FP7 IDEAS Programme The European Research Council 2007 – 2012: An overview with focus on Italy Established by the European Commission The early European Research Area For Excellence, the best framework conditions are needed Established by the European Commission Raphael: The School of Athens (1510-1511) Consiglio europeo della Ricerca (ERC) Established by the European Commission Come • Budget 2013: 1,741 miliardi € • Sovvenzioni: max 2,5 milioni € per progetto • Beneficiari: ricercatori di ogni nazionalita',disciplina e eta' (almeno 2 anni post-doc), per progetti da svolgere in un paese UE o in uno dei paesi associati all VII PQ • • • • Sostegno a singoli ricercatori (no networks/consorzi) Criteri di selezione: eccellenza scientifica Panels di selezione internazionali (peer review) Nessuna priorita' tematica │3 ERC Structure Established by the European Commission The European Commission • • • • Provides financing through the EU framework programmes Guarantees autonomy of the ERC Assures the integrity and accountability of the ERC Adopts annual work programmes as established by the Scientific Council The ERC Scientific Council • 22 prominent researchers proposed by an independent identification committee • • Appointed by the Commission (4 years, renewable once) Establishes overall scientific strategy; annual work programmes (incl. calls for proposals, evaluation criteria); peer review methodology; selection and accreditation of experts • • Controls quality of operations and management Ensures communication with the scientific community The ERC Executive Agency • • • • • • Executes annual work programme as established by the Scientific Council Implements calls for proposals and provides information and support to applicants Organises peer review evaluation Establishes and manages grant agreements Administers scientific and financial aspects and follow-up of grant agreements Carries out communications activities and ensures information dissemination to ERC stakeholders ERC Scientific Council Members Established by the European Commission • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Prof. Klaus BOCK (Chemistry) Prof. Nicholas CANNY (History) Prof. Don Dingwell Prof. Sierd A.P.L. CLOETINGH (Earth Sciences) ERC Secretary General Prof. Tomasz DIETL (Physics) Prof. Daniel DOLEV (Computer Sciences) Prof. Athene DONALD (Biological Physics) Prof. Carlos M. DUARTE (Biology) Dr. Barbara ENSOLI (Medicine) Prof. Daniel ESTEVE (Physics) Prof. Pavel EXNER (Applied Mathematics & Mathematical Physics), ERC Vice President Prof. Reinhard GENZEL(Astrophysics) Prof. Carl-Henrik HELDIN (Molecular Cell Biology), ERC Vice President Prof. Timothy HUNT (Biology) Prof. Matthias KLEINER (Engineering) Prof. Eva KONDOROSI (Biology) Prof. Nuria SEBASTIAN GALLES (Psychology) Prof. Helga NOWOTNY (Science and Technology Studies), ERC President Prof. Alain PEYRAUBE (Linguistics) Prof. Mart SAARMA (Biology) Prof. Anna TRAMONTANO (Biochemistry) Prof. Isabelle VERNOS (Molecular and Cell Biology) Prof. Reinhilde VEUGELERS (Economics) FP7 budget € 50.5 billion ERC budget € 7.5 billion; Increase by € 250 M/year Established by the European Commission People (9 %) Ideas (15 %) Co-operation (65 %) 1800 23.4% 21.6% 1500 1200 17.8% 900 15.1% 600 10.8% 7.3% 300 4% 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Million Euro JRC nonnuclear (3 %) Capacities (8 %) ERC: tre tipi di sovvenzioni Established by the European Commission Starting e Consolidators Grants • Advanced Grants Attirare/trattenere in Europa le prossime generazioni di leaders scientifici Favorire l’indipendenza dei giovani talenti Stabilire team e programmi di ricerca indipendenti Max 2 Milioni € per 5 anni • • • • • • StG 2010 60 AdG 2010 50 Number of grantees Attirare/trattenere in Europa i migliori scienziati Stimolare importanti scoperte scientifiche Max. € 2.5 Milioni per 5 anni 40 30 20 10 0 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 Age of the grantees 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 ERC Grant schemes Established by the European Commission Starting Grants Consolidator Grants starters (2-7 years after PhD) up to € 2.0 Mio for 5 years consolidators (7-12 years after PhD) up to € 2.75 Mio for 5 years Synergy Grants 2 – 4 Principal Investigators up to € 15.0 Mio for 6 years Advanced Grants track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years up to € 3.5 Mio for 5 years Proof-of-Concept bridging gap between research - earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders