UP Library Strategy 2011-2015 UPLS-2015 Department of Library Services University of Pretoria March 28 2012 Vision To be a research library, internationally recognised for redefining academic librarianship, in order to realise the UP 2025 strategic plan* *UP2025 refers to the UP Strategic Plan 2025, its accompanying Academic Plan and the 5-year Implementation Plan Mission To realise the vision, the UP Library Services will adopt a "High Tech, High Touch” client-driven focus in order to achieve High Impact. This will be attained by focusing on the following strategies: ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Client Services, Innovation & Technology, Staff Development, Resources, Marketing & Quality Assurance, and Collaboration & Partnerships Strategies 1 For an integration of "High Tech, High Touch=High Impact", the following strategies must be implemented: Client Services 1. High level integration with UP2025 Institutional Research Themes (IRT’s) through embedded Librarianship. 2. Active partnering with academic departments and EI in accordance with the UP2025 enquiry-based teaching & learning model. 3. Reconceptualise information literacy training in order to empower clients to function independently in the knowledge & high tech environment 4. To provide products & services to enhance the dual strategy (professional training & research) of the University. 5. Investigate tools and initiatives to make UP research more visible Innovation & Technology 1. Create an e-Environment for Scholarship at UP with the focus on the integration of eproducts & e-services (including Information Specialists) with e-Learning & e-Research 2. Delivery of new technology-based services e.g.: mobile services (includes training to library staff & clients). 3. Infusion of relevant technologies into client processes e.g.: Research Data Management (includes training to researchers & library staff). 4. Contribute to the ranking of UP via: ▫ Implementing the mandates ▫ The ranking of UP repositories ▫ Financially supporting publishing in accredited high-impact Open Access journals 5. Active partnering with UP IT & EI for the development and delivery of high-tech services for research, teaching & learning Strategies 2 Staff Development 1. Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning (CPDWL) based on identified skills sets aligned to UP2025 & Library Strategy. 2. Development of innovative organisational culture to realise UP2025. 3. Cultivate leadership for innovation. 4. Adopt a Project planning approach to optimise our resources & future planning. Resources 1. Provision of enriched learning and research spaces. 2. Collection development in accordance to UP2025. 3. Focus on accessibility of academic information via a wide range of devices, such as mobile. 4. Transform UP libraries to ‘green’ environments 5. Transition to a conducive physical environment for innovation and optimal performance Strategies 3 Collaboration and Partnerships 1. Establish & maintain meaningful relationships with key stakeholders and partners at UP, nationally, in Africa and internationally. 2. Negotiate and obtain funding, from the University as well as external funders for development projects (third stream income). 3. Identify and link up with partners that UPLS will collaborate with on research and development projects. Marketing & Quality Assurance 1. Market the Library services & products to all relevant clients and stakeholders for greater impact. 2. Manage the image of the Library through professionally creating and maintaining the UP Library Services brand. 3. Enhance QA in all processes, products and services. 4. Analyses library data for better management decisions (business intelligence) Client Services Action Plan Strategies Focused Actions & Timeframe Executive Responsibility Implementation 1.High level integration with Institutional Research Themes (IRT’s) through embedded Librarianship. 1. Discuss & respond to implication of UP2025 IRT’s on client services. [2012-2013] Deputy-Director: Client Services Faculty Library Managers & Coordinators 2.Active partnering with academic departments and EI in accordance with the UP enquiry-based teaching & learning model. 2.Discuss & respond to implications of UP2025 enquiry-based teaching & learning model. [2012-2013] 3.Alignment with plan for eLearning. [2012-2013] Deputy-Director: Client Services Faculty Library Managers & Coordinators 3.Reconceptualise information literacy training in order to empower clients to function independently in the knowledge & high tech environment. 4.Adapt training programmes according to the UP2025 e.g.: the use of knowledge products, antiplagiarism, information literacy, referencing, mobile services. [20122013] Deputy-Director: Client Services Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology Faculty Library Managers & Coordinators e-Service Unit+ 4.To provide products & services to enhance the dual strategy (professional training & research) of the University. 5.Balance products services and resources according to the UP 2025 Strategy. [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Client Services Faculty Library Managers & Coordinators 5.Investigate tools and initiatives to make UP research more visible 6.Advise clients on relevant highimpact journals for publishing purposes. [2012-2013] 7.Investigate and implement relevant tools. [2012-2013] 8.Investigate international and UP initiatives e.g. Researcher ID’s. [2012-2013] Deputy-Director: Client Services Faculty Library Managers & Coordinators Information Specialists UP Repository Manager +Include e-project co-ordinators Innovation & Technology Action Plan Strategies Focused Actions & Timeframe Executive Responsibility Implementation 1.Create an e-Environment for Scholarship at UP with the focus on the integration of e-products & eservices (including Information Specialists) with e-Learning & eResearch 1. Via the e-Strategy / Innovation & Technology strategy action plans*. [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology Deputy-Director: Client Services e-Service Unit+ Library IT UP IT EI Faculty Library Managers & Coordinators Information Specialists 2. Delivery of new technology-based library services e.g.: mobile services (includes training of library staff & clients). 2. Via the e-Strategy / Innovation & Technology strategy action plans. [2012-2013] Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology e-Service Unit+ Library IT UP IT EI 3. Infusion of relevant technologies into client processes e.g.: Research Data Management (includes training of researchers & library staff). 