Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) Presentation to Senate Standing Committee on Science and Technology September 29, 2014 Establishment of PCST (Chronology) 1961- Established as the “National Science Council" under the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research 1973- Revision of charter and placed under the newly created Ministry of Science and Technology 1982, 1984 & 1987- Revision of charter 1984- Renamed as the “Pakistan Council for Science and Technology” (PCST) 1997- PCST was designated as the secretariat of National Commission for Science and Technology 1998- Minister for S&T was made President of the Council 2012- Act of PCST in under process 2 Composition of The Council Secretary, MoST Minister for S&T* President Vice President PCST 24 Members Chairperson, PCST Member/Secretary Other Members • Heads of Major R&D/S&T Organizations (9) Details • Scientists/Technologists to be nominated by Federal government (5) & Provincial governments (4) • Chairperson, HEC * Chairs meetings of PCST • President, PAS • Chairperson, PEC 3 Human Resources (Summary) Sanctioned Vacant Technical Officers 21 11 Admin & Finance Officer 4 1 Publication / Library Officers 2 - SPS / APS 6 1 Computer Operators 6 - LDCs/ UDCs / Assistants /Superintendents/ Accountants etc. 12 - DMO / DR / Drivers 7 - Class IV Employees 19 - Total 77 13 4 Human Resources Technical Posts Grade / BPS Total 22 1 20 3 19 3 18 8 17 6 16 1 15 1 14 3 12 1 9 7 5 4 3 2 1 27 Total Filled 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 1 Vacant 2 3 3 3 - 16 11 Administrative / Support Staff Total 2 2 3 6 2 3 3 5 5 1 2 15 1 50 Filled Vacant 2 1 1 3 5 1 2 3 3 5 5 1 2 15 1 48 2 Total Filled 1 1 2 6 6 5 3 6 1 3 5 5 1 2 15 1 64 Vacant 2 3 4 3 1 13 5 Budget (2013-14) (Statement of Expenditure) Rs Million Original Allocation Revised Released Allocation Spent NonDevelopment 82.808 64.311 64.311 64.311 Development (PSDP) 8.401 5.880 5.880 5.880 6 Budget (2014-15) (Allocation) Rs Million Non Development Development Research Productivity Award (RPA) 66.60 11.80 Total 78.40 Amount for RPA is not utilized by PCST but provided to the top productive scientists of the country on the basis of their research output as an incentive to conduct quality research. 7 Main Mandate Advice and assistance to Government on S&T policy formulation and S&T Planning Collection and publication of nation-wide S&T indicators Assessment and evaluation of scientific research Science, Technology & Innovation policy research Secretariat of the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) No overlapping of functions with any other organization Detailed Functions 8 Historical Achievements Key / important organizations were established on the recommendations / with the contribution of the Council ● Ministry of Science and Technology ● Higher Education Commission ● Pakistan Science Foundation ● S&T Cell, Planning Commission ● Intellectual Property Organization ● Council for Works and Housing Research ● Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control Research Council (now Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources) ● National Biotechnology Commission 9 Historical Achievements….2 PCST played leading role in the formulation of National Science and Technology Policies ● National Science and Technology Policy-1984 ● Recommendations of 2nd Meeting of NCST-2000 (de facto S&T policy) ● National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy2012 ● Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy- 2014-18 10 Impact of Current Activities Numerical Rating of Scientists conducted by PCST is widely used by R&D organizations and Universities for assessment of candidates for appointments and promotions and awards Significant increase in the publication of research papers in international journals increased following the initiation of Research Productivity Award by PCST 11 Impact of RPA on Researchers’ Output Significant increase in international research publications 12000 10915 9675 9021 8000 Pre-RPA Post-RPA 6285 6000 4000 2000 338 0 7437 382 400 886 446 427 488 1136 1196 989 1169 1437 1331 5032 4156 3423 1967 2517 1636 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 No. of Publications 10000 Years Source: Scopus 12 Achievements under Main Objectives (Last 3 Years) 13 1. Advice and assistance to the Government on S&T policy formulation and S&T Planning Preparation of key documents ● National Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy 2012 ● Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy 2014-18 ● National Research Agenda ● 11th Five Year Plan 2013-18 for MoST Organizations ● Annual Report of MoST ● STI Indicators of Pakistan Input to the documents ● Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF 2013-18) ● Post-2015 Global Development Agenda (of Pakistan for MDGs) ● The New Economic Growth Framework 14 1. Advice and assistance to the Government on S&T policy formulation and S&T Planning…….2 Carrying out Technology Foresight Studies and publication of reports in the following areas: 1. Information Communication 8. Technologies (ICTs) 9. 