challenges LC young people face One state run agency of influence took the issue and developing approaches together with SOS SOS Youth Facility model is under consideration to apply nationally Youth participate at round tables of stakeholders Housing, financial support issue is under state body’s control Journalists know and write about challenges and stigma Young people feel own responsibility over achievements, are proactive CHALLENGES Insufficient interest of caregivers and dutybearers Lack of special data Insufficient understanding in the govt and society Young people with whom we do advocacy may need more resources to build their capacity for advocacy due to impacts of institutionalization – lack of trust, wrong expectations, pessimizm, over-individualizm, relying on others to do things for them Lack or shortage of resources in the government to support changes Shift of influencing power 10 Principles for Effective Advocacy as recommendation 1. Select the issue that’s right for you 2. Compile strong and compelling evidence; ensuring that there is a high quality research and policy analysis at the root of all advocacy effort 3. Understand power, politics, targets and audiences and track what’s going on SOS Strengthening National Advocacy November 2010 Chris Stalker 23 4. Be clear about what you are trying to achieve; identify objectives 5. Use a range of complementary tactics according to the situation 6. participation, accountability, legitimacy - involve beneficiaries 7. maximising joint-partnership working opportunities with allies / considering how to minimise the influence of opponents SOS Strengthening National Advocacy November 2010 Chris Stalker 24 8. Communicate well and persistently by being agile in the short-term and constant in the long-term 9. Stay with the issue through to resolution, including having viable exit strategies 10. Promote an advocacy, campaigning, change-oriented, culture SOS Strengthening National Advocacy November 2010 Chris Stalker 25