Netwerk Netwerkonderzoek in Onderwijs

Network for Learning
Bart Rienties
Bieke Schreurs
Charlotte Struyve
Chloé Meredith
Daniël van Amersfoort
Dominik Froehlich
Esther Canrinus
Frank Cornelissen
Henderijn Heldens
Jasperina Brouwer
Maarten de Laat
Marloes Hendrickx
Martin Rehm
Melissa Tuytens
Mireille Hubers
Nienke Moolenaar
Renee de Kruif
Sara Van Waes
Selma Janssen
Simon Beausaert
Tineke Drewes
Trynke Keuning
Reader in Learning Analytics
The Open University, Milton Keynes UK
PhD student
Open Universiteit Heerlen
PhD student
KU Leuven
PhD student
KU Leuven
PhD student
Open Universiteit Heerlen
PhD researcher
Maastricht University
Assistant professor
RijksUniversiteit Groningen
University of California, San Diego
PhD student
Fontys University of Applied Sciences,
PhD student
RijksUniversiteit Groningen
Open Universiteit Heerlen
PhD student
Universiteit Utrecht
Universiteit Duisburg-Essen (Duitsland)
Universiteit Gent
PhD student
Universiteit Twente
University of California, San Diego
Assistant professor
Open Universiteit Heerlen
PhD student
Universiteit Antwerpen
Onderwijsadviseur en onderzoeker
BMC Advies
Assistant professor
Université Catholique de Louvain-laNeuve
Maastricht University
Onderwijsadviseur en onderzoeker
BMC Advies
PhD student
Universiteit Twente
1 Onderzoeksinformatie
Charlotte Struyve is currently working as a PhD student (assistent) at the University of
Leuven (KU Leuven). Her work focuses on the phenomenon of teacher leadership and
the consequences for teacher leaders’ professional identity, schools’ social-professional
dynamics, and student outcomes. Drawing on several theories such as distributed
leadership, positioning theory and theory on micropolitics, she wants to unravel the
complexity of teacher leadership practices in secondary schools by zooming in and out
on the interactions between school actors. In doing so, she uses quantitative and
qualitative social network data combined with other qualitative data (interviews and
Expertise: Teacher leadership, educational reform, positioning theory, whole and egonetwork analysis, qualitative case-studies
Chloé Meredith is a PhD student at the Centre for Educational Effectiveness and –
Evaluation of the KU Leuven. Her research project focuses on the social networks of
teachers in Flemish secondary schools. She aims to investigate how the social networks
of teachers relate to their job attitudes (job satisfaction, burn-out, commitment and
intention to leave the profession) and eventually to their careers (attrition vs. retention).
To realize her research aims, she is planning on using p2 modeling and multilevel
modeling (with SN-data).
Expertise: Developing expertise in quantitative social network analysis (whole and ego
networks) as well as p2 modeling and multilevel modeling
Dominik E. Froehlich is currently working as a PhD researcher at Maastricht
University, Department for Educational Research and Development. His work focuses
on aging workers and how they may maintain and improve their employability by the
means of formal and informal learning. He especially investigates information,
feedback, and help seeking within the employees' social network.
Expertise: whole network analysis, ego network analysis, feedback seeking networks,
quantitative social network analysis, professional development, workplace learning
Esther T. Canrinus is currently working as a researcher and teacher educator at the
faculty of behavioural and social sciences of the University of Groningen. Based on her
work on the professional identity of secondary school teachers she became interested in
the relevance of these teachers’ social network. At the moment she is in the process of
starting several studies in which (pre-service) secondary school teachers’ social networks
are being related to these teachers’ effective teaching behaviours and their motivation.
The research is expected to mainly use quantitative ego-network data.
Expertise: quantitative ego-network data, teacher professional identity, teacher
motivation, teacher behaviour, teacher efficacy
Frank Cornelissen is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of
Cambridge and the University of California, San Diego. His three year study focuses on
knowledge processes in educational partnership networks and is funded by a Marie
Curie Fellowship Award from the European Union. He uses a combination of
quantitative and qualitative methods for social network analysis to understand how
knowledge from teacher research is shared and used in different types of school-
2 university partnership networks. One of this study's main aims is to provide new
directions for establishing successful research partnerships between schools and
universities in the context of master's programs of education.