Creative freedom of the individual grantee Established by the European Commission ERC offers independence, recognition & visibility • to work on a research topic of own choice, with a team of own choice • to gain true financial autonomy for 5 years • to negotiate with the host institution the best conditions of work • to attract top team members (EU and non-EU) and collaborators • to move with the grant to any place in Europe if necessary (portability of grants) • to attract additional funding and gain recognition; ERC is a quality label │9 Top applicants - countries of host institutions ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant calls 2007-2013 ERC Advanced Grant calls 2008-2013 Established by the European Commission │ 10 ERC Competitions 2007-2012 Total number of applications of which Evaluated* Funded success rates** Established by the European Commission Starting Grant 2007 9,167 8,787 299 3.4 Starting Grant 2009 2,503 2,392 245 10.2 Starting Grant 2010 2,873 2,767 436 15.8 Starting Grant 2011 4,080 4,005 486 12.1 Starting Grant 2012 4,741 4,652 566 12.2 23,364 22,603 2,032 10.7 Advanced Grant 2008 2,167 2,034 282 13.9 Advanced Grant 2009 1,584 1,526 245 16.1 Advanced Grant 2010 2,009 1,967 271 13.8 Advanced Grant 2011 2,284 2,245 301 13.4 Advanced Grant 2012 2,304 2,269 321 14.1 10,348 10,041 1,420 14.3 Proof of Concept 2011 - 1&2 151 139 51 36.7 Proof of Concept 2012 - 1&2 143 120 60 50.0 Proof of Concept 294 259 111 43.3 Synergy Grant 2012 710 697 11 1.6 Starting Grant Advanced Grant * withdrawn and ineligible proposals not taken into account ** percentage of funded proposals in relation to evaluated proposals Data as of 08/04/2013│ 11 Over 3400 grants awarded after 10 StG and AdG calls (one fifth to women PIs) Established by the European Commission Highly competitive: Average success rate 12% Established by the European Commission │ 13 ERC grant distribution to countries of HI ERC Starting and Advanced grant calls 2007-2012 Established by the European Commission *) Host institution refers to the organisation with which the first grant agreement was signed│ 14 Country Higher-Education Institution No StG AdG Total LS PE SH UK University of Cambridge 1 54 40 94 31 49 14 UK University of Oxford 2 47 43 90 26 43 21 UK University College London 3 42 27 69 28 14 27 CH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) 4 38 30 68 19 48 1 CH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) 5 22 41 63 21 40 2 IL Hebrew University of Jerusalem 6 33 24 57 25 21 11 IL Weizmann Institute 7 31 21 52 30 21 1 UK Imperial College 8 28 23 51 20 31 BE University of Leuven 9 25 10 35 10 17 8 DE University of Munich 10 12 21 33 15 12 6 UK University of Edinburgh 11 17 15 32 8 13 11 UK University of Bristol 12 13 17 30 6 19 5 NL University of Amsterdam 13 15 14 29 3 8 18 NL Leiden University 13 15 14 29 1 15 13 FI University of Helsinki 14 16 12 28 19 7 2 IL Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 15 21 6 27 9 18 DK University of Copenhagen 16 15 11 26 9 11 6 CH University of Zurich 17 12 13 25 15 5 5 NL Radboud University Nijmegen 17 17 8 25 8 8 9 SE Karolinska Institute 17 15 10 25 24 No StG AdG Total LS PE SH FR National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) 1 121 57 178 47 103 28 DE Max Planck Society 2 54 37 91 49 36 6 FR National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) 3 28 13 41 41 FR French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission 4 30 7 37 6 30 1 ES Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) 5 19 11 30 13 12 5 FR National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automatic Control (INRIA) 6 17 12 29 Country Research Organisation 1 29 Top European Institutions hosting at least 25 ERC Grantees by funding Schemes Established by the European Commission StG 2007-2012 AdG 2008-2012 First legal signatories of the grant agreement Data as of 08/04/2013 Success rates per country of Host Institution ERC Starting and Advanced Grant calls 2007-2012 Established by the European Commission *) First legal signatories of the first grant agreement taken into account Nationals at home and abroad ERC Starting and Advanced Grant calls 2007-2012 Established by the European Commission │ 17 Mobility of researchers ERC Starting and Advanced Grant calls 2007-2012 Established by the European Commission │ 18 Current host institutions; data as of 08/04/2013 Evaluated Proposals from hosts in Italy ERC Starting Grant calls 2007-2013 ERC Advanced Grant calls 2008-2013 