2. Energy 10. 3. Industry 11. 4. Education Water Electronics Biotechnology Nanotechnology 5. Health 6. Agriculture 7. Environment 15 2. Collection and publication of nation-wide S&T indicators National S&T Indicators (2012, 2014) ● PCST collects, compiles and analyzes nation-wide data on S&T statistics on human and financial resources ● Has the responsibility to provide this data to UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) on biennial basis ● Information on S&T manpower is on “head count” as well as “full-time equivalent” basis ● Data includes total number of researchers, technicians & supporting staff, and number of researchers by sector of employment, occupation, gender, age, qualification & field of science etc. ● Data about R&D expenditure includes information about source of funding and sector of performance of R&D etc. 16 3. Assessment & Evaluation of Scientific Research Evaluation of Productivity of Scientists and Numerical Rating of Scientists of Pakistan ● Numerical rating of scientists conducted by PCST is used by R&D organizations and Universities for assessment of candidates for appointments and promotions ● Published as “Productive Scientists of Pakistan (PSP)” ● An automated online data submission and evaluation system to maintain transparency, accuracy and timely publishing of PSP has been launched ● Criteria is based on publications made, patents granted, projects completed, research supervised, awards won, research grants won, agriculture varieties/machinery developed, Impact Factor & Citation of research publications ● So far, output of about 11,000 scientists has been carried out 17 3. Assessment & Evaluation of Scientific Research….….2 Research Productivity Award (RPA) ● For award of RPA, till to date, evaluation of research output of more than 6,800 scientists has been carried out ● RPA criteria is based on (i) Impact Factor of the journal, (ii) Citation Index of the research paper, (iii) Patents registered and (iv) Crop varieties produced / machinery developed (v) PhD produced (vi) R&D projects completed ● Award ceremony-2012 was chaired by the Prime Minister Evaluation of Scientists for Medals and Awards by the Government ● PCST carries out evaluation of scientists for medals, awards and nomination of prestigious scientific bodies on request of MoST and other concerned agencies (during last 3 years: President’s Medal for Technology, National Civil Awards, Fellowships of Academy of Sciences) 18 4. Science, Technology & Innovation Policy Research Should Unfocused Biotechnology R&D be a Cause of Concern for Developing Countries? Some lessons from Pakistan Technology achievement index of muslim nations – ranking and comparative study TAI-13 Innovation Index Framework for assessing Ranking of Islamic Countries and Innovation Input- Output Indicators for Measuring Innovation Efficiency of Pakistan Knowledge-based Economy (KBE) Frameworks and Investigation of KBE Input-output Indicators for Pakistan Networked Readiness Index (NRI) 2013 Rankings for Developing Countries of Asia and Evaluation of NRI Indicators Rankings of Pakistan Role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in Innovation 19 4. Science, Technology & Innovation Policy Research…….2 Knowledge Economy Index (KEI) 2012: Rankings for Islamic Countries and Assessment of KEI Indicators for Pakistan ICT Development Index (IDI) Ranking 2013 for Asia and Pacific Countries and Evaluation of ICT Sub-indexes and Indicators for Pakistan Prosperity Index 2013 Rankings for Asia and Pacific Countries and Evaluation of Prosperity Indicators for Pakistan Publication Output and Citation Impact Indicators for Bibliometric Analysis of Research Publications of Pakistan Science and Technology (S&T) Development Indicators in Pakistan and Comparison with selected Asian and Nordic countries Bibliometric Study of Pakistan’s Research Output and comparison with other Selected Countries of the World 20 Books History of Development & Implementation of S&T Policies in Pakistan Directory of Productive Scientists of Pakistan (three editions: 2010, 2011, 2014) Genetically Modified Food and the Islamic World an Analysis and the Way Forward 21 Miscellaneous Establishment of two laboratories at NUST Islamabad campus ● DOP testing lab. (analytical facility for detecting substances of abuse) ● Natural product development lab. Organization of training opportunities to the college teachers of Balochistan at CIIT, Abbotabad 22 Organization of International / National Conferences / Workshops / Seminars International conferences ● Science & Technology Policies and Planning in SAARC Countries- 2012 ● Plants, Peoples and Climate- 2013 ● Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities- 