Press Release th Milan, 4 April 2015: With regards to the renewal of the Statutory Bodies of Saras SpA, it is hereby given notice that the following lists of Candidates have been presented, and they will be submitted to the upcoming Annual Shareholders’ th th Meeting, to be held on 28 of April 2015 in first call and, if necessary, on 29 April 2015 in second call. For the Board of Directors: List n. 1 presented by the companies “Gian Marco Moratti sapa di Gian Marco Moratti” and “Massimo Moratti sapa di Massimo Moratti”, holding 25.011% each one and, jointly, 50.022% of the Company’s share capital 1. Moratti Gian Marco 2. Moratti Massimo 3. Moratti Angelo 4. Moratti Angelomario 5. Moratti Gabriele 6. Callera Gilberto 7. Scaffardi Dario 8. Previati Gabriele 9. Cerretelli Adriana 10. Fidanza Laura 11. Harvie Watt Isabelle 12. Buccarella Franco List n. 2 presented by Rosneft JV Projects S.A., holding 20.989% of the share capital 1. Igor Ivanovich Sechin 2. Didier Casimiro 3. Anna Alexandrovna Drobakha For the Board of Statutory Auditors List n. 1 presented by the companies “Gian Marco Moratti sapa di Gian Marco Moratti” and “Massimo Moratti sapa di Massimo Moratti”, holding 25.011% each one and, jointly, 50.022% of the Company’s share capital 1. Camera Giovanni Luigi (Permanent Auditor) 2. Simonelli Paola (Permanent Auditor) 3. Superti Furga Ferdinando* (Permanent Auditor) 4. Mazza Pinuccia (Stand-in Auditor) 5. Colombo Fabrizio (Stand-in Auditor) (*) candidate to the position of Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors The documents required by laws, presented along with the lists, will be made available by the Company to the public in due course according to current regulations on the Company’s website (, and also on the “1Info” authorised storage mechanism ” ( Finally, with reference to the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors, we acknowledge that only one list was presented within the allowed deadline, therefore as prescribed by the provisions of art. 144-sexies, para.5 of Consob th Resolution 11971 of 14 May 1999 (known as “Regolamento Emittenti”), the deadline for the presentation of the lists will th be extended by 3 days (i.e. until 6 April 2015), and the percentage of share ownership required for the presentation of the lists will be halved, hence becoming 1.25% of the share capital, made of shares with voting rights in the ordinary Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Investor Relations Email: --- Tel: +39 02 7737642 THE SARAS GROUP The Saras Group, founded by Angelo Moratti in 1962, has approximately 1,700 employees and total revenues of about 10.3 billion Euros as of 31st December 2014. Today, the Group is a leading European crude oil refiner and it is active also in the energy sector. It sells and distributes petroleum products in the domestic and international markets, directly and through its subsidiaries. The Group also operates in the production & sale of electricity, through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (Wind plant). Moreover, the Group provides industrial engineering and scientific research services to the oil, energy and environment sectors through its subsidiary Sartec SpA. Finally, the Group operates also in the field of exploration for gaseous hydrocarbons. 1