Public Sector Collaborative Leadership Programme

The Public Sector Collaborative
Leadership Programme
Leading towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership
Working together to make change happen in a complex world
A new 3 day programme designed to enhance your collaborative leadership skills.
This programme is directly relevant to senior staff operating across local government, LEPs,
housing associations, further & high education institutions, police, fire & rescue, NHS and social
care providers, health and well-being boards, local strategic partnership, neighbourhood and
whole-place community budget pilots.
How do we transform
our organisation
through better internal
collaboration and
How do we work more
effectively in partnership
with others to deliver
efficiency savings and
improved services ?
How do we create safe
spaces to enable
collaborations to thrive?
Benefits of the collaborative
Leadership programme
This new programme is specifically designed to
help sharpen your collaborative leadership skills
and behaviours, enabling you to confidently lead
beyond organisational boundaries. You will be
able to:
• Increase you personal effectiveness as a
collaborative leader
• More readily spot and respond to
collaborative opportunities
• Transform your organisation through better
internal collaboration and innovation
• Work more effectively in partnership with
other organisations to deliver efficiency
saving and improved service outcomes
• Better engage and support community-based
collaborative activities and solutions
Additional Benefits
Programme outline
The short course programme has three interconnected workshops with accompanying
toolkits and support material each addressing in
turn the three perspectives of collaborative
Day 1 - Collaborative Leadership within your
organisation: How can leaders deliver value
through better collaborative working within their
Day 2 - Collaborative leadership between
organisations: How can leaders work together
to secure wider systems value through sharing
and collaborating?
Day 3 - Collaborative leadership across
communities: How can leaders engage, build
and support community-based collaborative
activities and solutions?
The programme combines the flexibility of a short course programme suited to meet the development
needs of organisations and partnerships together with a qualification pathway to a
Post Graduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership for individuals seeking to enhance their
personal collaborative skills set and career pathway. In addition:
1. You will have a grounding in the theory and
practice of how to overcome the wicked
problems and key issues in collaborative
leadership within your organisation, in
partnerships and across communities.
2. You will be equipped with 60 highly practical
tools, templates and techniques that you can
use in your collaborative leadership roles in
any of the three settings.
3. You will have access to probably the largest
library of collaboration and shared service
knowledge online in the UK
4. You can receive weekly email news letters
to update your understanding of
collaborative leadership issues and track
who is doing what across the public sector
Collaborative Leadership
within your organisation
Day 1
Collaborative Leadership
within your organisation
How can leaders deliver value
through better collaborative
working within their organisation?
“…few organisations have built high trust levels even within their
own organisations, or invested in creating trusted individuals – who
can, as the research shows, be powerful agents of change”.
The Economist Intelligence Unit
CCT1: Equipping yourself for the journey
CCT2: Understanding your landscape
Step 1
Assessing the Environment
Interpreting the collaborative landscape both
externally and internally
CCT3: Identify the problem
Step 2
Collaborative Agility
Exploring the strategic options for collaboration
This one day seminar explores collaborative leadership
from an organisation’s internal perspective:
It seeks to shed light on the strategic context for collaboration
between departments, silos and management.
It will increase the repertoire of collaborative options available to
you as a leader, and help you gauge internal stakeholder interest
and appetite for collaboration.
Crucially it will help you to develop and nurture a culture of
collaborative working within your organisation.
How can you as a leader build a culture of
collaboration within your organisation?
If you do so successfully, it will result in two outcomes:
CCT4: Innovation
Step 3
Collaborative Advantage
Developing and nurturing a culture of
CCT5: Capacity building
CCT6: Safeguarding the process
1. Your collaborative in-house working will generate efficiency or
improvement gains that were not available if departments or services
continued to work in silos
2. When your organisation is successful at internal collaboration,
external partnership working will be more readily achieved. You will
have what the academics call Collaborative Advantage.
At the centre of all this is you, the collaborative leader. Leading
internally, and sometimes beyond your departmental, or service,
This is a taught session in the Postgraduate Certificate in
Collaborative leadership at University of Derby Corporate
What is included with this seminar?
• A 200 page textbook with full course notes and additional
collaborative leadership material online for follow-up reading
• 20 highly practical tools, templates and techniques that can be
applied immediately to in-house collaborative activity
• A CPD certificate worth a potential £250 reduction in fees for
the Postgraduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership
Collaborative Leadership
between organisations
Day 2
Collaborative Leadership
between organisations
How can leaders work together to
secure wider system value
through sharing and collaborating?
“More and more people are recognising that collaborative leadership
can generate the relationships necessary to resolve the tensions
between rising expectations, smaller budgets and more innovative
Sue Maddock
CCT1: Equipping yourself for the journey
CCT2: Understanding your landscape
Step 1
Leading with a Shared purpose
Shared leadership and aligned organisational
CCT3: Identify the problem
Step 2
Building Powerful Partnerships
Exploring the options and models for
successful inter-organisational collaboration
This one day seminar explores collaborative leadership
from an inter-organisational perspective:
It explores the potential collaborative benefits resulting when
leaders align their respective organisational purposes to a shared
It will shed light on the human dynamics of collaborative working
between organisations and the role leaders play in setting the tone
and behaviours that underpin powerful partnerships.
