QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - DINAMICA DEI SISTEMI AZIENDALI A.A. 2014-2015 Professor Silvana STEFANI, silvana.stefani@unimib.it as asofofOct2, Oct 2,2014 2014 Teaching assistant Marco Bacchi marco.bacchi80@gmail.com Day Topics October 13 1 Stefani Timetable October 14 1 Stefani Monday 17:30-19:00 - Room U6-23 October 20 2 Stefani Tuesday 14:00-15:30 - Room U6-23 October 21 2 Stefani Office hours Stefani October 27 2 Stefani Tuesday 11:30-13:00 October 28 2 Stefani U7 - 4023 November 3 Tutoring Bacchi Office hours Bacchi November 4 3 Stefani contact via email November 10 3 Stefani November 11 2 Stefani November 17 2 Stefani Programme November 18 2 Stefani 1: Mathematical Methods and Decisions November 24 Tutoring Bacchi 2: Linear Programming November 25 Case studies Stefani 3: Project Management December 1 Case studies Stefani December 2 Case studies Stefani December 8 NO CLASS December 9 Case studies Stefani December 15 Tutoring Bacchi December 16 Pre exam Stefani Bibliography Bellenzier, Grassi, Stefani, Torriero, "Metodi quantitativi per il Management" Esculapio (2012) Material provided by teachers in class The course has a dedicated website. Access to the website: http://teorema.cilea.it. Username and password are provided by CILEA, following the instructions on the website. On the same website, you can find last minute information, variations of schedule, forum teacher/student and student/student. To register on the website you need the following code: 2015MMD