
Hf-W chronometry
of planetary accretion
T. Kleine1, M. Touboul1, B. Bourdon1, F. Nimmo2
for Isotope Geochemistry and Mineral Resources, ETH Zürich
of Earth & Planetary Sciences, UC Santa Cruz
© ETH Zürich | Taskforce Kommunikation
Dating planetary accretion
 Need a chronometer that is set by a process, which is directly
linked to planetary accretion
 This process is core formation because the separation of a
metal core from a silicate mantle should occur during or briefly
after accretion:
For larger bodies such as the Earth the energy required for
differentiation is provided by the accretion process itself
Early-formed bodies melted due to heating by 26Al decay
 Hence, dating core formation provides information on the
timescale of accretion
chronometry of core formation
 Dating techniques using radioactive decay usually date the
time of chemical fractionation of parent and daughter elements
 Core formation results in fractionation of lithophile (i.e.,
"silicate-loving") and siderophile ("metal-loving") elements
 Thus, the ideal chronometer for core formation consists of a
lithophile-siderophile pair:
Hf is lithophile, W is siderophile
Hf-W fractionation during core formation and the decay of 182Hf to
182W (t ~9 Ma) results in variable 182W abundances
W  
 1  10,000
chronometry of core formation
Martian meteorites
Lunar samples
Basaltic achondrites
Terrestrial samples
Iron meteorites
W isotope evolution of chondrites –
reference for bulk planets
 Both Hf and W are refractory and should therefore occur
in chondritic relative proportions in bulk planets
 The W isotope composition of chondrites thus equals
that of any bulk planet. It is defined by:
The initial e182W and 182Hf/180Hf of the solar system
 can be determined from Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs)
The present-day 182W/184W of chondrites
 can be directly measured on chondrites
W isotope evolution of chondrites
(Kleine et al. 2004, GCA 68)
(Burkhardt et al. 2008, GCA subm.)
chronometry of core formation
Martian meteorites
Lunar samples
Basaltic achondrites
Terrestrial samples
Iron meteorites
Hf-W systematics of bulk mantles and
cores of differentiated planets
W isotopes in iron meteorites
Kleine et al. (2005) GCA 69; Kleine et al. (2008) GCA subm.
Rapid accretion and early differentiation
of iron meteorite parent bodies
 Hf-W ages for iron
meteorites indicate accretion
and differentiation of their
parent bodies in less than
~1 Ma after CAI formation
 Melting and differentiation
due to heating by decay of
abundant 26Al
 Iron meteorites are older
than chondrite parent
bodies, that formed more
than 2-3 Ma after CAIs
Kleine et al. (2008) GCA subm.
Hf-W systematics of Mars
 Hf-W fractionation does not only occur during core formation but also
during silicate melting (e.g., magma ocean crystallization)
 (142Nd data from Caro et al. (2008), Nature)
Model age of the Martian core
 Two-stage model ages range from 0 to 8 Ma after CAI formation
 Accretion scenarios involving large impacts permit core formation
timescales of up to ~20 Ma (Nimmo and Kleine 2007, Icarus)
Hf-W chronometry of Earth's core
 For large bodies such as the Earth, core formation is a
continuous process. So, it is important to define to what stage
of core formation an age refers:
Mean age of core formation = 63%
End of core formation
 W isotope composition of Earth's mantle depends on:
Timescale of accretion
Process of accretion, occurrence of large collisions
Degree of metal-silicate equilibration during core formation
Changes in the partition behaviour of W (i.e., Hf/W): oxidation
state, dependence on pressure
Accretion and differentiation history of the impactors
Metal-silicate equilibration
(after Nimmo and Agnor (2006), EPSL)
Exponentially decreasing accretion
Wetherill, 1980
Metal-silicate equilibration
Kleine et al. (2004) EPSL 228
Effects of giant impacts
Kleine et al. (2008) GCA subm.
Effects of giant impacts
Kleine et al. (2008) GCA subm.
 Hf-W ages for the Earth's core are sensitive to assumptions
regarding the degree of metal-silicate equilibration and the
occurrence of giant impacts
 Hf-W model ages for Earth's core range from ~30 Ma to >100
Ma after CAI formation are sensitive to assumptions regarding
metal-silicate equilibration and the accretion process
 An alternative approach for determining the age of the Earth is
determining the timing of the Moon-forming impact because
this event might have been the last event in Earth's accretion
W isotopes in lunar samples
Kleine et al. (2005), Science 310; Touboul et al. (2007), Nature 450
Hf-W age of the lunar magma ocean
Touboul et al. (2007), Nature 450
Age of the Moon
Touboul et al. (2007), Nature 450
 Iron meteorite parent bodies accreted and differentiated within
less than ~1 Ma after CAI formation
 Hf-W ages for the Martian core range from 0-20 Ma. Major
source of uncertainty are uncertainties in Hf/W and e182W of
the Martian mantle
 Hf-W ages for core formation in Earth range from ~30 to >100
Ma. Calculated ages are sensitive to the degree of metalsilicate equilibration, occurrence of giant impacts, and much
 W isotopes in lunar samples combined with the age of the
oldest known lunar samples provide an age for the giant
Moon-forming impact: 100±50 Ma
W isotopes in accretion simulations
Kleine et al. (2008) GCA subm.