The European Joint Programme Co-fund Action - Ideal-ist

The European Joint
Programme Co-fund Action
under Horizon 2020
H2020 Legal and Financial
NCP meeting
23 June 2014
Programme co-fund under H2020 Rules for Participation
Programme co-fund:
'programme co-fund action' means an action funded through a grant the main purpose of which
is supplementing individual calls or programmes funded by entities, other than Union
bodies, managing research and innovation programmes. A programme co-fund action may
also include complementary activities of networking and coordination between programmes in
different countries'
•European Joint Programme ('EJP')
•Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions ('PCP'-'PPI')
•Marie Skłodowska-Curie
European Joint Programme
European Joint Programme:
The European Joint Programme ('EJP') under Horizon 2020 is a co-fund action designed to
support coordinated national research and innovation programmes. The EJP aims at attracting
and pooling a critical mass of national resources on objectives and challenges of Horizon 2020
and at achieving significant economies of scales by adding related Horizon 2020 resources to a
joint effort.
'Critical Mass' – a stepping stone towards consolidation of transnational research
Budget; ambition; existing transnational platforms
Public-public funding
Eligibility: specifically mandated research programme owners and managers
Up to 70% funding rate – in EURATOM WP2014-2015, EURATOM/Member State
programme funding is expected to be balanced (e.g. 50% - 70%, depending on the
Annual Programming of Joint Activities
European Joint Programme – Activities and Objectives
Activities and Objectives:
The main activity of the action is the implementation of a joint programme of activities to attain
objectives common to Horizon 2020, ranging from research and innovation to coordination and
networking activities, including training activities, demonstration and dissemination activities,
support to third parties etc.
The funding can be used to enhance and expand the activities of existing coordinated
programmes or create new ones, provided they aim at attaining the objectives of a European
transnational joint-programme established by the EJP consortium.
Wide range of possible activities
Direct consortium activities and/or (single or multiple calls for proposals for financial
support to third parties
Level of ambition of the participants in the proposed action to pool national resources
are evaluated under the Excellence criterion
Critical mass in terms of proposed overall budget, maturity and degree of integration
in the proposed research area are evaluated under the Impact criterion
European Joint Programme – Eligibility
"Five independent legal entities from different Member States or associated countries owning or
managing national research and innovation programmes"
'Programme owners', typically national ministries/regional authorities responsible for
defining, financing or managing programmes carried out at national or regional level
'Programme managers' such as research councils or funding agencies or other entities
- not necessarily public – that implement national or regional research and innovation
programmes under the supervision of the programme owners
The principle is that participants are those able to direct national funding and/or manage a
national research programme
A Programme Owner can at the same time be the Programme Manager. The participation of
Programme Managers that are not Programme Owners has to be mandated by the responsible
national or regional authorities.
Definitions derived from existing FP7 programmes and harmonized for PCF actions (including
European Joint Programme – Model Grant Agreement
• Standard H2020 Model Grant Agreement …
• Actual costs, possibility of unit costs (already adopted for EURATOMFusion)
• Flat rate of 25% of eligible direct costs for indirect costs
• Implementation of the action by the beneficiaries
• Subcontracting, purchase of goods and services
• Third parties making available resources
• Linked third parties
• Financial support to third parties
• Reporting, payment and audit
• with certain modifications …
European Joint Programme – Model Grant Agreement
• Specific EJP Provisions
• Fixed 5-year duration (Article 3) with 12-month reporting periods
(Article 20.2)
• Fixed reimbursement rate indicated in the Work Programme – Article
• Annual Work Plan to be submitted with proposal and as deliverable
prior to each successive reporting period – Article 19 and Annex 7
• Possibility of two pre-financing payments (e.g. to provide adequate
float in case of very large programmes), and associated conforming
modifications in guarantee fund retention and reporting – Articles
21.1, 21.2, 21.5, 20.2.a and Optional Annex 8
European Joint Programme – Annual Work Plan
Annual Work Plan – Annex 7
The Annual Work Plan is a key part of the proposal and regular deliverable for the
implementation of the EJP on a rolling basis. It provides a detailed description of activities
for the initial and each successive twelve-month periods of the EJP, as the action develops
in line with the objectives and description of work agreed under Annex 1.
The programmed activities are those planned to be carried out in full or simply initiated
during the relevant twelve-month reporting period.
Depending on the detail of Annex 1, it is not excluded that sections of Annex 1 and the
Annual Work Plan contain the same information.
