The Pardoner's Tale: Analysis & Discussion

Writer’s Notebook
• The love of money is. . .
“For the love of $” O’Jays
Where does this quote come from?
“The love of money is the root of all evil.”
1 Timothy 6:10 (King James Version)
For the love of money is the root of all evil:
which while some coveted after, they have
erred from the faith, and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows.
“Pardoner’s Tale” Quiz
• 10 points
What have we been studying?
• why?
Essential Vocabulary
moral tale
dramatic irony
verbal irony
• rhyming couplets
• iambic
• imagery
• personification
• frame story
• narrative poem
Essential Questions
1. What is a moral tale and what does this
tale help us understand about the Middle
2. What predictions could you make while
you read? foreshadowing?
3. Which literary terms apply to this poem?
“Pardoner’s Tale”
Discussion Questions
• What is a pardoner?
• What is Chaucer’s pardoner like?
• Why did he choose to tell this tale about
“three rioters”?
• Who are the main characters?
• What is the setting?
• What is the conflict that takes place?
“Pardoner’s Tale”
Discussion Questions
• What are the rioters doing together in the
• Why do they tell the tavern-knave to go at
once to inquire?
• What does the tavern-knave tell them
about Death?
• In lines 99-107, how might the rioters’
drinking be affecting their jugement and
“Pardoner’s Tale”
Discussion Questions
What accusations against the old man does
the young man make? (lines 154-158)
In line 178, “Fortune” here means “fate”. Do
you think the young men will be blessed by
Look at line 214. What do you think is the
speaker’s motivation?
In lines 225-229, What does the young man’s
plan suggest about human nature and the
desire for money?
“Pardoner’s Tale”
Discussion Questions
Lines 243-251 Why does the Devil have
influence over the young
Line 294 Why does the Pardoner say
that the young men “received their due”?
Line 330-331 The Pardoner reminds the
other pilgrims that death may come to
them at any time. Why does he
emphasize this point?
“Pardoner’s Tale”
Discussion Questions
Pardoner’s Tale, all 3 rioters make references to
religion. Why would the Pardoner have them mention
religion periodically even though their actions were
In light of the Pardoner’s true motives, as revealed in
the “Prologue,” why is the moral of this tale ironic? (If
students have trouble tackling this question, break it
down: Based on what we learned about the Pardoner
in the “Prologue,” what are his motives? What is the
moral of this tale? What is ironic about the moral of
the tale in light of the Pardoner’s motives n the
Pair Work
• Define the term on your card.
• Find examples of how the term applies to
“The Pardoner’s Tale”
• Be ready to explain to the class.
Pardoner’s Tale Video
Review Today
• Look ahead to tomorrow
• HW: Read “Wife of Bath’s Tale” p. 154166