PPTX - California Digital Library

New Archive Holder Orientation
Bronze titles
Webinars, Spring 2015
Archive Holder Roles and Responsibilities
Annual Archive Cycle
Policies and Procedures
JRNL participation
Community Listserv (Archivers-l)
New Archive Holders
32 Archive Holders, up from 17 in Cycle 3
Blue = Archive
Red = Archive
Total Archive Holders = 32
Total Archive Builders = 6
Archive Holder Roles and Responsibilities
• Retain print backfiles for agreed upon preservation horizon
• Disclose holdings (re-disclose when necessary)
• Provide access to WEST backfiles
• Prepare progress reports
• Receive gifts from libraries to fill gaps
• Respond to WEST member inquiries about the archives
• Communicate, coordinate and participate
• Provide a single point of contact for project management
Document on website:
WEST Archive Holder Builder Roles Responsibilities [DOC]
WEST Agreement Documents
• Archive Holder role is formalized in an Amendment to the member
agreement (one-time)
• Exhibits record title lists and are appended to the member agreement
• Termination of an Archive Holder is governed by WEST Program Statement
– Retention period survives termination
– WEST Executive evaluates continued need
– Arrangements to move holdings to another Holder
Document on website:
WEST Program Statement (MOU) [PDF]
Archiving Cycle (18 months)
April to
Disclosure, Access,
archived titles
unarchived titles
Title Lists
Builders only:
Calls for
August to April
(of the following year)
September to
Builders only:
Volume and
June to
Bronze titles
• Bronze titles are electronically available, digitally preserved
titles, including JSTOR, Portico, CLOCKSS titles (WEST title
categories 1, 2 & 6)
• WEST Collections Model
– WEST selection criteria, title categories and archive types
Title Category
1, 2, 6
Print and Electronic full text, may be digitally
preserved (Portico, Clockss, JSTOR)
Print with selected full-text
4, 5
Print only, may have electronic abstracting and
Risk Level
Policies and Procedures
• WEST Disclosure Guidelines
• WEST Access Guidelines
• Statistics
Document on website:
WEST Disclosure Policy [PDF]
WEST Access Guidelines [PDF]
WEST Archiving Statistics Template [XLSX]
WEST Deselection Statistics Template [XLSX]
WEST Lending Statistics Template [XLSX]
Document on wiki:
WEST OCLC Shared Print Symbols
Detailed Lending Guidelines
Detailed Borrowing Guidelines
WEST Group Access Capability (GAC)
WEST Disclosure Policy
• WEST Disclosure Guidelines
– Disclosure supports collection analysis, discovery and resource sharing
– Records submitted to OCLC and the Print Archives Preservation Registry
– Consistent with the OCLC Shared Print Metadata Guidelines
• Key Features
Separate shared print symbol (XXXSP) (corresponds to location)
Local Holdings Records (LHRs)
561 custodial history
583 preservation action notes (3 possible notes, only one note
“committed to retain” required for Bronze)
WEST Access Policy
• WEST Access Guidelines
– Basic assumptions about the WEST archives
– Terms of access and delivery
– Statistics to track
• Key Features
– WEST Archive Holders agree to lend WEST materials to WEST member
libraries (and may also lend WEST materials to non-WEST libraries).
– The WEST lending library may use its own local lending policies to
administer WEST loans, including loan period, fees (if any), and restrictions
on number of items lent.
– Scans/photocopies preferred, physical volumes for in-library use only.
– Archive Holders may lend Bronze volumes to their own patrons for use
outside the library.
WEST Lending
• WEST Archive Holders have “shared print” OCLC symbols to identify their
WEST holdings (and any others).
• There is an OCLC Group Access Capability (GAC) for WEST, a grouping of all
WEST member libraries’ OCLC symbols.
• All WEST members are able to view each other's bibliographic, local
holdings and summary holdings records through FirstSearch using the
GAC, and the group (GAC) may be used to control lending through the
Policies Directory.
Implementing WEST Lending
• Define entries in the OCLC Policies Directory for the shared print symbol
• Update supplier status to indicate “supplier” (Check “OCLC Supplier”).
• For “Copy” policy, enter policies related to delivery of physical or digital
• For “Loan” policy:
– If you provide loans of these volumes in general, enter your usual loan
– If you will loan WEST volumes only to WEST members (by library
policy), create a deflection rule for Loans with a “deflection exception”
to include the WEST GAC (i.e. deflect all loan requests made to the
shared print symbol except those coming from a WEST GAC member).
Implementing WEST Borrowing
• Add “WEST” to your Affiliation list in OCLC Constant Data,
so WEST will automatically display on borrowing requests
• If you maintain Custom Holdings groups (such as “Free
Loans”), add any appropriate WEST shared print symbols to
those lists
• WEST materials designated by symbols with non-supplier
status may lend under their original symbol only. Check the
Policies Directory.
• For ILLIAD, add WEST symbols to the Address Book. Create
a WEST group, and “tag” WEST libraries’ address book
entries to mark them as part of this group.
JRNL participation
• Journal Retention and Needs Listing (JRNL), facilitates “Needs and Offers”
• WEST Implementation planned for Summer 2015
• Bronze Archive Holders are not required to actively fill gaps but are
expected to receive gaps when offered
• Archive Holders will be able to expose archived holdings in JRNL to
facilitate “Needs and Offers”; Holders will be able to download formatted
archived title reports from AGUA for import into JRNL
• JRNL facilitates offers/communications
• Allows Holders to access a larger community of potential “offerers”
What do I need to do now?
• Set up your OCLC Shared Print Symbol with OCLC
• Set up your lending and borrowing
• Prepare disclosure records for submission to OCLC and PAPR for
Archive Cycle 4 (due April-May 2015)
• Report archiving and other statistics (due summer 2015)
• Sign up for archivers-l email list and wiki access
Connect with other Archive Holders
• Archivers-l listserv (multiple individuals at an archiving
institution can join – sign up here).
• WEST wiki (contact Danielle to set up accounts for your
• WESTinfo blog (Archiver profiles! Interest pieces! Cycle
specific news! Etc.)
• New website FAQ forthcoming
• Ask Archivers-l
• Danielle Westbrook
Thank you!