• At proposal stage:
Annual Work Plan based on Annex 7 submitted together with Description of Work
(Annex 1)
• During the life of the EJP – specific deliverable:
The coordinator must submit the Annual Work Plan 90 days before the end of each
reporting period, for approval by the Commission – accompanied by a summary progress
report on the current activities
European Joint Programme – Annual Work Plan
Annual Work Plan – Approval Process
• Main condition: alignment with Annex 1/EJP as proposed and evaluated
• EJP structure allows flexibility and evolution of activities but Annual
Work Plan may not alter the EJP as proposed and evaluated
• Commission may request the revision of the Annual Work Plan in case
of non-compliance with Annex 1
• Annual Work Plan should however be in place before start of next
reporting period
• Certainty in activities to be carried out
European Joint Programme – Financial Support to Third Parties
Financial Support to Third Parties – Cascading Grants
• Financial support to third parties may be a primary aim of the European Joint
Programme or necessary to achieve its objectives
• Conditions in Annex 1
• Maximum amount of financial support for each third party (may exceed EUR 60 000
for each third party if necessary to achieve the objectives of the EJP)
• Criteria for calculating the exact amount of the financial support
• The different types of activity that qualify for financial support, on the basis of a
closed list
• The persons or categories of persons that may receive financial support, and
• The criteria for giving financial support
• Financial support costs are actual costs i.e. recorded at the level of the beneficiary
granting the support, but not included in the indirect cost calculation
• Remember that financial support costs are subject to the EJP reimbursement rate
at the level of the beneficiary – beneficiary should be able to co-finance actual
Thank you very much for
your attention!
Appendix I – Illustrative Payment Schedule
Illustrative Payment Schedule
•Prefinancing provides float
•Interim and final payments against reports for the previous reporting period
•Prefinancing + total interim payments ≤ 90% max GA amount
•Guarantee fund retention of 5%
Estimated pre-financing payments (first pre-financing after GA signature)
Interim report deadlines (payment of previous reporting period) – 60 days from end of reporting period
Estimated interim payment – 90 days from receiving the periodic report + possible suspension
due to analysis of reports
Final report deadline
Final payment, clearance of pre-financing and guarantee fund retention restitution
Appendix II – Participant Declaration and Mandate
Participant Declaration and Mandate
During the preparation of the Grant Agreement, each participant in an EJP Cofund action is
required to:
identify the research programme(s) with which it participates in
the respective EJP
 The name of the programme may be ad-hoc, i.e. specific to
the action, and not pre-existing
identify its role (Programme Manager or Programme Owner); and
provide confirmation that, as a Programme Manager which is not
also a Programme Owner, it is mandated to manage the relevant
programme and participate in the action.
Participant Declaration
[Participant Declaration Template - To be filled out by each participant]
Participant declaration for the European Joint Programme ('EJP') Cofund action [Proposal number and Acronym of
the EJP]
The undersigned [Name of the authorised representative] declares that [name of participant] will participate with the
following research programmes carried out at national or regional level in the EJP Cofund action [Proposal number
and Acronym of the EJP]:
[Title of the research programme]
[name of participant] is Programme Owner and Programme Manager for the above mentioned programme.
[name of participant] is Programme Owner for the above mentioned programme. The organisation in charge of
its implementation as Programme Manager is [name of the organisation acting as Programme Manager] and I
declare that they have been mandated to manage the programme and participate in the action.
[name of participant] is Programme Manager for the above mentioned programme. The Programme Owner for
this programme is [name of the organisation being the Programme Owner] and they have provided a declaration
confirming the mandate to manage the programme on their behalf.
In case you participate with more than one research programme: please duplicate this part for each programme.
If the Programme Owner is participating in the EJP action only its participant's declaration is needed. Please use Annex B only in case the Programme
Owner is not part of the consortium.
Mandate to Programme Owner
[Mandate to Programme Manager Template - To be filled out by the entity mandating the
participation of a Programme Manager in the action.]*
Mandate to Programme Manager for the European Joint Programme ('EJP') Cofund action [Proposal number and
Acronym of the EJP]
The undersigned [Name of the authorised representative] declares that [Name of participating organisation acting as
Programme Manager] has been mandated by [Name of the organisation being the Programme Owner] to manage the
following research programme[s] and participate in the action:
[Title of the research programme(s)]
* If that entity is not already part of the Consortium
Participant Declaration/Mandate
1.Programme Owner = Programme Manager: Participant Declaration from that
single entity
2.Programme Owner ≠ Programme Manager
a. Both are beneficiaries: Participant Declaration from each one (Mandate
is included in Owner's Participant Declaration)
b. Only Programme Manager is beneficiary: Participant Declaration from
Programme manager + Mandate from Programme Owner