Expertise: Ego network analysis, qualitative social network analysis, focus on teacher
research, educational partnerships, knowledge processes, teacher professionalism
Henderijn (H.P.F) Heldens is currently working as a PhD student at the Eindhoven
School of Education of the Technical University Eindhoven and as a teacher educator at
Fontys University for Applied Science in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Her work focuses
on teacher educators’ collaborative learning activities and learning outcomes using a
network perspective. Drawing on theory on collaboration, workplace learning and
social network theory, she uses longitudinal social network analysis and multilevel
modeling to understand how teacher educators’ social networks change during
curriculum innovation. Moreover, she aims to examine how this network change
supports or constrains teacher educators’ collaborative learning.
Expertise: Whole network analysis, quantitative social network analysis, focus on
teacher education and collaborative learning
Jasperina Brouwer just started with her PhD project about learning communities. Her
project is focused on the effects of learning communities on academic and social
integration, study behavior, and motivation in university education. Importantly, the
mechanisms behind learning communities will be investigated by complete social
networks analysis in a longitudinal design. In two studies the influence and selection
mechanisms, and the role of social media will be addressed. She will use this year for
attending several courses about social network analysis.
Expertise: multilevel modeling and general statistical techniques, education and
psychology and later on, social network analysis (complete social networks).
Marloes Hendrickx werkt als PhD-student aan de Universiteit Utrecht, afdeling
Educatie. Haar onderzoek is deel van het NWO-PROO project "social competence and
social climate in the classroom" en gaat over de invloed die de leerkracht kan hebben op
de relaties tussen de leerlingen op de basisschool. Op het niveau van het klasklimaat
gebruikt ze social network analysis om de structuur van de peer relaties in kaart te
brengen. Het gaat dus om whole network analyse en de nadruk ligt op kwantitatieve
Expertise: Whole network analysis, quantitative social network analysis
Martin Rehm is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Learning Lab –
Mediadidactics & Knowledge Management at the University Duisburg-Essen. He
received his PhD from the University of Maastricht, where he analyzed, among others,
the impact of hierarchical positions on participants’ social network behavior within
Communities of Learning (CoL) for working professionals. His research interests
include online collaborative learning, web 2.0 for education, distribution of information
& innovation within (social) learning networks.
Expertise: quantitative social network analysis, (longitudinal) whole & ego network
analysis, cluster analysis, semantic analysis (starting-up), social media.
3 Melissa Tuytens is working as a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University, Belgium.
Her work focuses on educational leadership and human resource management in
education in general and on teacher evaluation and feedback mechanisms in schools,
more specifically. In this regard, the social network within schools is essential. Her
specific research interest regarding these social networks relates to the benefits of
networks for teachers and their improvement (e.g. who do teachers receive feedback
from and how does this benefit their practice) and the position of school leaders within
social networks. Currently, she has used mainly quantitative social network analysis in
combination with multilevel modeling.
Expertise: Quantitative social network analysis, (semi)network analysis, (distributed)
leadership, educational change
Mireille Hubers is a PhD-student at the University of Twente. Her research is aimed at
determining the sustainability of the Data teams procedure, an intervention for datainformed decision making in secondary education. In order to determine why some
schools will be able to make sustainable changes whereas others are not, she is studying
the ways in which social capital (both knowledge sharing and changes in social
networks) is allocated during the intervention. She uses (semi) whole network analyses
and is especially interested in brokerage.
Expertise: (Semi)whole network analysis, quantitative social network analysis
(brokerage), secondary education, educational reform
Nienke M. Moolenaar is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the
University of California, San Diego on research funded by a Rubicon Award from the
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Her work focuses on the coevolution of social networks and educational change. Drawing on complexity theory
and social network theory, she uses longitudinal social network analysis and multilevel
modeling to understand how elementary schools' social networks change during
educational reform. Moreover, she aims to examine how this network change supports
or constrains school improvement in terms of teachers' instructional practice and
student achievement.
Expertise: Whole network analysis, quantitative social network analysis (longitudinal
social network modeling, p2 modeling), elementary education, leadership, and
educational reform
Sara Van Waes is an instructional developer and PhD researcher at the University of
Antwerp. She works at a center for faculty development, the Center for Excellence in
Higher Education (ECHO), where she is a trainer in instructional development
programs for teaching faculty members. She is currently working on her PhD which
focuses on the professional development of faculty members in higher education. More
specifically, she looks at structural and qualitative differences in the ego networks of
novice, experienced and expert teachers. In her next studies she will also examine how
faculty members’ networks change throughout professional development programs.