Established by the European Commission Ineligible and withdrawn proposals not taken into account; *) all submitted for 2013 calls │ 19 Granted proposals at HI in Italy ERC Starting Grant calls 2007-2012 ERC Advanced Grant calls 2008-2012 Established by the European Commission * current host institutions; data as of 08/04/2013 │ 20 Top Host institution in Italy ERC Starting & Advanced grant calls 2007 – 2012 Established by the European Commission * current host institutions; data as of 08/04/2013 Frontier research and innovation: ERC Proof of Concept Established by the European Commission Initiated to help ERC grant-holder to bridge the gap between their research and the earliest stage of a marketable innovation Supporting grant-holders during the pre-demonstration 2011 2012 Up to 150.000 Euro per grant Total applications 151 143 One step evaluation Evaluated* 139 120 Funded 51 60 * withdrawn and ineligible proposals not taken into account First call in Autumn 2011 with 2 deadlines Second call in 2012 with 2 deadlines Third call in 2013 (deadlines 24 April and 3 October) ERC Proof of Concept – areas of application Established by the European Commission PoC scheme was introduced in 2011 to allow researchers who are already ERC grant holders to bridge the gap between their research and the earliest stage of an innovation │ 23 Speeding up the discovery process: ERC Synergy grant Established by the European Commission 2012 work programme on a pilot basis 2 – 4 Principal Investigators; complementary skills, knowledge & resources; to jointly address frontier research problems Up to €15m for up to six year Based on ERC principles (no consortia, no networks): • bottom-up and risk-taking • driven by scientific demand • PIs expected to spend significant “core time” together • only one Host Institution, but groups not required to be physically located in the same place 710 submissions to the first SyG Call; 1.6% success rate 449 submissions to the second SyG Call Developing a new generation of excellent scientists 2/3 of staff are people in the training phase of their career (Analysis of 636 on-going projects) Established by the European Commission │ 25 Attracting excellent researchers Composition of ERC teams (PIs not included) Established by the European Commission EU: 69% Assoc. Countries: 11% non-ERA: 17% unknown: 3% Most non-ERA from China, US, India, and Russia Breakdown by nationality (97) (sample of 636 Starting and Advanced projects) 50% of non-ERA team members ''attracted'' to Europe with the ERC grant │ 26 The ERC attracts high calibre scientists "Despite being a new, and thus untried instrument, the ERC has manifestly succeeded in attracting and funding world-class research and is playing an important role in anchoring research talent." . The independent interim evaluation of FP7 Established by the European Commission Fields Medals 2010 Nobel prize in physics 2010 Andre Geim Uni of Manchester (Graphene) Konstantin Novoselov Uni of Manchester (Graphene) L’OréalUNESCO Stanislav Smirnov Geneva Uni. Cédric Villani Institut Henri Poincaré Ngô Bảo Châu Université Paris-Sud Elon Lindenstrauss Hebrew Univ. Wolf Prize 2010* Award for Women in Science Anne L’Huillier Lund University Physical Sciences David Baulcombe Cambridge Univ. (Agriculture) Axel Ullrich Max Planck (Medecine) Alain Aspect Inst. d’Optique, Palaiseau (Physics) Anton Zeillinger Vienna Univ. (Physics) │ 27 *4 European winners in “Science” categories” ERC prospects for the future Rising applications Established by the European Commission HORIZON 2020 Established by the European Commission HORIZON 2020 structure: Excellence Science Industrial leadership Societal challenges EIT JRC Excellent Science: reinforcing and extending the excellence of the EU’s science base and consolidating ERA to make EU’s R&I system more competitive on a global scale European Research Council (budget proposal under H2020: € 15 billion) Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Curie Research Infrastructures │ 29 Established by the European Commission More information on http://erc.europa.eu To subscribe to ERC newsletter and newsalerts http://erc.europa.eu/keep-updated-erc Follow us on https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanResearchCouncil https://twitter.com/ERC_Research Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 - New actions 2014-20 • MC will continue as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) • Funding levels ~maintained • Broad Schemes ~maintained • Simplification in Implementation ~ • Bi-Annual Work programmes Horizon 2020 • Excellent Science - Priority I European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Infrastructures • Industrial leadership - Priority II Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs • Societal challenges - Priority III • • Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, bio-economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies EIT JRC non-nuclear action Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon 2020 Proposed Budget (2014-2020): € 5.75 billion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fostering new skills through excellent initial training of researchers Nurturing excellence through cross-border and cross-sector mobility Stimulating innovation through crossfertilisation of knowledge Increasing structural impact by co-funding the activities Specific support and policy action Horizon 2020 ITN IEF ITN Early-Stage Researchers Innovative networks supporting early-stage training (Including Industrial doctorates & Joint doctorates) IOF IIF CIG IAPP IRSES COFUND IF Individual fellowship supporting experienced Experienced researchers undertaking mobility Researchers RISE Exchange of Staff International and inter-sector cooperation through research and innovation staff exchange COFUND Co-funding Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes funding doctoral and postdoctoral researchers Innovative Training Networks (ITN) MSCA - main EU programme for structured doctoral training Dedicated to early-stage researchers (no ER recruitment) Involving wide partnership of institutions from academic and nonacademic sectors Based on FP7 ITNs experience + support to joint doctorates Addressing triple 'i' dimension of mobility Combining scientific excellence with innovation-oriented approach Developing entrepreneurship and skills matching research labour market needs Enhancing employability of researchers Individual Fellowships (IF) Opportunities for international and inter-sector mobility of ER to facilitate career moves Enhance competences and creative potential of best researchers, European and non-European willing to work in the EU Encompass intra-European, incoming, outgoing mobility and re-integration Possibility of inter-sector secondments Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) New type of exchange of staff action to stimulate transfer of knowledge Flexible inter-sector (within Europe) and international (with 3rd countries) exchanges of highly skilled research and innovation staff No recruitment foreseen Single eligibility rule for partnership consortia Based on a common research project COFUND Stimulating regional, national and international programmes to foster excellence Spreading best practices of MSCA in terms of international mobility, research training, career development Extended to doctoral training Building on experience from FP7 COFUND – evaluation results available: • • • COFUND is enhancing the international dimension of a number of national and regionally-based fellowship programmes in ways that are not open to Individual Fellowships Modest positive impact on operational and administrative procedures of host institutions (COFUND) Contributing to a gradual ‘levelling up’ in employment conditions for researchers Inter-institutional discussions Council Framework Programme Regulation: Partial General Approach (PGA) reached on 31 May 2012 Rules for Participation and Dissemination: PGA reached on 10 October Specific Programme: PGA reached on 11 December 2012 MSCA: Impact across the programme on the innovativeness of the private sector Importance of industrial doctorates Mobility for European brain gain – importance of (re)integration Extension of co-funding, involve private sector Synergies with Erasmus for All, Structural Funds, KICs Inter-institutional discussions European Parliament ITRE Committee vote on 28 November 2012 Importance of widening participation Building synergies between Horizon 2020 and Structural Funds Establishing bridges with national and regional initiatives 20% of budget for SMEs Open access to publications and scientific data MSCA: Increase of budget (from 7.2% to 8.3% of H2020) Importance of joint and industrial doctorates Promoting excellence in less innovation performing regions Measures to remove obstacles to the mobility of female researchers Support for outgoing mobility followed by return to Europe "Seal of excellence" on positively evaluated projects (not funded)