2012 ● 14th Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plant Spices and other Natural Products- 2013 (Collaboration with HEJ) ● 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology- 2013 (Collaboration with MoIT) ● International Conference on Biodiversity (Collaboration with Quaid-i-Azam University) 23 Organization of International / National Conferences / Workshops / Seminars……….2 National conferences ● Technology Foresight and Critical Issues Related to S&T in Pakistan- 2013 ● Academia Industry Linkage: Exhibition, Competition and Symposium- 2013 (Collaboration with Uni. of Gujrat) ● Plant Biodiversity- 2012 (Collaboration with Quaid-i-Azam University) ● Controlling Blood Pressure and other Cardio Vascular diseases with Nutrition & Life style Approaches- 2012 ● Future of the Global Muslim Population- 2012 ● Innovation to Innovation Summit- 2013 (Collaboration with Institute of Research Promotion) (PCST gave 3 ‘Innovation Awards’ in the Summit) ● Conference of the science societies of universities in collaboration with National Academy of Young Scientists of Pakistan -2014 24 Proposals Submitted for S&T Cooperation and Collaboration Joint Pak – China workshop on “S&T Policies and Planning in Developing Countries”. Proposal for second Executive Programme between Pakistan and Egypt “Pakistan – Egypt Collaboration in S&T Policy and Planning Studies”. Pak-Tajik joint workshop on S&T Policy and Planning. Establishment of “Regional S&T Policy Research and Training Centre at PCST, Islamabad” with the collaboration South Korea. Exchange and Training Programme of S&T Policy Experts between Pakistan and Japan. Exchange visits of S&T policy experts between Pakistan and Russia. Exchange visits of S&T policy professionals between Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Proposal “Incentive to Quality Producing Teachers of Pakistan” submitted under UNESCO’s Participation Programme for the Biennium 2012-2013. Proposal “Pak-Saudi Collaboration in S&T Policy and Planning Studies” for joint Pak-Saudi Ministerial Commission. 25 PCST as Secretariat of National Commission for Science and Technology 26 National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) Constituted in 1984 Apex body on S&T matters headed by PM 27 members Details Acceleration of scientific and technological capacity building for rapid and sustainable economic growth Consideration of major programmes of S&T sector and establish guidelines Coordination of inter-ministerial and inter-provincial S&T programmes 27 National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST)…..2 PCST prepares agenda and working papers for the meetings of NCST and ECNCST Five meetings of ECNCST have been held Three meetings of NCST have been held (1989, 2000, 2001) Over 300 projects initiated as a result of decisions of the 2nd meeting Recommendations of 2nd meeting served as de facto S&T policy till the approval of the STI Policy 2012 28 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 National STI Statistics / Indicators ● Survey of R&D organizations and universities for collecting STI statistics has just been completed in September 2014 ● Report “STI Indicators of Pakistan 2014” based on information collected from 83 R&D organizations and 155 universities published Ranking of R&D Organizations of Pakistan ● For the first time in Pakistan, ranking of R&D organizations of Pakistan is being carried out by PCST ● A criteria for this purpose has been developed ● A provisional ranking of R&D organizations has been carried out 29 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 ……2 Productive Scientists of Pakistan ● Collection of data and its evaluation is in process for the next publication of “Productive Scientists of Pakistan” Research Productivity Award (RPA) ● Data of scientists for award of RPA-2014 will be collected and analyzed ● For the first time, 10 Innovation Awards will also be given Quarterly Journal “Science, Technology and Development” ● The journal is being regularly published since 1982 ● Now, it is being upgraded and covers all fields of STI policy studies. The guidelines, and editorial board has been revised, research papers are being evaluated by international experts. The journal is recognized by HEC and is available on-line 30 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 ……3 Survey of S&T facilities & valuable scientific equipment ● A survey of S&T facilities and valuable scientific equipment available in the organizations working under MoST has been launched ● It is envisaged that this will help to share resources and avoid wastage of funds on purchase of same (expensive) equipment by different organizations Planning and Development of Civil R&D Potential for Defence Production ● The Chairperson PCST is the chairperson of the Sub-committee on Planning and Development constituted by Cabinet under the Scientific Advisory