The European Research Council Established by the European Commission Programa ERC: una oportunidad para impulsar investigaciones excelentes? Núria Sebastián, Vicepresidenta Consejo Científico ERC 30 Octubre 2014 │1 © Art & Build Architect / Montois Partners / credits: S. Brison ERC basics What is ERC? Established by the European Commission The ERC supports excellence in frontier research through a bottom-up, individual-based, pan-European competition Legislation Scientific governance: independent Scientific Council with 22 members including the ERC President; full authority over funding strategy Support by the ERC Executive Agency (autonomous) Excellence as the only criterion Strategy Budget: € 13 billion (2014-2020) - 1.9 billion €/year € 7.5 billion (2007-2013) - 1.1 billion €/year Support for the individual scientist – no networks! Global peer-review No predetermined subjects (bottom-up) Support of frontier research in all fields of science and humanities │2 ERC basics What is ERC? Established by the European Commission The ERC supports excellence in frontier research through a bottom-up, individual-based, pan-European competition Legislation Scientific governance: independent Scientific Council with 22 members including the ERC President; full authority over funding strategy Support by the ERC Executive Agency (autonomous) Excellence as the only criterion Strategy Budget: € 13 billion (2014-2020) - 1.9 billion €/year € 7.5 billion (2007-2013) - 1.1 billion €/year Support for the individual scientist – no networks! Global peer-review No predetermined subjects (bottom-up) Support of frontier research in all fields of science and humanities │2 ERC basics What is ERC? Standing Committees and Working groups Established by the European Commission • Standing committees: the 2009 Mid-Term Review Report on the ERC's Structures and Mechanisms recommended the setting up of two subcommittees to deal with conflict of interest issues and to steer and control the selection of reviewers and panellists. • Working groups: non-permanent structures created ad-hoc to address specific tasks of strategic importance with the involvement of the Scientific Council members who are more interested and competent on the particular issue. Both Working groups and Standing committees report to the Scientific Council plenary meetings │4 ERC Scientific Council Working groups & Standing committees Established by the European Commission Gender balance Widening Participation Innovation and relations with industry Internationalisation Open Access Committee on Panels Key Performance Indicators CoIME (Conflict of Interest & Research integrity) ERC basics ERC funding schemes Established by the European Commission Starting Grants Consolidator Grants starters (2-7 years after PhD) up to € 2.0 Mio for 5 years consolidators (7-12 years after PhD) up to € 2.75 Mio for 5 years Advanced Grants track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years up to € 3.5 Mio for 5 years Proof-of-Concept bridging gap between research - earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders ERC basics Creative freedom of the individual grantee Established by the European Commission ERC offers independence, recognition & visibility • to work on a research topic of own choice, with a team of own choice • to gain true financial autonomy for 5 years • to negotiate with the host institution the best conditions of work • to attract top team members (EU and non-EU) and collaborators • to move with the grant to any place in Europe if necessary (portability of grants) • to attract additional funding and gain recognition; ERC is a quality label │ 11 ERC basics Evaluation of proposals: main features Established by the European Commission Evaluation of excellent quality at two levels: Excellence of the Research Project Ground-breaking nature Potential impact Scientific approach Added-value of the Group (only Synergy Grant) Excellence of the Principal Investigator Intellectual capacity Creativity Commitment Referees and panels evaluate and score each criterion, and then rank the proposals according to these results. │ 12 ERC basics Evaluation of proposals: main features Established by the European Commission The ERC Scientific Council is responsible for proposing independent experts Structure: 25 panels distributed across 3 scientific domains (10 Physical Sciences and Engineering, 9 Life Sciences and 6 Social Sciences and Humanities) What makes ERC evaluation exceptional? Highly international participation in panels Full autonomy of panels to decide │ 13 ERC After Seven Years Established by the European Commission Over 4 300 researchers funded (65% at an early-career stage); 64 nationalities Highly competitive (average success rate tending to 10%) Grants located in almost 600 different institutions in 30 countries 50% of grantees in 50 institutions Benchmarking effect: impact on national programmes and agencies; national funding for best "runners-up" also for Structural Funds Efficient and fast grant management Highly recognized by the research community beyond Europe Over 30 000 publications acknowledging ERC publication so far; 12% published between 2008-2010 were in the top 1% most cited