Crucially it will help you secure new ways of joint working by
shifting your organisations transformation energies from an
internal to a collaborative focus.
How can you as a leader build sustainable and powerful
partnerships the deliver better outcomes?
CCT4: Innovation
If you do so successfully, it will result in two outcomes:
Step 3
Collaborative Performance
Jointly improving services to secure enhanced
value added
CCT5: Capacity building
CCT6: Safeguarding the process
1. Your collaborative leadership will help foster a ‘positive
collaborative culture’ across the partnership leading to more rapid
cross-organisational service innovations gains
2. You will achieve more effective outcomes through better joint
commissioning and partnership working.
This is a taught session in the Postgraduate Certificate in
Collaborative leadership at University of Derby Corporate
What is included with this seminar?
• A 200 page textbook with full course notes and additional
collaborative leadership online for follow-up reading
• 20 highly practical tools, templates and techniques that can be
applied immediately to in-house collaborative activity
• A CPD certificate worth a potential £250 reduction in fees for
the Postgraduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership
Collaborative Leadership
across communities
Day 3
Collaborative Leadership
across communities
How can leaders work together to
secure wider system value
through sharing and collaborating?
CCT1: Equipping yourself for the journey
CCT2: Understanding your landscape
“Collaboration is not just another strategy or tactic for addressing
public concerns. It is a means of building social capital, sustaining a
democratic society, and transforming the civic culture of a
community or region”.
David Chrislip
This one day seminar explores collaborative leadership
from community perspective:
Step 1
Initiating Engagement
Place-based participatory leadership and
collaborative engagement
CCT3: Identify the problem
Step 2
Enterprising Communities
Co-production of new ideas and ways of
working with the wider community
CCT4: Innovation
Step 3
Collaborative Empowerment
Developing community capacity to ‘make it real’
on the ground
CCT5: Capacity building
It examines how leaders can better engage people in a genuinely
participatory process to improve their communities.
It explores how community participation in ‘collaborative
incubators’ can unleash their ideas and enterprising energies
Crucially it will help you be a catalyst for both civic leadership and
collaborative empowerment across your communities
How can you as a leader engage, build and support communitybased collaborative activities and solutions?
If you do so successfully, it will result in two outcomes:
1. You will have helped create the right conditions to support and
sustain community engagement and participation
2. Your collaborative leadership will foster a more active civic
engagement in the co-design and co-delivery of public services
This is a taught session in the Postgraduate Certificate in
Collaborative leadership at University of Derby Corporate
CCT6: Safeguarding the process
What is included with this seminar?
• A 200 page textbook with full course notes and additional
collaborative leadership material online for follow-up reading
• 20 highly practical tools, templates and techniques that can be
applied immediately to in-house collaborative activity
• A CPD certificate worth a potential £250 reduction in fees for
the Postgraduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership
About University of Derby Corporate (UDC).
UDC are the corporate training and development division of
the University of Derby. It works with a wide variety of
organisations to deliver work based learning programmes
and accredited qualifications that improve key capabilities
such as service, innovation, leadership and problem solving.
Combing academic rigour and commercial experience, UDC
develop relevant and robust solutions that enable our clients
to achieve Progress through people.
Post-Graduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership
UDC in partnership with SSA have developed a unique
Postgraduate qualification for leaders wishing to enhance
their collaborative leadership skills.
To register your interest in the Post-Graduate, please contact
Clive Lawrence-Forbes at UDC:
t: 0800 678 3311
How much will it cost?
3-day Public Sector Collaborative Leadership
Programme costs £450 (including VAT) for each of
the three workshops.
The Post Graduate Certificate in Collaborative
Leadership costs £3,500 and incorporates the 3day Public Sector Collaborative Leadership
Programme as an integral component.
Book now for programmes commencing in
September 2013
About Shared Service Architecture Ltd (SSA)
Shared Service Architecture Ltd is a dynamic teaching
company, focused on equipping politicians, board members,
chief executives and senior managers in the public sector
with the skills and knowledge to innovate and initiate
successful collaborations and partnerships. It provides:
Personal development for politicians, board members,
executives and senior managers, to equip them to become
effective, skilled and knowledgeable collaborative leaders in
public purpose collaboration activities, including through the
Postgraduate Certificate in Collaborative Leadership;
Skills and knowledge development for senior
managers who wish to become recognised Shared
Service Practitioners SS(PRAC)™ or qualified Shared
Service Architects (SSA)™ and gain professional recognition
through the Postgraduate Certificate in Shared Services;
Organisational development through mentoring and inhouse taught management programmes, to build
collaborative advantage within organisations. This will
increase the organisational capacity and culture to
successfully collaborate with external partners and reap the
full efficiency, improvement and political gains that
partnership working can deliver;
Partnership development providing cross-partner
taught programmes and partnership gateway reviews, to
build momentum within partnerships and accelerate the
shared service journey and successful outcomes.
To register your interest in the 3-day or Post Graduate
Certificate programme in Public Sector Collaborative
Leadership, please contact The University of Derby
Corporate on:
t: 0800 678 3311