Author’s Style
Style is the way an author uses words, phrases, and
sentences, including the point of view a writer chooses to
write in and the way the text is organized.
Point of View
1. First Person
2. Third Person Limited
3. Third Person Omniscient
Word Choice
Why Would an Author Choose to Use:
1. Stared instead of glowered?
2. Wept instead of whimpered?
3. Beamed instead of smiled?
Identifying Style
Dear Sir,
I am happy to accept the position as General Manager
of the Happy Day Ice Cream franchise on Main Street.
Thank you for your offer and your confidence.
Ana Gonzalez
Style: formal
Identifying Style
Hey, dude! What’s up? Wanna grab some dinner
tomorrow night? Call me!
Style: informal
Guided Practice with Style
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Getting Over the Wall
I am standing so close to the wall that I can’t see the top. Maybe it is
because the top is up in the clouds. No, that is impossible! Or, is it?
Okay, let me just step back a little. That is better. I don’t think I will need
a ladder to reach the top. I might be able to just dig my fingers into the
grout. Let’s see… nope. Sigh. Didn’t I see a ladder? Where was it… I
bet it was farther up the road. I could go get it, but
then someone would see me. Of course, someone
could see me here. Wait! There’s a tree down the
way. It looks tall enough. I’ll just jog on down to it.
This will be easy to climb. Up I go! Okay, ease on
over to the top of the wall. Easy does it. Hmm…
how am I going to get down to the other side?
Guided Practice with Style
1. What is the point of view of the passage?
A. first person
B. third person limited
C. third person omniscient
2. How would you describe the author’s style of writing?
A. formal
B. descriptive
C. informal
D. exaggerated
Guided Practice with Style
1. What is the point of view of the passage?
A. first person
B. third person limited
C. third person omniscient
2. How would you describe the author’s style of writing?
A. formal
B. descriptive
C. informal
D. exaggerated
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