Committee on Defence Planning (SACDP) ● PCST is coordinating with R&D organizations of MoST and Defence organizations to come up with useful joint projects ● R&D facilities & expertise available with MoST organizations were complied and sent to Defence organizations to share resources 31 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 ……4 Revival of the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) ● PCST has been designated as the secretariat of the NCST which is headed by the Prime Ministry of Pakistan ● NCST has been inactive for some time due to various reasons. Now PCST is making efforts to revive the Commission and hold its meeting. Membership of NCST has been updated and completed. Membership of ECNCST is in process of updation Gender Mainstreaming in Science and Technology ● To attract young girls to opt science career, a database has been developed ● Till to date, data of about 800 female scientists working in different areas of S&T has been received which has been included in the database ● Information has been made available online through PCST website 32 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 ……5 Technology Foresight studies in the areas: ● Pharmaceuticals & Microbiology ● Sanitation and Public Health ● Space Technology Development of technician cadre & on-site training in HEIs and R&D organizations for optimal functioning of scientific equipment (collaboration with HEC) ● HR development in technician cadre ● Capacity building for repair, service & calibration of equipment & instruments ● Provide training to operate equipment 33 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 ……6 Academia–Industry Linkages (collaboration with IBA Karachi) ● A mega event for fostering linkages between academia and industry will be organized ● Large participation from researchers and industry is expected ● Students will be especially ecourged to present their projects PCST-GEF-UNIDO Cleantech Programme for SMEs in Pakistan Development and installation of Carbon Dioxide sequestration technology in Pakistan (Collaboration with NAMA & UNIDO) 34 Activities to be undertaken during 2014-15 ……7 Encouraging problem-solving research ● PCST has started to organize a series of workshops in different major cities of Pakistan in order to inspire and encourage R&D directed towards solving problems of the industry and society. ● So far, workshops at Lahore, Peshawar and Faisalabad have been organized. ● In these workshops, 237 participants representing 102 organizations participated (R&D organizations, Universities, Other Government agencies, Industry) ● Workshops in other cities will be organized during the current year. 35 Proposed Projects (Subject to the approval by competent forums) Projects Submitted to MoST ● Establishment of a Cell at PCST for Implementation of National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy-2012 ● Establishment of Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (STPRI) at Islamabad ● Establishment of Innovation Management System in R&D Organizations of Pakistan ● Establishment of Pakistan Academy of Science and Technology Management and Planning (PASTMP) ● Establishment of Database driven Web Portal and Expansion of IT Department of PCST Projects under Preparation ● Virtual Science Education Programme Pakistan ● Measuring Innovation Capacity of National R&D System of Pakistan 36 Proposed Projects ……2 Projects Proposals being Conceptualized ● Development of Policy for Gender mainstreaming of Pakistan ● Health awareness campaign through Media ● Greening Pakistan ● Education through ICT ● Carbon Mineralization in Pakistan ● Excellence Awards for Science/ Mathematics Teachers at Secondary Level ● Establishment of Tech TV 37 Issues / Problems The human and financial resources put at the disposal of PCST do not match with the assigned functions and expected achievements from this organization. The total sanctioned strength of PCST is only 21 technical officers (only 10 are working in PCST) which is not enough comparing with its mandate. Meager operational budget (Rs. 66.60 million for 2014-15, inclusive of the pay & allowances, utility bills etc.). Lack of training opportunities in areas related to S&T policy. Difficulties in recruiting and retaining of manpower due to unattractive salary, poor service structure, lack of career development opportunities, fringe benefits etc. Issues related to “undefined legal status” of PCST. Delays in approval / release of funds for development projects. 38 Proposed Plan of Restructuring as per under approval Act 39 Proposed restructuring of PCST in the Act to make it more efficient and effective Modification in the composition of the BoG of the Council Constitution of the Executive Committee of the BoG 40 Existing Composition of PCST Minister for Science & Technology President 2. Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology Vice President 3. Chief Scientist, DESTO Member 4. Chairperson, PCSIR Member 5. Chairperson, PSF Member 6. Chairperson, PARC Member 7. Chairperson, SUPARCO Member 8. Chairperson, PAEC Member 9. Chairperson, PCRWR Member 10. Chairperson, PMRC Member 11. Chairperson, CWHR Member 12. President, PAS Member 13. Chairperson, HEC Member 14. Chairperson, PEC Member 15-19. Eminent Scientists (Federal Gov.) Members 20-23. Eminent Scientists (Provincial Gov.) Members 24. Chairperson, PCST Member/Secretary 1. 41 Proposed Composition of BoG of PCST in the Act a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Minister for Science & Technology President Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology Vice President Secretary, Planning Commission or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary Member Secretary, Finance Division or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary Member Secretary of the Division controlling subject matter of education or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary Member Chairperson, PCSIR Member Chairperson, PSF Member Chairperson, PEC President, PAS or his nominee Member Distinguished Scientists / technologists one from each province Members President, FPCCI or his nominee Member Dealing Officer not below the rank of JS of the Divisions controlling subject matter of S&T Member Chairperson, PCST Member / Secretary 42 Functions and Powers of the Board a) Review and approve annual, long-term plans, policies and programmes of the Council; b) Approve the annual development and non-development budget of the Council; c) Create or abolish posts of such officers and staff and engage such consultants or experts as it may consider necessary for efficient performance of functions of the Council, on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed; d) Recommend to the Government to terminate the tenure of the Chairperson before its expiry in case of unsatisfactory performance e) Make regulations for efficient conduct of affairs of the Council 43 Executive Committee of the Board Executive Committee shall take decisions on behalf of the Board subject to ratification by the Board at its meeting immediately following the meeting of the Executive Committee unless otherwise authorized by the Board. Composition of the Executive Committee (a) Chairperson of the Council Chairperson (b) One member to be nominated by the Board Member (c) Dealing officer not below the rank of JS of the Division controlling subject-matter of S&T Member (d) Secretary of the Council Member 44 Proposed Internal Re-organization of PCST 45 STI Indicators of Pakistan 2014 46 STI Indicators Data Analysis Compilation Tabulation Data Entry If data is correct If data needs correction Input Indicators Human Resources Financial Resources Output Indicators Publications Patents Scrutiny of the questionnaires received back Follow-up Phone Fax Email Process of STI Indicators Development R&D Organizations Dispatching the Questionnaire to Organizations Reminders by post Preparation / Review of the Questionnaire Updating Lists of Organizations Universities 47 R&D Personnel in Pakistan (headcount) 80000 68,787 70000 60000 54,689 65,349 60,699 63,707 51,954 50000 40000 30000 20000 13,744 13,057 2009 2011 16,859 10000 0 Researchers Technicians 2013 Supporting staff 48 Researchers per Million Population (Comparison with some other countries) 9000 8000 7689 7000 5834 6000 5189 5000 4947 4000 3000 2564 2000 1000 329 0 Finland Singapore Japan Korea Malaysia Pakistan 49 Researchers by Sector of Employment (headcount) Govt. R&D Organizations 13% Higer Education 87% 50 Distribution of Researchers in Different Fields (headcount) Humanities 10% Not specified 4% Social Sciences 17% Agricultural Sciences 13% Medical Sciences 16% Natural Sciences 23% Engineering and Technology 17% 51 R&D Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Percent 0.8 0.67 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.46 0.44 0.3 0.33 0.2 0.29 0.1 0 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 52 Comparison of R&D Expenditure of Pakistan With Some Other Countries Percent of GDP 5.0 4.56 4.5 4.0 3.67 3.72 3.74 Japan Finland Korea 3.5 3.0 2.5 1.84 2.0 1.5 0.88 1.0 0.5 0.29 0.0 Pakistan India China Israel 53 National R&D Expenditure by Source of Funds Higher Education 20.00% Private Non-profit 1.71% Abroad 1.31% Not Specified 1.71% Government 75.26% 54 Research Publications in International Journals 12000 10915 10000 9675 9021 8000 7437 6285 6000 4000 1967 2000 338 382 446 427 488 1136 989 1196 1169 1331 1636 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0 400 886 1437 5032 4156 3423 2517 55 Comparison of Citation per Publications of Pakistan With Some Other Countries 14 11.86 12 10 8 10.72 9.07 9.15 8.68 9.26 8.42 7.88 6.9 6.95 6 4 2 0 56 Resident Patent Applications per Million Population 350 323 293 300 250 229 234 200 150 85 100 43 50 0 0.4 6 11 1 2 18 57 Thank you very much 58 Composition of PCST Minister for Science & Technology President 2. Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology Vice President 3. Chief Scientist, DESTO Member 4. Chairperson, PCSIR Member 5. Chairperson, PSF Member 6. Chairperson, PARC Member 7. Chairperson, SUPARCO Member 8. Chairperson, PAEC Member 9. Chairperson, PCRWR Member 10. Chairperson, PMRC Member 11. Chairperson, CWHR Member 12. President, PAS Member 13. Chairperson, HEC Member 14. Chairperson, PEC Member 15-19. Eminent Scientists (Federal Govt) Members 20-23. Eminent Scientists (Provincial Govt) Members 24. Chairperson, PCST Member/Secretary 1. 59 Objectives / Functions of PCST (Existing) a) To discuss all policy matters, proposals and issues on the overall development of science and technology in the country and provide recommendations and advice to the national commission for science and technology for facilitating their decision-making. b) To identify priority areas of research and development keeping in view the futuristic developments of science and technology especially those of the disciplines falling in the high technology fields. c) To act as an independent forum of senior and eminent scientists and technologists of the country and to act as a “Think Tank” to the Federal Government on policies and problems of national important in respect of science and technology. d) To collect science and technology statistics and maintain a data bank of the research and development institutions of the country. e) To provide a forum for co-ordination of S&T activities with national and international agencies. 60 Objectives / Functions of PCST (Existing) f) To enter into contracts, agreements, with national agencies for undertaking development projects in fields relevant to the functions of the council; and g) To organize study groups and task forces for dealing with issues such as:i) Scientometric studies and analysis of science and technology data, ii) Assessment and innovation of impact of science and technology policies and programmes on the overall development of the country, iii) Preparation of state of art reports on certain important scientific and technological issues, iv) Identification of priority subjects with reference to their bearing on socio-economic development and national security and v) Encouragement of consultancy services for scientists and technologist in various important fields. 61 Objectives / Functions of PCST (as per proposed Act) a) to advise the Federal Government on all matters relating to the development of science and technology in the country b) to undertake policy research, organize study groups/task forces, formulate policy proposals, monitoring and evaluation of ST&I policy for achieving targets for the overall development of science and technology in the country c) to identify priority areas for research and development keeping in view the futuristic developments of science and technology d) to constitute expert committees in various disciplines for preparation of reports on policies and issues of national importance in respect of science and technology e) to collect, update statistics and maintain database on science and technology potentials of the country 62 Objectives / Functions of PCST (as per proposed Act) f) to take measures for effective collaboration among academia, R&D organizations and industry for development of indigenous products / technologies g) to promote quality R&D culture in the country, evaluation of national research and development activities including output of individuals and institutions and to grant awards/incentives thereof h) to promote collaboration among national and international organizations for promotion and capacity-building in science and technology and to enter into MoUs, contracts etc. in this regard i) to participate in national science and technology planning and development activities and providing advice on selection of projects j) to promote or implement S&T projects of national importance k) to perform any other function assigned by the Federal Government 63 Composition of NCST Chairman Vice Chairman Member/Secretary Prime Minister of Pakistan Minister for S&T Chairperson, PCST Other Members Minister for Finance Minister for Agriculture Minister for Industries Minister for Education Chairman, Higher Education Commission Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Provincial Ministers for S&T (4) Chairman, Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission Chairman, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Secretary, S&TR Division President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry Secretary, IT&Telecom Division Secretary, Ministry of Education President, Pakistan Academy of Sciences Chairman, Pakistan Engineering Council Scientists/Technologists nominated by Prime Minister (2) Industrialists nominated by Prime Minister (2) 64 64