Language Conventions
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
My brother is such a couch potato.
A. lazy person
B. go-getter
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
I aced the interview and my new
summer job is in the bag.
A. as good as secured
B. not resolved
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
I’m more laid back after I do a few yoga poses.
A. stressed out
B. relaxed and calm
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
When I asked for a raise in my allowance, my
father said I must think he has deep pockets.
A. an endless source of money
B. a fashionable wardrobe
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
My little sister is a pain in the neck
the way she follows me everywhere.
A. delightful person
B. annoying person
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
Your idea for our crafts booth is red hot.
A. stale and old
B. fresh and new
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
You’d better get with it or we
will be stuck here raking all day.
A. take a break
B. hurry up
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
I am going to go bananas if I don’t
have a day off soon!
A. go crazy
B. act hungry
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
I listened to the joke several times,
but I still don’t get it.
A. understand
B. laugh
Circle the letter of the meaning that
matches the underlined slang term.
I was disappointed about how rinky-dink
the amusement park was.
A. expensive
B. small time
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