in 2012 │ 14 Priority to Young Scientists Established by the European Commission + 15 000 PhD and post-doc researchers working in ERC teams. Two-thirds of ERC grants to early-stage Principal Investigators. │ 15 ERC in H2020 Budget Horizon 2020 Established by the European Commission H2020 budget € 77 billion ERC budget € 13 billion │ 16 Spain at ERC ERC grant distribution to countries of HI ERC StG, CoG and AdG calls 2007-2013 Established by the European Commission *) Host institution refers to the organisation with which the first grant agreement was signed│ 17 Spain at ERC Success rates per country of Host Institution Established by the European Commission │ 18 Spain at ERC Mobility of researchers ERC StG, CoG and AdG calls 2007-2013 Established by the European Commission 59 foreign PIs in Spain • 174 Spanish PIs in the country • 59 foreign PIs in Spain from 21 different nationalities, mainly IT (16), DE (10), UK (4), NL (4), US (4) • 47 Spanish PIs abroad, mainly in UK (20), CH (7), FR (7), DE (6) 47 Spanish PIs abroad Current host institutions; data as of 21/08/2014│ 19 Spain at ERC Host institutions in Spain ERC StG, CoG and AdG calls 2007-2013 Established by the European Commission Current host institutions; data as of 21/08/2014 │ 20 Spain at ERC Core grant schemes ERC StG, CoG and AdG calls 2007-2013 Established by the European Commission 3 540 Evaluated proposals with Spanish host institutions 237 Selected projects in Spanish host institutions 135 Starting Grants By type of ERC grant scheme Consolidator Grants 20 Advanced Grants 82 Physical Sciences & Engineering Distribution of ERC grants by domain Distribution of ERC grants by gender Total ERC funding 106 Life Sciences 86 Social Sciences & Humanities 45 Women 45 Men 192 About € 389.5 million Non-Spanish ERC grantees in Spanish host institutions 61 Spanish ERC grantees based outside Spain 45 │ 21 Nobel Prize to ERC grantees Established by the European Commission Serge Haroche Konstantin Novoselov Nobel 2012 Nobel 2010 Ada Yonath Andre Geim Christoforos Pissarides Theodor Hansch James Heckman Jean-Marie Lehn The Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 2014 was awarded to May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser, together with John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser Jean Tirole Nobel 2014 Nobel 2014 The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2014 was awarded to Jean Tirole "for his analysis of market power and regulation". "for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain". The research leading to these discoveries* was supported by FP5. Edvard Moser Nobel 2014 * "Spatial Representation in the Entorhinal Cortex" – Science 2004 │ 22 A few examples of ERC projects in Spain Established by the European Commission Understanding the origins and spread of agriculture in the western Mediterranean Project: Origins and spread of agriculture in the southwestern Mediterranean region (AGRIWESTMED) PI: Leonor Peña-Chocarro HI: CSIC Madrid Call: Advanced Grant 2008 Funding: € 1.5 million for 4 years Photonics to see through cataractous eyes Project: Seeing through cataracts with advanced photonics (SEECAT) PI: Pablo Artal HI: University of Murcia Call: Advanced Grant 2013 Funding: € 2.5 million for 5 years Towards safer constructions in water calamities Project: New Computational Methods for Predicting the Safety of Constructions to Water Hazards accounting for Fluid-SoilStructure Interactions (SAFECON) PI: Eugenio Oñate HI: CIMNE Barcelona Call: Advanced Grant 2010 Funding: € 2.4 million for 5 years A few examples of ERC projects in Universitat Pompeu Fabra Established by the European Commission The movie optometrist: clearer vision for cameras Project: Image Processing Miradas cruzadas sobre el ERC for Enhanced Cinematography (IP4EC) PI: Dr Marcelo Bertalmío Call: Starting Grant 2012 Funding: € 1.5 million for 5 years Is family break-up turning a corner? Project: Stratified family dynamics: polarising trends in couple behaviour and parenting (Family Polarisation) PI: Prof Gøsta EspingAndersen Call: Advanced Grant 2010 Funding: € 2.1 million for 5 years Video: Decoding the mechanism behind learning languages Project: Mechanism of cognitive control and language learning (UNDER CONTROL) PI: Núria Sebastián Gallés Call: Advanced Grant 2012 Funding: € 2.5 million for 5 years Feedback from Successful Applicants at Spanish Host Institutions Established by the European Commission "Be bold, be daring" ERC Advanced grant, Physical Sciences and Engineering, First time applicant - selected for funding "Believe in your competitiveness" ERC Consolidator grant, Life Sciences, Reapplying - selected for funding "Poor English is a handicap" ERC Starting grant, Social Sciences and Humanities, First time applicant - selected for funding "Coaching and support from close colleagues is crucial" ERC Advanced grant, Social Sciences and Humanities, Reapplying - selected for funding "Seek solid administrative support" ERC Starting grant, Social Sciences and Humanities, Reapplying - selected for funding The European Research Council Established by the European Commission More information on National Contact Point in your country Follow us on │ 26