Moreover, she is developing a ‘network training’ to raise teachers’ network awareness
and intentionality throughout professional development programs.
Expertise: Ego network analyses, qualitative network methods, longitudinal egonetwork analyses, and multilevel modeling
4 Selma Janssen heeft na haar bachelor onderwijskunde een Research Master in de
onderwijskunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam behaald. Nu werkt zij als adviseur
voor BMC Advies. Zij houdt zich bezig met kwaliteitstrajecten op scholen in het kader
van duurzame schoolontwikkeling. Daarnaast ondersteunt zij schoolbesturen in het
sturen op onderwijskwaliteit. In haar advieswerk gebruikt Selma onderzoek om de
onderwijspraktijk te verbeteren. Zo doet zij onderzoek naar de professionele cultuur en
professionele netwerken in de school als onderdeel van de aanpak om een duurzame
kwaliteitsverbetering van het onderwijs op scholen te realiseren. Op dit moment werkt
zij samen met Tineke Drewes aan een instrument om de professionele netwerken in de
voor- en vroegschool in beeld te brengen. Op de korte termijn wil zij een instrument
ontwikkelen om de interne en externe bestuurlijke capaciteit van schoolbesturen met
behulp van (ego) netwerken zichtbaar te maken.
Expertise: Duurzame schoolontwikkeling, gebruik van netwerkonderzoek in
onderwijspraktijk, specifiek in het primair onderwijs en VVE
Simon Beausaert is assistant professor professional development at the Faculty of
Psychology and Educational Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve and
at the Department for Educational Research and Development, School of Business and
Economics, Maastricht University. His fields of interests are: teacher education,
professional development, informal learning, assessment for learning and the learning
of aging employees.
In 2008 Simon Beausaert obtained his Master’s degree in Educational Sciences at
the Catholic University of Leuven. One year earlier he joined the department
Educational Research and Development of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Maastricht University as a junior researcher. In 2011 he finished a PhD
research that focused on the use of Personal Development Plans (PDPs) in the
workplace. As an assistant professor he is responsible for courses on teaching and
teacher education and various educational innovation projects. He is the project
coordinator of the research project “Old and Out?”, focusing on the informal learning of
aging employees and supervises different PhD students working on related topics.
Finally, he gives trainings in assessment for learning, supporting learning in the
workplace and activating didactical methods.
Expertise: ego social network analysis, whole social network analysis, professional
development, teacher education, informal learning, assessment for learning and learning
of aging employees.
Tineke Drewes haalde in 2007 haar Master aan de faculteit Cultuur- en
Wetenschapsstudies in Maastricht. Na haar traineeship bij BMC, besloot zij zich te
specialiseren in onderwijsadvies. Nu werkt zij als onderwijsadviseur bij BMC. Zij houdt
zich bezig met kwaliteitstrajecten op scholen in het kader van duurzame
schoolontwikkeling. Deze trajecten voert zij uit in het basisonderwijs, in het speciaal
onderwijs en bij de voor- en vroegschoolse educatie. In deze trajecten wordt gebruik
gemaakt van wetenschappelijke inzichten op het gebied van organisatie-, school- en
onderwijsontwikkeling. Momenteel werkt zij samen met Selma Janssen aan een
instrument om de professionele netwerken in de voor- en vroegschool in beeld te
Expertise: Duurzame schoolontwikkeling, gebruik van netwerkonderzoek in
onderwijspraktijk, specifiek in het primair onderwijs en VVE
5 Trynke Keuning is working as a PhD-student at the University of Twente. She
investigates the effects of a two-year Data-Based Decision Making (DBDM) intervention
on primary school teams. One of the domains of interest in her research project is the
collaboration patterns within these primary school team and the possible changes that
occur during a DBDM professional development trajectory. In order to study this, she is
aiming to use multilevel longitudinal social network analysis.
Expertise: Quantitative social network analysis (multilevel longitudinal social
network analysis), Data-Based Decision Making (DBDM), professional development