Western Balkan Platform on Research September, 24th 2014 Trieste The new 2016 Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures • Strategy Report (ESFRI) Pre-view of official launch • on • Research Infrastructures • Roadmap 2010 Giorgio Rossi Università degli Studi di Milano (IT) ESFRI European Strategy Forum Deputy-Chair of ESFRI on Research Importance of Research Infrastructures Broad consensus that future competitiveness in a globalising knowledge economy depends on research capability Research capability requires Investment in higher education and research institutions Access to first class research infrastructures Coordination on a European (and increasingly a global) scale is required because Limited investment funds available Increasing level of infrastructure investments needed to remain at the cutting edge Advanced data sharing and exploitation for science and innovation RIs are intellectual hubs, not (just) big machines or big datasets Open access is the reference basis ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Why a new ESFRI Roadmap ? • ESFRI was set up by the EU Council of Research Ministers in 2002 • It brings together representatives of Ministers of the 28 Member States, 10 Associated States, and of the European Commission • Supports a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy making on Research Infrastructures • Mandate to develop a Roadmap and prioritise research infrastructures • Update mandate after the Informal Competitiveness Council in Milano (July 2014) to complete a new Roadmap for 2016 with new criteria of selection and format • The New Roadmap will be shorter (25 Projects) and contain projects at the “decision stage” ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research today: ESFRI Roadmap 2010 Social and Cultural Innovation (5) Health and Food ( 13 ) Environmental Sciences (9) Energy (7) Analytical Facilities (6) Physics Science and Engineering ( 10 ) BBMRI ELIXIR ICOS EUROARGO ECCSEL Euro-FEL ELI TIARA* European Social Survey ECRIN INFRA FRONTIE R LIFEWATC H IAGOS Windscanner EMFL SPIRAL2 CTA CESSDA INSTRUCT EATRIS EMSO EPOS EUSOLARIS European XFEL E-ELT** SKA CLARIN EU-OPENSCREEN EMBRC SIAEOS EISCAT_3 D JHR ESRF Upgrade KM3NeT FAIR DARIAH Euro BioImaging ERINHA COPAL IFMIF NEUTRON ESS SLHC-PP* ILCHIGRADE* ISBE MIRRI HiPER ILL20/20 Upgrade SHARE ANAEE MYRRHA *Projects from CERN’s European Strategy for Particle Physics The “10-years rule” ESFRI e-Infrastructures (1) PRACE Distributed research infrastructures Single sited research infrastructures Green: implemented, Red: 10-years expire on 2015, Black: stay on European Strategy Forum on Research The new ESFRI Roadmap 2016 Rationale The ESFRI strategy document with extended scope and analysis: a) the landscape of RIs in Europe and elsewhere + ESFRI impact b) the gaps in the European RI ecosystem c) the new list of pan-European RI projects d) the strategy of optimization of the whole RI system, the synergy with existing RIs, the sustainability and the increase of return of investment, the continuous upgrade, and the end of life perspectives e) the global research infrastructure opportunities (GSO, G8+5) ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research PSE ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Landscape Analysis and ESFRI impact Physics RIs represent > 50% investment cost of the ESFRI Roadmap 2010 Physics+Energy+HPC >75% cost ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Competitiveness of Europe: the example of physics in the economy ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Impact of Physics on Economy and Competitiveness -Italy 7.4% GDP from Physics -UK 8.5% -Italy 6.1% employment -UK 4% employment GVA per worker in physics Italy €78100 / €64000 average UK £70000 / £36000 average Since 2008 physics-based productivity +2.5% vs -1.5% all-economy productivity ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Rules for new Roadmap Approximately only 25 Decision Stage Projects on the new Roadmap Projects that have been on the roadmap and not implemented will automatically roll off after 10 years Any project that wants to be considered again after 10 years must reapply, and compete with the new ones Approximately 16 projects will remain on the Roadmap (entered in 2008 and 2010) so there will be room for 8-10 NEW projects Assessment of new projects will be by scientific peer review, assessment matrix, and indicators of pan-European relevance Entry level projects will be at a more mature level (conceptual design and feasibility done) to become implemented within the 10-year term Every 2-3 years audit of the project by ESFRI Implementation WG ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Proposing projects for new roadmap The proposal process will be on-line (reserved to National Delegations and EIRO forum). Key questions will include: What is the value for science? for innovation? Cost and Schedule? What is the strategy for siting? What is the governance model? What is the data management plan? How it is planned to be financed? Does it replace existing facilities? Is the project included on one or more national roadmaps? What is the intended user community? Will it be open access? What preparatory work has been done? Design Studies? Business case? Investment plan? Is it intended to apply for H2020 preparatory phase? ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research New Projects Submission and Selection Presentation to ESFRI EB National Delgations SWG starts analysis collect and present on behalf of MS(s) ESFRI asks EB to and AS (S) Science perform European Strategy Forum on Research Pan European Relevance Application of Indicators by SWG/EB Analysis od National Strategies (Roadmaps) Assessment Matrix Governance Management Financial Plan IMPLEMENTATI ON SWG AEG Matrix ESFRI Pre-screening and Scientific Analysis: to report to Forum Uniqueness (eliminate uneligible Increase of capacity projects) Global Competitiveness and attributes to SWGs ALL PROJECTS undergo independent PEER REVIEW Peer Review or EIROFORUM presents E-IRG white paper The new ESFRI Roadmap 2016 Method of evaluation and assessment The ESFRI Indicators of Pan-European relevance ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Assessment of maturity by IG 5. IG formulates final recommendation on project and offers it via Executive Board for decision to Plenary Forum (3008-2015) 1. ESFRI Delegation of EIRO Forum Member completes online submission form (31-03-2015) 4. IG Member participates in (on site) hearing with projects and/or relevant (governmental) stakeholders (30-07-2015) 2. two independent Experts assess proposal and Rapporteur delivers report to IG and SWG (31-05-2015) 3. IG formulates drafts recommendation (30-06-2015) ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research www.europa.eu/research/esfri • Strategy Report • on • Research Infrastructures • Roadmap 2010 ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research ESFRI synergy with Horizon 2020 Developing new world-class Research Infrastructures Concept & Preparatory Phases INFRADEV 1 Support conceptual design of new research infrastructures, which are of a clear European dimension and interest: bottom-up proposals for new infrastructures INFRADEV 2 Support preparatory & pre-implementation phases of ESFRI infrastructures: Linked to prioritisation of ESFRI infrastructures Implementation & Operation Phases INFRADEV 3 Individual ESFRI projects with established legal structure and governance such as ERIC. First call targets prioritised ESFRI projects INFRADEV 4 Thematic clusters of ESFRI and other World Class Research Infrastructures OWCRIs: joint activities and implementation of common solutions for RI in specific domain: Targets ESFRI RIs together with OWCRI, Integrating Activities, e-infrastructures ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Horizon 2020 – Calls Integrating and opening RI of European interest INFRAIA 1 To open up key national and regional research infrastructures to all European researchers and to ensure their optimal use and joint development: Networking; Transnational / Virtual Access; Joint Research Activities for the improvement of RI services An emphasis on management efficiency, innovation capacity (technology transfer, participation of SMEs, instrumentation development), international dimension, management of generated data… Are expected to engage with relevant ESFRI projects ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research example: Integrating Infrastructures for Nanoscience with Analytical Large Scale Facilities (ESFRI and National) ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research www.elettra.eu/Con ferences/2014/ELRI / Upcoming Events in Trieste on 24-25 September www.copori.eu ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research on 25/9 at 14:30 Follow the 25 September Launch event on streaming ! www.europa.eu/research/esfri ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research