Synthesis essay

Synthesis essay
What is the synthesis essay?
Students are given
• intro and description of a topic that has
different perspectives
• Selection of sources that address the topic
• --nonfiction
• Fiction
• Poetry
• drama
How do I answer the synthesis
• Investigate a variety of sources, both print and
• Choose which of the sources to include in your
• Respond to these sources and discuss how
they relate to your thesis (position)
You must
• Relate it to the thesis/claim
• Use specific examples (personal and
• Use selected sources to support the major
• Essays
• Photos
• Charts
• Graphs
• Articles
• Fiction
• Drama
• Poetry
• Art
• Editorial cartoons
• Newspaper pages
Purpose of the synthesis essay
To determine ability to
• Read critically
• Understand and analyze texts
• Develop & support a position on a given topic
• Support a position with evidence from outside
• Incorporate outside sources into texts of essay
• Cite sources used in the essay
Two types of synthesis essays
• Expository essay where you develop thesis
and support with specific examples form
• Compare and contraast
• Cause and effect
• analysis
Second kind of synthesis prompt
Must present an argument
Must take a position on a given topic
Must support position with outside sources
Must indicate the weaknesses of the other
How to tackle the synthesis essay
• Break down the synthesis prompt
1. Read any introductory material
2. Look for key words, phrases, other
information to make your job clearer
3. Highlight important terms and elements of
the prompt
Intro example
Invasive species are non native plants and
animals that thrive outside of their natural range
and may harm or endanger native plants and
animals. As producers and consumers in our global
society, we affect and are affected by species
introduced accidentally or intentionally to a region.
Currently some people argue for stricter
regulations of imported species to avoid the
possibility of unintended negative consequences.
Others, however, claim that the economies and
basic resources of poorer nations could be
improved by selective importation of nonnative
• Read the following sources (including any
introductory information) carefully. Then write
an essay in which you evaluate what a business
or government agency would need to consider
before transferring a hardy but non-indigenous
species to another country. Synthesize at least
three of the sources for support.
Refer to the sources by their titles (source A, Source
B etc.) or by the descriptions in the parentheses.
Time factor
• Suggested reading time
• Suggested writing time
Strategies—Critically read the texts
• Purpose/thesis
• Intended audience (Of the original article)
• Type of source (primary, secondary)
• Main points
• Historical context
• Authority of the author
• How material is presented
• Type of evidence presented/source of evidence
• Any bias or agenda
• How text relates to topic
• Support or opposition toward the thesis
How to analyze non- textuals
• Identify subject of the visual
• Identify major components: characters, visual
details, symbols
• Identify verbal clues—tag lines, date, author,
• Does visual take a positive or negative position
toward the issue?
• Identify primary purpose of the visual.
• Determine how each detail illustrates and /or
supports the primary purpose
• Look at Source A and analyze.
• Subject—balsam fir trees destroyed by species
Determine your position
• After reading the prompt construct a
preliminary position sentence/controlling
• Ex: Government and businesses alike must
consider __________ __________ ________
before permitting importing a non-indigenous
plant or animal to a new region.
• Although importing a non-indigenous plant or
animal to a new region may be an easy fix,
Selecting sources
• What is your purpose?
• Is the source background info or pertinent
• Does the source give new info or info that
other sources cover?
• Does this source reflect viewpts of any other
• Will this info add depth to your essay?
Selecting sources (cont.)
• Does this source contradict the viewpts of
other sources?
• Does the source support or oppose your
Summary of source
• Read closely and locate key words that enable
you to reduce the piece to its essential points
Choosing which parts of the selected
texts to use
• Review the notes/highlights on your chosen
• Ignore items you have not annotated
• Determine if each excerpt contributes to the
development of your thesis
Choosing which part you will use-body
• Identify major point each will support
• Does it strengthen your position (if not, ignore
• How much of the excerpt will you use?
• Why have it in your essay?
• What comments can you make about it?
How to incorporate--body
• If you have not annotated the piece ignore it
• Determine how each source develops, supports
your thesis
• 1. identify the major point each will support
• 2. analyze if the source/piece will strengthen your
point and not just refer to it.
• 3. determine how much you will use
• 4. Determine what comments you can make
about the point (analyze)
• 5. determine anticipated objection to the point
Point supported
aspect/ summary
Media ‘s use of
influenced public’s
anger toward
Tearful survivors
dominant element;
holding photos of
missing loved ones
(focal point)
• Read article
• Underline key words
• Base summary on key words underlined
• Transpose the original material into your own
• Draw a conclusion based on the important
information provided
• What do you get out of the material/source?
Purpose of intro
• Catch reader’s interest
• Give background information necessary for
reader to understand point of the essay
• Introduce thesis that indicates purpose of
essay and order of points to be raised in
support of thesis.
Writing intros
• Find a startling statistic that illustrates the
seriousness of the problem you will address. Quote an
expert (but be sure to introduce him or her first).
• Mention common misperception that your thesis will
argue against. (Many Americans believe. ..)
• Give some background information necessary for
understanding the essay.
• Use an anecdote that exemplifies reason for choosing
the topic. In an assignment that encourages personal
reflection, you may draw on your own experiences;
• In research essay, the narrative may illustrate a
common real-world scenario. (Freedman and Blotnik)
Writing the conclusion
• Can include information from sources that you
did not use
1. Topic sentence –presents your position
2. Refer to source that makes a strong
statement in support of your position but did
not give adequate support to include in body
3. Design clincher to be more than just a tag on.
Purpose of Conclusion
place the paper in a larger context
serve as a call for action
set forth a warning or hypothesis
intentionally complicate the issues you have
already introduced (Allyn and Bacon)
• Restate thesis in simplistic manner
• Clincher—refer back to attention getter (tell
the ending of the anecdote, put the
statement, statistic in context)
• If essay deals with contemporary problem, warn
of consequences of not attending to the problem.
• Recommend a specific course of action.
• Use quotation or expert opinion to lend authority
to the conclusion you have reached.
• Give a startling statistic, fact, or visual image to
drive home the ultimate point of your paper.
• If your discipline encourages personal reflection,
illustrate your concluding point with a relevant
narrative drawn from your own life experiences.
• Return to n anecdote, example, or quotation that
you introduced in your introduction, but add