Circolare n° 162

Water Policy 16 (2014) i–iii
Irrigation water governance in practice: the case of the
Canale Emiliano-Romagnolo district, Italy
Appendix 1: list of interviewees
Position in the organization
Public officer in the Water Protection Division
Regional Department of the Environment Assessorato
Ambiente Regione Emilia Romagna – Servizio
Tutela e Risanamento Risorsa Acqua
Giapponesi Andrea Public officer in the Research, Innovation and
Regional Department of Agriculture Assessorato
Agriculture Promotion Division
Agricoltura Regione Emilia-Romagna - Servizio
ricerca, innovazione e promozione del sistema
Dal Monte Andrea Vice-Director
Farm CAB Massari (Cooperativa Agricola Braccianti
Pederzoli Antonio Technician
Farm CAB Massari (Cooperativa Agricola Braccianti
Peri Piero
Chief of the Environment Division
Farmer labour union CIA (Confederazione Italiana
Agricoltori) Emilia-Romagna
Fabbri Alessandro Chief of Agrarian Technical Division - Planning Land reclamation consortium Consorzio di Bonifica
and Execution of Infrastructural Works
della Romagna
Prometti Laura
Officer in Environment and Spatial Planning
Land reclamation consortium Consorzio di Bonifica
della Romagna
Turci Marco
Officer in Territorial and Irrigation Management Land reclamation consortium Consorzio di Bonifica
della Romagna
Piva Alessandro
Chief of the Technical-Agronomic Division
Producer organization CIO (Consorzio Interregionale
Producer organization APO CONERPO –
Organizzazione Produttori Ortofrutticoli - Centro
Ricerche Produzioni Vegetali dell’Emilia-Romagna
Mannini Paolo
Director of Agronomic-Environment Division
CER land reclamation consortium Consorzio di
Bonifica di Secondo Grado per il Canale EmilianoRomagnolo
© IWA Publishing 2014
S. Munaretto and A. Battilani / Water Policy 16 (2014) i–iii
Appendix 2: questionnaire
Background information on the interviewee
What is the role of your organization in water management in general and irrigation water management specifically?
What is your position within the organization?
Current irrigation water governance structure
Actors and coalitions
How is the irrigation water management system organized in general and in your district specifically (i.e. who is responsible for what and at which organizational level)?
Are private organizations (e.g. farmers associations, environmental NGOs) involved in irrigation
water management? If, yes, who are they and what is their formal and informal role?
Do public organizations cooperate for irrigation water management? If yes, which forms of
cooperation are in place (agreements, cooperation established by law, etc.)?
Do public and private organizations cooperate for irrigation water management? If yes, which
forms of cooperation are in place (agreements, partnerships, etc.)?
In your opinion, are irrigation water management responsibilities clearly defined and
Are irrigation water management responsibilities overlapping (i.e. different organizations in charge
of the same task)? If yes, how are common responsibilities dealt with (i.e. is there a cooperative
attitude or are there conflicts and claims for authority)?
In your opinion, which stakeholder(s) have major responsibility and/or influence in the irrigation
water management system and why? How is their influence exercised?
In your opinion, is knowledge and expertise on irrigation water management and water saving
technologies sufficiently developed? If not, what do you think is the problem and why (e.g.
lack of financial resources, lack of experts/expertise, lack of interest, difficulty to access and transfer new knowledge, lack of extension infrastructure)? Focus the question to the target technology
to be adopted in the specific case study area.
In your opinion, is knowledge and expertise on irrigation water management and water saving
technologies progressing? If not, what do you think is the problem and why (e.g. lack of support for innovation, lack of sufficient integration of new technology in farming practices, lack
of public–private partnerships linking farmers to private industry developing the new technologies)? Focus the question to the target technology to be adopted in the specific case study
S. Munaretto and A. Battilani / Water Policy 16 (2014) i–iii
Rules of the game
Which formal institutions (i.e. laws, regulations, policies and procedures) are important for irrigation water management?
(2) Which informal institutions (i.e. rules that are created, communicated and enforced outside of officially sanctioned channels) such as standard practice, cultural rules, local habits of dealing with
each other and with irrigation water exist and have an influence on irrigation water management?
Examples include water use rights that have been passed on for generations but never formally
granted by law, or water trade practices among farmers that are not regulated be law, and alike.
(3) Have any irrigation water saving policies been adopted to improve irrigation water efficiency and
increase water saving? If yes, can you list and describe them?
(1) Is there a water shortage in your region or not?
(2) Is water wasted or used efficiently at the moment?
(3) Who are the bigger users, and how efficient are they in your opinion?
(4) Do you think that the price that water users pay is right or not? Why?
(5) Is water efficiency an important issue in your organization? Why?
(6) Does your organization see the need to be more efficient? Why?
(7) Does your organization consider greater efficiency technologically feasible?
(8) What is your personal take on sustainable and efficient irrigation water management?
(9) Can you identify the main argument(s) supporting the current (irrigation) water policies and those
supporting the reform of these policies?
Prospects for improving irrigation water governance
(1) What is your personal opinion of the current (irrigation) water policy system?
(2) What do you think are the current major incentives and disincentives to irrigation water efficiency,
if any?
(3) What do you think should be changed in the current water management system, if anything?
(4) How do you think current water policies could be improved?
(5) Consider these two categories of policy instruments: lenient (such as government communications,
voluntary agreements and subsidies) and stringent (such as water rights regulations and water taxations). Which typology do you think has more chance to be adopted and efficiently implemented in
your region? Why? By whom and how?