1 7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


主愛極大, 主恩奇妙, 虛己屈尊降人間;

加我信心, 學主謙卑, 仁義聖潔將主現;

Love divine, all loves excelling,

Joy of heaven to earth come down;

Fix in us thy humble dwelling;

All thy faithful mercies crown!

7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


耶穌你有恩慈憐憫, 純潔愛心永無盡,

你以樂歌, 鼓舞我心, 除我軟弱勝試誘.

Jesus, Thou art all compassion,

Pure unbounded love Thou art;

Visit us with Thy salvation;

Enter every trembling heart.

7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


福雨降下, 聖靈充滿, 慰我胸懷艱難散;

我與救主, 同得基業,永為主伴享安息;

Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit,

Into every troubled breast!

Let us all in Thee inherit;

Let us find that second rest.

7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


更要聖潔, 不再犯罪, 始終憑信穩固站;

你是忠信, 誠實恩主, 使我釋放得自由.

Take away our bent to sinning;

Alpha and Omega be;

End of faith, as its Beginning,

Set our hearts at liberty.

7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


全能恩主, 施行拯救, 靠你恩慈勝魔鬼;

使我愛你, 輿你聯合, 不離聖所常留守;

Come, Almighty to deliver,

Let us all Thy life receive;

Suddenly return and never,

Never more Thy temples leave.

7-主愛浩大Love Divine,All Loves Excelling


我既蒙恩, 奉獻自己, 忠心事你不貪懶;

獻上祭物, 不住禱告, 衷心愛你至永遠.

Thee we would be always blessing,

Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,

Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,

Glory in Thy perfect love.