3. Via the e-Strategy / Innovation & Technology strategy action plans. [2012-2014] Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology e-Service Unit+ Library IT UP IT 4.Contribute to the ranking of UP via: • Implementing the mandates • Ranking of UP repositories • Financially supporting publishing in accredited high-impact Open Access journals. Via the e-Strategy / Innovation & Technology strategy action plans. [2012-2013] Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology e-Service Unit: Repository manager & Open Scholarship manager Library IT 5.Active partnering with UP IT & EI for the development and delivery of hightech services for research, teaching & learning. Via the e-Strategy / Innovation & Technology strategy action plans. [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology e-Service Unit+ Library IT UP IT EI *Separate document Staff Development Action Plan Strategies Focused Actions Executive Responsibility Implementation 1.Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning (CPDWL) based on identified skills sets aligned to UP2025 & Library Strategy. 1.Create a staff development plan. [2012-2013] 2.Strategic HR management e.g.: • Succession planning • Employment process • Promotions and remuneration • Mentoring & coaching • Identification of relevant skills • Up-skilling for a high tech environment. [2012-2015] 3.Redeployment of staff to support strategic initiatives. [2012-2015] 4.Review & co-ordinate all staff training. [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources Deputy-Director: Innovation & Technology All Line Managers 2.Development of an innovative organisational culture to realise UP2025. 5.Conduct an audit & implement recommendations. [2012-2014] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources All Line Managers 3.Cultivate leadership for innovation. 6.Research and consult with experts. [2012-2014] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources Library Executive All Line Managers 4.Adopt a Project management approach to optimise our resources & future planning. 7.Provide training in Project management to middle management and project leaders. [2012] 8. Use project planning for strategy implementation.[2012] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources Library Executive All Line & Project Managers Resources Action Plan Strategies 1.Provision of enriched learning and research spaces. Focused Actions & Timeframe Executive Responsibility Implementation 1.Conduct a space audit. [2012] 2. Plan the systematic upgrading of facilities at all libraries and implement according to funds. [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources Director Physical facilities manager UP Physical facilities Leaders of Faculty libraries 2.Collection development in accordance to UP2025. 3.Finalise the Journal Project. [2012] 4. Address the issue of storage space for collections. [2012-2013] 5. Benchmark collections. [2012-2015] 6. Expand the e-collection [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources Technical Services Manager Journals manager Responsible staff in Faculty Libraries Information specialists 3.Focus on accessibility of academic information via a wide range of devices, such as mobile. 7. To investigate & implement ‘e-Reader & e-Book’ action plans, e.g.: [2012-2013] • To give the Overdrive manager a list of our academic e-Books & publishers so that they can start negotiations • To 'buy' Overdrive e-book lending system for a year for experimental purposes • To start a e-Book/e-Reader club • To download Calibre for own experimental reformatting purposes • Align mobile actions on campus Deputy-Director; Innovation and Technology Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources e-Reader / Tablet & e-Book task team 4. Transform UP libraries to ‘green’ environments 8.Measuring the ‘carbon footprint’ . [20122014] 9.Implement ‘Handprints’ philosophy (http://www.handprinter.org/ ). [20122015] 10. Plants in libraries. [2012] 11. Raising level of awareness. [2012] 12. Recycling. [2012] 13. Energy-saving methods. [2012] Library Director All 5.Transition to a conducive physical environment for innovation and optimal performance. 14.Space Audit & physical space upgrading [2012-2015] Deputy-Director: Staff Development & Resources Library & UP Facilities Marketing & Quality Assurance Action Plan Strategies Focused Actions & Timeframe Executive Responsibility Implementation (pending appointment of Assistant Director) 1. Market the Library services & products to all relevant clients & stakeholders for greater impact. 1.Conduct surveys and manage the implementation of the results to ensure that the UPLS is client driven Create marketing material • Organise marketing events • Co-ordinate marketing initiatives • Identify marketing opportunities • Manage exhibition equipment • Establish marketing committee • Quality control Assistant-Director: Marketing & Quality Assurance Secretary of the Marketing assistantdirector All 2. Manage the image of the UPLS through professionally creating and maintaining the UP Library Services brand. 2. Facilitate the professional management of the UPLS brand. 3.Align with UP brand management 4.Interface with UP marketing division Assistant-Director: Marketing & Quality Assurance All 3. Enhance QA in all processes, service and products in the Library 5.Conduct survey regularly, e.g.: LibQual. 6.Interface with quality office. 7.Co-ordinate the Library aspect of accreditation visits to Academic departments. Assistant-Director: Marketing & Quality Assurance Secretary of the Marketing assistantdirector All 4. Analyses library data for better management decisions (business intelligence) 8.Develop expertise in business intelligence. Assistant-Director: Marketing & Quality Assurance Business intelligence analyst 12 Collaboration & Partnerships Action Plan Strategies Focused Actions Executive Responsibility Implementation 1.Establish & maintain meaningful relationships with key stakeholders and partners at UP, nationally, in Africa and internationally. 1.Actively manage the UPLS relationships with its key stakeholders and partners, by among others creating interaction and communication opportunities. [2012-2015] 2.Create and maintain database of the key partners of the UP Library Services. [2012-2015] Director: Library Services All 2.Negotiate and obtain funding, from the University as well as external funders for development projects (third stream income). 2.Identify projects that the UPLS can use for attracting external funding and the relevant funders for these projects. [2012] 3.Ensure UP funding for new initiatives. [2012-2015] Director: Library Services All 3.Identify and link up with partners that UPLS will collaborate with on research and development projects. 4.Facilitate the creation of research and development projects. [2012-2015] Director: Library Services All