what third parties will know about our library customers



Using your library software – what third parties will get to know about our library customers

Dr. Andreas Sabisch

FU Berlin Universitätsbibliothek

Garystr. 39

13469 Berlin andreas.sabisch@fu-berlin.de


Agenda …

Motivation for this investigation

Webcommunication for dummy's

Examples of third parties communication:

What to do

Andreas Sabisch


Why we must deal with

 We must protect the digital privacy of our patrons

 EU laws, national laws, university rules

 question from patrons, university boards, secure research, …

 We (especially in Germany) have to describe how we deal with the patrons data

Data protection rules describtion (Datenschutzerklärungen)

Avoid data producing, storage and propagation

Right of informational self-determination (BVerfG) (Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung)

 We have a monopol with our library systems

 loan, EZ-Proxy access, course material,…

 How we can do this




Andreas Sabisch



Andreas Sabisch


Weblogs and cookies

 What is in an webserver-log: the apache log file - - [10/Apr/2014:09:16:44 +0200] "GET /docs/images/poweredby.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2376 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0"

IP of the requested host:


10/Apr/2014:09:16:44 +0200

What (request):/ docs/images/poweredby.gif

Technical information: Success-code and Transfered volume :

200 2376

Where comes the request from (refferer) :"

 (Browser)information:

"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0"

 Recognition from the webserver: the cookie file

 Cookie Textfile


Value: 7AE6B0776E8F4D75BAC8B46189F419FB

HOST: primo.kobv.de

PATH: /primo_library/libweb

Sending for: Each connection type

Valid until: End of session 

Just the webserver which send the cookie can read it.

But each third party, which involved in the request, can set a cookie

 Flashcookies – hard to detect, no example found yet in an library enviroment

 Scripts, which send additonal information

Andreas Sabisch


A picture in pieces

 Loggin one request is a pice of information

 Logging a lot of request give a story line

 Logging a lot of request from different server give the whole live

 Thats what Google and Co. will do

To X-ray one person (i.e to give you personalized services and advertising)

To get statistical evidence for a whole group (i.e. people, who are interested in this, are interested in this as well)

Andreas Sabisch


How to analyse data traffic (sniffen)

 Professionell tools

 tcpdump für automatic processing

 Wireshark with graphical interface

 Analysies with Wireshark (suggestion for profis)

Create a filter (Broadcast/own IP; just TCP or http...)

Doing one action in the browser, start with analyse. If necessary, repeate

Anaylse a whole session is a hard work. You can do this best, if you check for special issues in this session, i.e. which hosts will participate in this session.

 Browsertools (for a quick glimpse)

• i.e. Firefox => Extras-> Webtools ->Network; limit to http, no TCP und

TLS connection

I will use this Browsertools for some examples

Andreas Sabisch


Aleph-Catalog with tracking-bugs

dbs.pixel.hbz-nrw.de : DBS Tracking bug legal, describe

Recommander.bibtex.de :

Bib tip recommander System legal, but not describe

Andreas Sabisch


Primo including a second source (library blog)

RSS-Feed from our library block ajax.googleapis.com

Formating from rss to jason

Andreas Sabisch


… and without google: no Biblioblog entry

Blocking Google: no information any more

Andreas Sabisch


Primo result site

Andreas Sabisch books.google.com




bX in Primo

Andreas Sabisch recommande-bx.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com

bX service, integrate in Primo beacon01.alma.exlibrisgroup.com

A tracking bug from ExL no description available


An licencesed journal web site

Andreas Sabisch






Short-term work in library

 Check with tools for third party request

 Test the functionality of your site with blocking the request

 Remove the third party request

With other/own functions

By comment out in code or websites

With help from your provider (i.e. ExL) 

 Describe necessary third party request for your patrons; includes data protection policy of the third party

 Describe users possibility to protect their data

 Help users with a proxy server (i.e. the university computer department)

Andreas Sabisch


Patron Option at the Moment

 Blocking programms like Adblocker or Ghostery

 Pro: selected third party requests

 Contra: Lack of functionalyties

 Using proxie server

 Opt-Out Option – Data protection law conform (Datenschutzkonforme

Herangehensweise) but much efford

 Thor – anonymous surfen

Andreas Sabisch


Long-term issues in librarys

 We must accomplish a ‚Opt in‘ culture

 Core functions must be in data save structures

 Add ons must be choosen by the patrons with knowledge of third partys involved (Opt in process)

 The library infrastructure and systems must support this strategy

Andreas Sabisch



 Modern library software include often third party requests

 Third party get information about your patrons via refferer information

 This violate the patrons ‚right of informational self-determination‘

 Analyse your software enviroment

 Try to be law-conform: Avoid or describe

 Long term: accomplish a ‚Opt in‘ culture

Andreas Sabisch



 Each http-requests give information like ip-adress and referrer to the websever they are requested

 A website includes very often requests to third parties. This requests will send the same information to third party server and is nearly unvisible to the user

 We, as the provider of the library systems, are responsible for the data privacy policy for the users of our systems

 We must take care about the sending of user data to third parties and should always use options for a save privacy policy

 To do this is important to give our users the rights to their private data back (in german: ‚Bewahrt das Recht auf informationelle


 Thanks to Dr. Voss, HU and Uwe TU, who found the back tacks of hosted.exlibris.com and give the impulse for this investigation

Andreas Sabisch

